Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C554 Favorite Marriage 485

C554 Favorite Marriage 485

Ye Zimo followed behind Hai Zhixuan. She was full of possibilities to see Ye Haorann, but she didn't expect him to still be here.    


Before she could open the door to the ward, she could hear the faint sound of weeping. Ye Zimo had a bad feeling about this.    


Ye Haorann, if you don't wait for me, Ye Zimo won't forgive you.    


When Hai Zhixuan opened the door, he shouted in disbelief, "Uncle Ye!"    


Ye Zimo pushed away from Hai Zhixuan crazily and ran to Ye Haorann's bedside.    


"Zimo, your dad left without waiting for you." Fu Fengyi said with tears in her eyes. Her originally fair face suddenly aged like an eggplant that had been frozen.    


"Mom, you're lying to me, right? I know you're joking with me." Ye Zimo said with a smile, but her handsome face was covered in tears. Tears ran down his cheeks.    


"Ye Haorann, wake up." Ye Zimo stared at Ye Haorann with her eyes wide open and said, "Didn't you always want me to call you father?"    


"Ye Haorann, can you get up? I'll call you daddy when you wake up. I'll listen to you from now on." Ye Zimo stretched out her hand and carefully caressed Ye Haorann's face.    


"Zimo, I'm sorry." Hai Zhixuan patted Lili on the shoulder. He didn't trust Lili.    


"Hai Zhixuan, what grief! How dare you curse my father?!" Ye Zimo looked at Hai Zhixuan angrily, "Ye Haorann, get up. Stand up. As long as you stand up, I will call you daddy." The more he spoke, the more desolate his voice became, causing those who heard to shed tears.    


"Zhixuan, pull Zimo away. I'm afraid he's going to go on like this." Fu Fengyi looked worriedly at Ye Zimo. She had never seen Ye Zimo like this. His eyes were red and bloodshot, and the vicissitudes of life on his face were comparable to that of an old man.    


Hai Zhixuan nodded. He went to pull Ye Zimo, and Yan Qingyan also walked over to pull Ye Zimo.    


"Big Brother, Daddy has already gone. Don't be too sad." Even if Yan Qingyan was a grown man, he would still cry when he spoke to Ye Zichen. He never thought of someone who would joke with him. Yan Qingyan couldn't accept it if he suddenly left.    


"F * ck off. All of you f * ck off. I curse my dad to die. Are you tired of living?" Ye Zimo struggled hard to break free from Hai Zhixuan and Yan Qingyan's restraints. Was it because of Ye Haorann that his strength had increased by leaps and bounds?    


"Ye Zimo, you are the mainstay of this family. If you are like this, do you want me to send you back? Or do you want me to go with your father? " Fu Fengyi said loudly, "Now that you're crazy, won't the funeral be held at home?"    


After hearing Fu Fengyi's words, Ye Zimo was stunned. He stared blankly at Fu Fengyi. No, he couldn't lose another family member.    


Ye Haorann, why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you wait for me to call your dad? Why can't you just leave?    


"Brother, hasn't father recovered a bit? "Why did he suddenly die of illness?" Jiu Jiu's face was also covered in tears as she asked in confusion. Although Ye Haorann hadn't completely recovered, he shouldn't have died immediately.    


Ye Zimo thought to herself that she was confused. The doctor said that his father could not be overjoyed. If he was overjoyed, it was very likely that he would die.    


"Ye Zihanson, tell me how my dad died." Lili turned to Hai Zhixuan for help, and only Ye Zihan was there. He must have known about Andrew's death. Lili did not believe that Andrew would suddenly fall ill for no reason. There must be some hidden conspiracy.    


If it was a conspiracy, Ye Zimo was the first to suspect Zhong Yuquan.    


"Zimo, uncle Ye is sitting in the meeting room. When Zhong Yuquan asked for his opinion, there was no reply. When the people next to him looked at uncle Ye, uncle Ye had already fainted." Hai Zhixuan said in grief about the situation at that time.    


On the crematorium, everyone's face was covered in tears.    


Ye Zimo didn't look like she was in the hospital at this moment. His face was very calm, not much different from the past.    


Fu Fengyi looked at Ye Haorann in the fire and felt her heart twinge. Ye Haorann had always been in love with her, and she couldn't accept the difference between Yin and Yang.    


Ye Zimo looked coldly at the group of people with the imposing aura. He was like a different person from the others. Ye Zimo walked up to Fu Fengyi and said, "Mom, don't cry. Dad will definitely want you to be happy."    


Yan Qingyan nodded vigorously on the other side.    


Ye Zimo looked at Ye Haorann's body that was submerged in the fire and clenched her fists tightly.    


Dad, I will definitely find out the truth about your death. Don't worry, I will make those who committed crimes suffer. I said that as long as they dare to understand you, I will fight them to the bitter end.    


Ye Zimo turned around and left at this moment. The others didn't understand why Ye Zimo would leave in the middle of the fight, but no one questioned her.    


"Doctor, can you tell me what happened to my father?" Ye Zimo walked into the doctor's office. If he wanted to investigate, he would have to know these details before he could do anything about it.    


"Your father's death was caused by too much grief. I remember that I warned you before to not let your father be overjoyed or sad. It is extremely possible that it might lead to death." The doctor said bitterly as he rubbed his small eyes. He didn't know what had made President Ye sad.    


"Thank you, Doctor." After Ye Zimo asked all the questions she needed to ask, a cold smile appeared on his face. "Dad, you can go without worry."    


Ye Zimo wondered who could make Ye Haorann so sad. He must have been okay before he went to work, or else Fu Fengyi wouldn't have let him go to work. His father had been found sick at the meeting, which meant that his father's injuries were most likely from the meeting and before.    


