Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C458 Favorite Marriage 390

C458 Favorite Marriage 390

If Soong Wanting didn't have something on her mind at this moment, she would definitely be able to see through Faang Linuo's thoughts and make use of them. At this moment, her mind was filled with thoughts of what Lin Dahui was searching for.    


Usually, Lin Dahui would just leave once he came, so he rarely stopped at the mansion. If he had stayed here to investigate, it would have something to do with this place. Could it be that he wanted to find out who leaked the information to Princess Ya Hui?    


Thinking of this, Soong Wanting felt a burst of nervousness in her heart, and even a sense of foreboding.    


If Ye Zimo really did open her mouth to investigate, she might not be able to settle the matter peacefully like she did the last two times when she did something inappropriate.    


In the end, it was different from the previous two times. The things she had done the previous two times did not have much of an impact.    


Even after breaking up with Xia Yihan, both of them were still fine. This time, Ye Zimo was injured.    


It was precisely because of her uneasiness that she didn't dare to carry the child upstairs. If the child fell down or fell, she wouldn't even be able to save her life.    


As she walked, her head didn't stop moving. All the way until lunch, she kept thinking about how she would deal with it if she were to find out.    


Should she admit it, or refuse to admit it?    


Either way, she had to use her child as a shield.    


To her relief, she only heard that there was no more activity after the investigation. Nothing in the villa seemed to have changed, as it did every day.    


Her uneasy heart calmed down a little. At noon, Ye Zhengheng took an afternoon nap, so she also followed him for a short while.    


Before she could get out of bed, she heard a knock on the door.    


"Who?" she asked warily.    


In the past, no one would bother her or her child at this time of the year. This knock on the door immediately made her tense up.    


"I'm Lin Dahui, Miss Soong, Mr Ye wants you to go down."    


This is bad! Soong Wanting frowned. She immediately realized that she had been exposed after all.    


She looked at Ye Zhengheng on the child bed and prayed in her heart, Son, you have to help mom.    


If you don't help your mother this time, your mother will most likely be swept out of the house.    


When she did it, she also expected today, so after a short period of panic, she quickly calmed down and said in a loud voice, "Okay, I'll change my clothes and come down."    


"Hurry up, Mr Ye has no patience to wait for you!" Lin Dahui said coldly.    


His attitude made Soong Wanting even more convinced of her guess.    


The clothes she was wearing were from home, so she didn't need to change at all. She knew that no matter how anxious Lin Dahui was, he wouldn't barge in, so she decided to give herself some time to change her clothes.    


She got off the bed, put on her slippers, walked to the child's bed and picked up Ye Zhengheng, who was sleeping soundly.    


If the child hadn't woken up, she would have cried for sure. If Ye Zimo had just learned what she had done, she wouldn't have been able to get down now when she was at her most furious.    


Ye Zhengheng actually didn't cry when he was carried by her. Soong Wanting frowned and told him in her heart: "Mom, I have to make you cry now, or you won't have a mother anymore. Don't blame me."    


She reached out and pinched the inside of the child's thigh. The child felt pain and began to cry.    


Lin Dahui frowned as he stood outside the door. He knew that Soong Wanting was deliberately delaying him.    


Damn woman, she must know this child can't cry.    


Lin Dahui also became anxious. He was afraid that once Ye Zimo's anger passed and her child cried, he wouldn't have the heart to chase her away.    


"Dahui, I'll have to trouble you to tell Mr Ye. The child is crying. If there's anything, ask him to wait for a moment. I'll coax the good child down."    


"No way!" Lin Dahui said with determination. He glanced at the maid guarding the door and ordered, "You two, go and coax Young Master."    


The two female servants weren't familiar with Lin Dahui, so they wouldn't listen to his orders.    


Fortunately, the housekeeper heard the crying of the child. He glanced at Lin Dahui and said to the maid guarding the door: "This is Mr Ye's special help. If he has any orders in the future, you will do it." Now, do as he says! "    


"Yes, butler." The servants opened the door and went in.    


"What happened, Dahui?" the butler asked.    


"Soong Wanting did the damnedest thing." Lin Dahui whispered into the butler's ear.    


The butler understood.    


After the servants entered, Soong Wanting refused to let go no matter what, she just wanted to coax the child herself.    


"If she continues to coax me like this, my efforts will be in vain." Lin Dahui said to the butler.    


The door was already wide open. Soong Wanting's clothes were still undamaged. The butler gave Lin Dahui a look and the two of them entered the big bedroom.    


"Miss Soong, Mr Ye just told me that you don't need to meddle in the child's business for the time being. Hand the child over to the servant, and you can come down with me now." The butler said to Soong Wanting.    


"No, my child is not well, I can't let him cry. Even if it's a big matter, it's not as important as being a child. " As Soong Wanting spoke, tears were about to flow out of her eyes.    


Who would believe that she truly cared for her child? The butler's face darkened as he ordered the maid coldly, "Bring the child here!"    


"What are you doing?" Are we going to rob the children? "If the child breaks down in tears, who's going to be able to take responsibility?!" Soong Wanting called out loudly. Hearing her call out so loudly, the child was so scared that he cried even harder.    


