Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C403 Favorite Marriage 335

C403 Favorite Marriage 335

Ye Zimo's eyebrows unconsciously knitted together. She stared at Xia Yihan's face and asked, "What did she say? What did Soong Wanting do? Saying bad things about you? "    


Mo Xiaonong could guess Xia Yihan's disheveled appearance. She could also guess that she was about to devote herself to a night of ecstasy.    


The computer in the bedroom was still broadcasting the scene of a man and a woman kissing.    


She just didn't want Xia Yihan to be captured by Ye Zimoen, so she intentionally took a step forward and said, "Brother-in-law, did my sister not tell you? Today, Soong Wanting came to find me and said a lot of bad things about my sister in front of me. She said that my sister intentionally introduced such a terrible person to me because she was afraid that I would fall in love with you. She said that my sister and you wanted to kick me out. "    


"Alright, I got it. You go out!" Ye Zimo's attitude was a little cold. Mo Xiaonong stuck out her tongue and said mischievously, "Then I won't disturb sister and brother-in-law's love, as long as you don't misunderstand me."    


Mo Xiaonong went out and closed the door behind her. As she wished, Xia Yihan was no longer in the mood to be intimate with him.    


Ye Zimo's enthusiasm had already cooled down, and her face was ugly to behold.    


"Why didn't you tell me what Soong Wanting said and did?" he asked Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan sighed and said, "So what if I told you? You don't want Ye Zhengheng to lose his breast milk." You didn't even let her go when she did more than that. "    


"Idiot!" Get up and put your clothes on! " Ye Zimo frowned as she said this. She stood up first and threw the towel wrapped around her lower body onto the bed. He then went to the closet to get a nightgown.    


"Mo, what are you doing?"    


"Don't ask anymore, put on your clothes and come with me!"    


Ye Zimo's tone was solemn, so Xia Yihan didn't ask any further questions. She stood up and took off the nightgown that he had torn in half. He had already taken another piece from the closet and threw it to her.    


He turned around and saw that Xia Yihan was still dressed neatly. She got off the bed and stole a glance at Ye Zimo. His face was still dark and gloomy.    


He was angrier than she had expected, and she thought he knew what Soong Wanting was doing and pretended nothing had happened. It seemed that she still didn't know this man well enough at times.    


Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan's hand and pulled her out the door. When they were outside, he said with a dark expression, "In the future, if you feel wronged, you have to tell me. Don't bear with it silently. Do you really think that I would compromise without any principles against Soong Wanting? "    


"Isn't it? She purposely caused trouble in her stomach, purposely refused to feed the child. Yet, you endured it and deliberately didn't ask. I thought my question was nothing compared to Dudu's. You don't even know how to ask. " Xia Yihan whispered.    


The fact that Ye Zimo had such an attitude made her feel gratified. In the beginning, all the anger in her heart had been dispelled by Ye Zimo's actions.    


From this little tone, it seemed as though she had endured a great grievance. Did she really think that her man wouldn't stand up for her?    


"That's for the child, not for you. I won't let her hurt you." Ye Zimo sighed and stopped walking, lovingly rubbing Xia Yihan's hair.    


His actions caused Xia Yihan's nose to ache, and tears naturally filled her eyes.    


"Mo, I'm sorry. I'm a bit too narrow-minded." Xia Yihan whispered.    


Ye Zimo leaned over to kiss her dry tears, once again ruffling her hair, thinking, Little thing, I'm the one who should say sorry.    


He could imagine what kind of anger she had suffered at Soong Wanting's place. Soong Wanting was such a sharp-tongued person. Especially when she thought she could control Ye Zimo.    


"Let's go." Ye Zimo put her arm around Xia Yihan's shoulders. Xia Yihan's tears had already dried up.    


Following Ye Zimo the whole way, her head was still busy thinking about Soong Wanting's and her breast milk.    


When they reached the staircase, Xia Yihan suddenly stopped.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Zimo asked.    


"Mo, let's not go up. I understand." Xia Yihan sighed.    


