Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C666 Married to a Rich Family 596

C666 Married to a Rich Family 596

"Sorry Young Master Ye, I'll hang up first. I'll tell you where Xia Yihan and Miss Xia are at any time!"    


"Chase?" What a ridiculous word. When had Ye Zimo ever chased a woman? Didn't any woman stick to him the moment she saw him? What was the feeling of chasing someone? Ye Zimo couldn't help but shake her head when she thought of this.    


"Confession?" Ye Zimo blushed all of a sudden when she thought of that. He began to secretly curse his whimsical idea.    


'Forget it, for this woman, this is nothing shameful, 'he comforted himself.    


When Xia Yihan came back to buy vegetables at night, she found that the whole building was empty and there were no lights on. She couldn't help but frown. Even Xu Haosheng's room was dark.    


Just as she was about to enter the building, thunder rumbled in the sky. When she raised her head, her eyes were filled with fireworks.    


"So beautiful!" She looked at the fireworks in the sky in a daze. When she turned around, she found that there was a familiar figure standing at the door: a high-spirited posture, as if walking in an isolated space, untainted by the dust of the world. Through the fireworks, she could see his long and comfortable eyebrows and eyes.    


Ye Zimo!    


How could that be!    


She knew that the taxi from that night would not appear here so coincidentally. The reason why Xu Haorann got on the taxi to take her to the hospital so easily was all because Ye Zimo had arranged for him!    




In the instant she frowned, tens of thousands of rose petals fell from the sky, like a million butterflies lingering around her, dancing in the air.    


Ye Zimo walked closer to Xia Yihan. The aura emitted from his body made Xia Yihan unable to breathe.    


"How real is this? Was it a dream? Is it real? Or a trick by Ye Zimo? "    


Not giving her time to think any longer, Ye Zimo had already arrived beside her. Looking at her surprised and confused eyes, she said lovingly, "Come home with me, I still love you. I'm Nianmo's father, and no one can replace me.    


Dammit, is this a confession? Why did it sound like a threat? Even the confession was so shameless?    


Anger gushed out from Xia Yihan's chest. This man always made her believe and doubt him. Before she could be happy, he would pour cold water on her. Xia Yihan was momentarily at a loss as to how to respond.    


'Forget it. Since I have already decided to live my own life, why should I go back on my word? ' She would rather miss it than give him a chance to hurt her and Nianmo.    


"Mom!" Nianmo ran over from somewhere.    


"Nianmo!" Xia Yihan looked at Nianmo and squatted down to hug him.    


"Mom, if he wants to be my dad, he needs to be tested. Since he hurt you before and made mom cry, then we will let him be my dad for a month. As long as he doesn't make mom sad, then that's it! "Also, as long as you do not make me sad and reach the standards of my father, I will consider you as having passed!" Nianmo winked mischievously at Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo shook her head helplessly as she stared intently at Xia Yihan's face.    


Xia Yihan looked at Nianmo. Her heart suddenly ached when she saw how similar Ye Zimo and Nianmo were. From Nianmo's expression, it seemed that the little guy really liked Ye Zimo.    


"Alright, mom will agree to Nianmo's request. Let him try for free for one month!" Xia Yihan pinched Nianmo's chubby cheeks!    


"Come on, I think you can do it!" Nianmo stuck his tongue out at Ye Zimo.    


"Brat, it's true!"    


Xu Haosheng stood in a dark corner and watched everything unfold before his eyes. A rose floated down from the sky and landed at his feet along with the smell of fireworks.    


"Yihan, are you really going to stay in State K forever? Since Nianmo's body has already been nurtured, why don't we go home with Mom! " Ye Zimo couldn't suppress the joy in her heart.    


"I promised Nianmo that I would test you to be his father, but Nianmo and I won't stay in the Ye Family!" Xia Yihan glanced at Ye Zimo.    


"Don't worry, there's a mansion beside our house. You can stay there with Nianmo. When I miss you guys, I can come visit you guys anytime!" Ye Zimo understood Xia Yihan's stubborn temper very well, so she could only go along with it.    


The next morning, Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo, and the rest had already returned home. As soon as Xia Yihan got off the plane, she was brought to the villa beside Ye Family.    


The servants that Ye Zimo had hired were all dismissed by Xia Yihan. In the entire villa, only Xia Yihan and Nianmo were left.    


