Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C716 Married to a Rich Family 645

C716 Married to a Rich Family 645

"Mommy, I've eaten this before, but it's delicious!" Ye Nianmo rolled up the pasta with his small hands and shakily placed it in Xia Yihan's bowl.    


The noodles slipped when they were halfway done. Xia Yihan quickly took the bowl and took it. She silently touched Ye Nianmo's soft hair, and Xia Yihan pulled herself together to gulp down the noodles.    


The phone in her pocket rang happily. Xia Yihan picked it up and said in Yuv Le's cute voice, "Yihan, I've finished my design work. I'd like to share it with you!"    


Xia Yihan listened with envy. She had only made a rough outline of her work and Yuv Le had already drawn it. She asked doubtfully, "Can I look at it?"    


"Of course you can. You are the person I care about the most." Yuv Le let out a series of bell-like laughter. After giving her an address, she hung up the phone without even giving Xia Yihan a chance to refuse.    


"Mommy, are you going out?" Nianmo leaned on the door as he looked at Xia Yihan, who was tidying up her hair.    


"Nianmo, be good. Mommy is going to see Aunt Yuv Le." Xia Yihan put a free hand to Ye Nianmo's forehead.    


Ye Nianmo left Xia Yihan's hand and ran out of the room. Not long later, he appeared beside Xia Yihan, dressed neatly in a cute fawn hat. "Mommy, I'm ready!"    


Inside the coffee shop, Xu Haorann was receiving an interview from the television station.    


"He is known as the most promising scientist in the world of science. Mr Xu, do you have any hopes of becoming the industry leader that this country values the most?"    


"It is my honor to be able to do what I can for my country." Xu Haorann smiled warmly, causing the female host to blush.    


"Then, since your focus is all on your career, won't your girlfriend be jealous?" The host blinked mischievously. His face also blushed a little as he looked at Xu Haorann expectantly.    


Xu Haorann smiled as he brushed away the hair in front of his forehead. He glanced at the person who was looking at him not far away and felt a hint of disbelief, followed by an abnormal happiness. He looked at the person in the distance and said, "I don't have a girlfriend yet, but if someone I love needs me, I'm willing to give up everything I have with her."    


A small discussion broke out at the scene. Some sharp-eyed people followed Xu Haorann's gaze and searched the crowd.    


After the interview, Ye Nianmo shook his schoolbag and sweetly shouted: "Uncle Xu!"    


Xu Haorann bent over and carried Ye Nianmo up easily. He looked at Xia Yihan gently and said softly, "Why have you lost so much weight recently? Are you losing weight?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head and joked, "In front of the great scientist Xu, I would love to eat more. It would be great if it could take up a lot of space that could make your eyeballs pop out."    


"What I just said is true. If you need it, I don't need anything. I only want you!" Xu Haorann looked at Xia Yihan's eyes and said seriously.    


"Yihan!" Lili's arm was pulled. Yihan turned around and saw Yuv Le looking at her with a smile.    


"Yuv Le, you're here!" Xia Yihan calmly flung Yuv Le's arm away. The anger that flashed past Yuv Le's eyes a moment ago startled her a little.    


Xu Haorann politely nodded to Yuv Le. Feeling the hostility from this unknown woman towards him, he said softly to Xia Yihan, "Yihan, I'll leave first and stay in touch."    


"Uncle Xu, I don't want you to leave." Nianmo hugged Xu Haorann's thigh and shook it. In Nianmo's mind, compared to Ye Zimo's silent laughter, Xu Haorann's gentleness made him more at ease.    


"Your father is Ye Zimo. You should go back and carry Ye Zimo." Yuv Le looked at Ye Nianmo disapprovingly with a fierce tone. Ye Nianmo looked at his aunt in a daze.    


Lili frowned. Yuv Le was acting weird today, and so was Xu Haorann. He picked up Ye Nianmo and said to Lili, "I'm going out to buy ice cream with Nianmo."    


Xia Yihan nodded. It seemed that Yuv Le didn't like Nianmo. Her original happy mood after seeing Yuv Le was also a little disappointed.    


Yuv Le saw that Xia Yihan's expression was bad and quickly waved her hands apologetically, "Yihan, I said too much just now. I apologize, no, I apologize to Nianmo!"    


Hearing Xia Yihan's sweet voice, Xia Yihan was no longer angry. After the two of them sat down, Yuv Le pulled out the jewelry she had designed for Xia Yihan.    


"Yihan, was yesterday's headline in the newspaper about you? Are you really with that young master from Lin Family …?" Yuv Le whispered in Xia Yihan's ear.    


"What makes you think that?" Xia Yihan frowned. The Yuv Le of today wasn't like the usual Yuv Le. She was feeling a little uncomfortable.    


Yuv Le tilted her head, ignoring Xia Yihan's expression and continued: "But that's true, I heard that Lin Family is very rich, Lin Jie is also very handsome. I heard that in university, there were people who committed suicide for Lin Jie.    


Right, not only is it Lin Jie, but also the scientist Xu Haorann. I heard that his IQ is extremely high! "    


As Yuv Le rambled on, Xia Yihan could no longer hold it in. "Pa!" The coffee cup was placed heavily on the plate. "Yuv Le, if you're talking about this to me today, then let's not meet today."    


