Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C738 Married to a Rich Family 667

C738 Married to a Rich Family 667

"Didn't you already know what I was doing?" Xiao Chun straightened her body and looked at Ye Zimo.    


"Where's Zhang Fengyi?" Ye Zimo asked with a frown. These few days after he disappeared, he had been secretly investigating Zhang Fengyi's whereabouts.    


Xiao Chun pouted and said, "He's fine, he's in a very safe cave." Qin Feng looked at the twisting snake on the ground and asked in disbelief, "These were all done by you and Manuel?"    


Qin Feng's words startled the crowd. Xiao Chun looked at Xia Yihan and said, "So, are you satisfied that Brother Zimo knew I was a dirty woman who was in love with him and with other men?"    


Xia Yihan opened her mouth, but could not utter a single word. Ye Zimo said, "Explain."    


Xiao Chun said coldly, "There's nothing to explain."    


The scene turned awkward, and because of the silence, the sound of wind breaking became clearer, and a white silhouette appeared to protect Ye Zimo.    


Xiao Chun raised her head with much difficulty, blood gushing out from her punctured chest continuously. Looking at her beloved man, she spoke with great difficulty, "My father died because of you. Today, I also died because of you.    


Xiao Chun slid down with difficulty. Ye Zimo frowned as she held onto Xiao Chun. Qin Feng quickly went up to check on Xiao Chun's injuries while the remaining people chased after the place where the gunshot had come from.    


"Is Xiao Chun alright?" Xia Yihan asked worriedly as she looked at Xiao Chun's pale face.    


Qin Feng looked at Xiao Chun's eyelids and shook his head. Ye Zimo stood up and walked to the side by herself while holding Xiao Chun in her arms.    


Xia Yihan wanted to follow her, but Qin Feng put his arm around her shoulders and shook his head. He sighed and said, "Their grudge is deeper than you can imagine."    


For Lili, Xiao Chun's father's death was not just for Lili. Qin Feng whispered, "Although Lili doesn't have a good attitude towards her, every time she intentionally causes trouble, Lili will send people to settle it. I didn't expect him to do it himself."    


Qin Feng's words shocked Xia Yihan, which explained why Ye Zimo chose to save Xiao Chun and not herself when they were at Manuel.    


Xia Yihan walked lightly to the door of the room with a dazed look on her face. Xiao Chun was lying quietly on the bed. Ye Zimo turned her back to Xia Yihan and lowered her shoulders slightly.    


"Ye Zimo, are you alright?" Xia Yihan asked softly.    


Ye Zimo didn't look back. "You can go," she said softly.    


Tears rolled down Xia Yihan's face as she hurriedly closed the door and ran to the side. Qin Feng, who was in the corridor, rushed to help support Xia Yihan, who was running.    


"Now you know what she means to him." Qin Feng said softly.    


Xia Yihan raised her head. She knew that Ye Zimo would feel sad if Xiao Chun died. However, she didn't expect Ye Zimo to reject her so clearly and not let her stay by his side.    


At night, Xia Yihan sat quietly on the mast of the corridor. Qin Feng looked at her from afar. Ye Zimo carried Xiao Chun and walked out of the room with a haggard look in her eyes.    


Walking up to Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo looked at her and whispered, "I'll send her back."    


Xia Yihan nodded calmly and looked at Xiao Chun, who was in her arms. The helicopter that Zhang Fengyi got from was not far away. Zhang Fengyi looked at Xia Yihan and wanted to say something, but he could only comfort her after a while: "He will come back. He's just going to send me off."    


Xia Yihan nodded and suddenly asked, "What is the relationship between Xiao Chun and Ye Zimo?"    


Zhang Fengyi looked at the dim lights in the driver's seat, sighed and said, "A lot of people only know that Xiao Chun's father saved him. Actually, they already knew Xiao Chun since she was young. They are truly childhood friends."    


"Alright, I understand." Xia Yihan gently cut off Zhang Fengyi and said with a smile, "Be careful on the way."    


After Ye Zimo was taken away by the explosion, Qin Feng held her in his arms and said with a pained expression, "You can cry now. He is no longer here."    


Xia Yihan shook her head and smiled bitterly. The next day Qin Feng came to Lili. "Yihan, the man we're looking for is back."    


The two of them hurriedly rushed to the side hall. The other was a 50-year-old old man. He wasn't surprised to see Xia Yihan. He only said, "I knew you guys would come looking for me."    


After Ye Zimo left, Xia Yihan's desire for the antidote was not as strong. Instead, she calmed down and apologetically said to the old man, "I'm sorry for coming here to disturb your life, but I would like to ask if there is a drug that can control your mind."    


The old man nodded and said, "There is indeed, and the last bottle of medicine in the world is in the hands of my granddaughter Yuv Le."    


"Yuv Le!?" Yuv Le exclaimed at the familiar name.    


Qin Feng was also surprised: "You know Yuv Le? Yuv Le is Manuel's brother's favorite fashion designer. "    


Qin Feng's words cleared up all the mystery. Why did they suddenly come to China to find him, but why did they think he was Yuv Le?    


