Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1429 Wealthy Marriage 1357

C1429 Wealthy Marriage 1357

Enterprise Exchange Day    


Ding Yiyi looked at her pink dress covered with a little bit of sauce. She didn't expect that just a little snack would lead to such a tragedy.    


She was sitting on the bed in her suspenders when there was a knock on the door. "May I come in?"    


"Come in." she called to the door, continuing to stare at the dress on the bed.    


Edward saw her bare back as soon as he entered. The perfect curve was faintly discernible under the thin halter dress, as if he would be able to see a more attractive scenery if he walked a few steps forward.    


Just as Ding Yiyi was about to speak, she heard the door slam shut. She was confused when the phone beside her rang.    


Edward's voice was very serious, "Put on your clothes and call me."    


She lowered her head to look at her halter top and doubtfully said, "I'm already dressed."    


Although she thought this way, she still changed into a shirt. Only then did she walk out of the door with the dress in her hands. Edward was no longer there.    


She looked down the stairs and saw him, his back to her, gulping down the wine in his hand.    


"Edward!" She walked down angrily, and seeing that the other party's face was slightly flushed, she asked, "Your face is so red, is it because you're drinking wine? You're going to the banquet tonight, how are you going to help grandpa find someone? "    


Edward didn't want to explain why he was blushing. Instead, he looked at the suit in her hand and asked, "What happened?"    


"I got it dirty." She spread her hands wide, her expression filled with helplessness.    


Edward looked at his watch and put the empty cup on the windowsill, "Go and buy it now."    


In a custom-made clothing store, Ding Yiyi made her choice. With her eyes on a pure white dress, she saw the tassels on her waist.    


"This set of clothes is already half a year old. I was just thinking of eliminating it." The clerk said.    


Edward also took a fancy to this dress, "Let's try this."    


When Ding Yiyi went to the locker room, a shop assistant had been watching her. That woman looked too similar to President of Ye Group's wife, and even the clothes she liked were the same.    


When Ding Yiyi came out, she was even more certain that the person in front of her was the one who wanted the Ye Family Young Mistress. However, from the looks of it, she seemed to have a close relationship with the man in front of her.    


Could it be that kind of relationship where they were unable to get close to each other? She was shocked by her own thoughts, but she could also tell that the man was expensive. If he could even find half of a good relationship like this, how could she not be tempted?    


Ding Yiyi came out and turned the skirt around twice. "Is it nice to watch?"    


Ye Bo nodded seriously, while the shop assistant said with a smile, "You are the most beautiful woman in this dress."    


"Miss Ding, you still left a gold card here last time, but I haven't been able to find you since half a year ago. Do you want to use the gold card to swipe it today?" A woman who was dressed seriously and seemed to be of a higher rank jogged over.    


Ding Yiyi immediately reacted, "I'm sorry, I just returned home. This is also my first time here, there's no way that a gold card could have fallen here."    


The manager stared blankly for a moment. After carefully examining the other party, he felt that she couldn't possibly be lying. He was also very surprised in his heart, "They really look too much like each other."    


At this moment, a golden card was handed over. Edward interrupted the two people's conversation without a change in expression, "Time is a bit tight, finish the fight quickly."    


"Right, right!" Ding Yiyi hurriedly urged the power supply. "Hurry up, we're in a hurry."    


The employee immediately went to do it. After waiting for Ding Yiyi to say something, she said, "Actually, there might really be a woman who looks like me in this world. Do you still remember that person called Ye Nianmo? His wife looks just like me, but I can't see her when I'm sick, or I'd like to see her again. "    


Ding Yiyi said all of this without noticing that the people around her were already in a state of turmoil. Only after she had said a lot did she reply with a faint voice. "Is that so?"    


At this moment, the employee passed the card and the wrapped suit to Edward. He took the clothes and walked out first, only stopping when he reached the entrance.    


Ding Yiyi quickly followed, "Why do you have such a big reaction when I say Ye Nianmo?"    


"His company and mine are competing." Edward said something against his heart.    


She nodded, "So that's how it is. Then I'll support you and defeat their company as soon as possible!"    


Originally, he thought that these words would make Edward happy, but the sadness in the other party's eyes increased by a couple of points, until he returned home.    


Ding Yiyi took the dress back to her room. After changing her clothes, she realized that her zipper needed someone to pull it. She immediately shouted towards the door, "Edward, come here and help me zip it up."    


Edward's gesture of pushing the door stopped once again, and the door slammed shut again. The phone rang again, and this time, she was the first to speak: "I can't zip my clothes, come and help me!"    


The voice on the other side of the phone was slightly low. "Ding Yiyi, I'm a man."    


Ding Yiyi's eyes were filled with surprise. "In my heart, you're like a brother to me. Don't you think so?"    


Edward didn't respond. He hung up the phone and after a while, the door was pushed open again. He walked in seriously.    


