Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1150 Wealthy Marriage 1078

C1150 Wealthy Marriage 1078

Back in her room, she unhurriedly packed her luggage. The doubts in her heart didn't last for long. As long as the results were as she wished, wouldn't it be fine?    


But why is it that you can't breathe? She put down the things in her hands, walked to the window and took a deep breath. The wind was still as cold as ever, and it felt like her lungs were burning. She suddenly thought, what is Ye Nianmo doing?    


Once these thoughts were born, it was very difficult to dispel them. On the contrary, it would only grow bigger and bigger, affecting her thoughts and actions. She rushed out the door, thinking to herself that she would sneak a glance at him, just a glance before she left.    


There was no one in the study room, everything was neatly displayed, bringing with it a sense of desolation. She turned around dejectedly, and the steward's meaningful voice came from behind her, "I heard that young master went to the top of the mountain."    


Peak? She instantly understood. After thanking the butler, she went out without any hesitation, and only because of the conviction in her heart, once her front foot came out, her back foot Ye Chuyun walked into the Ye Family.    


"Where's Yiyi?"    


"Young Master has already freed her."    


The butler said lightly. The moment he said that, Ye Chuyun had already walked towards Ding Yiyi's room with big strides. He sighed, "Why don't young people listen to what others have to say?"    


After a few minutes, Ye Chuyun came back with big strides, "Is Yiyi in the room?"    


"She went to look for Young Master." The butler looked at the sorrowful man in front of him and sighed with emotion.    


A trace of loneliness flashed across Ye Chuyun's eyes. He stiffly nodded, because he realized that he had no other choice other than to accept this fact.    


He turned to leave, but the butler called out to him. "Forgive this old servant for speaking too much. Sometimes, imprisonment is also love. Sudden release is a form of harm to the loved one as well as to the one who is loved."    


Ye Chuyun did not stop his footsteps. His figure did not change, "She is not the real her like this. I will not let you destroy Ding Yiyi."    


At the top of the mountain, there was a super large telescope. Ye Nianmo was casually sitting on a rock and reading a book. He looked calm and leisurely.    


It was still daytime. Was he going to wait here until nightfall? Ding Yiyi hid among the weeds and thought. She looked at Ye Nianmo and suddenly realized that it had been a long time since she last saw him.    


Was he in a daze? He was actually in a daze? It was already getting dark. Ding Yiyi tried to stand up, but the numbness in her legs made it hard for her to move.    


A rustling sound came from the bushes. Her eyes suddenly opened wide, and her expression showed a trace of panic. An arm-long snake was slowly moving towards her.    


"Ah!" Screams pierced the sky. Ye Nianmo's expression changed as he scanned the direction of Ding Yiyi with his sharp eyes. When he saw Ding Yiyi's terrified expression, he immediately rushed towards her.    


Ding Yiyi's eyes kept scanning down. When Ye Nianmo saw the snake with cyan patterns, his eyes turned cold. "Don't move." As he spoke, the green snake began to crawl towards her feet.    


Ye Nianmo didn't care that much and grabbed the snake by seven inches with his bare hands. Just as he was about to grab the snake, another green snake bit his arm from the weeds. He flung the two snakes away and they disappeared into the weeds.    


"How are you?" Tears fell from Ding Yiyi's eyes.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her and suddenly said, "It hurts."    


Ding Yiyi was still able to keep her calm in the midst of her panic. She desperately squeezed two small wounds on his arm to squeeze out some blood. "Why are there still snakes in the winter? Shouldn't snakes be sleeping now?"    


Ye Nianmo looked relaxed as he replied, "Who knows?"    


When he saw the snow-white back of her neck, his expression darkened. Suddenly, his pupils dilated as Ding Yiyi sucked at the wound on his arm.    


He reached out his hand and gently stroked the back of her snow-white neck. His voice became even softer. "Aren't you afraid?"    


Ding Yiyi's figure paused. There was fear in her eyes, but more importantly, it was determination. Ye Nianmo felt the smooth touch of her fingers and continued, "Aren't you afraid? "Would you like to die with me?"    


Ding Yiyi raised her head and glared at him. She spat out the blood in the grass and continued to suck. Her lips were dyed with a gorgeous color by the blood. Ye Nianmo's deep voice echoed in the air, "Don't swallow it. It's poisonous."    


His hand moved from the back of her neck to her earlobes. Ding Yiyi shuddered and looked up with a dejected expression. "I … swallowed it."    


"Then you will die with me." Ye Nianmo pried off her head with his hands and looked at her fixedly, "Die in this wilderness with me. No one noticed. Then, the body rotted bit by bit and was eaten by flies and mosquitoes."    


He admitted his evil intentions, admitted that he wanted to punish her a little, only to see her lift up his arm again and say angrily, "I always want to live by myself. I can't live on anymore, at least you want to or something."    


