Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C567 Favorite Marriage 498

C567 Favorite Marriage 498

Xia Yihan put her cell phone on the floor.    


When the butler saw Xia Yihan, he rushed over like a shooting star and pulled her along.    


"Miss Xia, don't mess around." The butler shook his head.    


"Butler, thank you. What's the point of me surviving?" Xia Yihan looked at the steward in confusion. Her relationship with Ye Zimo was too weak to withstand a single blow, yet Ye Zimo still wanted to take her child away.    


Mo Xiaonong. She treated her so well, and she returned the favor just like that. Xia Yihan was a failure.    


"Miss Xia, now that you're dead, have you thought about your child? Is he willing to die with you?" the butler asked loudly.    


Xia Yihan looked at her stomach. Not willing? If his father didn't want him, he would suffer for not coming to this world.    


"Miss Xia, the child is innocent." The butler held onto Xia Yihan tightly, "You're already so big, do you have the heart to do so? Miss Xia, is this a small life? "    


Xia Yihan kept rubbing her stomach. Child, would you blame your mother?    


"No one can decide another person's life and death. Miss Xia, you're his mother, how can you let him die?"    


Xia Yihan didn't want him to die either. She didn't want to bring her child to the hospital and could only stare at the lifeless child. She would rather die with her child in this river.    


"You guys go first, I need to talk to Miss Xia."    


The butler looked at the person not far away and said.    


"Miss Xia, you can run away. Take your child and run away." He had been determined to help Xia Yihan from the beginning, but now he had an idea.    


"How?" Xia Yihan asked in a quiet tone. How could she escape from a pregnant child like that?    


"Miss Xia, I got in touch with Mr Mo. You guys can escape from the hospital later. I will bribe the doctor to tell me the truth." The butler whispered to Xia Yihan his plan.    


Xia Yihan's eyes lit up. Within a few minutes, it went out.    


"Miss Xia, you're still thinking about others at this time, you just need Mr Mo's help temporarily, aren't you siblings? "You have to think about so much, you have to think about the child in your belly." The housekeeper now placed all his hopes on Xia Yihan's unborn child. He did not believe that there was no mother who did not love her child.    


"He wants to take care of Qingqing. It's inconvenient for me to go to his place." Xia Yihan shook her head.    


"Miss Xia, it's really unfair that you took your child and died with you." The butler tried his best to persuade Xia Yihan as beads of perspiration dripped down her face.    


Xia Yihan looked at the old housekeeper with guilt. The child in her womb was her own. She wanted to take him away to die. The housekeeper did his best to persuade her to let go of her shame.    


Xia Yihan stretched out her hand to feel her children. Her mother made a bet. Xia Yihan's face was full of smiles. Only a child could melt her smile.    


"Miss Xia, then let's go." The butler supported Xia Yihan to the parked car.    


Xia Yihan felt a lot more relaxed when she thought about it. She decided to take the child and live on. The housekeeper was right, she had no right to decide the death of the child.    


Soon, they arrived at the hospital. Xia Yihan was very nervous, she wanted to open the door and run away, but the last bit of her rationality prevented her from doing so. The people who came with her were all strong and strong, so she could not escape.    


The butler opened the door with an expressionless face and helped Xia Yihan out of the car.    


As they walked towards the hospital, everyone raised their eyebrows.    


After signing up Xia Yihan, the housekeeper brought her to the department of gynecology.    


"You can all stay here. I'll bring Miss Xia over. It's not very convenient to be a gynecologist here." The butler looked at the others. The people that followed him were all young men, and they all nodded without saying anything.    


The butler found the doctor, "I am the Ye Family's butler, can we talk about this further?"    


The gynecologist was a man of thirty with a high nose bridge.    


"Hello, Steward Ye. You can call me Doctor Zhao."    


The two of them arrived at Dr. Zhao's office.    


"Dr. Zhao, I'll go straight to the point. Mr Ye and Young Madame are arguing right now. He was so angry that he wanted to let Young Madame beat up the child. I brought Young Madame here, I hope you've helped." The butler said casually as he looked at the desk.    


At the age of thirty, Doctor Zhao had seen a lot of things. When he first came out of the hut, everything was true.    


"Who is Mr Ye?" The doctor wanted to know who Mr Ye was.    


"Ye Zimo, Mr Ye, Doctor Zhao, as long as you help me with this panic, it's a white lie. "When Mr Ye and Young Madame get along well with you, you will gain greatly. And now, you will gain greatly as well."    


The butler firmly believed that Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan would get together again. Soong Wanting had a child, and Ye Zhengheng's death, but they still got together. The butler did not know the reason behind Mr Ye and Miss Xia's argument, but he believed that their relationship was only blocked by the fog.    


When Doctor Zhao heard Ye Zimo's name, he was a little frightened. Everyone in the East River knew about this man. He knew about Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan from his good friend.    


"Dr. Zhao, Young Madame has been pregnant with a child for months. Think about it, can you kill such a small creature?" The butler tried to persuade him.    


Xia Yihan changed into a different set of clothes and changed into the clothes of the woman brought by the butler. She walked out from the back door of the hospital, with Ye Family people in front of her.    


Behind the hospital was a grove of trees. Xia Yihan's escape had been made much easier by the newly built wall.    


She just walked out and saw Mo Xiaojun.    


Mo Xiaojun saw Xia Yihan walking out of the woods with messy hair.    


