Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1102 Wealthy Marriage 1030

C1102 Wealthy Marriage 1030

"Nianmo!" This necklace is really pretty, it really matches my ring. " Ao Xue had taken out the engagement ring in her bag to test his reaction.    


Ye Nianmo did not say anything. He just looked at the necklace on his finger quietly. His eyebrows were knitted tightly, as if his soul had left his body. Behind him, cars were honking their horns in a high-pitched voice, but he seemed to have entered a meditative state, as if he and the necklace were the only people left in the world.    


The car window was knocked open. A police officer looked at the two people in the car inquiringly. Ye Nianmo finally came back to his senses, but his expression was even colder.    


The traffic police obviously knew who the person in front of them was. After saying a few words, they turned back into a square again. The car started up again, but the atmosphere inside was completely different.    


Ao Xue looked at the necklace that he was holding tightly between his fingers and vaguely understood why he reacted so much to the ring and why he lost his mind when he looked at it.    


The car was fast as lightning as it stopped in front of the hospital. The Ye Family Servant Chang Hua, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, hurriedly went up to welcome them.    


When Ao Xue saw her, she was stunned for a moment before a smile appeared on her face. She thought to herself coldly, 'Very well, you want to chase after me even like this? Then I'll let you have a taste of the fury that you love man.'    


In the dean's infirmary, several gynecologists were surrounding Ao Xue. Chang Hua stood by the side uneasily, looking out from the corner of her eyes. She thought that Ao Xue was having a hard time checking herself, and that this was a good time being alone with her young master.    


How could Ao Xue not understand what he was thinking? She said slowly, "My necklace fell on the car. Go and get it for me."    


Although Chang Hua was unwilling, she still left. Ao Xue looked at her back and smiled for a long time. When she got off the car, she knew that Ye Nianmo didn't take the necklace but left it in the car.    


Chang Hua got the necklace as she wished. As she walked towards the delivery room, she looked at the necklace again and again. She was amazed at how it could be this beautiful.    


She felt her heart being squeezed. She really wanted this necklace. Through the glass window, the necklace shone with a bright light. She couldn't help but gesture, "I'm the most beautiful when I put it on."    


As she spoke in a low voice, her hands unconsciously undid the buttons on the necklace. After putting it on, she looked at her reflection in the glass, intoxicated by the sweet dream of marrying into a rich family.    


Ye Nianmo walked towards the car with big steps. He left the necklace in the car because he had to take care of some work and the necklace would take up all of his thoughts. He didn't like being in the same situation.    


He opened the car door. One second, he was thinking about the news that came back from Ye Bo in France. The next, his pupils suddenly shrank. The necklace was gone, just like when Ding Yiyi had suddenly disappeared, despite clearly agreeing to meet her in the evening.    


He slammed the car door, his pupils filled with bloodthirsty and frenzied fury. The appearance of the necklace had brought his hatred and yearning for Ding Yiyi to a whole new level.    


However, its sudden disappearance gave him an inexplicable sense of panic. Could it be that Ding Yiyi, too, would disappear forever? No, he wouldn't let that happen.    


He coldly took out a phone he had never used before, and dialed the highest number. It was the team behind the service Ye Family, which included many mercenaries, and half of the control right was currently in his hands.    


Soon, two people wearing black clothes appeared. They bowed towards Ye Nianmo and called up the video. In the video, Chang Hua walked into the car, opened the door and took the necklace from the car.    


"Why didn't you stop him?" Ye Nianmo suppressed his anger, but his expression was so cold that it made people shudder.    


The two men in black looked at each other, knowing that the other person's anger had affected their ability to think. One of them, a burly man said in a deep voice, "Young Master Ye, we are in the dark, we are in charge of collecting all information. If we appear, we can easily be used by someone, unless your life and health are in danger."    


Ye Nianmo waved his hand. His gaze turned towards the hospital building, but his angry face managed to squeeze out a smile. Chang Hua did not know that danger was approaching. She was currently taking photos and sending them to her friends circle. Receiving the envious gazes of her little sisters, she was extremely pleased with herself.    


She looked up in panic and saw her young master walking towards her with a smile on his face. She did not know that it was a smile filled with extreme anger, much less that it represented Ye Nianmo's extreme anger.    


She carefully observed the young master and felt that he was not angry. She then relaxed and apologized in a low voice, "My apologies young master, I will take it off now."    


She thought that her young master wouldn't care about the things that could be used by this kind of woman, but rather wanted to attract his attention. She could feel her young master's gaze on her, causing her entire body to tremble with excitement.    


She lowered her head and watched as the shiny leather shoes walked towards her. Before she could open her mouth, she was strangled by the neck. Ye Nianmo's strength was so great that she was forced to raise her head.    


Chang Hua looked at her young master in terror. She could see the fear in his eyes. Her tongue was slightly exposed under the immense pressure and her pupils were dilating. The thin air made her lungs ache. She knew that her young master really wanted her to die.    


