Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C721 Married to a Rich Family 650

C721 Married to a Rich Family 650

Xu Haorann supported Xia Yihan, whose legs were weak, and gently tried to persuade her, "Yihan, there's no time. Zimo is his biological son, and he's a poisonous bastard."    


Xia Yihan held onto Ye Nianmo's favorite doll, not letting it go. Xu Haorann put his arm around her waist and carried her downstairs. The way in and out of Ye Family had gone unexpectedly smooth. Xu Haorann frowned, as he had a faint feeling that the situation wasn't as he had imagined.    


"I'll ask the steward to take a vacation tonight." Xia Yihan had settled her mood, she patted Xu Haorann's hands and said softly.    


Xia Yihan's softening made Xu Haorann very happy. The two quickly hid inside a Mercedes-Benz with no license number and the car disappeared into the darkness.    


As the car drove on, Xia Yihan could clearly feel that the car was circling around. Xu Haorann explained that the car was parked in a private villa so that he could avoid leaving any traces for Ye Zimo to chase him.    


"Where is Haoran?" Xia Yihan knew that Xu Haorann's family background was pretty good, but she didn't know that he still had a large mansion.    


"This is my grandmother's old home. I have never registered it, so I'm not afraid that Ye Zimo will find us here." Xu Haorann carefully helped Xia Yihan into the room.    


Although the furnishings in the room were old, they were all expensive. "In order to not leak out your whereabouts, there are no servants here. I'll have to trouble you for the next few days." Xu Haorann said as he poured a cup of water for Xia Zimo.    


"How many more days do you need? Aren't we going to leave immediately? " Thinking that Ye Zimo might find her, Xia Yihan couldn't help but panic. Her fingers holding the cup of water were constantly trembling.    


"I'm afraid Ye Zimo already knows about it." Xu Haorann squatted down and held Xia Yihan's hand as he slowly said this. Xia Yihan felt dizzy and yawned. She lowered her head and fell asleep on Xu Haorann's shoulder.    


Xia Yihan didn't know how long she slept, she only knew that Xu Haorann woke her up, placed the bowl of porridge in front of her, and then turned on the TV with concern.    


"The latest report says that in order to deal with the problem of no license plates on vehicles, a investigation squad has been set up on all major main roads from today onwards. Please do not panic." On television, police officers were checking the traffic on all the city's main roads.    


"It's Ye Zimo! He must be trying to stop us!" Xia Yihan murmured as she watched the television. Xu Haorann turned off the TV and met Xia Yihan's eyes. "Sofia, I believe I'll be able to get you out of here in a few days when the wind blows."    


Xia Yihan nodded. Xu Haorann stuffed a glass of milk into Xia Yihan's mouth and urged her to drink.    


"But I don't like milk." Xia Yihan frowned as she looked at Xu Haorann. She bit her lips lightly and her eyes were filled with grievance.    


With a heavy blow to his heart, Xu Haorann's gaze became more gentle as he coaxed, "Yihan, can you drink some orange juice tomorrow instead of today?"    


Xia Yihan could only nod and finish her milk. Soon, a feeling of tiredness hit her and she fell into the embrace that Xu Haorann had prepared.    


Looking at the woman's frail sleeping face in his arms, Xu Haorann slightly turned his head to look at the scene on the TV, his eyes filled with madness.    


Xia Yihan stayed in Xu Haorann's old house for the next few days. There were no servants in the house and Xu Haorann was busy all by himself. Xia Yihan wanted to help, but was always rejected by him for various reasons.    


"Yihan, the water's ready. Come take a bath." Xu Haorann called from the bathroom upstairs, and Xia Yihan answered, carrying her change of clothes upstairs.    


The design of the staircase here was slightly different from that of the modern staircase. Xia Yihan walked to the top of the stairs and accidentally stepped on a wooden board that was separated by a distance.    


Xu Haorann quickly came out of the bathroom and carried Xia Yihan into the bed to apply the medicine for her.    


Xia Yihan's ankle was white and delicate. Xu Haorann rubbed it while his eyes couldn't help but follow the white ankle all the way to her straight long legs.    


"Is Big Brother Xu done?" Xia Yihan asked with a curious expression on her face when she saw Xu Haorann stop his actions.    


Xu Haorann stood up and pressed down Xia Yihan. The burning sensation on his body let Xia Yihan understand what had happened instantly. Her face also turned red.    


"Can you? Yihan? " Xu Haorann dragged his hoarse voice. His eyebrows were knitted so tightly that they were even trembling slightly.    


Xia Yihan shook her head. Her eyes were filled with hatred towards Ye Zimo and regret towards Xu Haorann. "I'm sorry, Big Brother Xu. I can't forget Ye Zimo now. I don't want to hurt you again."    


Xu Haorann embraced Xia Yihan, who was crying gently, and said, "You never hurt me."    


At night, when Xia Yihan was asleep, Xu Haorann woke her up and handed her a set of sportswear. "Yihan, let's go tonight. Get up and get dressed."    


As the car sped along the road, Xu Haorann drove the car in circles like he did a few days ago, until the building in front of him became clearer and clearer.    


"Jewelry Design Center?" Xia Yihan recognized the building in the Jewelry Design Center building.    


