Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C412 Favorite Marriage 344

C412 Favorite Marriage 344

Mo Xiaonong's voice sounded really excited. At least she was still able to make them happy after doing all this. Xia Yihan also felt gratified.    


In the afternoon, Xia Yihan had trouble concentrating. She wanted to call Ye Zimo several times to see if he was still angry, but she was afraid that he would disturb her in the meeting.    


After work, she looked forward to Ye Zimo coming to pick her up as usual, but even after she walked to the car, she still didn't see Ye Zimo.    


"Sister Xia, get in the car." Xia Yiqing said.    


"Alright." Xia Yihan looked around with a slightly distracted expression. She was not able to find Ye Zimo, which made her feel quite disappointed.    


After getting in the car silently, Xia Yiqing closed the door and got in as well.    


"Back to the villa." Xia Yihan didn't say anything, but Xia Yiqing did.    


Xia Yiqing understood that this young couple was at odds with each other and had better be dealt with as soon as possible.    


Ye Zimo ignored her. Would it be inappropriate for her to return to the villa?    


Xia Yihan thought about how she was unmarried and had no right to be married. Whenever she was unhappy with him, she felt that she had no right to go there.    


Today's matter was her fault. She still wanted Ye Zimo to be happy, so she didn't raise any objections.    


When Xia Yihan arrived at the villa, the housekeeper came out to welcome her and respectfully said, "Young Madame Ye, dinner is ready. You can wash your hands and eat now."    


"Where's Mr Ye?" Is he here first? " Xia Yihan asked.    


"Mr Ye called. He won't be back for dinner tonight. You must eat, he said, and do not wait for him. "    


Even though the butler had said this, Xia Yihan could guess that he had added the latter part himself.    


Since Ye Zimo was angry, she wouldn't say that she didn't need to wait for him. Xia Yihan's disappointment deepened.    


"Didn't he say what time he'd be back?" She clearly knew the answer, but she still couldn't help but ask. The butler nodded and said: "Yes, Mr Ye didn't tell me when he would be back."    


"Got it, thank you. You guys can all eat dinner now. After all, I'm the only one eating tonight, so there's no need to have so many people around." Xia Yihan said softly as she went into her room to change clothes and wash her hands. Then, she went into the restaurant.    


Just like in the afternoon, she still didn't have much appetite. However, she didn't want to implicate the others, so she still forced herself to eat some before returning to Ye Zimo's bedroom.    


She wanted to see Ye Zhengheng. Since Ye Zimo wasn't here, she didn't want to face Soong Wanting alone. Therefore, she asked the butler about Ye Zhengheng's situation and was relieved to know that he had been doing well all day.    


There was work in the computer that she hadn't done yet, and she wasn't in the mood to do it that night.    


A few times he tried to focus, but she was still thinking about him, every minute and every second.    


This guy is such a bastard. Every time I get angry, it's always good for a moment. How can you be so angry? Bad guy, she thought over and over again. In the end, she turned off the computer and went to take a bath.    


By ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Zimo had yet to return.    


Xia Yihan was still awake, waiting for him on the sofa. She pricked up her ears and listened to the sounds of the cars outside, but the room was so soundproof that she could barely hear anything from outside.    


She got up and opened the window. She stood there for a long time without hearing the sound of a car.    


Ye Zimo, you naughty fellow, even if you're angry at me, aren't you going to eat or sleep?    


She sighed and walked to the bed. She picked up her phone and dialed Ye Zimo's cell phone. Soon, she heard a bell ringing. It came from the corridor.    


He's back?    


Xia Yihan's heart suddenly surged with joy. She threw her phone on the bed and quickly ran to the door to open it.    


Ye Zimo was standing in the doorway, her face still dark.    


"Why didn't I hear the car? You're not at home all the time, are you? " Xia Yihan asked in disbelief.    


"Are you really at home? But you didn't come to dinner, could it be that you didn't even come to dinner? " Her heart ached as she looked him up and down. Ye Zimo's face was still as cold as ever. She didn't reply to her words as she stepped through the door and closed it behind her.    


He looked seriously at her little face and squeezed her chin so that she looked up at him.    


He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice was so cold that he kept frowning and asked her, "Do you know you're wrong?"    


If he hadn't questioned her like this today, Xia Yihan would have forgotten that he was the most proud of Ye Zimo, and that his dignity was not to be offended.    


Perhaps, she thought, this was not a matter of a simple house, but of his dignity as a man.    


Men sometimes have strange ideas, especially men like him who are high and mighty, and he seems to think too much of his dignity.    


She wanted to say that she was in the wrong, but his pale face and his condescending attitude made Xia Yihan's pride hurt, so she didn't say anything.    


"You didn't feel wrong?" he asked again, his voice even colder.    


If she dared to say she was right, then let's see how he would deal with her.    


It seemed like he couldn't always use kindness. Occasionally, he would have to be tough on her, or else when she angered him, he wouldn't hold back at all.    


Xia Yihan took a few deep breaths. She knew that he was angry at her for purposely speaking with such a condescending attitude, so she wanted to calm herself down and reason.    


