Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C490 Favorite Marriage 422

C490 Favorite Marriage 422

The child was most sensitive to external dangers. At first, she looked cute, but then she started to cry. Xia Yihan had never had a child before and was confused by Ye Zhengheng's actions.    


Butler, maid, baby caregiver and Xia Yihan stood up. They could only look for these people, but Soong Wanting still looked confused. It was true that her hair was messy and her clothes were messy, but she was staring at Ye Zhengheng like a venomous snake.    


"Soong Wanting, are you crazy?" Seeing Soong Wanting's clarity, Xia Yihan understood what was going on. Soong Wanting was pretending to be crazy.    


"Xia Yihan, how could I be so easily defeated by you?" Soong Wanting said with a smile. There was not a single piece of skin on her face that did not laugh at Xia Yihan's naivety.    


Xia Yihan sighed. She could only blame herself for being soft-hearted. Soong Wanting was too ruthless. The child in the cradle was still crying, his voice not as smooth as it had started.    


"Soong Wanting, now is not the time to argue, the child needs to call the housekeeper over immediately." Xia Yihan tried to reason with Soong Wanting to stop causing trouble.    


No matter how Xia Yihan thought about it, she couldn't think of what Soong Wanting was about to do, so she wasted her time with Soong Wanting.    


She had already plotted to make use of her child, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Furthermore, she didn't have the right timing today to only have her and Xia Yihan. Such a good condition wasn't easy to find.    


Ye Zhengheng cried and started to suffocate again.    


"Soong Wanting, Du Du is your child. Get out of the way, you don't care if he lives or dies, I'll care. I'm going to find someone to look for him." Xia Yihan reached out her hand to push Soong Wanting away. Soong Wanting held onto Xia Yihan's hand and said faintly, "Do you think Ye Zimo will be sad when her child dies? Does he think you killed him? " Her voice was soft like the wind, yet sinister to the extreme. Xia Yihan kept shaking her head. She did not believe that Soong Wanting would use such a method to frame her.    


"Soong Wanting, move out of the way!" Xia Yihan struggled to break free from Soong Wanting's restraints. The crying sound of the child was too unusual.    


Soong Wanting was determined to use her child to frame Xia Yihan. How could she let her leave? She clenched her teeth and refused to look at Ye Zhengheng.    


Xia Yihan stretched out her free hand and slapped Soong Wanting.    


"You're crazy! He's your own son! How can you use him so cruelly? How can there be such a shameless mother in the world. " Xia Yihan couldn't stand Soong Wanting's shamelessness any longer. She didn't start to speak as politely as before, instead shouting towards the door for the butler.    


"Xia Yihan, that slap just happened to give me an excuse." She smiled sinisterly and let go of Xia Yihan's hand. The crying sound of the child became smaller and smaller. Was it a success? I gave you your life in just a few days, then give it back to me in a few days.    


Soong Wanting felt her heart begin to ache.    


She turned her head with a heavy expression, not daring to look at the child. She wanted to look at the child again at this last moment.    


Ye Zhengheng kept staring at his calves from the cradle. He opened and closed his mouth while his face was blood-red and his eyes were staring hard.    


Soong Wanting went silent, her eyes filled with an indescribable feeling.    


The housekeeper rushed over after hearing the news. Xia Yihan took a deep breath and told the butler in a calm voice.    


"Ye Zhengheng is sick, quickly inform Doctor Song. "Tell Xia Yiqing to drive the car, I want to take the child to the hospital and have him give Doctor Song his address. We'll meet up in the middle." Xia Yihan didn't dare to relax.    


When the butler saw Young Master's pale face, he became pale. Xia Yihan didn't even look at Soong Wanting as she followed the housekeeper down to the second floor.    


Xia Yiqing hurriedly ran over when he saw Xia Yihan.    


"Let's go." Xia Yihan did not waste any more time and did not waste any more time.    


The butler followed Xia Yihan into the car.    


"Young Madame, let me follow you."    


Xia Yihan nodded as she thought about how the butler had experienced more than she did. It was good to have him around.    


Soong Wanting stood there dumbly without saying anything. In her mind, Ye Zhengheng's face turned from red to white as he stared at her.    


"Don't blame me, don't blame me." "Soong Wanting clutched her head tightly with both of her hands." "No, not the child."    


No, the child will be fine. Yes, Xia Yihan will take the child to the hospital.    


Ye Zhengheng's breathing was very light. Xia Yihan looked at his slightly agape mouth and started to get scared.    


"Steward, come hold the child. I'll call him." Xia Yihan didn't say a name, and the butler also knew that. He took the child from Xia Yihan and nodded furiously, feeling very flustered.    


Xia Yihan took out her cell phone, gritting her teeth. Zimo, at this time, I don't care if you are in the shareholders' meeting. Ye Zhengheng, Zimo, I'm sorry.    


In the meeting of the Fu Group shareholders, everyone was discussing the question that Ye Zimo had raised in a low voice.    


In the quiet venue, Ye Zimo's cell phone rang. It was the ringtone that belonged to Xia Yihan.    


The others discussed in hushed voices. No one looked at Ye Zimo as they all knew that the young CEO had a weird temper.    


Ye Zimo walked out of the meeting with her cell phone in front of everyone's eyes.    


As soon as the call connected, Xia Yihan's familiar voice boomed into Ye Zimo's eardrums.    


"Don't be in such a hurry. Slow down." Ye Zimo had a bad feeling about this.    


"Mo is me. DuDu is very dangerous." Xia Yihan spent a lot of courage to finish her sentence before she collapsed onto her seat, unsure of what to say.    


Ye Zimo remained silent for a long time. In the end, she hung up without saying anything. He didn't believe her and just left. Not long after that, the child was gone.    


