Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1224 Married to a Rich Family 1152

C1224 Married to a Rich Family 1152

It didn't matter. This marriage had no legal effect. He and she didn't have a marriage certificate, so after he left, she could still pursue her love. Let him enjoy her gentleness for the last time.    


Ding Yiyi smiled happily as she walked in front of him to offer her treasures. She flashed the box in her hand and said, "I didn't expect this, did I? I brought our rings with me."    


Her voice was getting closer and closer, the sweat on Ye Chuyun's forehead became thicker. With his blurry eyes, he could see that the ring box was right in front of him. Ding Yiyi stretched out her hand and quietly waited for him to pick up the ring and put it on her middle finger.    


Ye Chuyun's eyes became unbearably blurry. The wooden box in front of him shook as he reached out his hand, but it caught nothing. He could only squint and focus again.    


It wasn't easy for him to get that ring. He was almost tortured to death by a headache. Not only his head, but every bone in his body was screaming as if he wanted to shatter it.    


Finally grabbing the back of Ding Yiyi's hand, he shook his head and slowly reached out his hand. Her fingers were cold and slightly trembling.    




The ring made different sounds as it hit the ground, and the nurses and doctors at the side frantically ran towards them.    


Ye Chuyun fell onto the ground. The pain made his vision clear. He saw the ring that fell to the side and Ding Yiyi whose face was covered in tears.    


He wanted to speak, to tell her that he was all right, but his eyes widened as they fell on the approaching figure behind her.    


With a victorious smile on her face, Ao Xue slowly approached him. Then, she slowly shifted her gaze towards Ding Yiyi. She had a stern expression on her face, as if she was looking at a prey that was about to be hunted down.    


His pupils contracted abruptly. Suddenly, he burst forth with astonishing power and struggled to get up. He only had one thought in his mind. This woman must die!    


Ding Yiyi ran to his side and asked with a trembling voice, "What do you want? I'll get it for you."    


The doctor grabbed his arm and said hastily, "Call 120 now. His condition is very dangerous, and most of our equipment is insufficient."    


The servant frantically called. Ye Chuyun stared at Ao Xue. He was only a few steps away from her. He was almost able to grab her and throw her off the cliff, but he couldn't do it now.    


Ao Xue stared at him coldly until Ding Yiyi's heart-wrenching voice rang out.    


Some people want to die, because they don't have money, because they lost their love, because they didn't live well, because they had money, and because they had a happy future, but they had to die.    


The Russian hospital was very unique. It was hard to imagine that it was actually a hospital. People came and went in whispers, not wanting to disturb anyone.    


Ding Yiyi sat on the long corridor in the garden. Her heart was so empty that she couldn't breathe. She wasn't guarding the door of the operation room. She was just sitting there thinking in vain.    


A little Russian girl was holding her piggy bank. A thick layer of gauze wrapped around her head. The piggy bank suddenly fell to the ground, and the sound of glass shattering was especially loud.    


Ding Yiyi's heart shuddered violently along with the broken piggy bank. When the child's wailing voice reached her ears, she suddenly moved her body in a very agitated manner.    


Her shoulders were gently grasped by someone, and the strength was so light that it was like comforting a child in a nightmare. She trembled as she turned her head around and met Ye Nianmo's sorrowful eyes.    


"He's all right, right? He has survived so many times, it will be the same this time. "    


Ye Nianmo didn't say anything, he just emphasized the hand that was pressing down on her shoulder. The grief in his eyes was so thick that it couldn't be relieved. He finally opened his mouth, but his voice was so hoarse, "Yiyi."    


Ding Yiyi couldn't help but tremble. Ye Nianmo's abnormal behavior scared her, "If you don't say it, I'll go see him myself. He'll be very happy to see me."    


Just as he turned around, his arm was grabbed. Ye Nianmo said in a pained voice, "He didn't get close."    


"Don't speak nonsense!" Ding Yiyi yelled at him, tears streaming from her eyes and stinging her cheeks with the icy wind.    


After roaring at Ye Nianmo, she changed directions and muttered, "I'll let him have a good night's sleep first. I'll come to see him tomorrow. He'll come tomorrow."    


She walked out of the hospital in a daze, her steps were awkward. Once again, her arm was grabbed. Ye Nianmo didn't allow her to run away, he just held her hand and walked towards the hospital building.    


"What are you doing? Let me go, I'm not going!" Ding Yiyi was stretching her wrists with all her might as she glared backward with her legs. Fear was written all over her face.    


At a place where Ding Yiyi couldn't see, Ye Nianmo looked mournful and his brows were knitted tightly. Every step he took, his heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife. He held Ding Yiyi's arms tightly and continued to lead her into the building.    


"I beg you, don't be so cruel, I won't look, I won't look!" Ding Yiyi shook her head violently. Her voice was filled with grief, and Ye Nianmo had indeed stopped walking.    


At the request of Ye Nianmo, Ye Chuyun's corpse was temporarily left in the ward. Deep under the snow-white sheets, his face was frighteningly pale, and also terrifyingly calm.    