"Come with me!" Lin Dahui grabbed Soong Wanting's wrist.    


Thinking about what she said to Princess Ya Hui, Lin Dahui didn't have the slightest bit of sympathy for this woman.    


He clenched Soong Wanting's wrist so tightly that it hurt. Instinctively, she let go.    


The servants took the chance and took the child in her hands, and started to comfort him.    


What should he do this time?    


Having lost her child to rely on, Soong Wanting naturally panicked in her heart.    


Lin Dahui already couldn't help but drag it out for her. He grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled her out.    


He was willing to give up. Even if the child cried to death because of this, he was willing to let Ye Zimo blame him. He would absolutely not let Soong Wanting, the poisonous snake, stay in this villa again!    


At last, the butler turned around and told the two maids in a cold tone, "You two, coax the child well. Close the door and don't let him cry again. If the child cannot stop within three minutes, all of you can get out together! "    


Under the cooperation of the two of them, Soong Wanting was quickly brought downstairs.    


Ye Zimo also heard her child's cries. Xia Yihan frowned and said softly, "The child is crying. Let me go up and take a look."    


She could guess that the child was crying at this very moment. It was likely Soong Wanting had done it on purpose. If she wanted to, so did Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo's face turned even more ashen as she said in an extremely solemn tone, "Don't worry, crying to death is his life!"    


Then he called out, "Butler!"    


He wanted the butler to go up and tear Soong Wanting off her shoulders directly. He wouldn't let her delay any longer.    


As soon as he finished, the butler answered him from the corridor: "I'm here, Mr Ye."    


"Mo!" The child is pitiful. I'll go up and take a look. " Xia Yihan turned around, but was grabbed by Ye Zimo. She said in a deep voice, "Don't go!"    


He knew that Xia Yihan had suffered a lot because of Soong Wanting. This time, he was going to let her see for herself that he was not going to let Soong Wanting off the hook. He was going to let her vent her anger.    


The butler opened the door. Lin Dahui pushed Soong Wanting into the room and reported to Ye Zimo, "Miss Soong has arrived."    


Bringing it here should be using the right words for a prisoner.    


Before Soong Wanting could stand properly, she said to Ye Zimo in a flustered voice, "Zimo, the child is crying. Our child is not well. What business do you have, can you wait for me to coax the child? "    


"At this point, are you still thinking of using your child?" Ye Zimo narrowed her eyes and gave her a fierce look.    


"You have no chance, Soong Wanting!" he said again.    


Soong Wanting's heart sank to the bottom. He had warned her many times that she thought he would tolerate her for her child.    


He didn't expect that she would let Princess Ya Hui kill Xia Yihan this time. She had truly angered him, and he didn't even care about his children.    


No, he was born to love his children. He would not really disregard his children.    


Soong Wanting pleaded in a tearful voice, "No matter what I've done, the child is innocent. Let me be the first to coax the child. If he wants to be killed, I'll listen to you, okay?"    


Ye Zimo's face was still ashen as she looked at Soong Wanting coldly.    


"You're not fit to talk about children, you wicked woman."    


"Yes, I'm vicious, I'm evil. Please, Zimo, you can do whatever you want to me. The child is still crying …    


As she spoke, she was horrified to find that the child's crying had stopped.    


At this moment, she felt like the end of the world was approaching.    


"Lin Dahui, let her die to understand." Ye Zimo said coldly.    


If it was Xia Yihan who was injured this time, she might even open her mouth to plead for Soong Wanting.    


However, it was Ye Zimo who was injured. She almost lost her life because of Soong Wanting's deliberate framing. Thinking about Ye Zimo's unknown fate, Xia Yihan hated Soong Wanting too much.    


Yes, everyone would have to pay the price for her actions. If she were to commit such a grave mistake and plead on her behalf, even Ye Zimo would be disappointed.    


Xia Yihan looked at Soong Wanting with an expressionless face. Lin Dahui had already answered yes and then turned on the video just now.    


Soong Wanting had expected that they would find something. The child had stopped crying, and her heart had calmed down.    


Now, he didn't even allow her to refute him. The evidence was like a mountain.    


She was the proud daughter of a rich family, and she would never quibble with them. Even if Ye Zimo really wanted her life, she would die with her pride. She could not afford to lose her momentum.    


"No need to listen!" I know what I did. Yes, I told Princess Ya Hui to kill this bitch. She snatched away my man and ruined my chance to reunite with my child and father. She pestered me like a ghost. I just want her to die! "    


"Very good, acknowledge him. He is very courageous. Soong Wanting, you will be the one to compensate for this shot. "What else do you have to say? Just say it, then you can go and report to the Underworld." Ye Zimo's voice was cold.    


He didn't need to hand her over to the police. If he wanted to kill someone, he could definitely make it impossible to find evidence.    


Especially Soong Wanting. Right now, her Soong Family has long been destroyed by everyone. She accidentally died, so who would investigate?    


Of course, it wasn't as if no one was investigating at all. At least, Zhong Yuquan, who had been keeping an eye on Ye Family all this while could make a fool out of Soong Wanting's death.    


