Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C456 Favorite Marriage 388

C456 Favorite Marriage 388

Xia Yihan's face reddened unconsciously. Even though she knew what he meant, she still asked, "What are you doing?"    


"Give it a kiss, and I won't be angry."    


"Kiss who? What if it is a wound?" Xia Yihan refused to obey him. The last time he secretly kissed her in the hospital, they even dragged her wound. Even though he said he was fine, she couldn't help but sweat when she saw the pain on his forehead.    


"No, kiss me, and I won't move." Ye Zimo said seriously.    


"Aiya, what's wrong with a kiss? I'll kiss you when you're better, it's not like I'm going to run away." Xia Yihan muttered. Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean? It's no fun kissing your man? So who do you want to kiss? "    


How unreasonable!    


Since when was this person so stubborn like a child?    


Xia Yihan rolled her eyes at him helplessly. In the end, she couldn't bear to see him unhappy, so she whispered to him, "Isn't kissing okay? You close your eyes. I'll kiss you now, but you can't move. "    


When she said these words, she was actually a bit embarrassed. After all, she hadn't kissed him often on her own accord.    


Now that they were outside the main house again, she was very afraid that someone would come out and see if she kissed them.    


"Why close your eyes? I just want to see you kiss me. " Ye Zimo was very stubborn.    


Xia Yihan was sweating profusely, yet she felt a little sweetness because of his stubbornness.    


She took a close look at his lip. Even though his lip was not thick, and thin, the lines were clear, and the shape of his lips was very deep. It made people feel that his lip was sexy no matter how they looked at it.    


When Ye Zimo saw her staring at her so foolishly, her heart couldn't help but beat wildly. She really wanted to throw caution to the wind and pull her over to give her a good beating.    


He held himself back and saw her close her eyes and move her small mouth close to his.    


"Open your eyes and look at me kiss the wrong person!" He ordered again in a hoarse voice.    


Xia Yihan had always been gentle with her patients. She had always let him have his way, so when he said this, she obediently opened her eyes.    


Their eyes met, and she lightly pressed down his lip. She lightly closed her lower lip and was about to leave.    


Ye Zimo didn't want to spare her, so she stretched out her right hand, embraced her and started to crush her small lip.    


It was hard not to have her as he pleased. If he had to live like this every day, watching her and not eating her, he would go crazy.    


Xia Yihan didn't dare to struggle at all, fearing that the slightest movement from her would affect his wounds.    


She had to stand still, her hand on the edge of his recliner.    


He liked to bully her like this. When he kissed her, the more helpless she was, the more emotional he became.    


His draconic tongue brazenly rushed into her small, treacle-like mouth, sucking in the unique fragrance of the liquid, and her lilac tongue was allowed by him.    


Xia Yihan felt her body getting softer and softer. She didn't even have the strength to support the reclining chair anymore.    


She knew she shouldn't let him kiss her now, but she couldn't bear the sweetness of it.    


Ye Zimo's large hand changed to a caress on her back. Winter was truly too annoying. She was wearing a thick coat, and since they were outside, he had no way of touching her.    


"Ugh …" Alright, don't... "Stop kissing." Xia Yihan's vague words could not be said out.    


Feeling that his little thing was about to end the kiss, he ran his tongue playfully back and forth over the most sensitive part of her mouth.    


Xia Yihan couldn't help but let out a low snort, which was extremely alluring.    


Ye Zimo's body reacted rapidly. He didn't dare to kiss her again, or else he would risk his life to push her down.    


Hearing her own voice, Xia Yihan was so frightened that she immediately avoided his lips and frantically tried to get up.    


Fortunately, when Ye Zimo released her, she immediately stood up, but her breathing could not calm down.    


Ye Zimo was not calm either. He panted heavily while looking at her. Xia Yihan lowered her head to look at him. When she saw that his eyes were filled with lust, her face immediately turned even redder.    