"Mo, I did not do this very well. If you want to say that I was in the wrong, that's fine too." "Alright, don't be angry. If you haven't eaten yet, I'll make you some digestible broth."    


Xia Yihan's tone was very gentle. No matter how hard Ye Zimo was, she couldn't bear to face her with such a cold face.    


He let go of her chin, walked slowly to the edge of the bed, sat down, and said in a low voice, "Come here!"    


His tone was still tough, but Xia Yihan could see that his anger had subsided.    


She silently walked in front of him, and with a tug from his long arm, she sat down on his body.    


From Xia Yihan's point of view, it had been a long time since she last hugged him.    


She really wasn't a match for him due to his battle qi. She missed him every single moment and always wanted to find him.    


Even though her mistake was to pull her closer to him, she suddenly felt wronged.    


"Tell me, why are you so good to Lee Heetai, why can't you be polite with him, just explain it to me."    


His tone was not as cold as it had been during the day, but his hawk eyes stared intently into hers, waiting for her answer.    


If she dared to say that Lee Heetai was her brother, he wouldn't go around her.    


"What do you mean? Mo, I did not try to be rude and tell you clearly. "    


"Still trying to hide it from me?" Ye Zimo's face darkened and her eyebrows creased.    


"No, I didn't hide anything from you …"    


"Xia Yihan!" You used Lee Heetai's card to buy a house for Mo Family today, do you think I don't know about that? " Ye Zimo interrupted Xia Yihan's words with a cold and impatient tone.    


"So that's why you're angry. Idiot, that card isn't Brother Heetai's, it's my mother's."    


Xia Yihan said this as if Ye Zimo didn't believe her. She reached out to pacify his brows, then her voice softened a little.    


"Alright, stop frowning. I want to buy a house for my adoptive parents. I don't have that much money, and I know you're not happy about borrowing money from a man, so we talked to my mother about it when we went to see her yesterday. She said that Brother Heetai gave this card to her on her birthday. Since she doesn't need it right now, she'll give it to me first. "    


Ye Zimo's eyebrows finally loosened a little, but her expression was still ugly.    


"Don't you believe me? Mo? " Xia Yihan asked again.    


"I believe in you. I think of you as the most important person to me, Ye Zimo. Yet, you don't believe me and treat me as your own person. Xia Yihan, if it was you instead of me, would you be angry? If I need to do something that you can do and that others can do, what would you think if I asked someone else to help me instead of you? " Ye Zimo had long since sighed inwardly. He no longer wanted to continue the cold war with her, so he chose to be honest with her.    


Xia Yihan could hear the helplessness in his tone, so she smiled and said, "I know it's my fault, is it not okay? In the future, if I have anything to say to you, I'll tell you right away. If you don't beg me, don't be angry. "    


That's more like it. Ye Zimo snorted and then said coldly: "Later? This time you're not allowed to use other people's money. "    


"I don't use anyone else's. It's my mother's."    


"Not even your mother's. Don't you think what your mother would think of me if you didn't have the money to ask her for help? She didn't have a good impression of me, so I'm fine, but this way she won't be able to trust you. " Ye Zimo said earnestly.    


"Mo, I'm so lucky to be able to find you." Xia Yihan gently kissed his cheek.    


"We're talking business, don't tempt me." he said with a scowl.    


She didn't intend to seduce him. He was just thinking for her, that's all.    


"Someone has already sent the payment to your credit card account in the afternoon. You can return the card to your mom tomorrow."    


"What?" "Why didn't you tell me?"    


"What? You want to continue being courteous with me?"    


Xia Yihan smiled obsequiously and said, "No, no, I'm not being polite with you. You're my fiance, so why should I be polite with you?"    


Ye Zimo swept a cold glance at her, implying that it was fine as long as you knew I was your fiancé.    


"Mo, can you promise me one thing?" Xia Yihan asked softly.    


"Speak, what is it?"    


"In the future, don't be so angry at me, alright? I guess you didn't eat lunch at noon, so I'll feel sorry for you. " Perhaps it was an illusion, but when she looked at Ye Zimo now, she felt that he was much thinner than when she was with him.    


"I can't agree to it. It depends on your performance."    


"Well, I'll notice it later. "Now I'm going to the kitchen to cook you something to eat. Are you coming with me?"    


"Yes." Ye Zimo nodded. Xia Yihan snickered, thinking that this guy was probably hungry.    


As soon as he answered, his stomach made two loud noises. This time, Xia Yihan really laughed out loud.    


Ye Zimo's face instantly turned awkward. She grabbed her chin and covered the sky with her kiss.    


Since the little thing dared to tease her after getting so hungry from her anger, it asked him to come and take care of her.    


Xia Yihan was kissed by him for a while and almost died under his Demon Claw.    


"Alright, alright. Mo, hurry up and get up. Stop pressuring me." Even if you want to be a beast, you should wait until after you've eaten, alright? "    


On the account of her heartache, he had temporarily let her go.    


Along the way, Ye Zimo asked Xia Yihan, "I heard from the General Manager of the First Pin of the Water Heaven that someone else had taken a fancy to the house you bought today. Why would the other person give it to you? Do you know each other?"    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but frown when this matter was brought up.    


