Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1247 Wealthy Marriage 1175

C1247 Wealthy Marriage 1175

Deep in the night, a figure quietly climbed over the wall and ran down the garden towards Ye Family. As soon as he reached the underbrush and squatted down, he was grabbed by the collar.    


In the study, six bodyguards dressed in black surrounded the house so tightly that not even a drop of water could trickle through. The butler stroked the goatee as he sized up the man sitting on the sofa, then turned around and said, "Young Master."    


"Hello, I'm a reporter. I'd like to interview Miss Ding Yiyi."    


The reporter smiled at the man in black silk pajamas behind the desk. Ye Nianmo frowned at him, "Please show me your press ID."    


The reporter had long heard that President of Ye Group relied on his iron blood policy to shake the business world, so he didn't know what President of Ye Group wanted to do. Seeing the man's cold expression, he didn't care too much about it and quickly took out his reporter's certificate and handed it over.    


"Liu Qian?" The corner of Ye Nianmo's mouth rose, "Go back and tell all your colleagues. Next time, if I find out that any reporters entered the Ye Family through this method, I, Ye Nianmo, will definitely investigate until the end."    


His voice was not loud, but it sounded like thunder. Liu Qian quickly nodded, "I'm really sorry about tonight, I'll go back and talk to them."    


After sending off the reporter, the butler said worriedly, "Miss Ding suddenly became popular. Today is the third time that the reporters have attempted to break into the Ye Family to interview her."    


Ye Nianmo interlaced his fingers and said with a heavy face, "Be more alert, don't let her know."    


"Yes sir!"    


Walking out of the study, Ye Nianmo didn't go back to his room. Instead, he walked directly towards Ding Yiyi's room. When she opened the door, the person under the orange light was curled up on the bed. One corner of the blanket had already fallen off.    


It was already 2 in the morning. Ye Nianmo picked up the blanket and placed his left knee on the bed. The bed sheets were slightly sunken down, causing someone to fall into a deep sleep.    


She rolled away and opened her eyes in a daze. She looked at the blurry figure who was half-kneeling on the bed and looking at her and muttered, "Nianmo, why are you here?"    


He raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "Can you recognize me?"    


Ding Yiyi rubbed the quilt against her chest and said with a nod, "I will recognize you."    


Inadvertently sweet words caused his heart to suddenly lose its rhythm. His train of thoughts was briefly interrupted, and he could only stare blankly at the beautiful person who continued to fall asleep.    


After a long time, a deep laugh came from his chest. He leaned over her and sniffed the fragrance in her hair, softly saying, "Good night."    


Outside Ye Family, the bodyguard checked the camera before returning the machine to Liu Qian, and after they left, Liu Qian turned around unwillingly, but was shocked by the figure in front of him with Moonlight on his back, "Who are you?"    


"Do you want news of Ding Yiyi?" The woman's voice was soft and pleasant, like a skylark.    


Liu Qian saw that the woman's face was covered by a veil and appeared here in the middle of the night. He felt a bit scared, "I'll tell you what I've never seen before. Don't think I'm afraid of you."    


"You're not afraid of me, why are you trembling?" The woman's voice came from afar, sounding impatient. "Just one word, do you want Ding Yiyi's exclusive news or not?"    


Liu Qian looked at the woman's elongated figure under the moonlight and finally felt relieved. He said boldly, "Of course, you have to give it to me?"    


"I can't give it to you, but you can look for it yourself." The woman's mood became better, and her voice also started to regain its gentleness. She raised her hand and pointed with her finger, "Do you see that room?"    


Liu Qian turned on the flashlight and looked over, "I saw it."    


"That's Ding Yiyi's room. As for what you can dig up, that will depend on you."    


"How did you know it was her room?" Liu Qian turned around and was surprised to find that the woman from before had already disappeared.    


In the corner, Ao Xue took off her veil and left the kitchen through a side door. Her Ye Family was very quiet, and her footsteps made light noises on the stairs.    


The dim light in the study room made her stop in her tracks, and as she crept closer to the study room, she discovered that it was empty. Her face turned cold, and she turned around without hesitation and walked in the other direction.    


In the warm room, the man lightly patted the back of the sleeping young girl with gentle movements. Occasionally, the woman would restlessly kick the quilt, and he would patiently pick it up and cover it for her.    


Ao Xue's eyes were a little blurry. She touched her left cheek with a trembling hand. There was an extremely thin scar that Ye Nianmo had carved on her face.    


He had given her love and protection, hurt himself, and in the end she could not hold back the tears. She turned and walked away, letting them wash over her.    


The next day, when Ding Yiyi was about to go out, she was stopped by the butler. "Miss Ding, do you want to go out?"    


"Yes, butler, I have an appointment with Director Dai." Ding Yiyi smiled and nodded, preparing to pass by him.    


Behind him, the housekeeper suddenly wailed, "Aiyo, aiyo, my waist!"    


"What happened to the butler?" Ding Yiyi rushed to help him up, but the moment she touched his waist, he screamed even louder.    


A passing servant quickly came over, "Did you twist your waist?" Sit down first. "    


Ding Yiyi helped the housekeeper to sit on the sofa. The housekeeper held onto her waist and sighed, "What should we do? It's almost lunchtime, and the young master will be back at noon today. I still have to go to the kitchen and supervise it. "    


"I'm going. Butler, don't move. It will become even more serious later." Ding Yiyi put down her bag and hastily said.    