"Although Soong Wanting is bad, breast milk is indeed very important. She has started to think of ways to deal with me, but she didn't continue to harm the child. Just pretend this didn't happen, and don't go looking for trouble with her. The child is still asleep, so don't make things difficult for her in front of the child. "    


He knew that Xia Yihan was the most reasonable one, and she did not know Ye Zhengheng's problem. If she knew, she would only be more worried and care more than him. She would also swallow her anger and bear with Soong Wanting.    


Ye Zimo glanced at Xia Yihan gratefully, but she held her by the waist and walked upstairs.    


"It's fine, I know my limits. "Come with me, she's just going to die for all she's done, it's no wonder that others are doing this."    


"This …"    


"But what if you don't get used to eating milk powder and can't quit breast milk? He'll blame me when he grows up. "    


"Listen to me, you don't have to worry so much." Ye Zimo put her hand on her waist and put some pressure on it. Xia Yihan sighed, feeling really conflicted. Considering Soong Wanting's character, she felt that if Ye Zimo had a way to stop the baby from nursing and let Soong Wanting leave, it wouldn't do her any harm.    


She didn't say anything else and silently went upstairs with Ye Zimo.    


"Hello, Mr Ye!" "Good morning, Young Madame Ye!" Outside Soong Wanting's door, two female servants greeted her respectfully in a low voice. They then opened the door, and Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan entered the room.    


Soong Wanting was sitting alone on the bed with the lights on inside. She had been immersed in the joy of victory just a moment ago. Now that she saw Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan together, she understood that she was going to continue fighting.    


Fighting was a battle, so she was confident in herself. Ye Zimo only needed her to give her a way out, but she would still stand on her side.    


The child had a problem. How could he let the child's mother leave?    


"Oh, Xia Yihan, it seems that you have reported me in front of Zimo. Needless to say, you are here to denounce me, right?"    


Ye Zimo only gave her a cold glance before raising her lips and saying to the maid at the door, "Go get the housekeeper and call all the servants who are in charge of taking care of Miss Soong and Little Heng, baby caregiver. I have something to say."    


He did not scold her, but wanted to hold a meeting with such fanfare? Soong Wanting suddenly felt that something was wrong. Her determination to start had completely disappeared, and she became extremely nervous all of a sudden.    


"Zimo, the child is still sleeping, what do you want to say? So many of them will wake up. "You …"    


Ye Zimo only cast a cold glance at her panic.    


Soong Wanting, you can be so flustered sometimes. Why didn't you think of this when you were trying to do something bad?    


Do you think I will endure you forever? I wanted to kick you out of this house. I wanted to make you disappear from this earth!    


The coldness on Ye Zimo's face and the coldness in his eyes made Soong Wanting even more terrified.    


With such a large lineup, was he going to chase him away?    


The more she thought about it, the more Soong Wanting panicked. If she left now, she would have had no time to do anything. Her perfect plan, Mo Xiaonong and Ye Zimo staying in bed, Xia Yihan feeling heartbroken … It was too late to do that, and her children would be forced to stay here.    


No! She wouldn't give up even if she died.    


Seeing that Ye Zimo didn't even want to talk to her, Soong Wanting knew that it would be difficult to change his decision.    


The butler needed more time to get here from the living quarters, so she took this opportunity to persuade Ye Zimo.    


"Zimo, I'm sorry, I know I did wrong today. I shouldn't have gone to Mo Xiaonong, I shouldn't have said those words. "I was obviously feeding my child today, but Xia Yihan accused me wrongly, saying that I don't like my child. I was too angry, so I impulsively did it. Can you forgive me?"    


Soong Wanting pleaded in a low voice, tears streaming down her face. Ye Zimo was completely unmoved.    


What he had done to her had already been tolerated for too long. Every single time she had done something before had made him hate and loathe her. If it wasn't for the sake of the child, how could he have endured until now?    


Since he had already made his decision, no matter how Soong Wanting cried or begged, he would not waver.    


"Zimo, I really know I was wrong. Just give me a chance to make up for it. I promise that I will take good care of the child in the future. I just want to do one thing, do nothing else, do nothing else, okay? " Soong Wanting pleaded once more. Her tears flowed profusely, and the expression on her face became more pitiful.    


If they had known her for the first time, they would have been moved by her sad appearance, but it was not the first time either Ye Zimo or Xia Yihan had known her.    


