Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C439 Favorite Marriage 371

C439 Favorite Marriage 371

"Your Royal Highness, this way of speaking makes me feel very suddenly. "Thank you for your love. I just broke out of love, so I'm not in a good mood. I might not be able to consider my new partner so quickly." Hearing her words, Prince Ya Lun's serious expression immediately changed into a very gentle one.    


"It's okay, I won't force a woman, but I have patience. Didn't you, China, have a saying, "Lu Yao knows the strength of the horse, and you have seen the heart of the people for a long time"? I believe that you will soon discover my charm and that you will be willing to try to get along with me. "    


Just as Prince Ya Lun finished his sentence, Lee Heetai smiled mockingly and said, "Don't you know that there is a poem in China? "It's called having been in the sea and not being in the water, except that Wu Shan is not a cloud."    


Xia Yihan's eyes suddenly became moist after she passed through the sea and found Wu Shan not a cloud.    


She pursed her lips a little sadly and said softly, "Your Highness, in my heart, I only love Ye Zimo."    


"He's not your biological brother, is he?" Prince Ya Lun looked at Lee Heetai with hostility and asked Xia Yihan.    


"He also has the intention to pursue you. Since you can accept his invitation to travel with you, I believe that you have a way to accept my invitation."    


Lee Heetai wanted to say something again, but Xia Yihan used her eyes to indicate that she didn't need his help. She could handle it herself.    


"He is indeed not my biological brother, but in my heart, he is. Your Royal Highness, since you respect women, please do not force yourself. Recently, I have been feeling quite low and I do not wish to see a man I do not know. "Sorry, excuse me."    


As Xia Yihan finished speaking, she stood up and left. As she passed by, a fragrant aroma wafted into the air. Prince Ya Lun sat there stiffly with a change in expression. In the end, he smiled.    


He had never seen anyone who could reject such a thorough woman after knowing his true identity. There were also women who had rejected him, but they were all playing a game of rejection and welcome.    


This woman was too special, so he had to conquer her.    


Lee Heetai, have you forgotten that there is a saying in China called "hard work is not a waste of effort"?    


What I want, I can never escape, no matter what I do. I could be a gentleman, or I could be an unscrupulous man.    


"Are you alright?" Lee Heetai also left at the same time as Xia Yihan. The two of them stood on the ferry and looked at the blue sea while talking.    


Xia Yihan shook her head and said, "It's fine, Brother Heetai. There's no need to go against him for me. With his status and identity, he wouldn't act rashly. For example, the incident last night, didn't he also say that his subordinates took the initiative to make the decision? "    


"Alright, we won't have any conflicts with him in the future. You have already refused him today, and I think he will probably stop there. " Lee Heetai said gently.    


Leave the precautions to him. Xia Yihan had already lost her love, so she shouldn't worry about this mysterious admirer of hers.    


After returning from a day of sightseeing, Princess Ya Hui saw something wrong with Prince Ya Lun's face. It was obvious that he had failed the operation.    


She smiled and asked, "Do you need my help?"    


"No need."    


"Alright, let's take it as if I didn't say anything." Princess Ya Hui spread her hands and left her brother's room. After some thought, she thought that Lee Heetai was with Xia Yihan.    


If they wanted to succeed, they had to get Lee Heetai away.    


Fortunately, she and Lee Heetai had been married for a period of time. Princess Ya Hui was a little nostalgic when she thought about her ecstasy story during that period of time.    


She thought for a moment, then got someone to call Lundabu over. She told him in secret, "If I move Lee Heetai away tonight, you can make a move on Xia Yihan."    


Lee Heetai sent his subordinates away, then sat on the bed and thought for a while.    


For many years, he had always had his own team of bodyguards. Usually, they were only used to guard against unexpected situations, but they had never really been used on him.    


This time when he came out with Xia Yihan, his bodyguard was of real use due to Prince Ya Lun's coveting.    


He, who had always been at ease, suddenly felt nervous. He was even worried that his current bodyguard strength was insufficient to ensure Xia Yihan's safety.    


