Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C633 Married to a Rich Family 564

C633 Married to a Rich Family 564

It was already 11: 00 in the morning. Lin Jie and Xu Haosheng were so drunk that they could not distinguish which direction was which. Lin Jie walked out to go to the bathroom, but he didn't expect to see someone coming from the other side.    


Lin Jie slowly looked up from the floor as the woman's figure was projected onto the ground under the light from the door. Isn't this Xia Yihan? He walked towards it step by step. He seemed very cautious, as if he was afraid to disturb the human spirits.    


Women always have a hypocritical heart. Even if Si Si didn't love Lin Jie, she still enjoyed watching him carefully take care of her. This was the first time she felt that she was valued.    


Lin Jie held Si Si carefully. Not long later, he started to hold her tightly as if he was afraid that she would disappear.    


Perhaps only now would he be able to express the admiration in his heart through his wine gallbladder.    


"Yihan, why you? Why you?" Lin Jie's cautious yet helpless question seemed to be unreasonable, but it actually contained infinite emotion. Only in the depths of love would there be such a question that one could not love it.    


The opponent's body froze. After Lin Jie let go of his shackles, he quickly escaped.    


"I'm sorry, Yihan. I've never wanted to fall in love with you. You're Haosheng's most beloved person, so how could I like you?" Lin Jie looked at his empty arms and felt lost.    


Xu Haosheng, who was standing not far away, was drunk. He was very familiar with such simple and helpless words. When he said them, he kept asking himself in his dreams: Yes, Yihan, why is it you?    


Xu Haosheng went back to his room so that Lin Jie wouldn't see him. Lin Jie was just like him, a pitiful person, even more miserable than him. Since Lin Jie didn't want him to know, then he would pretend that he didn't know.    


When they woke up on the first day, Lin Jie and Xu Haosheng stared at each other in the hall. They looked at the mountain of bottles in front of them and smiled at each other.    


Lin Jie remembered that he saw Xia Yihan last night. Luckily she didn't die, so Xia Yihan ran away. What should he do when he meets her in the future? Lin Jie frowned.    


After all, he just loved her and didn't need anything in return. Lin Jie looked at Xu Haosheng and said, "Haosheng, I want to see Yihan... Find her to thank her for saving me. "    


After saying this, Lin Jie stammered. He didn't dare to look at Xu Haosheng because he didn't know if this friend would be angry or not.    


"Alright, we'll go together when the time comes."    


Xu Haosheng nodded in agreement. He couldn't help but want to look at Xia Yihan, even if it was just a glance.    


The two of them sat in the car and called Xia Yihan.    


Lin Jie thought back to yesterday, would Xia Yihan come? Would Ye Zimo bring her here? He didn't know. Sometimes, knowing that it wasn't the worst, the worst thing was knowing the outcome clearly. Lin Jie comforted himself.    


Xia Yihan sat beside Ye Zimo and fed him. After recuperating for the past few days, Ye Zimo's complexion looked much better. She handed her things to the maid and looked at the familiar number. Xia Yihan answered without a second thought.    


"Big Brother Xu? What can I do for you? "    


If it was before, she would definitely ask for Ye Zimo's conditions carefully, afraid that he would get jealous and overthink things.    


Ye Zimo watched the maid feed Xia Yihan with a sullen face, but she quickly retreated after receiving a cold look from Ye Zimo.    


Big Brother Xu, only your Big Brother Xu is on the phone in front of me. I'm currently sick, and Ye Zimo's silent accusation is something Xia Yihan doesn't know.    


"Alright, I'll be there in a moment."    


Seeing that Xia Yihan had finally put the phone back on, although Ye Zimo's face didn't look that bad, it wasn't much better.    


"Where are you going?" Ye Zimo controlled her temper and tried her best to solve the problem calmly. He did not want his bad temper to drive Xia Yihan too far. This trip was too far off. If it turned into thirty years, it would be a huge loss.    


"Zimo, you are recuperating at home. Lin Jie and Big Brother Xu said that they would have to thank me. You know that Big Brother Xu has always been good to me. I can't refuse."    


Xia Yihan thought about the man who always helped her deal with problems without asking for anything in return. In her heart, she couldn't escape, she had to go.    


Seeing Xia Yihan's determined attitude, Ye Zimo did not like her very much. No matter how much she disliked her, she was still Xia Yihan, a little woman who had always dominated his heart.    


Ai, he would never be able to escape from Xia Yihan's love net in this lifetime.    


"You can leave now. Don't come back after you leave."    


Annoyed, Ye Zimo turned her wheelchair around but didn't look at Xia Yihan. Her back was stiff like a board.    


"What a stingy man."    


Xia Yihan still left with a grunt. She was no longer a little woman hiding under Ye Zimo's wings.    


"You're leaving just like that?"    


Ye Zimo heard Xia Yihan's footsteps. Inwardly, he was flustered and his breathing became heavier. He almost rolled down from the wheelchair. Luckily, the maid beside him caught hold of Ye Zimo quickly, or else he would surely have fallen to the ground.    


Looking at the familiar back view, which she could easily make out without thinking, Ye Zimo was in a terrible mood. Why would he keep Xia Yihan?    