She lowered her head and tried to suck, but in the next second, she was forced into her embrace. She screamed, "What are you doing? Let go of me, the venom will enter my body if I'm late. "    


Ye Nianmo felt the warmth in his arms and exclaimed in satisfaction, "There's no poison."    


The expected anger didn't come. He let go of her and looked at her tearful eyes that were glaring fiercely at him. Ding Yiyi wiped away her tears and turned to walk out. How could she be so stupid as to believe his words now?    


Unexpectedly, Ye Nianmo's wrist was caught. He walked in front of her and fixed her jaw with his slender fingers, "If you are willing to die with me, then why did you leave me?"    


Ding Yiyi remained silent as she continued, "Then why did you come looking for me when I let you go?"    


She turned her head away and didn't say anything, but the trembling of her body revealed her feelings. Ye Nianmo shortened the distance between them even further, "Is admitting to love me really that difficult?"    


A cold wind blew past, the weeds started to move, and the sky and earth started to sway gently. However, neither of the two said a word. After a long while, Ye Nianmo let her go, "Go back."    


Ding Yiyi started walking down the mountain with her back facing Ye Nianmo. Her footsteps were very fast. Suddenly, her fist shrunk as she turned around and chased after Ding Yiyi.    


He gradually slowed down his steps when he saw the person quickly striding in front of him. He helplessly followed her as she pulled apart the weeds and ferociously stomped her feet on them as she aggressively walked down the mountain.    


Halfway there, she actually walked towards another path. At this moment, Ye Nianmo was no longer angry, he followed behind her and protected her.    


Halfway down, the person in front seemed to notice that the scenery became stranger and stranger. They then walked towards the familiar road, and Ye Nianmo saw her heaving a sigh of relief.    


"What a muddle-headed personality." She wasn't slow, but he followed at a leisurely pace. When he finally saw the path at the foot of the hill, he stopped and watched her figure slowly fade away.    


This was how she was. She decided that she would never turn back. Even if she went down the wrong path, she would never want to return to a place she was familiar with.    


He turned around and walked in the opposite direction that she had left in. Tonight, he did not want to return to Ye Family at all, because he no longer had any expectations for Ye Family.    


Ding Yiyi's body was in a sorry state. Just as she stepped into the Ye Family gate, she was called by the butler, "Let's go this way, the old lady is back."    


Ding Yiyi nodded her head as she followed the butler to the back door of the kitchen. The red door was still brightly lit, but her former companion was long gone, and Ding Yiyi's footsteps became slower and slower, so when she got near, she immediately thought of the scene from that day. Baby Cheng was lying in a pit of mud alone, his entire body stiff and cold.    


"Yiyi?" The butler urged her on. Ding Yiyi hurried to keep up with his footsteps and returned to her room. She was even more determined to leave.    


After packing her luggage, just as she was about to leave, Dou Dou knocked on the door. Seeing her carrying her luggage, Dou Dou was very surprised. "Are you going on a trip?"    


"I … I'm leaving." Ding Yiyi smiled and patted her shoulder. "Thank you for taking care of me."    


For a moment, she even wanted to tell her about Baby Cheng and Ao Xue's intentions, but in the end, she didn't say anything. Ding Yiyi had left and there was still a wider sky, and she still had to live in Ye Family for a long time.    


Ding Yiyi bid farewell to her and left the kitchen. Before she could take more than a few steps, she was called by the butler. The butler glanced at her luggage and said, "You should leave tonight after the madame has gone to bed. It won't disturb the old lady."    


Ding Yiyi thought about it for a moment and nodded her head in agreement. The butler looked at her back and sighed. "Young master, you should chase him as soon as possible!"    


Time passed bit by bit, and night fell. Ding Yiyi lifted her suitcase and walked out of the room. This time, she openly chose the corridor.    


There was a voice coming from the side of the corridor. It was Ao Xue. She stopped after a moment, wanting to wait for Ao Xue to leave.    


"He's finally gone. These guys are so annoying!" Ao Xue's voice was sharp.    


"Miss Au Xue, I've been dreaming about the Baby Cheng recently. She's been chasing me the whole time, I'm scared."    


What are you afraid of? A useless thing, isn't it just a dog? Why didn't you save it when it was taking the rat poison?    


As the two of them spoke, they did not realize that there were traces of people coming from the corner of the wall. Ding Yiyi walked calmly back to her room. She put down her luggage and then opened it, hanging up the items one by one.    


First was Baby Cheng's toy. If they hadn't looked carefully at her trembling hands, everyone would have thought that she was in a very good mood. Finally, she picked up her clothes and wanted to hang them in the closet.    


She picked them up again and again, the tears of pain soaking her face. She squatted down and bit onto the lip's throat to stop the crying. She powerlessly pulled at her own hair, she hated herself! The culprit who killed his family was with him every day, but she only wanted to run away in a useless manner.    


"Baby Cheng, I will avenge you. I will let her feel the pain that you have endured personally." The bright and clear moon led to the clouds. Tonight, the sky was indeed beautiful!    


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