Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C478 Favorite Marriage 410

C478 Favorite Marriage 410

A few days after the party at Yihan's house, it was New Year's Eve.    


Everyone was happily preparing for the New Year's dinner. Zhao Wenying was thinking that her daughter still couldn't go home when she was preparing for the New Year's Eve, and she kept crying, afraid that Lee Mingjun would see her, but she didn't dare to be too obvious. She hated Zhong Yuquan with all her heart and hated Xia Yihan for everything that happened to her.    


"Heetai, go out and buy more food. Send it to Yihan later."    


Zhao Wenying walked out of the kitchen and said to Lee Heetai, who was watching TV. The New Year didn't bring her much joy.    


"Got it, Mom." Lee Heetai nodded, put down the remote control board, put on his Lee Heetaiet and walked out of the house with the Car key. Thinking about his mother's words, he was always worried about Xia Yihan.    


The supermarket was bustling with noise and excitement. Everyone was carrying bags and bags of stuff with joy written all over their faces.    


Lee Heetai saw either an intimate couple or a harmonious couple, or a good friend. Only he was lonely.    


Let's buy some fruits first. There shouldn't be much fruits left at home.    


Lee Heetai strode toward the fruit section, where he saw a pair of large, bright eyes.    


Someone, that was Lee Heetai's first thought.    


The pair of eyes also noticed Lee Heetai and looked at him stubbornly and fearfully.    


The eyes reminded Lee Heetai for a moment of Xia Yihan, the same look Yihan had once had.    


Lee Heetai shook his head and laughed, then he stretched his big clean hands towards the owner of the pair of eyes.    


"Why are you hiding here, your family will be worried if they can't find you." Lee Heetai said gently. It sounded like a spring breeze to people.    


The owner of those eyes looked at Lee Heetai in a daze and didn't say a word.    


"Come out, I'll treat you to food."    


"I don't have a home."    


Hearing that the voice belonged to a little girl, Lee Heetai didn't know how to reply. He thought it was a lost child, but a lonely one.    


"I'll take you to my house." Thinking that Xia Yihan was also alone in the New Year, Lee Heetai's heart ached for no reason. He wanted to bring this little girl that he had never met back home.    


"Are you a bad person?" After a few minutes of silence, the little girl's voice sounded again, as if she had gone through a huge struggle to choose this result.    


The corner of Lee Heetai's mouth lifted as he smiled warmly at the pair of bright eyes and said, "Uncle is not a bad person."    


With a single sentence, the little girl left with Lee Heetai. Perhaps it was Lee Heetai's gentle voice, or perhaps it was fate that his eyes were gentle.    


Lee Heetai left quickly with Jing. Lee Heetai's body was covered by something, making it very easy to bring his car back. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to bring these things back.    


The little girl sat quietly in the car. After walking for a few minutes, she asked Lee Heetai in a soft voice, "Uncle, can a child lie?"    


Looking at the little girl's precocious face and the hatred in her eyes, Lee Heetai was stunned. He didn't know what the little girl had experienced to make her be surrounded by hatred. It would take some time for her to let go of the hatred.    


Lee Heetai thought for a few minutes and said cautiously, "It's not right to lie, but sometimes white lies are also a good thing. We have to distinguish between good intentions and bad intentions."    


Lee Heetai didn't take his words seriously, as a child a few years old, and threw them to the back of his mind after the fact.    


The little girl became silent after Lee Heetai finished talking. The whole workshop was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.    


When they got close to home, the little girl said softly, "I lied to an uncle, and I didn't mean to lie to him. I don't know if he is a bad guy or not." The sound echoed in the car.    


Lee Heetai looked at the little girl with her shabby clothes, and answered the little girl's question in a concise and understandable manner.    


"It's alright, you can correct your mistake."    


After saying this, no one said anything.    


After a short while, they arrived at Lee Family Mansion. Lee Heetai parked the car in the garage and locked it up, then got off the car with Jing. The little girl followed closely behind Lee Heetai. She kept her head down and didn't dare to look at anyone else.    


"Don't be afraid, I'll take you back to see your grandparents." Lee Heetai still hasn't gotten married. Zhao Wenying wasn't as anxious as her other mother, and she always had no intention of mentioning it to Lee Heetai. "He brought the little girl back and likes to accompany Zhao Wenying and Lee Mingjun, to relieve the two elders' boredom." "Come, let go of me first. I'll take the things." Lee Heetai looked at the little girl gently.    


The little girl only let go after a long time, standing silently by the door.    


"Let's go." Lee Heetai waved to the little girl as he didn't notice her abnormality.    


"Yes." The little girl followed Lee Heetai into a warm family.    


Lee Mingjun was sitting in the hall watching the party. When he heard the sound of the car, he guessed that it was Lee Heetai. However, when he appeared, he brought a little girl with him.    


"Who is she?" Lee Mingjun looked at Lee Heetai with a puzzled expression, hoping for an explanation. It was the new year and Lee Mingjun didn't want anything to go wrong. It was an eventful time now, and he only wanted to live in peace.    


