Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1244 Married to a Rich Family 1172

C1244 Married to a Rich Family 1172

Just as they walked out of the hospital, Ye Bo smashed the car door and left in a taxi. Ding Yiyi looked at the car in the distance worriedly, "How could it be him?"    


Ye Nianmo also had a headache. The power to borrow Ye Family could indeed make this matter less serious, but it was hard to explain it to Ding Yiyi.    


With her hand in his grasp, Ding Yiyi's expression turned serious. "What are you going to do?"    


She was very worried in her heart. Yan Mingyao's mother was good friends with Xia Yihan, and was also Fu Fengyi's goddaughter.    


Just as he arrived at Ye Family, Fu Fengyi was already sitting upright and waiting for Ye Nianmo. Jiu Jiu, who was crying beside him, said, "I really did not expect that rascal to do such a thing."    


Ao Xue had always been beside Jiu Jiu comforting her, "Auntie, don't be sad. Mingyao must have been muddle-headed. If you ask Grandma for help, things will definitely be resolved smoothly."    


Fu Fengyi stood up and walked over to her, saying in a friendly tone, "Yiyi, you're Qiu Bai's friend. Can you tell me about your affair with Qiu Bai's parents? Grandmother owes you a favor."    


"Yiyi," Jiu Jiu stood up while wiping her tears, "I know she's your good friend, but this is Auntie's only request. I'm willing to give all my wealth to her family in exchange for forgiveness."    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head in silence. Her nails dug deep into her palms. Suddenly, a shadow flashed in front of her. Ye Nianmo stood in front of her. "Grandmother, Aunt Jiu Jiu. We should discuss this further."    


Jiu Jiu turned around and cried. Fu Fengyi slammed the table in anger, "Don't cry. Come with me. I don't believe that I can't save Mingyao!"    


Ao Xue followed the two of them as they left. When she turned the corner and saw the two people in the living room with furrowed brows, a smile appeared on her face.    


During the whole day, Ye Nianmo was silent. At dusk, when the sun was setting and the light shone onto the balcony, the cigarettes in Ye Nianmo's hand were lit up one by one, but Xia Yihan's voice was still very gentle, "Child, Mom won't force you to make a decision. Although Mom really wants to help Aunt Jiu Jiu, Mom doesn't want to make it difficult for you."    


His brow furrowed, he stubbed out his cigarette, and his tightly pressed lips relaxed. "Mom, I'll think about it."    


Footsteps sounded from behind him as Ding Yiyi stood behind him. "You're preparing to help him escape, aren't you?"    


"Yiyi." Ye Nianmo turned around and reached out to grab her, but she dodged and looked at him in disappointment before she turned around and ran away.    


She ran out of Ye Family, but didn't know where she should go. As she leisurely walked down the street, she actually followed her memories and arrived at the building where Qiu Bai's parents lived.    


Not far away stood a man, his gaze far away, like a lifeless statue.    


She recognized Ye Bo and followed his gaze.    


On the stone bench, two old men sat close to each other, their faces full of sadness. The setting sun illuminated half of their faces, illuminating the wrinkles on their faces.    


They were like animals on the verge of death, waiting with their backs facing each other.    


The sun quickly set, and the warmth from their bodies gradually disappeared.    


The old man stood up first and went to help the old lady. The two of them walked into the building without a word.    


"They are like this every day. They just sit downstairs in a daze at a fixed time. When the time comes, they will go back." Ye Bo said softly.    


Ding Yiyi was in tears, her heart filled with grief. The grief of losing her daughter had driven the old couple from heaven to hell.    


The two stood there for a long time. Ye Bo moved first. He looked up at a room that was always lit up with lights not far away and said lightly, "I respect Master's decision."    


The next morning    


Early in the morning, Fu Fengyi, Jiu Jiu and Ao Xue rushed to the police station. When they saw Yan Mingyao, Jiu Jiu went up to him in tears and beat him with her fists.    


"Mom, I'm sorry." Yan Mingyao choked with sobs as he looked at his instantly aged mother. He felt extremely upset. He continuously reached out to wipe her tears, repeatedly saying, "Sorry, sorry."    


Fu Fengyi hurriedly went forward and lowered her voice. "Grandmother is looking for someone to help her. She's trying her best to suppress this matter. It's because you're suffering."    


He looked through Fu Fengyi to Ao Xue, who was standing at the back. The latter looked at her without batting an eyelid and quickly shifted her gaze away.    


"Mom, Grandma, I want to talk to Ao Xue for a bit." Yan Mingyao hugged Jiu Jiu.    


Soon, only two people were left in the room. Ao Xue was so annoyed that she wanted to smoke, but before she could light the cigarette, she was stopped by the policeman beside her, "Sorry, we don't allow smoking here."    


She put the lighter back in her bag and played with the cigarette holder in her hand.    


"Good. I'm glad I was caught." Yan Mingyao leaned forward and placed his arms on the table.    


The sleeve was rolled up with the movement, and the skin on the wrist revealed a fresh, flesh-colored burn scar.    


"What's going on?" Ao Xue pursed her lips and pointed at the scar.    


He lowered his head to take a quick glance and said nonchalantly, "There are always scum everywhere."    


She became silent. She lowered her head and wanted to write something, but her hair was blown to the other side of her forehead. Yan Mingyao retracted his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Since I want to do it, I will agree to it."    