"Lin Ling, Dahui, the two of you used to be in charge of the shareholders' meeting today, and you're in charge of everything." After Ye Zimo carefully gave out the instructions, she took the personal elevator. The Fu Group was important, the children were also important, there was no doubt that they wouldn't need them. He believed in Lin Ling and Lin Dahui.    


"The child's condition is not very good. How long he can live will depend on how you take care of him." Dr. Song's words rang in Ye Zimo's mind. She could not remember how many red lights he had dashed through along the way.    


By the time he rushed to the hospital, Ye Zimo had already become the target of the crowd. Without even looking at the car that was being held down, he ran towards the hospital at a brisk pace.    


Xia Yihan stopped Dr. Song midway. Ye Zhengheng had already been delivered to the emergency room with oxygen. She was the only person in the lounge provided by the hospital.    


Xia Yihan felt especially empty. She wanted to go out for a walk, but this place made her feel extremely depressed.    


If Xia Yihan didn't care about explaining in the past, Ye Zimo would have misunderstood, but now it was different. She loved him, and it wasn't easy for them to reach this day, so she didn't want to give up.    


Would Ye Zimo believe her now?    


"Do you think that if the child dies, he will be hurt? Would Ye Zimo think that you killed him?" Soong Wanting suddenly said those words. Xia Yihan had always believed that Ye Zimo would believe her. Since Ye Zhengheng was his child, would he still believe her? Xia Yihan was slightly shaken.    


Xia Yihan walked over to the big tree at the hospital. She needed some time to think about how to tell Ye Zimo that Ye Zimo didn't personally say that Soong Wanting had gone crazy, but his dark expression and her laissez-faire towards Soong Wanting showed that she was a madman in Ye Zimo's eyes.    


After Ye Zimo entered the hospital, she slowed down her pace and started to think about what had caused Ye Zhengheng's illness in such a short time. When she raised her head, she saw Xia Yihan standing beside the hospital tree with her head raised towards the sky.    


Xia Yihan seemed to have sensed something. She turned around and saw Ye Zimo walking towards them. All of Xia Yihan's toughness had turned into foam, and it started to crumble one by one.    


She ran over and hugged Ye Zimo tightly while trembling.    


"Sorry, sorry …"    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything. He patted Xia Yihan's head, his expression unreadable.    


Dr. Song said that the chances of the child surviving were very small, but she didn't say that the child would die right now.    


"It's fine, let's go in and take a look." Ye Zimo didn't ask Xia Yihan about her matters. His eyes were deep and serene. No one knew what he was thinking, but Xia Yihan still kept quiet, sobbing softly.    


"Mr Ye." The butler saw that there was no trace of Xia Yihan in the lounge, so he went out to look for someone and told Xia Yiqing to wait. The moment there was anything, he would inform the butler.    


Ye Zimo nodded and pulled Xia Yihan inside.    


"Yi Qing, why did you come out?" The moment Xia Yihan saw Xia Yiqing, she became even more afraid.    


"Mr Ye, Young Madame, I'm sorry. Dr. Song said the child arrived late. " Xia Yiqing didn't dare to look at Ye Zimo.    


The child arrived late. The child arrived late.    


Xia Yihan's brain had been thinking the entire time, but she didn't hear anything else. Soong Wanting, you're so ruthless. If you use your own child to such an extent, then what about Mo? Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo reflexively. He looked calm, but Ye Zimo's reaction was unexpected.    


Ye Zhengheng left just like that without even taking a look.    


Ye Zimo didn't return to Fu Group, and directly sat in Xia Yiqing's car to return to Ye Family.    


Soong Wanting was in a daze on the second floor. When she heard the door open, she stood up. The child was fine. Xia Yihan had sent the child to the hospital. She carefully peeked through the crack in the door.    


Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan. Soong Wanting was frightened when she saw Ye Zimo. Suddenly, her eyebrows raised. She was a madman now. As long as she continued to act like a madman, she could frame Xia Yihan.    


"Elder sister, elder sister, you're here." Soong Wanting ignored the gazes of the others and directly ran into Xia Yihan's embrace.    


Soong Wanting, are you still pretending to be crazy? Xia Yihan helplessly shook her head with a complicated expression on her face. She really couldn't think of how Soong Wanting could still pretend to be crazy after her child was dead.    


"Soong Wanting, stop pretending to be crazy. The child has already left." Xia Yihan thought that if it wasn't Soong Wanting who stopped her, then even if it wasn't her child, she wouldn't have died. Xia Yihan hated herself and she also hated Soong Wanting as long as she thought about that little life leaving just like that.    


"Soong Wanting, did you know that Dr. Song said the child was sent late?" Xia Yihan grabbed Soong Wanting's hands and shook her. This was the first time she had used such a harsh and loud tone to speak. As she spoke, tears were already flowing down her cheeks.    


It was Soong Wanting's fault, but she was also in the wrong. Crazy or not, she shouldn't have let her touch the baby.    


Soong Wanting let Xia Yihan shake it. Hearing that it was too late and Soong Wanting's world collapsed, she regretted using the child. Thinking of that little soft baby being selfish, Soong Wanting held her head with both of her hands and shook her head vigorously.    


No, no, she didn't kill the child. No, it was Xia Yihan!    


"Soong Wanting, it's all your fault. I, Xia Yihan, did have a grudge with you, but the child is innocent. How can you?" Xia Yihan could not finish her words as tears welled up in her eyes.    


She looked at Xia Yihan with her eyes without focus. Her face was filled with a dazed and ignorant expression. She was also oblivious. The grief that had caused her own child's death was also displayed on her face.    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything the moment she entered the room. The butler was also her father, so he could understand how heavy Ye Zimo's mood was right now.    


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