It wasn't a problem to temporarily increase their manpower, but those newcomers might not be reliable. If they took the opportunity to sneak in, the situation would be even worse.    


No matter what, he couldn't let anything happen to Xia Yihan. She was the daughter that his mother Zhao Wenying had finally managed to find. If anything happened to her, he wouldn't be able to explain it to his mother.    


Just as he was thinking about how to deal with Xia Yihan's problem, his phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number.    


He pressed the answer button and heard a bewitching voice, spoken in fluent English: Imissyou, Li.    


When the other party said that they missed him, Lee Heetai's lips curled up into a cold smile. He was right, Ya Lun's appearance was indeed related to his sister, Ya Hui.    


Wasn't his brother leading the battle today and his sister coming over tonight?    


He answered her slowly in English, "Princess Ya Hui?"    


Princess Ya Hui was obviously very happy. With just one sentence, she was able to recognize her voice, which meant that she had left a very deep impression on him.    


"It's me. I heard that you came to Australia, so I came here for you. I'm staying in the courtyard near the Hilton Hotel. I miss you. Let's have a nice night together. "    


Luring a snake out of its cave? Luring a tiger out of its lair?    


Princess Ya Hui, isn't this trick of yours a little too child's play?    


Lee Heetai didn't say anything for a long time, but Princess Ya Hui started to get anxious.    


She believed in her charm. Last time, Lee Heetai had kowtowed under her dress and they had been together for a few days. There was no reason for him to not see her.    


"Li?" she asked.    


Lee Heetai pondered for a moment, then replied with a calm voice, "I would love to go, but I came out this time to protect my sister on my mother's orders. "It's too late now. I want to see Your Highness tomorrow morning to express my feelings for her."    


It looked like he was on guard. No wonder the expert beside her brother, Lundabu, hadn't succeeded.    


Since she was involved in this matter, she wouldn't allow any mishaps to occur again. She thought for a moment, then said softly, "Alright, actually, I didn't just want to see you because I missed you. I know your situation with Xia Yihan very well. And I knew exactly what my brother was going to do to her. Tonight I heard a secret about Xia Yihan. If you're interested, come over and I'll tell you the truth. If you don't come and something bad happens to her, don't blame me for not reminding you. "    


After she finished speaking, Princess Ya Hui decisively pressed the button on the phone.    


People had weak points, just like Ye Zimo back then. Because he cared about Xia Yihan, he had to give in. No matter how courageous or how perfect a man was, once he had a care in the world and a fear in his heart, his IQ would drop and his mind would be thrown into chaos.    


She already knew that the word 'love' could make people addicted to it. As long as she was physically happy, she definitely wouldn't allow herself to truly fall in love with any man.    


Lee Heetai didn't get any news for a long time, so Princess Ya Hui thought he would immediately call to ask what she knew.    


She and Lee Heetai had once had a story that everyone knew. If Lundabu knew that she couldn't get Lee Heetai over here, her face would be on the floor.    


Princess Ya Hui paced back and forth alone in her bedroom. Finally, she picked up her phone and sent a message to Lee Heetai: "I told my brother to chase Xia Yihan. I have ways to make him interested in her. I also have ways to make him stop."    


This message was like a stone sinking into the ocean. Princess Ya Hui was extremely disappointed.    


She had already worked so hard. What could she do now? Was he going to send out guards to kidnap Lee Heetai?    


After all, this was not like Fenlai. She had to worry about everything, and just when she was at a loss, she suddenly received a message. It was a simple message in English: Waitme (wait for me).    


Princess Ya Hui was immediately spirited. She quickly walked to the mirror to take a closer look at her face and her clothes.    


The pajamas on her body wasn't sexy enough. She wanted to get Lee Heetai addicted tonight, so she could delay him a bit more so that Lundabu and the others could act.    


However, he still needed time. Her first priority was not to change clothes, but to command the others.    