"Little thing, just wait for me. See how I'll deal with you." It's too tormenting. If you can't get to your bed in three days, then I won't be named Ye! " he said hoarsely.    


Xia Yihan glared at him daintily and muttered in a low voice, "The bad guys are the first to complain, you clearly kissed me yourself."    


Ye Zimo laughed heartily at her words. When she thought back to how he had asked her to kiss him, she couldn't remain calm.    


Why couldn't he stay calm when meeting this woman? After all, she was too good at seducing people.    


In the winter, Soong Wanting would not go out much. Ever since she complained, she would go out even more, afraid that if Ye Zimo was fine, she would suspect that it was her who was keeping things secret.    


Today, she was coaxing Ye Zhengheng in his room when she heard a maid passing by in the corridor whispering: "How could Mr Ye be injured?"    


"Yeah, I heard Mr Ye is very skilled, how could he be injured?" It's impossible for ordinary people to hurt our Crown Prince, sigh! "    


Ye Zimo is back? Injured?    


Then, was Xia Yihan dead?    


Soong Wanting immediately carried the child in her arms and told the servant next to her, "The sun must be going well today. I want to take the child for a walk to help the child recover some calcium. Follow me."    


She had originally wanted to go see Ye Zimo directly, but she felt guilty about it. She wanted to pretend that she didn't know and bring the child out, then when she returned, she would say that she heard the servants say that he was back and go take a look in his room.    


Ye Zhengheng was almost half a year old. Perhaps it was because of his growth, but his heart condition was a little better than when he was born.    


Soong Wanting carried the child to the foot of the stairs and handed it to the maid who was following her.    


Carrying a child downstairs was very dangerous. If the child fell, she wouldn't be able to explain it to Ye Zimo, so she had to let someone else carry her.    


She went down the stairs and reached the lobby of the first floor. Only then did she take the child back into her hands. She hugged him steadily as she teased him, "Darling Heng, the weather today is very good. Mom will bring you there to bask in the sunlight, okay?"    


The little guy didn't know whether to understand or not. In any case, he was still a child, so he would giggle foolishly whenever someone conversed with him.    


Ye Zhengheng grinned and let out a chuckle. Soong Wanting kissed her son on the cheek.    


Every time she saw the child laugh, she felt very emotional, but also from the bottom of her heart, she hoped that the heavens would let the child stay.    


The female servant stepped forward to help Soong Wanting open the door. The Security Officer at the door also nodded in greeting and called out softly, "Miss Soong."    


"Yes." Soong Wanting nodded at them. She had already learnt to be courteous with others long ago in the Ye Family.    


Upon hearing that Soong Wanting had come out, Xia Yihan, who had just finished kissing Ye Zimo, felt a little embarrassed.    


Her hair was probably messed up by him, so she subconsciously moved her hair around before turning around to look at the entrance to the main house.    


Soong Wanting also saw Ye Zimo lying on the reclining chair, while Xia Yihan was standing beside him.    


He thought to himself, "What is going on?" Why wasn't Ye Zimo dead, injured, and unharmed? Could it be that when Princess Ya Hui made her move, Ye Zimo saved Xia Yihan?    


Damn it! She had plotted so hard to come up with a plan that could kill two birds with one stone, but Xia Yihan had luckily managed to escape!    


The child in her arms was still laughing, but Soong Wanting was full of annoyance.    


She really didn't expect that such a perfect method would not only not eliminate the scourge of Xia Yihan, but instead allow her to benefit from it and return to the villa.    


It looked like Princess Ya Hui had failed.    


Princess Ya Hui, ah, my high hopes for you are in vain, you are really disappointing.    


What could she do this time?    


With a single glance, she saw an unnatural flush on Xia Yihan's face, which deepened the hatred in her heart.    


It wasn't that Xia Yihan was always afraid of people who had their own way, but rather that she didn't believe that she would be lucky in her entire life.    


You have to be happy that one day, you will lose all of this! Soong Wanting thought fiercely.    


