Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C815 Wealthy Marriage 744

C815 Wealthy Marriage 744

Xia Yihan retreated over and over again in an attempt to escape. Ye Zimo threw her arms around Xia Yihan's shoulders forcefully and stuck to the softness she had thought of day and night.    


The smell of rust passed between their soft lips and teeth. The two of them were so close that they could see each other's eyes and focus on themselves.    


"Splash! Splash! Splash!" Xia Yihan could feel her heart pounding, but she couldn't control it. Ye Zimo's lips curved into a smile.    


Xia Yihan was enraged and bit Ye Zimo hard. She looked at Ye Zimo who retreated and wiped her lips with her hand as she roared, "Isn't this fun? Is it fun to hold me in the palm of your hand like a caged bird? "    


Ye Zimo turned her head slightly to look at Xia Yihan. After a long silence, Xia Yihan finally calmed down and said, "That's right. I want to hold on tightly to you."    


"Incomprehensible." Xia Yihan said bitterly. She opened the door and turned around, warning him, "Don't follow me!"    


"Bam!" Ye Zimo frowned at the sound of the door closing. She sat back on the sofa and sipped on the long melted wine in her glass. The dim light shone on Ye Zimo's body, making it hard to see the man's expression.    


"It's so bad." Ye Zimo muttered.    


Once again, the door was opened and bright lights shone in. Ye Zimo squinted at Xia Yihan, who had just left, and her heart skipped a beat. It was as if Xia Yihan had saved him from the dark abyss.    


"I just saw Guo Hao. I feel like he has some sort of relationship with Yuanyuan. I think Yuanyuan's death is related to him! " Xia Yihan's face became rosy from running so fast. She subconsciously wanted to look for Ye Zimo after seeing her.    


"So what does it have to do with me?" Ye Zimo tried to suppress the sound of her heartbeat, which was unusually active, to calm down.    


Xia Yihan was stunned and retreated two steps back. Her face turned pale as she mumbled, "Yes, what does that have to do with you? I'm just used to it. "    


As she turned to leave, with her back against her chest, Xia Yihan heard Ye Zimo's heartbeat. She said in a low voice, "Thank you for coming to find me."    


In the dark room, men and women were laughing and disturbing each other while scattering a pile of white powder on the table. This kind of thing could only be bought by someone who had made a living for half a lifetime.    


Guo Hao hugged the two women and laughed crazily. He had already fallen into his own world. Two waiters pushed open the door and came in. Guo Hao looked at the two of them with squinted eyes.    


"One person was surprisingly fat, while the other stood coldly at the side. His aura was even more domineering than everyone present." You! "Come and pour me a cup of wine!"    


Guo Hao pointed at the cold waiter. The waiter glanced over indifferently with a cold expression. His eyes showed no emotion, as if he was looking at an animal's corpse.    


Guo Hao was shocked for a second and mumbled subconsciously. He shouted even louder at the fat guy beside him, "You, damn fat guy. Come here and pour some wine."    


Fatty moved, but he was pulled by the man beside him. He swept a cold gaze at Guo Hao like a ray of light, "I'll complain about these two waiters later. They're my pay!" Guo Hao muttered as he picked up the bottle.    


"We stand here openly and listen to the secret?" Xia Yihan asked in disbelief.    


"Otherwise?" Ye Zimo said blandly. Guo Hao was having fun because of the drugs. He hugged the woman beside him and had a lot of fun.    


"I called you again. I was injured and suddenly felt like I wanted to see you, but I heard a woman's voice. At that time, I felt like laughing."    


Xia Yihan coldly looked at the absurdity in front of her and said with a bit of disappointment. Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows. He knew that all of this had caused harm to Xia Yihan, but he was never someone who was good at explaining himself.    


"As long as you believe that I'm doing this for you, you won't get hurt." Ye Zimo said lightly.    


"Really?" is that protection you think is hurting me all the time. " Xia Yihan said in a soft voice.    


"Eh, I've never seen this waiter before. He's very pretty." A woman climbed down from Guo Hao's body and said as she saw Xia Yihan.    


Guo Hao looked towards Xia Yihan, and his face instantly turned pale. "He must have mistaken me for Yuanyuan. That sort of thing happened to him before."    


Ye Zimo's eyes suddenly became sharp and her voice became as low as a parallel line. "Did he hurt you?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head. Guo Hao had already started sweeping the items on the table to the floor: "Yuanyuan, why can't you let me go? It's not like I'm the one who's going to kill you. Don't chase after me anymore!"    


The man's cry shocked everyone at the scene. Guo Hao threw the ashtray on the wall and shouted, "All of you, scram!"    


The woman glanced at Guo Hao in surprise, then picked up her bag and left one by one. Ye Zimo leisurely pulled Xia Yihan to sit on the sofa with her fingertips touching the powder on the table.    


