Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C575 Favorite Marriage 506

C575 Favorite Marriage 506

Xia Yihan looked at the things she was carrying. She ate and dressed well in the new development zone, Base One. When she came to find Ye Zimo, she had a knife held at her neck. She didn't think that the one waiting for her would be more cruel than Base One.    


Zhao Wenying bought a lot of clothes for Xia Yihan. Every season, she would dress up in those closets for Xia Yihan. It seemed that Zhao Wenying wanted to make up for the debt she owed Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan looked at her bulging stomach. No matter how beautiful these clothes were, she couldn't wear them. Looking at the hanging clothes, Xia Yihan touched her belly. Child, mother may not be able to give you a complete family in the future, but mother will definitely love you more than herself, just like Grandma did.    


Xia Yihan closed the wardrobe door. First, she went to check out the house on the riverside side side. She rented a house. As a pregnant woman, she could live without a place to stay, but the child in her womb was not her.    


Thinking about her new life and the child in her womb, Xia Yihan's whole body was full of energy.    


Turning on the computer, Xia Yihan checked her room first. This was the most important thing.    


Just take this, living alone is safer. Xia Yihan thought of the last time she looked at the zero on the bank card Zhao Wenying gave her. Xia Yihan would find a safe place and wait for her to repay Zhao Wenying in the future.    


Xia Yihan looked at the phone number she left behind. She wanted to call her immediately and see if she could live there immediately.    


Before he could make a call, he heard a knock on the door. Who would come here at this time?    


Xia Yihan walked over and saw Mo Xiaojun through the peephole. Why did he come here? But that's fine, she wanted to talk to him before she left.    


"Brother, is sister-in-law well?" Xia Yihan opened the door and welcomed Mo Xiaojun in.    


"She's at home. Let me take a look at this place. What else do you need? I'll buy it for you tomorrow." Mo Xiaojun put on his slippers and followed Xia Yihan to the sofa in the living room. His heart was filled with pain and he didn't want her to go to his place.    


"What are you playing?" Mo Xiaojun looked at the computer that was turned on and wanted to go over to take a look. Thinking of Yihan's boredom, playing with the computer was also not bad.    


Xia Yihan immediately walked in front of the computer to block Mo Xiaojun's gaze and said, "It's nothing, I just want to buy something." Renting a house was considered a form of shopping, Xia Yihan thought to herself as she made an excuse and smiled.    


Seeing Xia Yihan's reaction, Mo Xiaojun thought it might be because she was buying a girl's private items. His face blushed, but he didn't insist on looking at it.    


Seeing that Mo Xiaojun didn't insist, Xia Yihan let out a sigh of relief. She knew that if Mo Xiaojun knew that she was going to Lin Jiang, he wouldn't let her go. He was her brother.    


"Brother, you have to treat sister-in-law well in the future. She's not easy either." Xia Yihan didn't know what to say. She could only make Mo Xiaojun treat Hai Qingqing well. She could tell how much Hai Qingqing loved Mo Xiaojun. That kind of letting go had already made Hai Qingqing let go of too much.    


"I know. I will do my best to make it up to her. I will treat her well for the rest of my life." He didn't say love. Yes, his heart couldn't be retracted. Hai Qingqing was his child's mother, so he was wrong not to be able to love her. Mo Xiaojun would be good to her for the rest of his life.    


Xia Yihan looked at Mo Xiaojun, not knowing what to say. She felt like she couldn't finish her sentence before she opened her mouth, but now, she didn't know how to open her mouth.    


"Brother, you have to take care of yourself." Xia Yihan tried her best to speak naturally, but nothing seemed amiss.    


Mo Xiaojun touched Xia Yihan's head, "Silly Girl, can I not take care of myself? I still need to take care of you and Qingqing. "    


Thinking about Xia Yihan's warm words, a smile appeared on Mo Xiaojun's handsome face.    


Not long after they started chatting, Xia Yihan pushed Mo Xiaojun away.    


"Big brother, hurry up and go back. Sister-in-law is still waiting for you at home." Xia Yihan teased him with a smile, "I don't want my sister-in-law to say that I have taken over my brother."    


The reason why Xia Yihan told Mo Xiaojun to leave quickly was because Mo Xiaojun was delaying her from doing anything. She had to deal with this matter as soon as possible.    


"Why are you in such a hurry for me to go back? Is something wrong with Yihan?" Mo Xiaojun had only said it casually, but he didn't expect his words to be accurate. Xia Yihan pretended to lower her head and didn't look at Mo Xiaojun. She was a little anxious, but her expression was very calm.    


"What can happen? I'm just afraid that sister-in-law won't be able to wait for you to get angry." Xia Yihan smiled coyly and said, "Go quickly. It's not like we won't see each other again in the future."    


Xia Yihan smiled as she pushed Mo Xiaojun to the shoe cabinet. She really wanted to keep Mo Xiaojun here as there was no time at the moment.    


Mo Xiaojun looked at Xia Yihan's smile and couldn't find anything wrong with it. He thought maybe he was overthinking it. It seemed like Yihan had really figured it out.    


"Alright, alright. I'll come see you tomorrow." Mo Xiaojun talked as he put on his shoes. Since this girl told him to go back, he should go back first. It seemed like Xia Yihan had something she wanted to do, so it would be better if she gave herself some space.    


Mo Xiaojun didn't know that he would only see Xia Yihan for months.    