Xia Yihan was originally a soft-hearted and kind person, but at this moment, all she could think about was how Soong Wanting would treat her child.    


She was indeed going too far. Even she couldn't sympathize with her anymore. Pity her.    


Seeing that Ye Zimo did not even look at her, Soong Wanting turned to Xia Yihan and began to beg, "Yihan, will you forgive me? It was only when I was angry that I came up with the rotten idea of separating you from Mo Xiaonong. I know that Zimo will forgive me or not, depending on your attitude. I already know that I'm wrong. Even if you beat me and scold me, as long as you can vent your anger, I promise I won't retort and I won't retaliate. Please advise Zimo not to do anything to my child because of my fault. My child, he is so small, so fragile, he needs breast milk. "Yihan, you are the kindest, for the sake of your child …"    


"Enough!" Ye Zimo coldly interrupted Soong Wanting and said indifferently, "I don't want to hear the word 'child' coming out of your mouth. Do you think you're qualified to say that? Animals have more maternal love than you do, and hens know they have to protect their chickens, but you purposely make a mess of yourself so that you don't feed your children. "    


Ye Zimo was finally willing to speak. If he was willing to speak, then he would be able to vent his anger. If he was angry, then there would still be some leeway for things to take a turn for the better.    


Soong Wanting seemed to have found a glimmer of hope in her despair. She stood up, walked over to Ye Zimo, and begged again, "Zimo, I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. The child is not only mine, but yours as well. Please, for the sake of the child's health throughout his life, let me continue to feed him. "    


"If you remain silent right now, you will have the chance to stay here for a period of time. If you continue to cry in front of your children, I will immediately tell you to scram!" With a cold expression, Ye Zimo was merciless when she said "scram".    


Soong Wanting didn't even have any face left. She already lost all face by begging Ye Zimo to Xia Yihan in front of everyone. Now that she was scolded by Ye Zimo, the once arrogant Miss Jiao lost all her dignity.    


No matter what, Ye Zimo had also said that she would not ask anymore. She could stay here for a period of time, and the result might not be too bad for her.    


She also understood that Ye Zimo said this not because she still had feelings for her, but because he was afraid that it would be impossible for the child to leave her mother's breast milk, so it was better to keep her here as a substitute.    


She took a deep breath and looked forlornly at the child. "Well," she said in a very low voice, "as long as you keep me here, I won't say anything. I won't say anything."    


Soong Wanting no longer begged. Instead, she looked at the child in silence, her eyes unblinking. As she asked, Xia Yihan thought about her various actions and became especially angry. She wasn't going to beg anymore, but her pitiful appearance caused Xia Yihan's heart to be moved.    


Maybe Ye Zimo was right, she thought. After all, she was a mother, and motherly love was inherent.    


What she had done for her was for her children. She wanted to give her child a full home, to win his father, to drive away her rival.    


Ye Zhengheng was still asleep and did not know anything about what had happened to the adults.    


If he knew that he had the right to speak, what would he do? He would definitely call Xia Yihan a bad woman and steal his father. He would definitely beg his father to keep his mother.    


The little guy slept really well. He was so innocent and innocent like that. Xia Yihan really had the urge to beg Ye Zimo, so she let Soong Wanting breastfeed the child. She wanted to say that the child was pitiful.    


Her brows were knitted tightly, and the words that had just left her mouth reminded her of everything that Soong Wanting had done recently. She steeled her heart, but she still didn't say anything. She couldn't be soft-hearted for a moment, and then she saw Soong Wanting blackmailing her child endlessly. In the future, she would teach her child wrongly.    


The room was completely silent, so quiet that everyone's breathing could be heard.    


After a while, the housekeeper arrived. All of Soong Wanting's and her children's maids, and even the milkmaid, were called into the large bedroom to listen to Ye Zimo's instructions.    


Most of them had already guessed what he was going to say, and they had all heard Soong Wanting's plea just now.    