"Be at ease and wait for me. I'll be back soon. Nianmo is at home."    


Xia Yihan explained helplessly. Was it because he had always been her refuge that she came to comfort him? If it was Xia Yihan who admitted it, she would only let Big Brother Xu down.    


She didn't turn back to look at Ye Zimo, afraid that she would stay. Ye Zimo had never asked her about it in such a fragile manner, so she couldn't bear to do it.    


Ye Zimo had no choice but to agree. He turned around and didn't look at Xia Yihan's back.    


"Mom, I want to go with you." As soon as Xia Yihan walked out of the room, she saw the butler standing outside with Nianmo. He must have been listening for a while.    


"You stay here with Daddy." Xia Yihan squatted down, looked at Nianmo, and pointed at Ye Zimo, who was on the wall not far away.    


"But I want to see Uncle Xu."    


Nianmo glanced at Ye Zimo as he said something that angered her to death.    


Ye Zimo's body trembled, indicating that she was angry, but what did it matter if she was angry? It was his child, his favorite child, Yihan and his child.    


"Nianmo, Nianmo" These two words were repeated several times on Ye Zimo's lips. He smiled. Yihan had always been thinking of him. Since that was the case, then let her go. He believed that this brat would be taken care of by him.    


"Take Nianmo with you. After all, that is his, Uncle Xu."    


Ye Zimo turned around and waved her hand to let him pass. Especially Uncle Xu, who was biting the word hard. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that he was trying to emphasize those words.    


Little brat, you want to fight with me? You're still too young, he can only be you, Uncle Xu.    


"Nianmo, are you going to see Uncle Xu or at home?" Xia Yihan saw that Ye Zimo did not seem to be angry. Since when did the First Prince change his character? It was truly surprising.    


"Go see Uncle Xu."    


Nianmo nodded vigorously, afraid that someone would stop him.    


Looking at Nianmo's expression, Xia Yihan smiled. This child has a really good relationship with Xu Haosheng.    


Ye Zimo watched Xia Yihan and Nianmo leave with a smile on her face. However, his eyes were ice-cold. It looked like he had to think of something, or else this stinking brat would not recognize his ancestors.    


Not long after Xia Yihan left, Zhang Qing came back with the stuff. She initially watched Xia Yihan walk into Ye Zimo's room from a distance, and she felt the soup in her hands turn into a hot potato.    


Just when she was dejected and wanted to leave immediately, Xia Yihan came out with Nianmo.    


"Mr Ye told you to drink the soup." Zhang Qing happily carried the soup to Ye Zimo's side. It was intoxicating to smell, and the maid beside her actually swallowed her saliva.    


"No, I've already eaten. "If you have nothing else, then go."    


Ye Zimo's expression was neither serious nor amiable.    


After eating, she must have eaten Xia Yihan. Zhang Qing's eyes were filled with the agony of being able to turn the world upside down. In the past, she was always in charge of Mr Ye's food, but now, Mr Ye never ate anything she prepared.    


Now that Xia Yihan had returned, she no longer had any status as a substitute. Thinking about how Ye Zimo treated the others, Zhang Qing should be glad that Ye Zimo still had some old feelings for her. After all, she had looked after him for three years.    


"All of you, leave."    


Ye Zimo's voice was slightly impatient as she pushed the wheelchair into another room. Due to the need to be a wheelchair, Ye Zimo had even built a temporary study on the first floor.    


When the maid heard Ye Zimo say that the two of them would lower their heads and leave, Ye Zimo was pleased, but she was scared when she looked at him. Zhang Qing had no choice but to leave after seeing everyone else, and she even turned her head back from time to time as if she wanted to take a look at Ye Zimo.    


"If you want to take down Xia Yihan, you can come find me. I'll help you."    


Zhang Qing walked slower and slower. Her mind was filled with these words that echoed in her head for a long time. If she went to look for that woman, she would be with Mr Ye, but there was no wall without wind in the world. She believed that Mr Ye would kill her if something happened that day, but if she didn't go, she could only stay there for her whole life.    


If love came, there was no stopping it. Zhang Qing walked out with her head lowered.    


"Zhang Qing, what's wrong with you?" In fact, Jiu Jiu and Zhang Qing had no enmity with each other, Jiu Jiu merely disliked Zhang Qing seizing Ye Zimo's hand. In Jiu Jiu's heart, Ye Zimo had always been listed as a man of Xia Yihan's word.    


"I'm sorry, Miss Jiu Jiu."    


Zhang Qing retreated to the side and apologized in a low voice. She was very nervous, thinking that if she took over Ye Zimo, and if she thought about the relationship between Jiu Jiu and Xia Yihan, Zhang Qing would carefully glance at Jiu Jiu.    


"Alright, go down and pay attention."    


She waited until Zhang Qing's back was out of sight before she burst out laughing. To be honest, she spoke with such a straight face to someone else. I really don't know how she managed to cultivate her godly skills.    


However, Zhang Qing had always been very cautious in her actions, why would she bump into her today for no reason? It was not normal, she wouldn't be concerned about Yihan, right? It must be that Crown Prince Ye had always liked Yihan alone, and the others could only stand aside.    


Jiu Jiu played with her only thought.    


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