Ding Yiyi only took a glance before closing her eyes. The people beside her could no longer bear to force her. They gently pulled her into their embrace and gently patted her back. They whispered, "It will be fine, it will be fine."    


Not far away, Ao Xue stood to the side, looking at the two of them embracing each other. Her shoulders were grabbed by someone, and she subconsciously took a step back. First, she looked at Ye Nianmo in fear, then she turned to Yan Mingyao angrily, "You're crazy!"    


"Do you think he would care about you even if he saw you?" Yan Mingyao said coldly.    


Ao Xue ignored his provocation. Since Ye Chuyun was already dead, the next step would be Ding Yiyi. As long as she followed him like this, she would definitely be able to get Ye Nianmo.    


Yan Mingyao was in a very bad mood. He was also a bit depressed. Why was it that she could never see him being nice to her? Was he really going to become that despicable person?    


His eyes dimmed and he suddenly smiled. Ao Xue looked at him cautiously. "What are you laughing at?"    


He stepped closer, his upper arm reaching out to trap her between the pillars, his voice slow and gentle. "Do you think there should be some reward for saving you?"    


"Scram, don't let me say it a second time." Ao Xue wanted to push his arms away coldly, but she couldn't. She decided to give up, but her gaze was still as cold as ever.    


As expected, Yan Mingyao let her go with an unfathomable look on his face. If he wanted this wild cat to listen to him, he had to find a magic treasure to subdue her.    


The best way to cut through was Ye Chuyun, right? Why would Ye Chuyun want to kill her? This was something that could be investigated.    


He looked at her retreating back and slowly narrowed his eyes. He then shifted his gaze to Ding Yiyi, who was pulling a cart not far away and was trying to stop the doctor from pushing the cart away.    


"His body is going to the freezer for storage." Ye Nianmo hugged Ding Yiyi and coaxed her patiently. However, she was too sad and refused to listen to his words. She just tightly held onto the edge of the cart to prevent the nurse from taking Ye Chuyun away.    


"Are you going to let him die worrying about you?"    


Ding Yiyi was frightened and stood on the spot when she heard a stern rebuke. She didn't even have time to react when the nurse pushed the cart away.    


Ye Nianmo sighed. "If you want to cry, just cry."    


"I don't want to cry. I won't let him worry." She raised her head, her mouth was tightly pursed, and her eyes were filled with stubbornness.    


Ding Yiyi was too quiet, so quiet that it caused people to worry. Ye Nianmo used a wet handkerchief to wipe her hands. She didn't react, but just laid on the bed with her eyes wide open, looking at the ceiling.    


Ao Xue carried her Lunch Box and came in, "Nianmo, eat something, you haven't eaten all day, your body won't be able to take it."    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her and frowned, "What are you wearing!"    


His tone was cold, and Ao Xue looked at him in confusion. "What's wrong with me?"    


He put down his handkerchief and stood up, grabbing her wrist and lifting it up. His red sleeve was exceptionally eye-catching, and cold words sprang out of his mouth. "I thought you wouldn't come here and cause any trouble if you didn't have compassion!"    


Ao Xue's eyes turned red. "I was wearing a festive outfit because I wanted to accompany them here. I didn't wear any other colors."    


"Let's go." Ye Nianmo shook her off and went back to the sickbed. He took the handkerchief and continued to wipe the back of Ding Yiyi's hand.    


He was so careful that Ao Xue was about to go crazy with jealousy. The veins on her jade-like fingers popped out as she held the thermos. She turned around and saw that everything seemed to be meaningless to Ding Yiyi. He stared at the ceiling without blinking.    


"Let's sleep for a while." Ye Nianmo stood up, kissed her forehead and said softly.    


She obediently closed her eyes and let out a long breath.    


Ye Nianmo sighed inaudibly. He got up and turned on the orange floor lamp for her, then quietly left. He wanted to stay with her, but he had more important things to do.    


Outside the door, Ye Bo had already rushed over at the first possible moment and was waiting for him, "Young Master, there's no rule saying that we can't transport the bodies back to the country without special circumstances. We can only transport the ashes."    


Ye Nianmo's brows furrowed slightly, "Even if the people from my Ye Family die, they will die in their own country."    


At the embassy, the man with a tall nose and white skin waved his hand and chattered a bunch of things. He basically said that he couldn't bring the corpse back, so he could only bring the ashes back with him.    


"What if we charter a private plane?" Ye Nianmo asked in a deep voice.    


The man was stunned. He knew that the Chinese were rich, and he had heard of the incidents in Hong Kong and South Korea where Chinese people crushed each other every year. However, owning an entire plane was way too much money.    


"Hello?" The deep baritone pulled him back from his thoughts. Looking at the man's frown, he felt a sense of guilt.    


He cleared his throat. "Yes, if we can use the jet, we can transport the body back."    


Ye Nianmo was very satisfied with this result. He nodded and stood up, "You can talk to my assistant about the following procedures."    


He hurried back to the hospital and pushed open the door to the ward. The person who should have been peacefully sleeping on the bed was nowhere to be seen.    


"Where is he!" He grabbed the passing nurse. "I paid for a lot of your care, and you lost them?"    


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