"Nianmo!" Ao Xue ran over, hugging her stomach. She was also surprised by Ye Nianmo's anger, and knew that there was definitely a snitch in the vicinity. She was laughing inside, but on the surface, she was anxiously supporting Ye Nianmo's arm.    


"Let her go, Nianmo. I helped her take care of the aftermath after what she did wrong. After all, I didn't discipline her well."    


Ye Nianmo's rationality was at the edge. He coldly let go of Chang Hua's arm and grabbed the necklace on her delicate neck. He threw the necklace out coldly. He won't give anything that others have tainted. Chang Hua fell to the ground. He didn't even look at her as he quickly turned around and left.    


Ao Xue looked down at Chang Hua who was panting heavily on the ground with an ice-cold gaze. "Be a good maid to you. Otherwise, I will make you beg for death."    


Chang Hua looked at her angrily. Her eyes were full of malice, as if she was going to tear her apart. Ao Xue smiled indifferently and turned to leave. She had more important things to do.    


Ao Xue was carefully searching for the necklace. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice behind her. She hid behind a pillar in surprise, while Yan Mingyao helped a foreign woman into the hospital.    


She looked at his anxious expression and muttered in her heart, "Who is that? Why is Yan Mingyao with her?" The thought flashed through her mind only once, and then it was gone.    


She turned around and walked out. There were hurried footsteps behind her. Yan Mingyao looked at her angrily. When he entered the hospital, he saw her looking for something in the bushes. He purposely said that to get her attention.    


He didn't even dare to think if she would chase after him and ask who that woman was. He only hoped that she would be able to keep her gaze on him for a little longer. This proved to be an extremely ridiculous idea.    


"Let go." Ao Xue was the first to speak, because she saw the sunlight reflecting off the grass. It was a necklace! Yan Mingyao thought that she was too impatient to be with him, so he spoke in a hoarse voice, "Can't you just look at me one more time? Have you recovered from the foot injury? "    


Ao Xue flung his arm away impatiently, "People know their worth. Look at Ye Nianmo's level and what your level is. Can you marry him and let me order you around?"    


Yan Mingyao looked at her quietly, "You're not such a superficial woman."    


"I am, so don't bother me anymore." Ao Xue had said too much about herself just to make Yan Mingyao give up. In her heart, she even started to believe that such a vain herself was the real thing.    


Yan Mingyao sighed, "Where's the car, I'll drive you there."    


She pushed him away and ran into the grass to pick up the necklace and yell at him, "Do you know what I'm looking for? "I just found this necklace, and Ye Nianmo lost her, but I found it back. Do you know how much it's worth, how can a poor guy like you afford it!?"    


Yan Mingyao was also angry. He glanced at the necklace, then turned around to look at her with disappointment. "Since money is so important to you, then grab hold of it. After all, money is much easier to capture than Ye Nianmo."    


He really left. Ao Xue silently looked at the lonely back of the only man in the world who loved her, then turned away in the opposite direction. She loved Ye Nianmo, and that didn't change at all.    


Chang Hua walked out of the hospital with her hands around her neck. She happened to see Yan Mingyao's back as he left. She hid around the corner and muttered to herself as she looked at the expression on Ao Xue's face, "What's the relationship between these two people?"    


Ao Xue walked to the garage. Sure enough, Ye Family's chauffeur was waiting there. She didn't say anything as she got into the car and said, "Let's go!"    


"You're not waiting for Little Hua anymore?" The driver usually got along well with the maids, so he couldn't help but speak up for Chang Hua.    


Ao Xue looked at her coldly. She didn't know why her temper had become so violent at this very moment. "You didn't hear me say I was leaving!"    


There was always a trick during a Ye Family night. Ye Nianmo stayed in the study room for the whole night, and Ao Xue knew that he would sleep in the study room again tonight.    


She lingered at the door with the necklace in her hand. Ye Nianmo knew that he was outside, but he purposely didn't remind her. Right now, his heart was empty with the loss of the necklace.    


In the dead of night, Ye Nianmo fell asleep while leaning on the alcohol. Ao Xue walked into the room quietly and gently took away the wine bottle at Ye Nianmo's feet.    


She greedily looked at his sleeping face. Only at this moment would he be gentle. There would no longer be a carefree gaze in his ice-cold eyes.    


She silently stared at Ye Nianmo for a while before placing the necklace on the bedside. The necklace was extremely beautiful under the light of the lamp, but she did not even spare a glance for this expensive and beautiful necklace.    


"Love me, Ye Nianmo." she whispered, getting up and turning off the light.    


The next day, Ye Nianmo was still sitting and reading the financial newspaper while the butler waited on the side for him. After a while, he put down the newspaper and said, "I'm going to France tomorrow."    


"Grandson, why are you in such a hurry? Grandma still wants to make up for you. " Fu Fengyi's heart ached for her grandson. He was so young, yet he wanted to soar through the world.    


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