Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C971 Married to a Rich Family 899

C971 Married to a Rich Family 899

Ao Xue didn't mind. Ding Yiyi was definitely afraid of doing these things, but this was exactly what she wanted.    


The phone rang. Ao Xue answered: "Uncle Xu."    


"Xiao Xue, what do you think? Do you know that you have to keep on taking those pills?" Hearing Ao Xue's voice, Xu Haorann felt more relaxed as if it had returned to how it used to be.    


Ao Xue hung up the phone, took out a few bottles of medicine and water from her bag and turned on the video recording on her phone.    


"What are you doing!" Yan Mingyao walked into the office at the same time. He quickly grabbed the medicine, looked at it and said, "Depressed?"    


"Do you think that's possible?" "Ao Xue squinted at him, fiddling with her hair." What exactly is going on!? " Yan Mingyao grabbed the phone and said angrily.    


Ao Xue looked at him in confusion. She felt that he was being too generous and said carelessly, "From now on, I have to act like a depressive. I have to play the fool to maintain my love."    


"You're crazy." Yan Mingyao muttered. Ao Xue smiled as she looked at him. She took the phone and turned it into a video. Then, she poured out some of the pills in each bottle and said to the camera, "Nianmo, look at me. I'm very obedient. I have taken my medicine."    


Yan Mingyao saw that she threw away her phone after sending the video, so he started to dig his throat with his fingers to take out the pills he ate.    


"Cough, cough, cough." Ao Xue coughed violently. Yan Mingyao couldn't bear to watch anymore as he held her tightly in his arms.    


"Don't torture yourself like that, that's just a man! "How about your pride? When I was young, I saw that woman called Ao Xue who was so arrogant!"    


Ao Xue pushed her away and fell into a chair. Pride, that was a ridiculous adjective. Without love, pride was humble.    


"I'll go and tell Ye Nianmo that I can't let you continue like this." Yan Mingyao turned around and wanted to leave.    


"You can say that if you want to see me die." Ao Xue said from behind him.    


Yan Mingyao turned around abruptly. Ao Xue took off her watch. The fresh scars were twisting and twisting on her face.    


"You're really crazy! Hehe! I'm crazy, too. " Yan Mingyao laughed at himself and left. Ao Xue sank into the couch and muttered, "Who else is normal in this world?"    


In the high class restaurant, Lin Jie teased Xu Haorann who was sitting opposite to him, "Why are you taking the initiative to ask me out for a meal?"    


Xu Haorann stirred the coffee in front of him and asked, "How is Ao Xue recently?"    


Lin Jie looked at him in disbelief: "Other than Yihan, I haven't seen you interested in any other girl before. Don't tell me you're interested in her?"    


"What are you talking about!" Xu Haorann looked at him angrily. While the two of them were talking, there was some commotion outside the window. It turned out that the delivery man seemed to have suffered from heatstroke.    


Lin Jie originally only took a casual glance, but when he saw the face under the hat, he was so shocked that he stood up and walked outside with big steps.    


Ding Yiyi helped the car up. The sun was too hot and she was a little dehydrated. Fortunately, the box lunch was not broken, but a little bit of it was missing.    


Riding on the bicycle, Ding Yiyi drove forward. Lin Jie only had time to see Ding Yiyi's back as he left the door. The wages in their Lin Group shouldn't have caused employees to have to come out to work part-time, right?    


"What's the matter with you?" Xu Haorann chased after him and asked. Lin Jie thought for a moment and waved at him, "Come, let's go follow a little brat."    


A bicycle was followed by a Mercedes-Benz, but the owner of the bicycle did not notice. Ding Yiyi stopped the car at the foot of a high-end office building and hurried upstairs.    


"Hello, this is the fast food you ordered."    


"Oh, okay, thank you."    


Ding Yiyi kept the money and looked at her watch. She still had an hour before the afternoon shift, so she should be able to get there in time. She hurried downstairs and got on her bike, heading off into the distance.    


"You know her?" Xu Haorann asked. Lin Jie nodded and smiled, "This is the girl that Nianmo likes. I'll keep an eye on her for him."    


Xu Haorann was silent, thinking, could it be that the medical expenses weren't enough, so this girl came out to work part-time?    


Ye Family, Ao Xue carried the dishes out from the kitchen, and laughed: "Uncle, Auntie, Nianmo has dinner!"    


Xia Yihan stood up with a smile, walked to the table and sniffed. "Ao Xue is really good at cooking. I'm lucky to have Nianmo in the future when we get married."    


Ye Chuqing and Ye Nianmo looked up at the same time. Ao Xue looked at Ye Nianmo shyly. Ye Nianmo said without batting an eyelid, "Let's eat first."    


"Wait, I got Zhuoxuan to come over for dinner today." Xia Yihan hurriedly asked the servant to bring her another set of utensils.    


"Aunt Xia, Uncle Ye." Hai Zhuoxuan came in with brandy in his hand and greeted everyone. Ye Chuqing stared at him. Xia Yihan sighed and quietly blocked their line of sight.    


Xia Yihan suddenly spoke up after the meal, "Chu Qing, I think it's not bad to have a friend's child in the design industry previously. Why don't you meet him tomorrow?"    


Ye Chuqing was stunned. Ye Nianmo didn't agree and wanted to say something, but Xia Yihan, who sat beside him, comforted him by patting his arm.    


Ye Chuqing subconsciously looked at Hai Zhuoxuan. Xia Yihan followed her gaze and said, "Zhuoxuan, you should go too. You've been treating Chu Qing as your younger sister since young. This time, you should also help her check things out."    