"Let me announce something. From tonight onwards, Ye Zhengheng will officially break away from breast milk. From now on all by milk powder feeding, can start with soup spoon feeding, want to let him adapt to the bottle as soon as possible. All people need to pay more attention to their children and their wages are doubled, but I don't want to see them cry, not once or twice, not for more than a minute. "    


What a strict requirement. Everyone was tense, but the double salary was so tempting. No one would come out and do such a hard work if they didn't have money, so the stimulation of money was indeed very strong. No matter how strict the requirements were, no one stood up to say that they were unqualified. Everyone silently listened, thinking about how they could do their part of the job better, fulfill the requirements, and obtain the high wages in Ye Family.    


Xia Yihan sighed heavily in her heart. She would have been happy to hear him say this, but she also could not have been happy.    


When she thought about how the cute little fellow would suffer and cry non-stop, she felt her heart ache.    


Moreover, if Ye Zimo couldn't bear to see her child cry, wouldn't he have made this decision a long time ago?    


He had done it for her, but she had selfishly made his son suffer. How could she not feel guilty?    


She once again resisted the urge to persuade Ye Zimo as she stood to the side without saying a word.    


Soong Wanting had long since calmed down and didn't say anything. She just looked at her child in grief.    


At this moment, she still carried a sliver of hope that the child would wake up and start drinking milk immediately. No one could coax him.    


This time, Ye Zhengheng didn't seem to hear his mother's pleas. He slept soundly. So many people were present, yet they couldn't disturb his sleep at all.    


After Ye Zimo finished arranging Ye Zhengheng's affairs, she instructed the butler, "Arrange for Miss Soong to temporarily stay in the guest room on the side and send two people to take care of her."    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


"You're still sitting here, you don't have to come out and walk if you have nothing to do." Ye Zimo looked at Soong Wanting and said coldly.    


Everyone could understand that she had been grounded again.    


Soong Wanting had expected this outcome, but it was already too late.    


She felt that she had overestimated herself and underestimated Xia Yihan's position in Ye Zimo's heart.    


She thought that Ye Zimo would continue to endure for the sake of her child, but she didn't expect that she would fall so soon. For a moment, she felt an incomparable sense of loss and even despair.    


She looked at the child again, and then she was led out of the large bedroom by the butler, who had specially selected the smallest guest room for her.    


After Soong Wanting entered, the door was closed from the outside. The housekeeper arranged for a maid to be on duty outside the door and also instructed them to change shifts between morning and night so that Soong Wanting would not leave the house even half a step.    


"Let's go back to our room." Ye Zimo gently said as she put her arm around Xia Yihan's shoulders.    


"Mo, Du Du will definitely not be used to it tonight, the two of us will just stay here. baby caregiver and the others can also rest for a while. If the two of us can take care of him, it would be best if we take care of him ourselves. " Xia Yihan said softly.    


She thought about the upset Soong Wanting had the last time. Ye Zhengheng kept crying, and even now, he still had a lingering fear in his heart. She was worried because she wasn't here. baby caregiver and the others didn't have the ability to make any decisions. The main reason was that they didn't dare to do anything without permission.    


"It's okay, let's go back to sleep. When the child wakes up tonight, let baby caregiver go inform us." You still have to work tomorrow, so stay here. You won't be able to keep up with your energy tomorrow. "    


"I'm fine. I'm just sleeping here anyways. If you let me go back, I won't be able to sleep soundly." Mo, let's stay here, okay? I don't have to be here every day, waiting for Toot to get used to getting out of the breast milk, and then we can go back downstairs and live. "    


Seeing that Xia Yihan was sincere, Ye Zimo was indeed worried. She nodded and instructed the housekeeper to arrange for a servant to change the bedding into a new one and bring Soong Wanting's things to her room overnight.    


Xia Yihan understood that Ye Zimo was afraid that she would mind having traces of Soong Wanting's presence in the room. At this point, she didn't have as much thought as she already had. She was only paying attention to the child.    


Soong Wanting's things were brought in and she lay on the bed with her eyes closed, not seeing how they would place her things.    


When everything was moved over, the servants closed the door again. She sat up in shock and turned on the lights.    


She felt like she was in a prison. The housekeeper was sinister, and this guest room did not even have a window. It was truly dark and gloomy.    


Ye Zimo had made up her mind. Would she still have a chance to turn the tables?    


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