Xu Haorann didn't answer Xia Yihan as the car drove directly into another garage. Xia Yihan was surprised that there was such a large underground chamber under the exhibition.    


"Miss Xia, we meet again." Keu stood to one side, with the Underground Kingdom he had founded behind him.    


Xu Haorann stood beside Xia Yihan and said coldly, "You promised to help us get rid of Ye Zimo once you see her."    


He looked at Xu Haorann with a smile. His left finger tapped on his walking stick rhythmically. Xu Haorann's entire body trembled and he fell limply to the ground.    


"What did you do to him?" Xia Yihan rushed to Xu Haorann's side and laid on his chest. When she saw that his breathing was steady, she felt relieved.    


"Don't worry, I just want him to sleep. After all, his mission has been completed." She waved at Xia Yihan and opened a door with a thick Chinese wind carved with red inscriptions.    


Xia Yihan was once again surprised when she saw that the door was filled with masked men, their faces etched with red and white. From behind the curtain came a masked man with a tray on which was a bright red Han suit.    


"Miss Xia, do you mind changing your clothes first?" He asked Xia Yihan with a smile, but the masked man had already forced himself to lead Xia Yihan to the other side of the door.    


"What are you guys going to do?" Xia Yihan screamed in fear as she tried to get rid of the masked man.    


Everyone in the hall looked at Xia Yihan with weird faces. They laughed strangely, "You'll know soon enough."    


Xia Yihan was forced to take her to a lavish bathroom. Half of the room was occupied by a huge pool, and the water inside the pool was heavy and fragrant.    


"You guys go down first, I'll do it myself." Xia Yihan pretended to take off her clothes, but the man in black who was following her did not move at all. Under the white mask, his eyes were burning with warmth.    


Xia Yihan frowned and raised her voice. "Can't you hear me if I tell you to go down?"    


"Oh, really?" The man in black finally made his move. He slowly walked towards Xia Yihan with his 1.8 meter height, carrying a heavy sense of oppression with him.    


"You …" Xia Yihan hesitated. Ye Zimo took off her mask and threw it to the side, then gently embraced Xia Yihan who was standing on the side. She pointed at her finger and mumbled, "You actually didn't recognize me. How do you want me to punish you?"    


"You …" Xia Yihan allowed the other party to nibble at her fingertip. Her eyebrows furrowed into the shape of a "Chuan", and Ye Zimo chuckled softly. Her fingers smoothed the other party's brows little by little. "Do you want me to use an even more intense method to bring you back to life?"    


Xia Yihan snapped out of her daze with the usual threats. "How did you get in? Didn't you say we'd let the police handle this?"    


Ye Zimo's originally good mood instantly turned sour. If it weren't for Xia Yihan using this trick to find out who was trying to hypnotize him, he wouldn't have to worry about fear for so long. Who knows, he only slept for less than two hours a day this past week.    


"Then what should I do now?" With Ye Zimo by her side, Xia Yihan felt more confident.    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows. "Take a bath!"    


The originally scattered crowd formed a circle in the wide hall. Seeing Xia Yihan walk out through the door, he seemed very happy and said with a strange expression, "I didn't expect Miss Xia to be in the habit of bathing for more than an hour."    


Xia Yihan glanced at the man in black beside her and used her wide sleeves to rub her sore waist. Ye Zimo, wearing a mask, watched Xia Yihan's actions and a happy smile appeared on her face.    


Xia Yihan was led to the center of the circle. The crowd looked at her silently, and they automatically made a path for her.    


At the center of the circle was a huge coffin. There was a man lying inside the coffin. The man's face was pale, his long bangs had lost their luster, his lips were black, and he gave off a strong herbal smell. Obviously, he had been dead for a long time.    


The coffin was filled with all kinds of jewelry. Xia Yihan felt a little uncomfortable from the choking smell and took two steps back. Ye Zimo supported Xia Yihan without batting an eyelid, then quickly let go.    


Even Ye Zimo had an expression of disbelief when she saw this scene. What did this Italian man want to do? She quickly answered.    


"My son is a very talented designer. These are the jewelry he designed." As if he had aged ten years, his shriveled fingers picked up the jewelry in the coffin and held it shakily in his hand.    


"It's a pity that he got into a car accident at such a young age. Why did he go out that day?" Tears rolled down the old man's face with a crazed look.    


Ye Zimo quietly moved to Xia Yihan's side, ready to protect Xia Yihan at any time. The old man quickly calmed down, smiled, and said to Xia Yihan:    


"I knew he had always liked a jewelry designer, so I kept looking for you in the dark until I saw you on TV. At first glance, I felt that only you, with your beauty and your heart, could be worthy of my son. "    


The old man paused for a moment, as if sighing with emotion. "It's not easy to bring you out from Ye Zimo's side."    


"How difficult is it?" Ye Zimo took off her mask. She didn't need to conceal her desire any longer. She grabbed Xia Yihan, making Xia Yihan feel more at ease when they were so close that there wasn't even a gap between them.    


Ye Zimo looked astonished. There was a small commotion in the crowd. Lin Jie and Xu Haorann took off their masks and went around Xia Yihan.    


"You weren't hypnotized?" He said to Xu Haorann in surprise.    


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