Soong Wanting froze in place for a second or two, then her expression returned to normal.    


Hugging the child again, she walked over to Ye Zimo with a smile on her face, pretending that she hadn't heard anything about his injuries.    


"Zimo, you're back?" she asked, and Ye Zimo snorted dryly.    


In the past, she would have shown that she had already let Xia Yihan go, but now, she didn't want others to think that she was being too pretentious, so she ignored Xia Yihan's existence.    


Xia Yihan didn't look at her, her gaze had already landed on Ye Zhengheng's face.    


"This kid has grown up a lot." Xia Yihan sighed.    


When she left, this kid had only just reached the full moon. He was already half a year old now, and compared to then, he looked much older and better looking. He looked even more like Soong Wanting.    


"Zimo, Little Heng always misses you. When you see him every day, he looks out the door. Although he can't talk, he still relies on you. " Then she handed the baby to Ye Zimo.    


"Allow me." Xia Yihan reached out to pick Ye Zhengheng up, but Soong Wanting didn't let go. Ye Zimo's face was sullen as she said seriously, "Let her hug, she is also the mother of the child."    


Soong Wanting, of course, was upset. She forced a smile and said sarcastically, "Isn't that so?" Although she came and went as she pleased, she is still good in your eyes. "I don't even know who it was. They were crying and arguing about leaving and even saying that they wouldn't return for the rest of their lives …"    


"Shut up!" Ye Zimo frowned as she interrupted her. She then said in a cold voice, "Child, stay behind. Go back upstairs."    


"Zimo!" What, can't I say a word now? If you want to leave, then leave. You don't care what happens to children. I don't need to ask to know that the reason you left for so many days, was definitely because of her. "Do I have a complaint for my child that I can't even say a single word?"    


"Release …" Presumptuous! Ye Zimo only said one word. Xia Yihan then smiled and said to Ye Zimo, "Alright, Mo, don't say so much in front of Du Du. "Soong Wanting, give me the child first."    


"You better hug me. If you fall down and touch my son, I'll fight you to the death!" After she finished speaking, Soong Wanting glared at Xia Yihan in displeasure. In the end, she had no choice but to hand the child over to her.    


Soong Wanting left. Ye Zimo looked at her back and pondered for two seconds. She then heard Xia Yihan happily say, "Mo, look, Du Du still knows me."    


He retracted his gaze from Soong Wanting and said while curling his lips, "Of course he remembers you. Last time, he told me that you're the number one beauty he's ever seen, and it made him drool."    


Ye Zimo had teased Xia Yihan because she saw that there was a bit of saliva at the corner of the little fellow's mouth.    


Xia Yihan glanced at him and complained, "Nonsense! Toot wouldn't be as impure as you."    


"He's my son. He must be like me, right?" Ye Zimo stretched out her finger and lightly squeezed the little guy's hand.    


He probably knew his father a little. Anyway, when Ye Zimo teased him, he chuckled again.    


"He's smiling so much now, he's so cute. Aiya, I really want to nibble on his little face. "I heard from the elder that one cannot casually touch a child's face, or else he will drool even more."    


Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan's infatuated expression. At the same time, she was happy and a little sour at the same time.    


Xia Yihan really liked this child, and this was not even her own child. If they were to marry and give birth to a child, she probably wouldn't even spare him a glance.    


With this thought in mind, it was better to have children at night and enjoy their world more.    


Even if it was his own child, he was still a third party. He didn't want others to disturb them.    


"Why haven't I seen you treat me like a wolf or tiger?" "Your face is so old and full of stubble," said Xia Yihan with a smile.    


"I'm old?" Ye Shu's face sunk as he seriously asked her.    


He was only 32 years old this year, and she was 25. He was only seven years older than her. Would he be old?    