It looked like he couldn't let her disappear just like that due to the Ye Family.    


Even if he wanted her to die, he had to make her leave for a period of time, and return to their Soong Family first.    


"The only thing I want to say is, Xia Yihan, you will die a horrible death!" Soong Wantingxue's eyes were red as she gnashed her teeth and cursed.    


Lin Dahui grabbed her wrist, and said in a deep voice to Ye Zimo, "Mr Ye, leave her to me, there won't be any evidence left behind."    


Ye Zimo's expression softened again. After staring at Soong Wanting for a while, she sighed and said, "Forget it, let her go." She died in my hands, and when the child finds out, she might hate me. I didn't die either. Letting her get out of here and never see the child is her biggest punishment. Yihan, do you think so? "    


Was Ye Zimo really going to let Soong Wanting die? Was a fresh life really going to disappear right in front of her eyes?    


Xia Yihan couldn't bear it anymore, especially since she was Ye Zhengheng's biological mother.    


Ye Zimo was right. If one day the child found out that Soong Wanting died because of her, how could the child not hate her?    


Thinking of this, Xia Yihan also sighed.    


"Yeah, Mo, let her go. She is still young and I hope she will be able to start anew. That is the good fortune of a child. "    


However, Ye Zimo didn't really intend to let Soong Wanting off. The reason he said that was just to make Soong Wanting think that she was only kicked out.    


If anyone wanted to hurt Xia Yihan, he wouldn't let them off the hook so easily.    


The butler and Lin Dahui both thought that what Ye Zimo said was true. Although they couldn't see how this damnable woman died, in the end, Ye Zimo didn't leave her here. They were still happy for Xia Yihan.    


Soong Wanting was already prepared to die, but she didn't expect Ye Zimo to bypass her life.    


In Ye Zimo's heart, she thought, the child was still very important.    


As long as she was alive, if the child could not leave her, perhaps she would come back one day, she thought.    


She had been lucky enough not to let anyone see what she was thinking, so with a cold snort, she looked at Xia Yihan and mocked, "You don't have to cry like a cat. It's not that big of a deal even if you die."    


"Since that's the case, you can just wait for death." Ye Zimo thought with a cold expression.    


"Throw her out." "Okay," Ye Zimo said coldly. Lin Dahui agreed and reached out his hand to push Soong Wanting.    


Soong Wanting pulled away from him, her back straight and cold.    


"I will walk by myself. Don't touch me with your dirty hands!"    


Walking to the door, Soong Wanting turned around and said, "Xia Yihan, if you treat my child badly, as a ghost, I won't let you off!"    


At this point, she was indeed reluctant to part with her child, but she did not regret her actions.    


The victor was the king, and the loser was the bandit. She left.    


She hated Ye Zimo. This man had once given her hope, and had been able to be so heartless.    


Of course, she also hated Xia Yihan. She would never let her go in this life, just like Xia Yihan had said herself. She was still young, and she had countless opportunities. There would always be a time when she could be defeated.    


Soong Wanting had left. This was what Xia Yihan had always hoped for.    


She didn't expect that she would be so happy at this moment. She was thinking about Ye Zhengheng, what should she do about his illness?    


In the evening, he wanted to find his mother. If he couldn't even cry, what could he do?    


Although Ye Zimo began to say that the child cry to death was his life, after Soong Wanting left, he was still worried about the child. It was his own son. How could he not feel sorry for him?    


"Mo, let's move upstairs to sleep. Since she's gone, Du Du must have to get used to it for a while." Xia Yihan said softly.    


"No, if you need it, have the crib brought to our room."    


"The child is already used to that room, so he should be able to get used to it without Soong Wanting around. If he were to change places, he would definitely feel uneasy. It's okay for us adults, we can't let our children suffer too much. And if he starts crying and he can't stop, we'll be helpless. "    


"Alright, I'll listen to you." Ye Zimo said.    


Xia Yihan sat down on the edge of the bed, grabbed Ye Zimo's large hands, and looked at him apologetically.    


"I know you wouldn't let her go if it weren't for me. Mo, I feel very uncomfortable. "Ai, what if Du Du really can't coax it?" She really didn't know how worried she was. This time she didn't plead for Soong Wanting because she felt that it would be bad for the child to stay with the child since she did something that would make people kill her.    


She was conflicted, so she felt guilty for not leaving Soong Wanting for her child.    


"I'm too selfish." she whispered.    


Silly Girl, she almost took your life. My son will be fine, he is Ye Zimo's son, he must be strong. Don't worry, he can adapt. " Ye Zimo touched Xia Yihan's hair.    


After calming Xia Yihan down, Lin Dahui also came back. Ye Zimo said to Xia Yihan, "I want a cup of hot coffee. Go and make some for me."    


Xia Yihan guessed what Ye Zimo wanted to talk about alone with Lin Dahui, so she didn't ask any further. She nodded and left.    


"Mr Ye, you're letting her go just like that? "I can see that she has the heart to harm Young Madame. As long as she lives, there will be endless trouble in the future." Lin Dahui said in a low voice.    


A cold light flashed in Ye Zimo's eyes as she fiercely said, "That's right, we can't let her live any longer."    


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