Ye Zimo frowned. She was the only one who knew who Ye Haorann was, so the truth would naturally come out.    


"Zhixuan, what time did your meetings start?" Ye Zimo called Hai Zhixuan.    


"Probably between eight-thirty and nine."    


"What time today?"    


Hai Zhixuan recalled that when he just arrived at the office today, someone said that there would be a meeting at 9 o'clock today, and most recently, there was a meeting before 9 o'clock.    


"Today's meeting is after 9 o'clock. I didn't pay attention to the exact time." In the past, he would always pay attention to the time.    


"Mm, can you help me get a monitor video immediately? This is extremely convenient for you." Ye Zimo's group of people had to do other things as well. If Hai Zhixuan could bring the video over, that would be for the best.    


"Don't worry, leave this to me. I'll go right away." Hai Zhixuan knew that Ye Zimo was burning with anxiety. Otherwise, she wouldn't let him go now. He knew that Ye Zimo definitely had other ways to get the video.    


"I owe you a debt of gratitude."    


"There's no need to talk about anything else, but I don't understand Zimo. Before Uncle died, he never looked at Xiao Han, but this kind of situation has never happened ever since he met Xiao Han, even if Uncle was biased towards Xiao Han." Hai Zhixuan thought back to the hospital when he accidentally discovered that his uncle's actions were very abnormal.    


Dad isn't looking at Xiao Han? There was only one thing that mattered, he wasn't Ye Zihan.    


"Got it." Ye Zimo hung up the phone.    


Yan Qingyan was not like Xiao Han, his dad wouldn't die from anger, he couldn't bring him to the point of great sorrow.    


"Dahui, come over here immediately. I want to sit with my son firmly." Ye Zimo was a little surprised. If Yan Qingyan wasn't Xiao Han, then who was Xiao Han? Ye Zimo was the first to think about Mo Xiaojun. Even if Mo Xiaojun and Ye Haorann were to sit down and personally appraise, the longer they spent together, the more Ye Zimo felt that Mo Xiaojun had many similarities with their family.    


For example, he liked to eat. For example, he and Mo Xiaojun hadn't eaten the same dish at the last ball.    


Did dad know that Yan Qingyan wasn't Xiao Han and Xiao Han was already dead?    


Who would tell dad about this news? Zhong Yuquan, only he has been carefully hiding it for so many years, waiting for the right moment to attack. Zhong Yuquan, you are really ruthless, but I don't know if you can bear my revenge on you.    


In the evening, Ye Zimo and Hai Zhixuan ate at a restaurant outside.    


"This is the video from that time. I've seen it before. Uncle only met with Zhong Yuquan for a while, but the two of them didn't know what to say. Later on, the meeting began." Hai Zhixuan told Ye Zimo about the content of the video.    


"Zhixuan, I'm sure what Zhong Yuquan told my dad was that Yan Qingyan is not Xiao Han and Xiao Han is already dead. That's why my dad was so heartbroken." Ye Zimo seemed to be telling stories to others, and wasn't too excited. However, if one looked carefully, they would see that the veins on his hands were exposed, which was a sign that he was about to go berserk.    


"Yan Qingyan is not Xiao Han? What's wrong with the paternity test? " Hai Zhixuan exclaimed    


"We were designed by someone else. Zhixuan, I asked Dahui to come here. Collect a bit of Mo Xiaojun's hair when you go back. I want to compare his DNA." Ye Zimo remembered that Xia Yihan had repeatedly said that Mo Xiaojun was her brother.    


If Yan Qingyan wasn't his brother, then his brother must be someone else, or else the appraisal would be different.    


"Mo Xiaojun?" Hai Zhixuan felt that he knew too much today.    


"Yes, do you think Yihan would lie?" After a moment of silence, he said, "Mo Xiaojun and our Ye Family have many things in common, you just need to carefully observe them."    


Xia Yihan would be waiting for him at the apartment, but Ye Zimo suddenly didn't want to go back. He was sure that it was Zhong Yuquan who murdered Ye Haorann, but Ye Haorann died of a heart attack. Xia Yihan and Wu Tie were both bleeding, so he didn't want to look at her.    




"You must know that Yihan once said that Mo Xiaojun was my brother." Ye Zimo remembered that even if it was a paternity test, Xia Yihan wouldn't believe it.    


"Alright, leave this to me. Don't worry, I will immediately go with Dahui to my house." Hai Zhixuan understood Ye Zimo's anxious mood. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left the big matter behind and ran over here. He believed that Yihan wouldn't lie to him. If that was the case, then the one who changed his parents was Zhong Yuquan?    


Ye Zimo watched Hai Zhixuan drive away. He drank a lot by himself before driving back to the villa.    


"Mr Ye." The butler carefully opened the door. He could feel his anger was so low that it scared people to death. However, he understood that Mr Ye wasn't merciless to the old man. It was just that after so many years of being together, he couldn't express it.    


"Is my mother okay?" Ye Zimo asked. In order to understand the situation, he ran out and didn't know how Fu Fengyi was doing.    


"Mr Ye, don't worry. Madam is well." The butler said respectfully.    


"Zimo, come in." Fu Fengyi said while standing not far away. She stood there alone, alone.    


"Mom, let's go in." Ye Zimo strode over to stop Fu Fengyi from entering the room.    


"Zimo, why haven't I seen Yihan?" Fu Fengyi asked doubtfully. Ye Haorann was her father-in-law, something as big as her father-in-law's death. Even if she had a child, she couldn't stay away from him all day.    


"Mom, she doesn't know. I let her stay in her apartment. Besides, Yihan must be sad to see her father die with such kindness."    


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