"Quick, quick, quick!" Ding Yiyi looked at the clock on the wall. "Don't be late."    


Edward stepped forward. The hand of the long-term anti-photography equipment had some calluses. Occasionally, the calluses would slide across his smooth skin, bringing with it a strange feeling of touch.    


The zipper slowly moved up, gradually covering the soft waist line. He could feel his breath getting heavier and heavier, while the other person was clearly outside of his condition, urging him on, "Hurry up, it's about time."    


"Alright." He took a step back and suddenly said: "It's cold at night. Remember to take your coat with you."    


Ding Yiyi's heart warmed, and she nodded in agreement.    


At night, the entrepreneurs who were invited brought their families over one after another as per the invitation. The entire hotel lobby was bustling with noise and excitement.    


Ding Yiyi, who was standing in the surveillance room, was carefully searching for an old woman.    


The other party was already white-haired, but his demeanor was very refined, displaying elegance with every gesture. She felt that this woman might be the lover that her grandfather was looking for.    


Worried that the other party had run away, she hurriedly chased after him. As soon as she went downstairs, she discovered that there were more people than she had expected. The woman from before had already disappeared from the vast sea of people.    


She looked around, searching for the memory, and finally saw the old man standing in front of the pillar, talking to a young couple who looked like her children.    


"So it's over there." Suddenly, her arm was gently protected. When she turned around, she found that she had almost bumped into a waiter.    


"Thank you." She turned around to look at the person who helped her and found that it was Ye Nianmo, the man whose wife looked very similar to her.    


Ye Nianmo was also very surprised. He saw her back figure and thought it was Soong Mengjie. Seeing her like a headless fly, he decided to help her. He didn't expect her to be the woman who looked so much like Ding Yiyi.    


"Nianmo?" A faint scent of purple perfume and a graceful figure walked over from behind him. She first said, "Sorry for making you wait for so long."    


Her gaze shifted to Ding Yiyi, then she was shocked. She was about to call out to her friend, but the other party beat her to it. "Hello, my name is Emily."    


"Emily?" Soong Mengjie muttered to herself, "They look like each other, they really look like each other."    


Ding Yiyi could only say, "That's what everyone says, but I'm not her."    


After she finished speaking, she looked at the two people standing in front of her. She thought to herself that the conversation between the two of them must have been about a couple, but wasn't the news that this man was very devoted to his burned wife? He didn't expect to fall in love with another woman the moment he turned around.    


However, a rich family like theirs, if they couldn't have a son, wouldn't they still be unwilling? Just like Edward, he was now being pushed to marry by his grandfather, right?    


Just when her head was empty, Ye Nianmo said, "Excuse me."    


Soong Mengjie glanced at her and followed Ye Nianmo. After they had left, Soong Mengjie asked, "Is that the girl we met in the exhibition hall?"    


Ye Nianmo nodded, "She's not her. Don't get me wrong next time."    


Seeing his calm and resolute expression, Soong Mengjie was finally able to relax. She nodded and said, "Okay."    


Ding Yiyi had been searching for the woman. It wasn't easy to see her walk towards the back garden, so she lifted her skirt and quietly chased after her.    


The woman didn't walk very fast, but because she was moving in the opposite direction, Ding Yiyi was always blocked by people coming and going. She could only keep a distance from the other party, but by the time she reached the back garden, the other party was nowhere to be seen.    


There were few people in the back garden, and it was quiet. Sometimes she could hear the sound of her feet on the grass, and she wandered around, her feet not steady enough to step on a protruding patch of grass, her high heels falling into a clump of pruned grass.    


"Phew, that was close. I almost fell down." She looked behind her with lingering fear, and the moment she turned around, she saw Ye Nianmo looking at her calmly with raised eyebrows.    


She thought, "Crap, I must have looked really ugly just now. It seems like my image as a lady has been completely taken away. Since it's not good to greet someone after meeting them, she could only ask," Did you see an old granny? "    


Ye Nianmo pointed towards a spot not far away and spat out two words, "Over there."    


"Thank you." Ding Yiyi lifted her skirt and started to chase in the direction he indicated. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head. "Do I look that similar to your wife?"    


Ye Nianmo looked at her in silence. Obviously, he didn't want to answer this question. After a while, he said, "Go, that person seems to have left already."    


"Is that so?" Ding Yiyi chased after him in a hurry. At the same time, she heaved a long sigh of relief. That man was always cold. It felt like it took courage to talk to him.    


She touched her heart as she walked, "Don't keep jumping around, isn't he just a weird guy!? What is there to be afraid of! "    


Ye Nianmo watched as she lifted up her skirt and then took off her high heels to run in one direction before turning away coldly.    


"Nianmo, Nianmo!" Soong Mengjie had been shouting in the garden, wondering where Ye Nianmo had gone, when she was startled by his appearance.    


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