Watching Mo Xiaojun leave, Xia Yihan's eyes were filled with tears.    


Mo Xiaojun turned his head and saw Xia Yihan. He asked curiously, "Why is Silly Girl crying?" Didn't you tell me to leave? "    


Xia Yihan was afraid that Mo Xiaojun would think too much, so she found an excuse and said abruptly, "Sighing that time is too fast, people are easily aged."    


Mo Xiaojun also sighed in his heart about how fate makes fools of people. He waved his hand and said: "Then I'll be going, I'll come see you tomorrow."    


Xia Yihan smiled as she waved her hand. "Sorry brother, it's not that I'm not telling you, but if I tell you, I'm sure you won't let me go with your personality. My leaving is good for everyone, so let me help everyone."    


After Mo Xiaojun left, Xia Yihan first called the owner of the house.    


"Hello, may I ask if this is Mr. Xu Haosheng?" Xia Yihan thought that it would be better to ask her first, otherwise she would be in trouble if she accidentally made a mistake.    


Xu Haosheng was playing a game, so he casually picked up his phone without even looking at it.    


He did not expect to hear the voice of a young girl. Even after a long time, he still could not figure out who it was.    


"Yes, I'm Xu Haosheng. May I ask who are you looking for?" Xu Haosheng put down what he was doing and asked.    


"Hello, Mr Xu. I saw that you have a house to rent on the internet. I want to rent it, is that okay?"    


Xia Yihan was a little worried in her heart. The other party was a young man. Could she be in danger in the past? Xia Yihan had no choice but to ask about the situation first.    


She hoped that this person called Xu Haosheng would apologize loudly and not rent it out, but Xia Yihan was going to be disappointed.    


"Sure, when are you coming?" He didn't think too much about it. He lived in a big house by himself, and his friends teased him and said that it would be better if he rented it out, because he didn't lack this little bit of rent. In the end, it was really boring to live alone, so Xu Haosheng decided to rent it out.    


Thus, the two of them started the trade with ulterior motives.    


"Mr Xu, do you think I'll go over tomorrow? I guess I won't be able to get there until one in the afternoon. " Xia Yihan calculated the time.    


"No problem, let's talk when we get there." Xu Haosheng hung up the phone and went back to his game.    


Xia Yihan was still worried about him, but she did not expect him to agree so readily. With her current state, how could Xu Haosheng's big house be rented out and he kill her with money? Not at all, they didn't even recognize a single life.    


After thinking for a while, Xia Yihan thought that she would be looking for Lin Ling tomorrow. She didn't know if Lin Ling was still at Fu Group or if she was still thinking about Fu Group, and Xia Yihan was afraid of meeting Ye Zimo. She didn't know if Ye Zimo would risk her life to personally supervise the killing of her child once she saw her again.    


"Mr Hai, this is Yihan. Do you have Lin Ling's cell number? I want to talk to her about something. " Xia Yihan called Hai Zhixuan. She thought he must have had Lin Ling's contact information.    


"Yihan, look for Sofia. She's here. I'll give her my cell phone." Hai Zhixuan was surprised to get a call from Xia Yihan, and soon after he saw her, he got a call.    


When Lin Ling heard Hai Zhixuan speak, she didn't know why Xia Yihan was looking for her. However, Lin Ling knew in her heart that the matter of Xia Yihan looking for her was definitely related to Ye Zimo.    


"You're looking for me?" Lin Ling asked calmly.    


Xia Yihan was already accustomed to her voice and wasn't surprised.    


"Are you free tomorrow? I have something to talk to you about. "    


"What is it?" Lin Ling frowned.    


"I want you to bring something to Mr Ye. He's been busy recently, so I rarely see him." Xia Yihan spoke cleverly, she did not want others to know about their conflict. Recently, Fu Group Group's stock had fallen a lot, if everyone knew that her and Ye Zimo's matter was not good for Fu Group, Xia Yihan could only bitterly smile as she looked at her haggard complexion through the glass. She still could not be at ease with him, and would have to help him cover up even if he had to leave.    


"When?" Lin Ling knew that Ye Zimo had been busy recently, so she didn't want to pursue their matter any further. Seeing Ye Zimo happy was fine, not to mention that Hai Zhixuan was following her like a shadow every day.    


"The sooner the better." Xia Yihan said, embarrassed.    


"Then just give me tomorrow morning when I go to work at the company. Where are you?" Lin Ling was also a swift and decisive person. The more she heard from Xia Yihan, the better she would be. She thought that it would be the earliest time she would be given a gift before going to work that morning.    


"Sure, you stay there. I'll give it to you."    


Since she would have to trouble Lin Ling to bring her stuff, Xia Yihan didn't want to trouble her any further.    


"There you are, I'll get it from you." Since she didn't want to wait for someone, she might as well grab it herself so as to not waste time. When she heard that Xia Yihan had been taken in by Ye Zimo, Lin Ling wanted to see the gold house he had chosen for her.    


"Thank you, I'm with my mother." Xia Yihan said uncomfortably, "I came to take a look at the house today." If Hai Zhixuan asked him, the ice beauty would definitely not ask any further.    


Lin Ling was curious, but she didn't think too much about it. Other than Ye Zimo, she didn't care about anyone else.    


After dealing with Ye Zimo's money, Xia Yihan began to plan her own job to earn a living.    


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