Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C987 Wealthy Marriage 915

C987 Wealthy Marriage 915

Ding Dacheng lowered his head in a hurry to cover up his emotions. Ding Yiyi covered his hands and said gently, "Dad, Mengjie found a doctor who came back from overseas for you. He's very powerful. He might have a way."    


Ding Dacheng raised his head with hope burning in his eyes. He sighed with emotion, "That kid is really considerate." Ding Yiyi hurriedly took out the note and made an appointment with the other party.    


In the evening, Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo told him the news excitedly on the phone. Although they didn't meet, their voices were filled with happiness.    


"The court will announce the verdict tomorrow. You should go to bed early." Ding Yiyi thought that the trial was going to start tomorrow for the bad guys who bumped into her father. She obediently agreed and hung up the phone, staying up all night.    


The next day during lunch break, Ding Yiyi brought her dad to find the position on the note. The doctor was very patient, he carefully looked at Ding Dacheng's leg and shook his head, "No, it's delayed the best treatment time. Now the left leg can't recover."    


Ding Dacheng seemed to have accepted the truth. He patted the back of Ding Yiyi's hand and sighed, "Child, I know you've done your best. Forget it."    


Although Ding Yiyi was upset, she forced a smile and said, "Dad, it's alright. I'll raise you from now on."    


Just when she left the doctor's house, Ye Nianmo called her. Ding Yiyi told him through her sobs that she didn't want to bear any more on her own at this moment.    


"Where are you?" Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi looked around and choked up, "Times Square."    


"Don't hang up." Ye Nianmo said hastily. Sissel's voice came from the other end of the phone. Ding Yiyi stood in the center of the square, quietly holding her phone. Her heart was inexplicably quiet. Ding Dacheng didn't say anything as if he sensed her mood.    


Shouts came from behind him. People stopped and looked at the giant LED screen on Times Square. "Turn around." Ye Nianmo said.    


Ding Yiyi pushed her wheelchair around and turned around. On the huge LED screen, the advertisement screen was taken down. The white screen reflected the black words on the screen, "Ding Yiyi, do your best!"    


"Ding Yiyi, you can do it?" People kept repeating this sentence, which sounded like encouraging words.    


"Ding Yiyi, you can do it!" On the phone, Ye Nianmo said with a smile. Listening to the sobs coming from the other side of the phone, his heart turned soft like water. He really wanted to be nice to her. Better!    


Ding Yiyi walked closer to the court at the scene in the afternoon court and saw Ye Nianmo, who was sitting on the seat. Just as she was about to walk over, another figure flashed past her even faster.    


"Nianmo, why are you here?" "You didn't see the doctor Uncle Xu arranged for you today?"    


"I'll go with you!" Ao Xue pouted and acted coquettishly. Ye Nianmo agreed helplessly, then turned his head and saw Ding Yiyi looking at them from a few steps away.    


He frowned and was about to get up and walk towards her when Ding Yiyi smiled at them and sat in the front row. Ye Nianmo stared at her back, while Ao Xue, who was beside him, was unhappy.    


"Ao Xue, you know full well that it's impossible for us now." Ye Nianmo pulled his hand away from her, Ao Xue covered her ears and said, "I won't listen, I won't listen. You promised Uncle Xu to take care of me until I'm fully recovered!"    


The arrival of the judge ended the topic of nearly exploding Ye Nianmo's anger. In the judging area, the man didn't care about standing. As long as he went in and spent a few years in jail, he would not only have a job, but also hundreds of thousands of yuan. It was much better than working hard.    


"Defendant, do you acknowledge your escape from the Dragon Spring Road incident on the night of 14 September?" the judge asked.    


"I admit my guilt. I did escape after bumping into someone." the man shouted. The judge was about to announce the verdict when the door was pushed open and Baker walked in.    


Baker walked up to the judge and whispered a few words in his ear. The judge nodded, "There is still an objection on this matter, so the court is temporarily adjourned."    


There was an objection! What was Zhang Tang doing? Ao Xue was extremely anxious, and she couldn't take the initiative to ask Ye Nianmo.    


Outside the court, Ye Nianmo called out to stop Baker, who had already expected Baker to call out to him, saying: "I went to the hometown of the guilty man, the three generations of his family are all in small businesses, it's impossible for them to support celebrities like Em. The only possibility is that he's going to jail in place of someone else."    


"What!" Ding Yiyi also chased after Baker. After hearing his words, she was shocked. Baker could only comfort her by trying his best to find the culprit.    


Ding Yiyi dragged her tired body home. Ding Dacheng came up to her and said, "How is it? How do we judge the perpetrator?"    


"The court is adjourned for the time being due to insufficient evidence." After Ding Dacheng listened to the silence as he returned to his room, Ding Yiyi became extremely worried. Ever since her father's foot was injured, he had spent more and more time in his room.    


In the room, Ding Dacheng caressed his wife's photo and sighed heavily. Late at night, the computer in the living room was still flashing with a faint light. Since Ding Dacheng's foot was injured, Ding Yiyi was afraid that he would fall down, so she often slept in the living room.    


Ding Dacheng pushed the wheelchair forward and gently covered her with the blanket. On the table, he wrote down a bunch of part-time jobs.    