When he received the call from the butler, he rushed out before he could tell Hai Qingqing. Later on, when he couldn't get through to the butler, he thought that he could only run around the entire hospital in Dongjiang. Since the butler informed him, Yihan was temporarily safe.    


In order to save time, Mo Xiaojun decided to go to the hospital from the woods at the back.    


"Yihan, how are you?" Mo Xiaojun did not dare to take a step forward.    


"Brother." As soon as Xia Yihan finished her sentence, she fainted on the ground. All her strength disappeared after she saw Mo Xiaojun.    


Mo Xiaojun ran over to pick Xia Yihan up.    


Damn it, how can you feel hot all over? Mo Xiaojun carried Xia Yihan to the car. Yihan came out of here, so she can't go in here.    


Mo Xiaojun drove the car to the limit. Xia Yihan's current condition wasn't good, so she had to go to the hospital immediately.    


Xia Yihan had been in the rain for so long, wearing wet clothes. It would be weird if she didn't get sick.    


At this moment, Mo Xiaojun hated Ye Zimo to death. He had originally thought that he could take good care of Xia Yihan by leaving the person he loved to Ye Zimo, but to think that he would put on such a scene.    


"Zimo, can you let the child go? He's innocent."    


Xia Yihan was starting to have a high fever and was mumbling nonsense.    


"Child, I'm sorry. It was mother who let you down."    




Mo Xiaojun's heart was pierced by thousands of arrows. He really regretted it. Ye Zimo, you deserve to die. If it wasn't for Yihan needing someone to take care of her now, Mo Xiaojun would have immediately gone to find Ye Zimo.    


Mo Xiaojun saw a small clinic nearby. He couldn't wait any longer. He parked his car beside the clinic and carried Xia Yihan in.    


"Doctor, come and see how she is." Mo Xiaojun said worriedly.    


As soon as the doctor heard that there was a patient with eyes, he walked over and touched Xia Yihan's forehead.    


"What's going on? The fever is so high." The doctor sterilized the thermometer and put it under Xia Yihan's arm. She was asleep now and the doctor didn't dare put it in his mouth.    


"Go find some alcohol and towels." The doctor instructed the nurse beside him.    


"Doctor, are you all right?"    


Mo Xiaojun asked anxiously.    


"Fortunately, I brought her here in time to carry her." The doctor said expressionlessly, "This is how young people quarrel these days. Can't the couple talk properly?" What's wrong with it? "    


Mo Xiaojun was too focused on looking at Xia Yihan that he didn't even take in the rest of the doctor's words.    


"It's fine. I'll pass water to her first. Little Ai, come over later with alcohol and a towel. Wipe your girlfriend's body clean so the fever can quickly subside." The doctor's frown never left his face. Xia Yihan was pregnant and many of the drugs he gave her couldn't be used.    


The fake Xia Yihan, dressed in Xia Yihan's clothes, stood powerlessly in front of the hospital's entrance, crying.    


"Don't cry anymore, crying is useless now that the child is gone." Doctor Zhao said in a deadpan manner before leaving.    


The servant that followed them watched from afar.    


"Miss Xia, come with me." the butler said in heartache.    


The woman in Yihan's clothes shook her head.    


"You're really not leaving?" The butler looked at the people who were following him from a distance. There were too many of them, so he was worried that they would all know about it. He decided to put on an act as a whole.    


The woman shook her head vigorously and even pushed away the butler and ran away.    


The butler said from behind, "Miss Xia, wait for me."    


The woman went into the bathroom and took off her clothes. She took out a stack of thick bills and smiled, this was really a good thing for pies to fall from the sky. She casually nodded her head while wearing other people's clothes to get her salary for half a year, it would be great if there were more of these people looking for her every day.    


The woman originally wanted to throw away her clothes, but upon closer inspection, her clothes were a bit damp. However, this was a world-famous brand. With her status, she hadn't even touched a single piece of clothing like this before, much less wear it.    


She folded her clothes, tidied up her hair, hummed a little tune and walked out, all the while laughing. The others looked at her in confusion, thinking they saw a patient with brain problems.    


"Come here and find Miss Xia." the butler shouted.    


"Miss Xia." the butler shouted.    


He couldn't find it after an hour of searching.    


"What about the butler?" The servants who followed after her gathered around the butler and asked. They were rather sympathetic towards Xia Yihan, especially after a child of that age was beaten up. They wondered if Miss Xia had given birth to a child when she ran out.    


"I will tell Mr Ye that Miss Xia's child is gone. The empress dowager is sad, and she ran away insane." The butler looked at the people who came over one by one and said, "You can say whatever you want, but I don't know what's going on with Mr Ye and Miss Xia's relationship, I'll think about it before I say anything."    


After saying that, the butler left in big strides. He was still worried about Xia Yihan. He didn't manage to get in touch with Mo Xiaojun well enough, so he could only leave things to fate. Miss Xia, good people get what they deserve.    


The butler returned to the Ye Family villa trembling with fear. Even though he had already decided on a plan early in the morning, he was still very respectful towards Ye Zimo. Under Ye Zimo's gaze, he did not know how long he could last.    


Luckily, Miss Xia had already escaped.    


"You're back?" Ye Zimo asked drunkenly, even her breath smelled of alcohol. Mo Xiaonong looked at the butler, but before she could open her mouth to ask Ye Zimo, she said again, "If you have nothing to say, then go down!"    


All the steward's assumptions and worries were in vain.    


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