"I don't know him, and I've never seen him before. He looks like a half-breed. He called me Madame Ye, as if he knew me, and said we would meet soon. "Mo, when I thought about it, I still felt a little uneasy. I kept thinking that there was something strange in his eyes."    


Lil Thing was quite honest. Ye Zimo held her by the waist and said gently, "I guess he saw you because you were pretty, so it's normal for him to look at you a little more. Leave him alone and do whatever you have to do. "    


Since Ye Zimo said this, Xia Yihan's heart was much more at ease.    


Especially when he was holding her, she felt as if she wasn't alone and helpless, even if that person really had some special intention and Ye Zimo was protecting her.    


"Hmm, I won't think about it anymore. In any case, besides working here every day, I don't have the opportunity to interact with other people."    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything else. His expression remained the same, but he was thinking about what Prince Ya Lun had said about him meeting with Xia Yihan very soon.    


It seemed like he was just like his sister, restless.    


Since Prince Ya Lun suddenly came to the East River, he definitely wouldn't do it for no reason. When he saw Xia Yihan give her the house, he became even more confused.    


Could it be that he listened to his sister and came here to see Xia Yihan's beauty to court her?    


Whatever you want, do it. Your sister can't break my relationship with her, and neither can you.    


Xia Yihan helped Ye Zimo make some soup and didn't want to waste any more time. Once it was ready, Ye Zimo ate it in the kitchen.    


Xia Yihan washed the dishes, dried her hands, and walked back to the main house with him.    


"Mo, I've already bought the house and my adoptive parents are coming over. I wonder if you can come over to have a meal with them when they come. No matter what impression you have of them, they have raised me, and I am grateful to them. " Xia Yihan said softly.    


"I'll send someone to pick them up when they arrive."    


She knew that the man she loved was broad-minded. He wouldn't care about the things that happened in the past.    


"They will come tomorrow. Xiaonong didn't come back today, so I think she went to Liao Weidong's place. I will ask her in the morning when they will come."    


"Alright, they will be here for dinner tomorrow." Ye Zimo said.    


"Thank you, Mo." Xia Yihan said sincerely as she stopped and looked at Ye Zimo.    


Her gratitude came from the bottom of her heart. Even if she didn't think that money was important and wouldn't sell herself for money, after following Ye Zimo, she understood that money was indeed important sometimes.    


Without money, she would never be able to repay her adoptive parents.    


Ye Zimo was willing to spend money on her and change for her. If she was willing to do so much for her, other than adoring him, how could she not be grateful to him?    


"Why do you always say thank you to your man? Your business is your man's business. "    


"Alright, I won't say anything." Xia Yihan held Ye Zimo's arm again.    


They had made up, how nice. Her heart was full again, and the feeling of loss had completely disappeared.    


Mo Xiaonong was with Liao Weidong that night. The two of them had already made an appointment. The parents would meet in three days and set a date for their marriage.    


Now that things had come to this, Liao Weidong wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the fish and water with Mo Xiaonong. Mo Xiaonong, who had longed for this for a long time, no longer refused.    


The two of them had a great relationship in the Dongjiang Hotel. Mo Xiaonong's kung fu skills in bed worked, and Liao Weidong was worthy of being called a master, so the two of them had a good understanding.    


However, after the passion passed, Liao Weidong still felt a little regretful at the same time. He felt that Mo Xiaonong was so powerful, but he really didn't know how many men taught her.    


He thought so. Due to her identity, he didn't dare to say it out loud to her. He was just thinking about it.    


He still had to get married, and marry her back as soon as possible.    


Regardless, he thought, although Mo Xiaonong was a bit open-minded in the area of men and women, she still had a good character, and could be considered a good wife.    


Xia Yihan only contacted Mo Xiaonong the next morning. Mo Xiaonong's voice was lazy, so she didn't sleep well the moment she heard it.    


"What's the matter, Sis? You called me early in the morning and I'm still awake. I was so tired last night."    


"You and Liao Weidong …" Xia Yihan felt a little embarrassed to ask, but Mo Xiaonong was much more generous than her.    


"Aiya, Sis, is there even a need to ask? You're not a girl, and you still don't know what happened to us? We're both getting engaged, so it's normal to be together, and the two of us are very harmonious. "    


Xia Yihan's face turned red and she sighed.    


"What has already happened, it's useless for me to say anything more. You have to grasp it well. When will Mom and Dad arrive? "    


"They won't be able to come until four in the afternoon. Weidong and I need to buy something so we might not have time to pick it up. Sis, are you going to pick it up?"    


Mo Xiaonong had never cared for her parents, and Xia Yihan was used to it.    


"Ye Zimo will send someone to pick them up, and I will go too. In the evening, you and Liao Weidong can come to Ye Zimo's villa to eat. I'll also ask out Xiaojun and Qingqing. "    


Ever since he found out that Xiaojun was still alive, Mo Family's parents and Xiaojun had only met once at her engagement banquet.    


Mo Xiaojun was always angry at them. Xia Yihan had specifically asked Mo Xiaojun and Hai Qingqing to resolve the conflict between them.    


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