As the chair was pulled back, Ao Xue abruptly stood up and walked outside. Feeling her gaze chasing her, her steps paused for a moment before she opened the door.    


Returning to the Ye Family, Fu Fengyi and her group coincidentally bumped into Ding Yiyi who was about to go out.    


"Yiyi." Fu Fengyi softened her tone, "Grandmother knows that I have been a little harsh to you in the past, but Aunt Jiu Jiu only has this one child. If you are willing to convince that pair of parents, then the success rate is higher. After all, you are also considered half a Ye Family."    


Ding Yiyi's heart turned colder and colder. What Ye Family? Why didn't he say he was Ye Family when he was bullying her?    


"Grandma, that's also a life. Everyone is responsible for what she did."    


"That's right. Thank you, godmother. Mingyao is indeed responsible for his own actions. I'll be leaving first."    


When Jiu Jiu left in a hurry, Fu Fengyi was so angry that she almost died. She trembled as she pointed at Jiu Jiu. "Do you really have to force Grandma to kneel down and beg before you!?"    


"Grandmother, don't be angry!" Ao Xue rushed forward to support her.    


Fu Fengyi's breathing got faster and faster, and her eyelids fluttered as she fell backwards.    


Ye Nianmo strode into the Ye Family living room. Ding Yiyi was sitting alone in the living room, and when she saw him, she immediately stood up and said, "Nianmo."    


"How is the situation?" Ye Nianmo turned to ask the butler.    


"The doctor just left. He said it was because of her emotional turmoil and her high blood pressure. The old lady is too dangerous at this age. If this goes on, her brain thrombosis might occur."    


Ye Nianmo pinched the bridge of his nose and looked tired. He walked in front of Ding Yiyi and held her shoulders, "Don't worry, I'll tell you everything after I come out."    


He strode towards Fu Fengyi's room. He was too anxious to find out that Ding Yiyi had followed him.    


Fu Fengyi's crying and Ye Nianmo's comforting voice came from inside the door. With the footsteps of the servants walking around, Ding Yiyi leaned against the wall and closed her eyes in pain.    


Suddenly, the words in the room made her open her eyes abruptly.    


"Don't worry Grandma, I will do it for Yan Mingyao."    


Ding Yiyi walked into the garden in a daze. The gradually blooming flowers didn't attract her attention. The sunshine was perfect for her. She raised her head, squinted her eyes, and emptied her mind.    


She didn't know how long she sat there, until the sound of footsteps came from behind her. She opened her eyes and the sunlight entered her pupils. Soon, it was covered by shadows.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her seriously and depicted her face in detail with his eyes.    


Ding Yiyi asked softly, "How is it?"    


He let her sit beside him and wrapped her hand tightly around his own palm. "Yiyi, can you keep your voice as soft as possible when you're talking to my grandma from now on?"    


Ding Yiyi's blood froze when she heard this. She opened her mouth, but before she could digest the information she had just heard, her lips moved up and down before she asked, "What do you mean softer?"    


Ye Nianmo tried his best to soften his voice, "Don't be sensitive. Grandma is already old, so she's a little paranoid."    


"So I have to cater to her? Just now, it wasn't that I wanted to talk back to her, but I just couldn't agree to Grandma's request. "    


She tried to pull her hand away, only to find that she was being held tighter.    


"Yiyi." Ye Nianmo called her gently, but it made her suddenly anxious.    


"Why did this happen!?" She stood up angrily, and said, "I am not wrong in this matter! I didn't mean to anger her, but since Yan Mingyao is the perpetrator, he should be punished. "    


On the second floor, Ao Xue stood behind a curtain looking at the excited Ding Yiyi in the garden and smiled. Family love and love, how would Ye Nianmo choose?    


Ding Yiyi's voice became softer and softer. She retreated a few steps and said in a choked voice, "It doesn't matter. In your eyes, grandma is more important. I don't care what you do, but I can't loosen my grip!"    


After she finished speaking, Easy Life turned around with tears streaming down her face. She took a deep breath and prepared to leave.    


Her wrist was jerked back, and she fell back, caught in a circle.    


"You, you." Ye Nianmo sighed beside her ear, "She's just like a little wild cat."    


"Hmph." Ding Yiyi turned her head away and remained silent. Her dejected mood did not improve at all.    


At this moment, Ye Nianmo's phone rang. He picked it up, "Someone wants to protect Yan Mingyao, is it your intention?"    


Wu Tie's voice was not quiet. Ding Yiyi raised her head and stared at the phone in Ye Nianmo's hand. She knew that Fu Fengyi had made her move.    


"It was my idea." Ye Nianmo hung up the phone and held Ding Yiyi's hand as if nothing had happened.    


How could he do such a thing so naturally? Wouldn't he feel sorry for her!? Ding Yiyi flung his hand away and shouted, "I know! "You and grandma said that you would save Yan Mingyao, you scoundrel who doesn't know right from wrong."    


Just as Ye Nianmo was about to speak, Fu Fengyi's angry shout came from behind him. She was still very weak and could only be supported by Ao Xue. "Who dares to say anything about my grandson!"    


Ding Yiyi took a step back. She couldn't vent the anger in her heart. She glared at Ye Nianmo. The disappointment in her eyes made Ye Nianmo's heart tremble.    


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