Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1395 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1323

C1395 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1323

"Hello everyone, there are only two spots left. Why don't you discuss it?" At this time, the staff came over and said apologetically.    


The two middle-aged women brought their children over. They also had the intention of competing with each other. As they fought to be the first to speak, they said, "Count us in on the two spots."    


"I'll buy both slots." Ding Yiyi continued, "If you apologize for your actions just now, I'll give you these two tickets."    


The two women looked at each other, "Are you speaking the truth?"    


They were secretly pleased. This apology was only a few words. It only took a few seconds, but the cost of camping out was 50 thousand yuan. How were they supposed to calculate that?    


"If you don't believe me, then forget it." Ding Yiyi took out her wallet and took out her credit card.    


The two women knew that the beautiful woman in front of them wasn't short of money the moment they saw her satellite card. They immediately said: "We were the ones who spoke earlier. I hope you don't mind."    


Ding Yiyi looked at their flattering expressions and suddenly felt that she shouldn't be angry with them. She said, "Since you've apologized, I'll forgive you."    


She pulled Ye Chuqing out of the room, leaving the wide-eyed woman behind.    


After sending off Ye Chuqing and Hai Ziyu, Ding Yiyi immediately went online to search for information on that woman.    


"Xiaoqing? This name is so familiar. " She muttered to herself about looking for more information, but online news was scarce.    


It was at this moment that she smelled the thick smell of fish soup and remembered that she had made it for Ye Nianmo.    


In the kitchen, she bent over and slowly picked out the spikes from the fish. She then put them into the boiling fish soup. The spikes were small and sharp.    


She sat in the living room and waited for Ye Nianmo for an hour, two hours, until she heard the sound of a car stopped at her house.    


She felt a little disappointed after hearing Ao Xue's voice. She forced herself to pull herself together and waited for Ye Nianmo to open the door.    


"It smells so good." Ao Xue skipped into the room. When she saw the fish soup on the table, she intentionally picked it up to drink.    


"Not for you." Ding Yiyi was furious. She knew that Ao Xue did it on purpose.    


Ye Nianmo walked in, "It's just a bowl of soup."    


Unconsciously, Ding Yiyi hid her injured hands behind her back. She walked closer to him and said, "The food I make is very hard to eat, but every time, you will eat happily, so I always wanted to learn how to cook well and make a good table of food for you so that you can really eat happily."    


Ye Nianmo looked at her with a serious expression, but the words he said were very sad, "Don't do meaningless things in the future."    


He walked past her up the stairs without looking at the soup on the table.    


Ao Xue held the fish soup and walked in front of her. She picked up the spoon in front of her and took a sip, smacking her lips and saying, "It's too salty. Make it lighter next time."    


Ding Yiyi pushed her away and walked towards the door in large strides. She knew that she needed some time to hypnotize herself.    


There were only a few people walking on the empty road. Occasionally, one or two cars would pass by, and some of them would purposely slow down and stick their heads out of the window to look at her.    


She didn't know where to go, so she just got into a taxi and said what she had been thinking about until she got out of the car.    


Maybe it was because there were dead people in the residential complex and it was night time, but there was not a single soul in the residential complex.    


A piece of yellow paper floated to her feet. She lowered her head and saw that it was a piece of yellow paper money. Soon more paper money and ashes flew in from one direction.    


There was fire and smoke not far away. She slowly walked over and saw a copper pot burning with paper money.    


The paper money had been burnt to a crisp, leaving only sparks and smoke behind. The smell was pungent.    


Ding Yiyi remembered that this was the place where the body had been found. Looking at the dark sewer, she suddenly thought of a pale face that had been bitten by a rat.    


The fear in her heart grew. She turned around and walked out of the district, but she bumped into a firm chest.    


"Sorry." She hurried to apologize, only to smell a rather familiar scent of men's perfume.    


The person did not let her go. "I didn't expect to meet you here."    


"Xiao Wen." Ding Yiyi widened her eyes. "Why are you here?"    


As soon as she said that, she understood. The waitress in Shanghai had told her that the girl Xiao Shu knew was called Xiaoqing. That Xiaoqing was the one that was found.    


Xiao Shu had already read everything from her hidden expression. He did not expose her. Instead, he said: "Why are you still so thin? You haven't even had a proper meal here?"    


"The woman who is important to you is called Xiaoqing, the girl who died here." Ding Yiyi gulped. "Really?"    


"That's right." Xiao Wen let her go, "Xiaoqing is dead. When she died, she was surrounded by photos of Ye Nianmo."    


Ding Yiyi's body trembled. A terrifying thought surged into her mind, causing her to not dare to look at Xiao Wen.    


"You want to ask if I got close to you because of Ye Nianmo, right?"    


Ding Yiyi nodded. "Yes."    


"Then let's go have supper together. I know of a restaurant that specializes in midnight snacks." Xiao Wen calmly looked at the pile of paper in the grass that still had stars and fire on it and said.    


His tone and manner of speech were exactly the same as they had been in Shanghai, which made her feel much better and more relaxed.    