Butler asked: "Are you not going?"    


"I'm not going out. Please take a seat. I'll go to the kitchen now." Ding Yiyi rushed anxiously to the kitchen.    


The maid at the side also turned to leave. "I'll call the doctor right away."    


"Come back!" The butler roared angrily and quickly stood up to do a stretch. He walked out of the garden with an impeccable appearance, leaving behind a flabbergasted servant.    


At the dining table, Fu Fengyi frowned as she put down the spoon in her hand. "What happened to the chef today? This egg soup is too terrible."    


Ao Xue also stopped talking. "I also don't think that the taste is good."    


"I'm sorry," Ding Yiyi looked at everyone with a little bit of guilt. "I have to leave in a few days, so I wanted to do something for everyone. I asked Master to teach me how to cook this chicken egg soup. I'm really sorry."    


She lowered her head in annoyance at her own overestimation. The spoon beside the table let out a crisp sound when it hit the bowl. Ye Nianmo picked up the spoon again and took a mouthful after mouthful of the egg.    


"Nianmo, didn't you dislike eggs?" Fu Fengyi looked at him strangely.    


Ye Nianmo did not stop moving. His expression did not change at all, "It's fine."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him from afar, her heart filled with warmth. She quickly shifted her gaze away, ignoring the smile on her opponent's face when she turned around.    


After Fu Fengyi finished her meal, Ao Xue immediately put down the tableware in her hands and stood up to follow her into the buddhist hall. Only Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo were left in the restaurant.    


"If you don't like it, then there's no need to eat it." Ding Yiyi felt very guilty. The egg soup on the table was almost untouched.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at him, "It's salty, the taste is a bit fishy." He put the last bite of egg into his mouth.    


"Really? Then I'll give it another try in the future. Maybe it will taste even better." Ding Yiyi laughed as she spoke, but suddenly cut off her words.    


Ye Nianmo's expression was a bit unfathomable. He put down his napkin and walked out. When he walked past her, he stopped, "Must we fly away?"    


Ding Yiyi looked at his resolute profile and nodded with difficulty. "Mhm."    


"Alright." Ye Nianmo passed by her without looking at her, then quickly disappeared.    


The bodyguards changed shifts at night. A figure quickly ran out of the fence and out of the security guards' sight, running towards a certain direction.    


In the room, Ding Yiyi tested the temperature of the bathtub and poured a few drops of essential oil into it.    


After stepping into the bathtub, she sighed comfortably. She did not realize that the thick curtains at the window had trembled and a black lens had quietly extended out.    


"The Hundred Blossom Award winner, Ding Yiyi, has a fresh and refined appearance. She doesn't lose out to any first-tier female celebrities of her generation."    


"Pah!" Ye Nianmo threw the newspaper onto the table, gritted his teeth and said coldly, "You better explain to me."    


The bodyguards from Ye Family stood in a row, "Sorry, Mr Ye, it was an accident this time. Through the surveillance, we can see that the reporter sneaked into Miss Ding's room from the balcony during the shift change."    


"I need a plan, not an excuse." Ye Nianmo's gaze turned colder and colder.    


The bodyguard hurriedly said, "It's like this. Next up, we will increase our surveillance in this area. Something like this definitely won't happen again."    


Ye Bo took out a document, "Today, newspapers and magazines with this news will sell 1000 copies in the city. Although the rest have already gone through public relations and won't be released, these 1000 copies have already flowed into the homes of the citizens."    


The door was pushed open and a secretary walked in. "The magazine's president wishes to see you."    


"Hello, Young Master Ye," a middle-aged man walked in and sat down on the sofa as soon as he entered the room. He leaned back comfortably and said, "Young Master Ye, this isn't any big deal, it's just helping Miss Ding with the promotions. I've already dismissed that brat."    


"President Zhong," Ye Nianmo said carelessly, "I remember your daughter was at Purdue University?"    


At first, President Zhong was stunned. The ashes from his cigarette landed on his finger. He quickly spread it out and replied with a relaxed expression, "That's right, that's right."    


Ye Nianmo took out a cigarette, but only held it in his hand to play with it. His gaze never landed on the man in front of him, "It's normal for a little girl to like to play, but it wouldn't be good if she often plays with hooligans."    


President Zhong's expression immediately darkened. "What exactly do you want to say?"    


Ye Nianmo stood up and looked down at him condescendingly. "If President Zhong wants to know, then I can explain it more clearly. I think it's a good news that President Qian Jinping of the magazine got into bed with three men at the same time."    


"Ye Nianmo!" The president slapped the table and stood up, looking at him angrily. He was surprised that this man could investigate so clearly. It was because of this that he had hurriedly brought his daughter back to prevent her from making a fool of herself.    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows. "President Zhong, please take a seat."    


Facing this man, President Zhong no longer had the leisure to do so. He just sat motionlessly on the sofa and leaned forward slightly. "Young Master Ye, my daughter is still young. Don't involve her in this."    


"Hur hur."    


Ye Nianmo's sneer made his heart go cold, so he could only look at Ye Zichen nervously.    


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