Yuv Le seemed to have been frightened and tears gathered in her eyes. She said, feeling wronged, "Yihan, are you angry? Then I won't say anymore."    


Yuv Le took Xia Yihan's arm again and happily discussed her design concept. Time slowly passed until Yuv Le cried out, "Aiya, the better today is, the better it is for us. It's too late for us to go to the exhibition together."    


After hurriedly putting the painting into her bag, Yuv Le stood up and said goodbye to Xia Yihan as she walked.    


"Yuv Le." Xia Yihan hesitated for a moment before she called out to him when she turned around.    


Yuv Le turned her head and looked at Xia Yihan with her adorable eyes, her face full of questions.    


"Am I your friend in your heart?"    


Yuv Le was stunned for a moment before she blinked playfully. "In my heart, Yihan, you are very important."    


Is that right? Watching Yuv Le leave in a hurry, Xia Yihan sipped her coffee, allowing the bitterness of the coffee to assail her taste buds.    


Inside the ice cream shop, the waiter looked at the cute child carried by the handsome man in front of him with a blush on his face. "Sir, what flavor ice cream do you want?"    


Nianmo pointed randomly with his chubby fingers: "I want this, this, and this!"    


Xu Haorann hung Nianmo's nose, "Little mischievous brat, you have to become a little fat pig in the sky after eating so much."    


The sales clerk quickly packed the ice cream with a blush and watched him leave. He lamented the fact that all the handsome men in the world were famous.    


Nianmo and Xu Haorann sat on a bench and slowly nibbled on an ice cream, "You are Xu Haorann! Can you help us sign the name of that Xu Haorann who went on TV? "    


Xu Haorann was surrounded by a bunch of girls and couldn't move at all. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nianmo climb down from the chair, wobbling as he chased after a Alaskan dog.    


"Nianmo, don't run!" Xu Haorann shouted. Someone not far away screamed, a bright black Honda car seemed to have lost control, charging straight at Ye Nianmo.    


Xu Haorann pushed the crowd aside and rushed towards Ye Nianmo without a thought. He pushed Ye Nianmo to the side and sped past the speeding cars.    


Although his body had dodged the attack, his head still slammed into the driving mirror, causing the glass to shatter with an ear-piercing sound.    


Xia Yihan called Xu Haorann again, but no one answered. She frowned, not knowing where to go to find the two.    


Suddenly, there was the sound of lights flashing. A group of reporters surrounded her, "Miss Xia, someone exposed that you were the woman who went in and out of the club with Young Master Lin Family. Does Mr Ye know?"    


The reporters bombarded Xia Yihan in succession. People kept changing their angles in an attempt to shoot the film, and the problem was getting more and more immoral. Xia Yihan tried to push everyone away, but most of them were men with video cameras, but they were unable to succeed even after trying a few times.    


"Look, Ye Zimo!" It was unknown which reporter shouted, but all of the reporters swarmed towards the Porsche parked by the side of the road.    


Ye Zimo's usual apathetic expression merely nodded at the reporter. The reporters did not dare to approach this legendary man and automatically avoided his gaze.    


"Why didn't you let me pick you up?" Ye Zimo softly said as she put her arm around Xia Yihan's waist.    


Xia Yimo's stiff body followed Ye Zimo's movements and got into the car, isolating the bustling atmosphere outside. Only then did he truly heave a sigh of relief.    


Si Si tightened her grip on her phone and watched the two of them enter the car with resentment. She stomped her foot on the ground and left!    


"Why didn't you call me for help?" Ye Zimo took off her suit jacket and draped it over the back of the chair. The smell of the crowd made him uncomfortable.    


"Is it necessary? Someone will always inform you about the news. If it wasn't for your tacit approval, will Lin Jie and I be able to get onto the front page? " Xia Yihan hated Ye Zimo for being so nonchalant.    


She wanted her to be attached to him, but she couldn't!    


Ye Zimo stubbornly turned her face to Xia Yihan, a faint smile on her lips. "If you hate me for making your expression more colorful, then I'll be happy."    


The tense atmosphere was broken by a ringtone. Ye Zimo didn't even look at it as she directly hung up Xia Yihan's phone. Within a few seconds, it rang stubbornly.    


Xia Yihan caught sight of the caller ID just as Ye Zimo was about to open the window to throw her phone. It was Xu Haorann!    


"Mommy!" Ye Nianmo's sobbing tone was exceptionally clear on the phone.    


"A piece of broken glass cut the eyeball. Although it has already been removed, because of the infection, the eyesight of the left side of the eyeball may decrease. However, the current situation is pretty good, so you don't have to worry. " the doctor said softly as he read the report.    


When the police came out of Xu Haorann's hospital room, Ye Zimo asked in a deep voice, "Did you find the car that caused the accident?"    


The policeman, who was checking the files, looked up impatiently. He subconsciously replied when he saw Ye Zimo's outrageously handsome face, "The license plate number is fake. There's no confirmed news about it yet."    


Xia Yihan had already opened the door to see Xu Haorann. Ye Nianmo sat obediently beside Xu Haorann. The moment Xu Haorann pushed open the door, it had a huge impact on him.    


It was also because of Ye Nianmo that his vision had greatly declined. Ye Nianmo's dependence on Xu Haorann had also reached its peak. This was something that would happen in the future.    


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