"Of course, you're so much older than me. If you were to compare yourself to Dudu, you'd be even older …"    


"How dare you question me? Are you … I think your skin is itchy." Ye Zimo's gaze swept across Xia Yihan's chest, looking as if she wanted to pounce on her and show her how old he was.    


The meaning of his gaze was too obvious. Xia Yihan stuck out her tongue and whispered, "I was wrong. You are not old."    


"Don't say that next time!" Ye Zimo said in a serious and overbearing manner. Xia Yihan smiled again and nodded her head solemnly.    


"Okay, don't say it."    


"I'll let you off this time seeing that you admit your wrongs and have a good attitude." Ye Mo started teasing Ye Zhengheng again.    


The two of them coaxed the child for a while. Not long after, Lin Dahui came over with a folder in his hand. On it was the name of Xia Yihan's school.    


"Done?" Ye Zimo asked him.    


"Yes, Mr Ye, it's done."    


"What's this, it seems to have something to do with my school." Xia Yihan asked Lin Dahui curiously.    


Lin Dahui finally saw Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan getting back together. Furthermore, he personally sent Princess Ya Hui to prison, so he felt really good these few days.    


With a smile, he respectfully said to Xia Yihan, "Young Madame Ye, our Mr Ye has instructed me to help you get your graduation certificate. I heard that your academic performance was excellent, but you were unable to get your diploma and diploma. "We, Mr Ye, don't want to …"    


Ye Zimo cleared her throat and said coldly, "You talk too much. Just give her your graduation certificate."    


Xia Yihan felt touched again. It was really a pity that she couldn't get her graduation certificate.    


It was just a few months away. In the past, she was awarded a first-class scholarship because she wanted to redress Mo Xiaojun's grievances. When Yu Shanshan's father suppressed her, the school had already ordered her to withdraw from school.    


Thinking back to when she was looking for the principal and the other school leader, trying to get back her graduation certificate was fruitless.    


At that time, the sky seemed to have grown dark. No one listened to her grievances, and no one was willing to help her.    


"Young Madame Ye!" Lin Dahui stretched out his hand and handed the information bag containing the diploma and diploma to Xia Yihan. He saw that her hand was trembling.    


When the maid at her side saw that Xia Yihan was about to take her things, she immediately reached out to carry the child away.    


"Thank you!" Xia Yihan's voice was choked with sobs as she held the information kit in her hand, still trembling.    


She opened the folder and took out a large red diploma and a dark green diploma.    


The photo on the diploma, where did Lin Dahui get it from? It was probably a file stored in the school before.    


"Mo, thank you. Is this considered an official graduation?" she asked, fighting back tears.    


In school, she dreamed of the day she would get her diploma, when she could officially enter society and become a useful person. She no longer had to rely on her adoptive parents. She could start a life of her own and repay them.    


"Idiot, you graduated a long time ago. It's just that the school owes you a graduation certificate." Ye Zimo consoled him softly.    


After an investigation, they learned that the principal had been expelled from the school without conscience.    


Ye Zimo ordered Lin Dahui to investigate the incident of the school leader of Xia Yihan's school taking bribes while building a new campus, and to reveal the evidence. The principal has now been expelled and may face prison.    


Ye Zimo didn't mention any of these things, fearing that Xia Yihan couldn't bear to see them.    


He knew his woman, and she would be satisfied with what she deserved.    


"Take your graduation certificate and go back to your room to have a look. I have something to tell Lin Dahui." Ye Zimo said to Xia Yihan.    


"Okay, you guys talk, I'll go in. Don't lie here for too long. You'll be tired. "I'll get the butler to arrange for someone to come out and pick you up." Xia Yihan instructed. Ye Zimo acknowledged and indicated that she would do as Xia Yihan said.    


Xia Yihan happily went back to her room with her graduation certificate. She wanted to tell Mo Xiaojun the good news.    


After she left, Ye Zimo then asked Lin Dahui, "I told you to send someone to secretly ask Princess Ya Hui who leaked the information to her. Did you get a reply?"    


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