The huge doubt once again enveloped Xia Yihan. Without Ye Zimo present, Xia Yihan felt that her surroundings were empty. She didn't even have the courage to investigate.    


"Yihan, I'm tired of living in Italy, and I don't want to be involved in these things. Would you like to come with me?"    


"With you? Get rid of everything? " Xia Yihan repeated Qin Feng's words.    


Qin Feng said eagerly, "I don't mind if you don't forget about him. You are hypnotized. You can't fall in love with him. My money in the Swiss bank is enough for us to live a happy life."    


Qin Feng's words moved Xia Yihan. In a world without Ye Zimo, there would be no sorrow, only a bland life?    


This thought troubled Xia Yihan for almost an entire day. Looking at the moon rising outside the window, Xia Yihan subconsciously dialed Ye Zimo's number.    


"Hello?" Ye Zimo's voice was filled with fatigue. Seemingly sensing the uneasiness of the other party, she called out again, "Yihan."    


"Mm, it's me … is she alright?" Xia Yihan held her phone, her heartbeat quickening.    


"Tomorrow's funeral." Ye Zimo's voice was low, and both of them remained silent for a while.    


Xia Yihan listened quietly to the faint sound of the other person's voice, and said with a dry voice, "Then rest early." A noise came from the signal. Xia Yihan didn't wait for Ye Zimo's reply and hastily said, "There's a noise from the phone. I can't hear what you said. I'll hang up first."    


Silence returned to the room. Yihan could not hear the last words of the other party clearly, so she did not dare to listen. She just held her phone and fell into a deep sleep.    


The next day, the third day, Ye Zimo did not appear again. Xia Yihan was standing on the edge of the cliff, looking out over the endless ocean. Qin Feng walked up behind her, his voice broken by the sea breeze, and said, "Sofia, maybe he'll come back, but the first time, there will always be a second time. You can't afford to wait too long in your life."    


Xia Yihan turned her head to look at the man she knew from a foreign land. This man was not as harmless as she thought, but he had always appeared in time when she needed him.    


"Would you like to go back to my country?" Xia Yihan raised her voice.    


Qin Feng was stunned and asked dumbly, "You agreed?"    


Xia Yihan smiled and nodded. "As my friend, I would like to invite you to my country." Qin Feng couldn't help but feel happy at Xia Yihan's softening attitude. He quickly nodded and said, "Then we'll leave right now."    


Xia Yihan frowned. Didn't you need to tell her? A subtle change flashed across Qin Feng's eyes. He said in a low voice, "Other than the dead ki in his heart, there's no one else. Let's just go."    


Sitting inside the plane, Xia Yihan still felt as if they had been separated by a lifetime. They had arrived here in a formidable array. Manuel was gone, Ye Zimo was gone, Xiao Chun was dead, and she was leaving with her former enemy.    


Qin Feng let out a low groan beside her. Xia Yihan turned around and saw that the other person's forehead was covered in sweat. "Qin Feng, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"    


Qin Feng nudged his abdomen with his elbow and smiled at Xia Yihan. "It's nothing. I have a stomach problem."    


Xia Yihan asked the air stewardess to bring a glass of water. Qin Feng took a sip and his face turned even paler.    


"You can't hold on for more than ten hours like this, we'll leave now! We'll talk about it when we get back. " Xia Yihan stood up to help Qin Feng up.    


"No, don't go back." Qin Feng muttered as he tightly held the armrest on both sides. When he woke up again, Qin Feng rolled his dry eyeballs. The sea breeze blew gently and the whole room was quiet.    


"You're awake?" Xia Yihan walked over happily and took Qin Feng's temperature.    


"He's finally back." Qin Feng looked at Xia Yihan's eyes and said with a smile.    


Xia Yihan pinched the quilt and said, "We'll leave after you've recuperated." Qin Feng nodded and closed his eyes.    


"Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo is back." The old voice sounded at the door. Xia Yihan's heart thumped like thunder. When she walked out of the door, she casually looked behind her and stood in front of Qin Feng with a weird expression on her face.    


Ye Zimo became more haggard, her eyes becoming sharper. When she saw Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo walked up to her and asked with a stern voice, "Where did you go?"    


Xia Yihan shook off Ye Zimo's hand and said, "I plan to return to China with Qin Feng first."    


Ye Zimo gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't I tell you to wait for me?"    


Xia Yihan remembered that Ye Zimo had said something on the phone, but this only made her angrier. She waved away Ye Zimo's hand and shouted, "Why should I wait for you? Why am I always waiting for you? This time, Xiao Chun will come. What about next time?"    


Ye Zimo frowned. "She's already gone. I'll send her on her way. You don't want to cause trouble."    


Xia Yihan laughed coldly, "I made a ruckus without reason? It's sad that she's gone, right? If you ask me to leave, then fine, I'll leave and stay far away! "    


Just as she wanted to say something, Xia Yihan's arms were grabbed tightly. Ye Zimo's eyes burned with anger as she said, "What do you want? She left, so I wanted to accompany her alone for a while. I just want you to give her some time and space!"    


Xia Yihan didn't say anything. Ye Zimo held the wronged little woman tightly in her arms and said, "When I was young, I had a relationship with her. I would be sad if she died, but if you died, I would die with her."    


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