"Let me go! Otherwise, I'll let you die again! " Guo Hao picked up the bottle and threw it on the table, then pointed at Xia Yihan with the broken glass.    


"You can try." Ye Zimo pushed away the powder in her hands and leaned comfortably against the back of the sofa as she looked at Guo Hao mockingly.    


Guo Hao took a step back timidly. He had an inexplicable fear of Ye Zimo. Yuanyuan's face kept wandering around Xia Yihan's body. Her face was full of blood and resentment. She stared at Guo Hao with her dim eyes, and blood started to seep out.    


"Don't look at me like that!" With bloodshot eyes, Guo Hao ran over to Xia Yihan. Ye Zimo kicked the coffee table in the middle and knocked it towards Guo Hao.    


"Crash!" Guo Hao let out a heavy cry as his body and glass collided. He lay on the table, unable to get up. Tell me everything you know. "    


Ye Zimo said coldly. For him, there was no need to play any tricks. Simple violence was his way, because he was qualified.    


"Yuanyuan!" "I'm really in pain. When we were young, you clearly loved me the most. I will take you to an amusement park, and you like to play pirate boat the most. We even ate ice cream together, so why did you become like this!" Guo Hao simply slammed on the table without moving, letting out the pain in his heart.    


Xia Yihan stood up and grabbed her wrist. Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan and shook her head. He knew what Xia Yihan was going to do. The men at the table could attack at any time. He couldn't let Xia Yihan take the risk.    


"Let me go, I'm fine." Xia Yihan brushed away Ye Zimo's grip on her wrist and walked to Guo Hao's side. She said lightly, "I know what you're looking for in my room, so I also searched through it myself and found a box under the bed.    


Inside the box are piles after piles of photos. There are pictures of when you went to the amusement park together when you were young, photos of you and her on your birthday, and the look of her when she skipped classes. These are all her treasures. "    


Guo Hao listened to him in a daze. He was upset and wanted to die right now. He raised the glass in his hand and stabbed at his own chest with a smile.    


The broken glass in his hand was kicked away. The pain that came from his hand made Guo Hao subconsciously look up at the cold man. Death is always the stupidest form of atonement. "    


Ye Zimo sat back on the sofa as if nothing had happened. Xia Yihan looked at Guo Hao, who was in a daze, and sighed. She put a photo on the table and said in a low voice, "I think you've been looking for this one."    


Guo Hao looked at the photo. The girl in the photo was drawing exquisite makeup. A girl was looking at him in the mirror in fright.    


Covering his eyes, Guo Hao said slowly, "I don't know when I started to wish that I was a woman. I was in a panic after what she saw the other day, I wanted to chase after her and tell her not to tell.    


She kept running and drove away in the garage. I didn't catch up and didn't dare to go out like this. Who knew that she would hear about her accident? I know I provoked her. She was killed by me. "    


After Guo Hao said what he had buried for half a year, he looked up at the ceiling. Yuanyuan was staring at him with blood on her face.    


Xia Yihan frowned and said, "So you're not chasing after Yuanyuan?"    


Guo Hao shook his head and said, "No."    


Ye Zimo already had what she wanted to know, so she didn't want to look at the zombie lying on the table anymore. She pulled Xia Yihan's hand and walked outside.    


Xia Yihan stopped at the door, and turned her head to look Guo Hao in the eye. Xia Yihan looked at the man who could only use the alcohol to ease his worry with pity, and said softly: "Do you know why Hua Mansion can't keep people at night? Because that is the greatest indulgence and protection a mother can give to her son's special interests. "    


Guo Hao listened in shock until the door closed softly, cutting off all sunlight and warmth. Only the dim smell and the soul that had been floating in the empty room all this time remained.    


"There should still be people chasing Yuanyuan. I picked up Yuanyuan's Audio Recorder at the abandoned parking lot, and she said there's still someone chasing after her. If that person isn't Guo Hao, then who could it be? No matter who it is, they should always be watching Yuanyuan. Only by doing this will they be able to keep following Yuanyuan after she has escaped from the Hua Mansion. " Xia Yihan analyzed everything from inside the car.    


Ye Zimo drove the car herself and looked in the rearview mirror. She said lightly, "Other than these things, do you have nothing else to say?"    


Xia Yihan suddenly shut her mouth and looked away hurriedly. She was very nervous, so she could only use words to dilute her nervousness. These measures were like paper in front of Ye Zimo to protect her.    


"I was locked up in the abandoned garage the other day. I called you." Xia Yihan said nervously as she held the cushion behind her.    


"Right." Ye Zimo replied indifferently as she opened the car.    


"I am very desperate and afraid, afraid that my child will leave on my impulse, so I want to find you." Xia Yihan spoke slowly, but Ye Zimo did not interrupt. Xia Yihan, however, knew that she was being listened to.    


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