"I should be the host at Dongjiang City. I have the final say in what to eat, so I'll treat you." Ding Yiyi said with a smile.    


Xiao Qian looked at her back and suddenly asked, "Why did you get kicked out by Ye Nianmo when you were staying at such a party?"    


He saw her body suddenly stop and continued, "You know, beside Xiaoqing's corpse, there was a photo of Ye Nianmo. I will not give up on the matter of finding out that he was the culprit."    


Ding Yiyi turned around. "I know you won't give up, but he definitely won't have anything to do with this."    


"Then prove it to me. Bring me to him, I want to ask him myself." Xiao Qian said angrily.    


Ding Yiyi thought back to her current situation and forced a smile. "He probably doesn't think of me as his wife anymore. I can't help him with that."    


She had only walked a few steps when Xiao Wen caught up, "I'll take you home.    


"Maybe a few bodyguards have already tied you up before you even reach Ye Family's gate. Do you believe me?" Although Ding Yiyi said this, she didn't reject his suggestion.    


When they arrived at the residential complex, the security guards immediately came out to inquire about the presence of stranger. They told Xiao Qian to leave behind the relevant information and verify it before they could enter the residential complex.    


"Stricter than our family's small sector." Xiao Wen smiled and did not continue walking forward. "I will send you here."    


"Goodbye." Ding Yiyi nodded. She was a bit confused. Xiao Qian was related to that woman called Xiaoqing, and that woman called Xiaoqing was related to Ye Nianmo. Could all of this be an occasion?    


As she walked home, she noticed that the lights in the two floors of the small house had dimmed. Most likely, they had already gone to sleep.    


She walked over to the door and pressed a string of numbers, only to find that the code was wrong again. She pressed it again, but it was still wrong.    


"Bastard!" She cursed under her breath and lingered in the doorway, wondering how she was going to get through the night.    


On the balcony on the second floor, Ao Xue looked at the pitiable Ding Yiyi under the light. Her heart was elated. She raised the purple bottle in her hand and poured the purple liquid into the red wine.    


She wanted Ye Nianmo to be dead set on her and never betray her. She wanted Ding Yiyi to never have a chance to be with Ye Nianmo!    


In the dead of night, she looked at the woman downstairs with a victorious attitude. The wine in the bottle was just right for her. She smiled and took the bottle to Ye Nianmo's study.    


In the study room, Ye Nianmo looked out the window, but he didn't reject the hands on his waist.    


"I brought you wine." Ao Xue smiled as she swirled the red wine in her glass.    


Ye Nianmo looked out the window and said, "Ao Xue."    


Ao Xue was stunned. This was the first time Ye Nianmo called her by name since her return. "What's wrong?"    


"You love me?" Ye Nianmo said lightly while looking out the window at the thick night sky.    


Ao Xue looked serious. "I love you." She put down the cup, opened the bottle and poured a glass of red wine, then handed it to Ye Nianmo. "I love you the most in this world."    


Ye Nianmo drank it all in one gulp and didn't say anything else.    


The morning dew was heavy. Ding Yiyi sat on a chair by the aisle all night and watched the dim light in the room.    


Servants came to work one after another to serve Ao Xue and Ye Nianmo. When they saw Ding Yiyi, one of the servants covered his mouth and snickered. "What's wrong, Madam? Did you not go in the night or did you just go out for a walk?"    


Ding Yiyi silently stood there and did not move. She only wanted to wait for them to open the door before taking a good sleep.    


Those evil people usually relied on their character to bully others. They could tell that Ao Xue didn't like Ding Yiyi at all. Of course, she was trying her best to bully her. In their eyes, this was something with a sense of accomplishment.    


A servant stood at the side and said, "Madam, why don't you just enter the password today? I've really forgotten the password for our family."    


Ding Yiyi knew that she was just going to mock him, but after staying up all night, she was already exhausted. She really didn't have the strength to fight with them.    


"Madam." A car stopped and Ye Bo walked out. He looked at the scene and quickly guessed that these servants were making things difficult for Ding Yiyi.    


"I have something to talk to the Young Master about." His complexion was not particularly good, and the servant did not dare act rashly as he hastily opened the door.    


Ye Bo let Ding Yiyi enter the door first. After she entered, he couldn't help but lower his voice, "Madam, do you want me to arrange a new residence for you?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "Thank you."    


She raised her head and saw Ao Xue walking out of the room between her and Ye Nianmo. At that moment, she heard the string in her head that was called rationality snap.    


"What are you doing?" Her lips trembled, like a fish out of water.    


Ye Nianmo appeared at the other end of the corridor. He was still wearing yesterday's shirt, so it was obvious that he stayed in the library all night.    


Ye Bo let out a sigh of relief for no reason and then walked in front of Ding Yiyi. "Young Master was talking to me on the phone last night about work."    


Ao Xue's mouth twitched as she unhappily walked down the stairs. "I want to eat!" I'm starving! "    


Ding Yiyi covered her mouth and ran upstairs.    


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