Opening the door, Princess Ya Hui called in Lundabu and whispered to him, "Lee Heetai will be here soon. He won't be leaving for the whole night. You have to bring more people with you to capture Xia Yihan. After that, we'll follow your plan. Catch her and make her submit as soon as possible. That woman also had a weakness. You could use Ye Zimo to threaten her, or Lee Heetai to threaten her. Just say that I have both of them, and she will definitely give in, and will be willing to undress my brother. "    


"Yes, Your Highness. I will immediately make the arrangements to ensure that everything is safe."    


"Go." Princess Ya Hui waved her hand and went back to her room. First, she took a quick shower before changing into a silky and sexy nightgown.    


Although it was called a nightgown, it was actually no longer a dress. A large portion of her well-developed buttocks was exposed to the outside.    


Looking at herself in the mirror, she admired her figure for a while and was filled with anticipation for Lee Heetai's arrival.    


After about 20 minutes, her phone rang again. Since the place they were staying was very mysterious, and it was hard to find outsiders, Lee Heetai could only call her and ask for her exact address.    


"You can wait at the door of the Hilton. My guard will pick you up in ten minutes." Princess Ya Hui said happily.    


"Alright." Lee Heetai answered simply.    


He was already in front of the hotel when he made the call. He squinted into the hotel for a moment, his expression grave.    


What needed to be done had been done, and he hoped that his bodyguard's strength could ensure Xia Yihan's safety.    


I'll be back as soon as I can, Yihan. Don't worry, you just need to sleep.    


Ya Hui and Your Highness arrived at the Hilton Hotel within ten minutes.    


When Lee Heetai got on the car, Princess Ya Hui's guard knocked down the special curtain on the car, causing him to not know where his destination was.    


This was also due to him considering the princess' safety. He quietly cooperated and didn't ask any further questions from the beginning to the end.    


Originally, it only took them ten minutes to get from the Hilton Hotel to where Princess Ya Hui stayed. In order to not let Lee Heetai know, they took twenty minutes to get there.    


Before they drove into the house, the guard sitting beside Lee Heetai said to him in English, "Sorry, but for Your Highness's safety, we have to blindfold you."    


"No problem."    


The guard took out a black eyepatch and put it on Lee Heetai's head. Everything in front of him turned pitch black.    


He simply closed his eyes, and then the car stopped and he was led on foot for a while, as if he had entered a house.    


"Your Highness, Mr Lee is here." Lee Heetai heard the guard say so.    


"Bring him in." After Princess Ya Hui said that, the guard replied with a "yes". He took off the eyepatch on Lee Heetai's head at the same time as he opened the door.    


"Mr Lee, please." As soon as the guard finished his sentence, Lee Heetai took a step forward and the guard behind him immediately closed the door.    


It would take him one or two seconds to adjust to the light again. After one or two seconds, Lee Heetai heard soft music coming from the room. He looked to the front and saw Princess Ya Hui dancing under the ambiguous light.    


Her dancing was very enchanting, as if she was trying to seduce him.    


"Your Highness!" Lee Heetai called out in a low voice. Then, he walked towards Princess Ya Hui at a leisurely pace.    


Princess Ya Hui's soft arm was on his shoulder, and her graceful body was pressed tightly against his.    


Unlike last time, Lee Heetai Yin was disgusted by her actions, and did not feel much of her body anymore.    


"Long time no see, no rush. I want to be romantic tonight." he whispered in her ear.    


Princess Ya Hui couldn't wait for him to act. The group would need time to move around, and the slower he moved, the better.    


The two of them danced for a while. Although Princess Ya Hui wanted to stall for time, Lee Heetai's teasing of her waist made her anxious.    


His slender fingers caused her sensitive body to go limp and numb. She couldn't help but want to get close to him.    


Every time she tried to get closer, he would move a little further away, tormenting her to the point where her lust was growing stronger and stronger.    


"Your Highness …" Lee Heetai called out, but Princess Ya Hui smiled charmingly and said, "When it's just the two of us, I like hearing you call me darling."    