For himself, this child was really too desperate. He was a cripple right now, and he was really dragging this child down. Ding Dacheng looked at Ding Yiyi, who was frowning even when she was sleeping, and tears were already flowing down his face.    


"Hello, Uncle Xu. The first payment has been transferred into your account. Please check it out." After Ding Yiyi sent the message, she continued to send takeaway food. Now that her father's foot was injured and he had to pay the bill, she had to work even harder.    


Xu Haorann, who was soaking in the hot spring, sighed. He didn't want the child to return the money, but the child insisted on doing so. It was really hard on her.    


"Uncle Xu, let me borrow your phone. I want to call Nianmo!" Ao Xue swam over. For the past few days, Xu Haorann had been persuading her to come and soak in the hot spring after hearing that running the hot spring could cure depression.    


Xu Haorann casually handed the phone to her. Ao Xue took it and accidentally flipped to the text sent by Ding Yiyi. Her expression changed.    


"Ao Xue, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?" Xu Haorann saw that she didn't move for a long time and quickly swam to her side.    


Ao Xue held up her phone and questioned him, "Do you know that she stole my boyfriend? It was because of him that Nianmo didn't want me. How can you lend her money!"    


"Yiyi, the father of that child is in urgent need of money." Xu Haorann tried to explain, but Ao Xue shoved the phone back into his hand and shouted, "I don't care, go get the money back, I don't want to lend her the money!"    


"Little Snow!" Xu Haorann emphasized his tone. Ao Xue was stunned for a moment before she crawled out of the hot spring with a cold expression on her face. Xu Haorann hurriedly went ashore to give chase.    


"I think you'd rather the other party was your daughter." Ao Xue turned around with a cold face. Xu Haorann looked at her in surprise. "You know about it?"    


"Do not let others not know. Do not do anything other than yourself. I have not forgiven you, yet you are so fierce." Ao Xue smiled coldly at him. Today, she had finally experienced what it meant to admit her fault.    


Xu Haorann felt that she was making trouble for no reason. He sighed and said, "Snowy, please let us off this time."    


"You choose. If you want to choose me, then immediately ask her to return the money. Otherwise, you can find her and have her be your daughter." Ao Xue gave him an ultimatum.    


Xu Haorann sighed. He planned to comfort Snowy later and ask him to get the money from that girl. He couldn't sprinkle salt on other people's wounds.    


Seeing him not helping her, Ao Xue felt even more resentful. At noon, when the two of them were having a buffet, Ao Xue took the initiative to ask for lobster. Seeing that she was happy, Xu Haorann quickly went to get it.    


Ao Xue took the phone from the table and found Ding Yiyi's number. The call was quickly picked up, "Hello, Uncle Xu."    


"Who's you, Uncle Xu? I'm her daughter. Let me tell you, quickly return the money." Ao Xue said rudely, feeling refreshed in her heart.    


"Can you give me a few more days?" Ding Yiyi did not expect her daughter to ask her to return the money so suddenly. She did not have much money left at home.    


"This won't do. I'll give you three days. Don't hold on and refuse to return the money!" Ao Xue saw that Xu Haorann had the lobster, so she quickly said.    


The other party's mocking attitude made Ding Yiyi feel uncomfortable. Not wanting to owe him money, she said, "Alright, I'll return the money in three days."    


After hanging up, Ding Yiyi was at a loss. Where could she go to gather over a hundred thousand yuan? In the evening, Ding Dacheng saw that she didn't have a good appetite, so he picked up another chopstick and put it into her bowl.    


"Dad, eat, I won't." Ding Yiyi forced a smile as she put the meat back into his bowl. At ten in the evening, Ye Nianmo's good night text message arrived as promised.    


Ding Yiyi smiled foolishly as she read the text again and again. She put down her phone and started to look at the part-time jobs on her computer. It was obviously impossible to just send them outside.    


"I'm hiring a Taobao model for 1,300 yuan a day. Now I'm leaving."    


Ding Yiyi was moved. She immediately sent a photo to the other party and left a message for him, "Hello. I would like to ask if Taobao model has any requirements."    


Very soon, a message was sent over, "You will need to come for the audition tomorrow. You will be able to succeed in the audition."    


After arranging a time with the other party, Ding Yiyi fell asleep nervously. The next day, when Soong Mengjie heard that she was going to work part-time, she quickly shook her head. "This is too unreliable!"    


Ding Yiyi packed her things and sighed. "I really need money right now."    


Soong Mengjie wanted her and Ye Nianmo to take it. With Ye Nianmo's strength, a few hundred thousand yuan was only equivalent to a trip. Seeing how Ding Yiyi was seriously preparing for the audition, she didn't say anything in the end.    


After work in the afternoon, Ding Yiyi busied herself with the scheduled interview at the building and took the elevator upstairs. Only when she saw the company name did she feel at ease.    


A few men were busy setting the scenery up in the office. When they saw her, they pointed to a chair at the side and said, "Go sit over there first. You'll be there later."    


The man's voice was cold. Ding Yiyi quickly picked a chair and sat down according to his instructions. A few women with heavy makeup beside her looked at Ding Yiyi who was looking at the sky with a disdainful smile.    


Soong Mengjie worked overtime in the office. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong and quickly called Ye Nianmo.    


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