Helpless, Ye Zimo had no choice but to have her security guards watch Xia Yihan's villa closely.    


"Remember, both men and women must report the number of people in and out every day!" This was Ye Zimo's order to the security guards at the entrance. Ever since the order was given, the security guards' gazes never left Xia Yihan's door. They had a feeling that they were in the heart of the imperial court.    


Xia Yihan quickly discovered that the Ye Family guards would occasionally move away from their original positions and run to her gate.    


"Tell Ye Zimo that he went too far!"    


"Miss Xia, please forgive us. We also want to see the attributes of the people who frequently enter your house!"    


"Attribute? "What type?"    


"It means it's a man or a woman!"    


"This is too much. Go back and tell Ye Zimo that I have something to discuss with him." Xia Yihan suppressed the anger in her heart. Ye Zimo's behavior was too excessive.    


At night, the red Maserati drove past the Ye residence. The security guard whispered something into Ye Zimo's ears, occasionally glancing at Xia Yihan's mansion.    


About nine o'clock in the morning, the sky was covered with darkness. Ye Zimo tidied up her clothes and headed for Xia Yihan's residence.    


The air was filled with the scent of flowers. After passing through the cobblestone path, they arrived at Xia Yihan's residence.    


"Ye Zimo!" A cold voice came from the entrance of the main villa.    


Ye Zimo looked towards the direction where the voice came from. Xia Yihan's knitted white dress caught his eye. It was like a blooming white lotus under the blue lights on both sides of the villa.    


This woman was always full of charm! He took a deep breath, trying to extinguish the burning desire in his heart.    


Ye Zimo leisurely stood in front of Xia Yihan. When the wind blew, he could smell the faint fragrance coming from her body.    


"What is it? You miss me? " A charming smile appeared on his face.    


Shameless! Xia Yihan cursed silently.    


"Why did you let the security guards of the Ye Family meddle in my affairs? Who is going to come in and out of my house shouldn't be within your jurisdiction, right? Don't you think it's funny that a dignified young master of Ye Family would do such a shameless thing? " Xia Yihan frowned slightly as she stared at Ye Zimo's face, which was filled with an enchanting smile. She had to admit that no matter what, his charm would always make her feel intoxicated!    


"My woman, of course I should check who she's been dealing with." Ye Zimo put her hands in her pockets as if it was a matter of course.    


"What?" Your woman? " Xia Yihan was a little angry. The man in front of her was really shameless.    


"What is it? Don't you want to? "Do you still remember when you faced my body …" Ye Zimo stared closely at Xia Yihan's face.    


Xia Yihan's face instantly turned red. His robust body appeared in her mind, along with his powerful impact …    


So hot! Damn it!    


"What is it? You want it? " Ye Zimo took a step forward and breathed softly into her ear. He then revealed a devilish smile.    


Damn it, he had wanted to tease Xia Yihan, but now he smelled the fragrance that he hadn't tasted for a long time. An intense desire filled his entire body, and his breathing started to become rapid.    


The air, the surrounding air became hot. He began to breathe heavily.    


Ye Zimo stared fixedly at Xia Yihan. The bashfulness on her face made him unable to continue holding her in place. A pair of powerful hands embraced Xia Yihan tightly as he kissed her hot lips …    


Ye Zimo's soft murmuring reached her ears, and her desire exploded at this moment.    


Ye Zimo carried Xia Yihan into the bedroom and placed her on the bed.    


The softness bewitched him.    


His kiss was so hot that she was unable to breathe. At this moment, she found it hard to even breathe.    


His kiss was still so domineering.    


Xia Yihan was completely immersed in it.    


The entire room was filled with the scent of hormones.    


The morning sun shone onto the villa, and the sound of birds could still be heard. When Xia Yihan opened her eyes, Ye Zimo was already gone. She felt a sense of loss.    


"Xia Yihan and Young Master Ye have made up!"    


"What?" "It's going to be as good as new?" Si Si couldn't believe it. She had put so much effort into making peace between the two of them!    


Damn woman, Xia Yihan, I will never let you off!    


Si Si stood under the curtain. The sparse sunlight shone through the curtain and hit her enchanting body, drawing a long shadow behind her.    


She had her hands on her hips, and her brows were tightly knitted. Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and a charming smile appeared on her face.    


"Hmph, Xia Yihan, just you wait!"    


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