Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C741 Wealthy Marriage 670

C741 Wealthy Marriage 670

"Pull the grass!" Xia Yihan said in disbelief.    


"Yes, they have to do whatever I tell them to do. "If you don't believe me, you can ask Ye Zimo and see if he'll agree." Yuv Le walked up to Xia Yihan and looked at her smugly. Xia Yihan was no longer as adorable as she used to be.    


There were also some old servants in the room. Xia Yihan looked at the trembling servants on the ground and coldly said, "All of you, stop."    


"You dare!" The servant who had intended to stand up looked at Xia Yihan in unison.    


Xia Yihan suppressed her anger and said to Yuv Le, "They are already a few years old, this kind of sun will make them suffer from heatstroke."    


Yuv Le smiled and said, "I don't care about that."    


"Get up!" Xia Yihan snapped. The servants looked at her and quickly gathered behind her.    


Xia Yihan looked at Yuv Le viciously and said, "You don't have to listen to her without my orders in the future."    


Everyone felt carefree as they loudly replied, "Yes, Madam!"    


The butler gave Xia Yihan a look of caution before leading all the servants away. "Yuv Le, no matter what kind of agreement you have with Ye Zimo, I hope that you won't involve anyone else." Xia Yihan's calmness and Yuv Le's atmosphere formed a stark contrast.    


After missing Yuv Le's figure, they walked towards the house. Yuv Le screamed out from behind, "Xia Yihan, stop!" The only response she got was Xia Yihan's neither slow nor slow footsteps and her firm back.    


When Ye Zimo returned home that night, she saw traces of sunburn on the housekeeper's face. "What's going on?"    


The butler said in a low voice, "Miss Yuv Le told us to go to the courtyard and pluck the grass." Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and said, "Everyone's salary will be doubled this month."    


The butler looked at Ye Zimo in surprise. Was this man making a compromise? What did that woman called Yuv Le do?    


Xia Yihan sat across from Ye Zimo and looked at her. "I'm done."    


Ye Zimo resisted the urge to crush him. "I don't seem to need to report my whereabouts," she said, raising her eyebrows.    


"Zimo." Yuv Le came down the stairs and took Ye Zimo's arm affectionately. Ye Zimo did not push Yuv Le away, instead looking very natural.    


Yuv Le rolled her eyes and looked at Xia Yihan. "Zimo, I want to sit in that seat." Lili's face did not change. She raised her eyebrows at Xia Yihan, and the servant's eyes fell on her.    


Xia Yihan stood up cleanly with her back facing Ye Zimo and said, "If that's for me, then you're hurting me right now."    


When Xia Yihan left, Ye Zimo waved her hands and the servants left as if they had been released from a burden. Soon, only Yuv Le and Ye Zimo remained in the hall.    


Yuv Le smiled as she sat down on Xia Yihan's seat. She raised her hand to cut the steak, revealing the specially covered wound on her arm. Ye Zimo sipped on her red wine, raised her glass slightly, and said to Yuv Le, "Have a good time."    


Yuv Le smiled and said, "I'm enjoying myself to my heart's content, but you can continue to treat me the same way you treated me that day." Yuv Le lifted the unscabbed scar on her hand, then took off her clothes and covered her shoulders with scars.    


Walking up to Ye Zimo, Yuv Le bent down and asked, "What, if you can't use a hard one, then you have to use a soft one?" Ye Zimo glanced at him and poured the red wine in her hand onto Yuv Le's wounded shoulder. She got up quickly, leaving Yuv Le, who had an unreadable expression, behind.    


In her dreams, Xia Yihan felt someone pull a quilt over her, and a moist kiss fell on her head, bringing with it a soothing feeling.    


Xia Yihan fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up in the morning, she was once again surrounded by an icy cold atmosphere.    


"Madam, someone has sent an invitation." The butler respectfully took out an invitation card with golden silk threads. Xia Yihan opened it and saw that it was a commercial bazaar, signed by Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo.    


"Do you think it's me or you who's going with him?" Yuv Le's voice came from behind him.    


"Miss Yuv Le, our wife is a well-known designer. She even has a work of art from Italy. She is worthy of following our young master." The butler sneered.    


Xia Yihan saw the change in Yuv Le's expression, afraid that this woman would harm the housekeeper, so she interrupted him. "Go on, I've received the invitation."    


The butler looked at Yuv Le with unwillingness before leaving. That night, Xia Yihan was wearing a formal dress as she looked at herself in the mirror.    


She opened the door just in time to see Xia Yihan holding onto Ye Zimo's arm as they walked down the stairs. When she saw the neatly dressed Xia Yihan, Yuv Le covered her mouth and laughed, "What is it, Yihan? Are you going to attend the charity fairs alone? What should he do? It was obviously an invitation for you and Zimo. "    


Xia Yihan was wearing a dress with faint sequins on it. The design of her shoulders accentuated the exquisite design of her collarbone. Walking in front of Yuv Le, Xia Yihan said without changing her tone, "I'm the creator of Fashion Jewelry, an Italian exclusive designer. What does it have to do with you?"    


Yuv Le's face was already contorted. Xia Yihan vented herself and walked down the stairs past Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo's indifferent voice came from behind. "Wearing like this and going out?"    