"An orphan without a family. Father, you two elders are usually rather lonely, especially my mother. That's why I brought her back." Lee Heetai answered his father's question respectfully and let go of the little girl's hand. "Dad, I'll send the things over to mom first. You and grandpa can stay here."    


After releasing the girl's hand, Lee Heetai disappeared from the living room.    


Lee Mingjun looked at the little girl seriously, hoping to see some clues. The little girl bit her lips and stared at Lee Mingjun without blinking. She was not scared by Lee Mingjun's chilling military atmosphere.    


"I heard Heetai brought back a child. Where is he?" Zhao Wenying walked out of the kitchen, wondering what kind of child Lee Heetai would bring back.    


The little girl turned around and looked at Zhao Wenying with a pale face and lifeless eyes.    


Looking into those big eyes, Zhao Wenying immediately thought of Xia Yihan. Could Yihan have been like that when she was a child in the orphanage? Her eyes began to turn red.    


"I'll go to Yihan's later. I'll spend the New Year there." Lee Heetai had told Lee Mingjun about Xia Yihan as soon as he got home from the party. Zhao Wenying hadn't cried, but her red-rimmed eyes had betrayed her.    


Lee Family was going to Yihan's place. What they did not know was that Yihan's house was currently filled with people.    


Jiu Jiu, Mo Xiaojun, Hai Qingqing, Hai Zhixuan, and Yan Qingyan all came to the small house she lived in. The police officers responsible for guarding the house nearby were all envious. When Jiu Jiu saw Yihan, she shouted out, "The previous time, the taste was too good. Today, we're going to try it again." The others all nodded in agreement. Their formation was neat and orderly, even more so than the army's inspection.    


"Come on in, the temporary kitchen from a few days ago hasn't been opened yet." Xia Yihan said gently with a smile on her face.    


When Hai Zhixuan saw this scene, his eyes darkened and finally followed him in without a sound.    


"Let's have the whole banquet today." Jiu Jiu said loudly, her eyes sparkling.    


"Foodie." Yihan looked at Jiu Jiu with a smile and said all of a sudden.    


"I'm a glutton, who am I afraid of?" Jiu Jiu did not care about Yihan's mockery at all. Instead, she treated it as a form of praise.    


Yihan began cutting vegetables. As she chopped, she recalled that when she was with Ye Zimo in the past, she would also cook for him.    


Tears fell from Jiu Jiu's eyes. She was doing her own work high up in the air, so she didn't notice this scene at all.    


Hai Zhixuan had been standing at the kitchen door looking at Yihan. Originally, he just wanted to watch Yihan's happiness in the dark, but he only saw tears in her eyes. Who could make Yihan cry in this world?    


Hai Zhixuan's expression darkened again. He gave Yihan a deep look and walked out of the kitchen. Then, he dialed Ye Zimo's number at a place no one was paying attention to.    


Five minutes later, the phone was connected. A noisy voice came from the other end of the line.    


"Ye Zimo, where are you?" Hai Zhixuan asked angrily. If they didn't accompany Yihan during the new year, it wouldn't be a good place to play around with her.    


"What's the matter?" Ye Zimo frowned. He couldn't understand why Hai Zhixuan would call him at this time.    


"Ye Zimo, did you drink?" See you at the usual place. If you don't come, you'll definitely regret it. " With that, Hai Zhixuan hung up. Yihan, if you are happy, then I will be happy. Hai Zhixuan didn't think that he would have such a day where he saw Jiu Jiu walk out. With a smile, she said, "Jiu Jiu, I have something to do, so I won't be eating with you guys."    


As he spoke, he walked over to the cars lying on the road.    


"It's time for dinner. Where is Mr Hai going?" Jiu Jiu was still used to calling him Hai Zhixuan and Mr Hai. Her eyes were full of questions.    


Hai Zhixuan shook his head with a wry smile. He also wanted to eat with everyone and look at Yihan. He wanted to see Yihan's cute smile, but what he wanted the most was Yihan's blissful smile. Jiu Jiu wouldn't understand his complicated heart.    


"It's fine, you guys eat. There will be chances in the future." Hai Zhixuan waved his hand and walked out, leaving a sad figure behind. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he wouldn't want to leave.    


Jiu Jiu touched her hair and said to herself, "Mr Hai's back feels really sad. "Whatever, let's eat first."    


"Jiu Jiu, we can have dinner when you and Mr Hai arrive." Yihan stood up and pulled Jiu Jiu to sit beside her.    


"Eat, there's no need to wait. Mr Hai has already left and said that he has matters at home." Jiu Jiu said without any hesitation. That was what Mr Hai said anyway.    


Yihan saw that Jiu Jiu didn't seem to be lying. What would happen to Hai Zhixuan? Yihan guessed.    


"You guys eat first, I'll go call Mr Hai." Yihan stood up and walked out of the living room around the crowd. Luckily, she still had Hai Zhixuan's phone number on her phone, so she entered her phone number into the contact list before the last reunion. If he didn't lose to her, then she wouldn't know how to contact him right now.    


Before Hai Zhixuan stepped into the bar, he received a call from Yihan. He guessed that something was going to happen if Yihan called at this time.    


"Mr Hai, are you alright?"    


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