"Darling." Lee Heetai whispered into her ear while blowing on the hot air, causing Princess Ya Hui's body to tremble. She then leaned towards him even more weakly.    


Lee Heetai suddenly tightened his arms and hugged her tightly. Her heart was already drunk before the official start.    


How could this man grasp his rhythm so well? It was the same every time. Just his teasing alone was enough to bring her to the peak of her desire.    


"Tell me, how does your brother want to deal with my sister? Hm? Did he just want a moment of courtship or did he want my sister to be his consort? If it's the latter, I won't object. "    


Lee Heetai obviously knew that Princess Ya Hui told him to come here in order to lure him away from her. He didn't believe that she would really tell him about the situation.    


If he didn't come tonight, they wouldn't stop. Tonight he could foresee that they would make their move, so he decided to take the risk.    


It was because he was not interested in her body that he had to find words to delay for a while.    


"Princess?" Princess Ya Hui chuckled and said, "Haven't you heard? My brother's princess has already been selected. She is the Princess Victoria of our neighboring Country, the Country of Gladys. "    


This Princess Victoria was recommended by Princess Ya Hui herself to her brother. There was no other reason but that this princess was virtuous and quiet. Furthermore, she did not have any ambitions and would not encourage Prince Ya Lun to ascend to the throne.    


Although Vanlees and Yue Lai are neighbouring countries, the cultural differences are very large, and the culture of Gladys is more traditional. Vanlees did not like to marry an open woman like the women of his own country. They preferred traditional women, which was good for the stability of the monarchy.    


Lee Heetai had no interest in whom Prince Ya Lun was going to marry. He knew Xia Yihan would never consider Prince Ya Lun.    


"In that case, tell him not to provoke my sister. Lee's investments in Vanlees are still under scrutiny, and I don't want them to be affected by private matters. " Lee Heetai had a serious expression, while the arrogant smile on Princess Ya Hui's face froze for a moment.    


She wanted to be on the throne, and she asked her father to raise the country's economy. The development of FannLai Country itself was not very good, because the territory was limited.    


If she wanted to truly develop, she would have to rely on large-scale foreign investment. She had already assured her father that Madame Li's investment would be one hundred percent.    


Between public and private, she was somewhat hesitant. If you stop tonight... She thought about it and still couldn't do it. If Lee Heetai would really give up on his investment because of Xia Yihan, she could still threaten him with her safety in the future and make him reconsider his investment.    


This was a rare opportunity she could not afford to miss.    


"Do you mean Xia Yihan's private affairs? When you promised to come, I persuaded my brother to give up. My brother was never very interested in women. He decided to go home tonight. "Don't worry about him. Unless Xia Yihan takes the initiative, he won't do anything to her."    


Princess Ya Hui explained softly. Lee Heetai listened silently, then curled his lips and said, "Really? It seems that I have to thank you. "    


When he finished, he spun Princess Ya Hui around in a circle and then pressed her down on the bed when she was a little dizzy.    


He no longer had a gentle and refined appearance, but his eyes were filled with the color of conquest. With a stretch of his hand, Princess Ya Hui's extremely thin nightgown was torn apart by him.    


He no longer looked at her face, but at her white body.    


Lee Heetai's physical strength was very strong. Only after accompanying her for a long time did he say that he wanted to take a bath.    


After showering, Lee Heetai took out a small bag of mysterious substances that he had stuck to the inside of his arm and patted it. When he went out again, Princess Ya Hui was still looking at him flirtatiously, obviously wanting to fight again.    


He was already tired of it.    


"Darling, are you tired?" Lee Heetai asked gently.    


"I'm not tired. I'll be fine until daybreak." Princess Ya Hui said proudly.    


"Alright, lie flat. I want to caress you well."    


Princess Ya Hui lay down obediently. Lee Heetai stretched out his hands and caressed her face with love and gentleness. Then, he caressed her chin bit by bit …    


She felt a sense of comfort and tiredness.    


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