Xia Yihan turned her head to look at Yuv Le. With her exaggerated pleated skirt hanging over her head, her collar was exposed as she smiled. She ignored Ye Zimo's expression and took the lead to leave.    


Xia Yihan's appearance caused quite a stir. Recently, the most popular jewellery brand in the Italian aristocracy, many reporters had taken up the camera to interview Xia Yihan. There were even many reporters who asked vaguely about Ye Zimo's whereabouts.    


An even louder commotion came from behind as all the reporters rushed over. Yuv Le held Ye Zimo's arm and smiled at the reporters. Ye Zimo still had a deadpan and stern expression on her face.    


Xia Yihan was the only woman Ye Zimo brought publicly to all sorts of occasions. Not only did they not appear at the same time, but there was also another woman at Ye Zimo's side. All of this made the reporters very interested.    


Ye Zimo's gaze fell on Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan smiled and turned around to walk into the meeting room. "Hello, this is the item I am selling for free today." Xia Yihan passed the jewelry in her hands to the staff at the scene.    


The staff member flipped through the records and said with a smile, "Miss Xia, a Mr Ye has already helped you put the item up for auction."    


Xia Yihan insisted on changing the jewelry she had brought with her, and the man's voice behind her quivered slightly. "Yihan."    


Yihan turned her head to look at Xu Haorann, who had appeared behind her back. Her heart, which had been silent for a long time, beat suddenly, "Big Brother Xu, how have you been recently?"    


Xu Haorann almost took a step back to avoid the contact between him and Xia Yihan. He noticed the worry in Xia Yihan's eyes and explained, "I missed you when I didn't see you, and I found myself unable to extricate myself when I saw you."    


Xia Yihan quickly said, "Big Brother Xu, this is hypnosis, you just need to think that way. "Also, I'm sorry, I know about Ye Zimo's plan to lock you up. I'm really sorry."    


Xu Haorann shook his head and said, "Hypnosis only amplifies the desires in my heart. After you went to Italy, he never caught me again." Xu Haorann seemed to have thought of something and glanced around: "Where's Ye Zimo?"    


Xia Yihan smiled and pointed at Ye Zimo and Yuv Le, who were crowded around the corner.    


"Ye Zimo!" Xu Haorann clenched his teeth and was about to step forward when Xia Yihan pulled Xu Haorann and shook her head.    


When Ye Zimo saw Xu Haorann, her eyes turned sharp. She stepped forward, but her wrist was firmly grabbed, and Yuv Le whispered into Ye Zimo's ear, "They have lovers that meet at the end of their days, you have to satisfy me quickly, otherwise, when they become more and more unable to extricate themselves, I don't know what will happen."    


Ye Zimo withdrew her foot that she had stepped out of the door. As she saw Xia Yihan and Xu Haorann walk into the hall, she revealed a confused expression.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's commercial charity gathering. Today, we have the gifts from Mr Ye, the biggest company in the city, as well as the works of Miss Xia, a well-known designer who has recently become the favorite of the upper class in Italy. We will be waiting to see the situation today."    


The host once again focused on Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo, Yuv Le and Xu Haorann. Xu Haorann looked at Yuv Le, who was leaning on Ye Zimo's arm, and wished he could pull that annoying woman away.    


Xia Yihan patted Xu Haorann's arm and gave him a comforting look. Ye Zimo, who sat in the back seat, stared at Xu Haorann's pair of annoying hands. She wanted to tear him into a thousand pieces.    


Ye Zimo's donation of the Ming Dynasty's antique calligraphy and paintings was worth millions, causing the atmosphere at the scene to reach a high point. The host excitedly took out a delicate box and said, "Next, let's see what kind of good things Miss Xia donated."    


Xia Yihan frowned, "Strange, this is not what I submitted." The moment he said that, the host opened the box. The exquisite box was actually just a crude ring.    


"This ring only sells for a few dollars on the stall, and you're still talking about famous designers. Is that how they treat people?" Yuv Le said in a weird tone from below the stage.    


Soon, the audience started whispering to each other.    


"Did you get it wrong? That thing doesn't look like it has anything to do with the design of Italy."    


"I heard that she didn't come with Ye Zimo today. Looks like there's something fishy going on inside. I wonder if she's purposely making a scene."    


The whispers grew louder and louder until a clear voice rang out, "One million!"    


Ye Zimo's voice silenced the crowd, and all those who were doubting Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan shut their mouths.    


"Ye Zimo, if you dare to take this item, I'll destroy it so that you'll never find it!" Yuv Le said fiercely.    


The sudden rise in pitch surprised everyone else: "Two million." Lin Jie, who was in the corner, put down his sign. He frowned as he looked at Ye Zimo and Yuv Le. Si Si, who was beside him, nodded at Ye Zimo.    


"Two million!" Miss Xia's things are really popular. A ring is about to close in on Mr Ye's calligraphy and painting.    


Hearing the host's words, Yuv Le became even more excited. Luckily, she often went backstage to change Xia Yihan's things because she wanted to see him make a fool of himself. These guys actually fought over a 3 dollar stall for it! Ridiculous!    


"Two million five hundred thousand." Xu Haorann, who sat beside Xia Yihan, raised the card in his hand calmly.    


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