Hai Zhuoxuan wiped his mouth with an indifferent expression. After drinking a mouthful of brandy to moisten his throat, he said, "Ok."    


"Sorry, I'm full. Let's go upstairs." Ye Chuqing suddenly stood up and walked towards the stairs with a stiff body. She bumped into the servant who was carrying the bread.    


Xia Yihan followed him and sat down, her hands fidgeting uneasily. She also blamed herself, but there was nothing she could do. Zhuoxuan didn't like Chu Qing, so she didn't want her to be in so much pain.    


"I'll go and see her." Ye Zimo patted the back of Xia Yihan's hand, gave her a comforting look, then went upstairs. Inside the room, Ye Chuqing was lying on her stomach among the dolls on the floor.    


Ye Zimo knocked on the door. "May I come in?"    


Ye Chuqing nodded silently. With red eyes, she turned her head away. Ye Zimo sat on the edge of the bed and looked lovingly at the side of Ye Chuqing's face as she said, "In a person's lifetime, they have to walk a lot of paths and choose a lot of people. And when it comes to choosing the other half, we look forward to meeting the right person, but when we do, we start to hesitate again, wondering if the other person is fated to be?"    


"Father, is mother the person you are destined to be?" Ye Chuqing was attracted by his words.    


Ye Zimo's eyes were gentle as she nodded resolutely. "For a long time, I didn't know she was the right person. I even knew that I would hurt her for this or that kind of thing. Being loved will always be less than being loved. That's what your mother always wanted to do."    


Ye Chuqing was silent. Ye Zimo stood up and touched her hair. He knew that she needed a quiet environment right now. When she stepped out of the door, Xia Yihan's face was already covered in tears.    


"Idiot, what are you crying for?" Ye Zimo carefully wiped away her tears. Xia Yihan smiled through her tears. "I never thought that one day you would become an expert in education."    


Ye Zimo held her hand and led her towards the room. "I'm sure that my ability hasn't changed?"    


"What is it?" Xia Yihan asked curiously. He picked her up by her waist and used his actions to tell her the answer.    


No matter how unwilling Ye Chuqing was, she still appeared in the hotel lobby the next day. The man opposite her looked at Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Chuqing with intriguing eyes and asked, "This is?"    


"Hai Zhuoxuan, she's a very important sister to me." Hai Zhuoxuan shook hands with the man calmly.    


When the man heard about their relationship, he let out a breath of relief and called for the waiter. "Three cups of coffee, please."    


"Wait a minute, she doesn't drink coffee, please put on fresh juice. Juice must be filtered, thank you." Hai Zhuoxuan interrupted.    


The man smiled and started asking, "Miss Ye, I heard you were studying at Z University?"    


Ye Chuqing nodded and did not say anything. The man felt that the atmosphere was a little weird. He smiled and said, "I've come today to bring a present for Miss Yuqing." As he spoke, he took out a delicate box from his pocket.    


Inside the box was a pair of exquisite earrings. Hai Zhuoxuan took a glance and said, "The earrings are not bad, but it's a pity that Chu Qing doesn't have any earholes."    


The man looked at Hai Zhuoxuan with a faint smile, "Your brother did well."    


Hai Zhuoxuan was stunned, even Ye Chuqing raised her head and looked at him, "Because she's a caring little sister, we will definitely keep a strict watch on her." Hai Zhuoxuan deliberately said the word 'sister' heavily.    


The atmosphere at the scene was neither awkward nor awkward. Seeing that Ye Chuqing was in a bad mood, the man suggested, "Why don't we go watch a movie later?"    


"That's a good idea." Hai Zhuoxuan agreed. Ye Chuqing looked up at him for the second time and then said gently to the man, "I'm sorry. Actually, I already have someone I like in my heart. I don't want to start a relationship just because I'm chasing after the feeling of being loved."    


The meal between the three quickly ended with the man taking his leave. Hai Zhuoxuan sighed and said, "Chu Qing, I hope you can be happy. That man is really not bad. If possible, I suggest you try to accept him."    


Ye Chuqing shook her head and looked at him. "You can dislike me, but please do not deprive me of the right to like you." Hai Zhuoxuan couldn't tell what he was feeling. Was it the pain that came from hearing the helplessness in her words, or the pleasure that came from following his plan all this time.    


Ye Chuqing looked outside the window. The sky was overcast, and it was calm before the storm. A single car was speeding over and stopped. The petite girl agilely picked up two bags of food and shouted, "Here's the takeout!"    


What a familiar voice. Ye Chuqing leaned close to the glass and recognized Ding Yiyi the moment the girl turned around.    


Ye Chuqing immediately took out her cellphone. "Brother, I just saw Sister Yiyi. She's delivering fast food. It's on the Haibin Road."    


After hanging up, he looked at the person again and saw that Ding Yiyi had already disappeared. After Ding Yiyi finished serving the last of the fast food, she dragged her tired body back to the Lin Group.    


Just as she entered the lobby and saw that the elevator was about to close, Ding Yiyi hastily shouted, "Wait!"    


A few familiar colleagues in the elevator pressed the "close" button before Ding Yiyi could reach the elevator. Ding Yiyi was left all alone outside the elevator, unable to catch a glimpse of the schadenfreude expression on her face.    


Ding Yiyi could only climb the stairs as she still had five minutes before work. She didn't know why, but she seemed to have been isolated by her colleagues a few days ago. Thinking that she would see a hostile face later, she sighed heavily.    


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