Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1017 Wealthy Marriage 945

C1017 Wealthy Marriage 945

"Sister Sister Yiyi, just you wait, it must be a big surprise." Ye Chuqing blinked at her slyly. Her brother had already told her yesterday, otherwise, she would have misunderstood Brother Zhuoxuan's liking for Sister Yiyi again.    


As the car sped to a private sanatorium, Ding Yiyi entered and saw a television official in a white hospital gown walking on the grass.    


There were actually only a few wards in the long corridor, and every room was tightly closed. Some people were here to recuperate and didn't want others to know, so the nursing home offered this kind of service as well.    


At the end of the corridor, the only room was open. Ding Dacheng saw Ding Yiyi and quickly said, "Yiyi, where did you find such a doctor? It's amazing. I didn't expect my leg to be able to be cured!"    


"Uncle, your condition isn't too bad. Don't worry, you'll be able to walk very quickly after using your prosthetic arm." Hai Zhuoxuan smiled on the side.    


Ding Dacheng's gaze lingered on him and Ding Yiyi. Ding Meirong, who was accompanying him, asked tentatively, "Yiyi, that man from last time?"    


"Why did you mention him? I think that's pretty good." When Hai Zhuoxuan went to Zhaonan City to pick him up, she had asked around before.    


"Dad, what are you talking about!" When Ding Yiyi saw that Ye Chuqing was also present, she hurriedly stopped her father from speaking any further.    


Ding Dacheng thought she was shy and didn't say anything else. He looked at the two of them with a smile. In the sanatorium, Hai Zhuoxuan and Ding Yiyi walked side by side.    


"Zhuoxuan, I'm really thankful for what you did. I never thought that I would be able to see my dad walking like a normal person." Ding Yiyi already saw him as a family member in her heart.    


"Yiyi, in your heart, what am I?" Hai Zhuoxuan stopped his steps, picked up a leaf from her shoulder and asked warmly.    


Ding Yiyi was stunned for a moment before saying without hesitation, "In my heart, you're like a big brother. If you think about it carefully, it's as if you've always been helping me, but I'm unable to repay you." She meant it.    


"What if I say you can pay me back?" Hai Zhuoxuan looked at her, his eyes bright, her heart pounding. "Zhuoxuan, you mean?"    


"Yiyi, I like you!" Hai Zhuoxuan grabbed her shoulders and lowered his head down, "What are you guys doing!"    


The water in Ye Chuqing's hands fell to the ground. She couldn't believe what she saw, but she couldn't help but believe that he told someone else that she had waited for so many years for the words' I like you '.    


Hai Zhuoxuan's shock was definitely not less than hers. He purposely pushed Ye Chuqing away because he didn't want her to know about it so early. Now that she knew, he could only continue acting.    


"Chu Qing, I hope you can understand that love cannot be forced." Hai Zhuoxuan walked towards her. Every step he took was difficult, and every rejection was like a steel knife slashing at his body.    


"Why?" Tears streamed down Ye Chuqing's face. She couldn't think, so she could only keep retreating.    


Why? If she wasn't Ye Family, he would marry her, love her well, don't let her cry, don't make her feel heartache, but, she was Ye Family, also the person he loved the most.    


His heart was in a storm. On his face, however, he remained calm. "No reason. I like Ding Yiyi."    


"Enough!" Ding Yiyi walked up to Ye Chuqing and wanted to stop her, but she hastily explained, "Chu Qing, Zhuoxuan was just confused for a moment. Wait, wait a bit, I'll tell him."    


Ye Chuqing shook her head. "I don't blame you, Sister Yiyi. I can't wait any longer. My love died."    


She ran away while wiping away her tears. Ding Yiyi wanted to give chase, but her wrist was firmly grabbed. Hai Zhuoxuan's strength was so strong that it made his veins pop out. He held onto Ding Yiyi's hand as if stopping his impulse to give chase.    


He couldn't give chase! At this point, he had no way out!    


"Zhuoxuan, we're not suitable." Ding Yiyi tried to change his mind. Hai Zhuoxuan let go of her, his expression returning to normal. "Take your time, Yiyi. I will let you see me."    


In the ward, Ding Dacheng could clearly feel what had happened to the two of them. He smiled and said to Hai Zhuoxuan, "Zhuoxuan, can I have a word with Yiyi?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan nodded and left with a smile. Ding Dacheng pulled Ding Yiyi over and said, "I just checked on the internet. Compared to Ye Nianmo, this kid's family is not that great, but he's also very advanced."    


"Dad, he and I are not what you think at all!" Ding Yiyi was a little agitated, and her tone was not good either.    


"Yiyi, why are you talking to your dad? Didn't you see that your dad hasn't been that happy for a long time?" Ding Meirong hardened her face to teach her a lesson.    


Ding Yiyi remained silent. She no longer had the strength to argue. She could not repay Hai Zhuoxuan's favor, but she was unwilling to use her love to repay it.    


Ding Dacheng was still happily telling Ding Meirong that the two of them were going on a trip after they got the prosthetic arm, so she couldn't bear to interrupt them. She could only silently swallow everything down her throat.    


When Ye Chuqing returned home, Xia Yihan and Ao Xue were discussing the design plans. Ao Xue wanted to create her own brand, so Xu Haorann and Xia Yihan didn't hold back in their support.    


Ye Zimo and Xu Haorann discussed the stocks at the side. Ye Chuqing lowered her head and quickly walked up the stairs. Xia Yihan felt something was wrong and followed them all the way to her room.    


"Chu Qing, what happened? Can you tell your mother?" Xia Yihan saw that her eyes were red and swollen, and her nose was red. It was obvious that she had been crying, and her heart ached.    


Ye Chuqing hugged her and just kept shaking her head. Her tears flowed again, and she could barely keep her eyes open.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Nianmo walked into the room. If he didn't guess wrongly, there was only one reason why Ye Chuqing was sad.    


"Mom, I told her to accompany Uncle Xu." Ye Nianmo knew that his mother didn't want Chu Qing and Zhuoxuan to be together, so he deliberately avoided her.    


Xia Yihan nodded and sent a servant to make some soup for Ye Chuqing. Ye Nianmo closed the door and sighed. "So what?"    


"He confessed to Sister Yiyi." Ye Chuqing said in a low voice. Right after she said that, her head was messed up. Ye Nianmo said with a helpless tone, "Is it because of this matter? "You must have misunderstood me. I said that I would get rid of him to take care of Ding Yiyi."    


Ye Chuqing shook her head vigorously, "No, I heard him confess to Sister Yiyi with my own ears!"    


Ye Nianmo's mind went blank. His best brother confessed to his most beloved woman, but he never thought about it.    


"Young Master, Young Master Zhuoxuan is here." The butler knocked on the door. Ye Chuqing, who had stopped crying, teared up again, "Big brother, is he looking for me? Did he find me easier to change his mind? "    


Ye Nianmo stood up silently. He patted her head and walked outside. He had to get to the bottom of this matter.    


Downstairs, Xia Yihan held Hai Zhuoxuan's hand happily as she asked about Lin Ling's recent situation. Hai Zhuoxuan's heart was beating a little fast. After so many years, the chain of revenge had finally started to turn.    


"Nianmo, I have something to tell you." Hai Zhuoxuan stood up and looked at him.    


"Let's talk outside." Ye Nianmo led the way outside.    


"Sorry, I like Ding Yiyi." Hai Zhuoxuan said loudly behind him. The scene suddenly became silent and everyone looked at the two of them in surprise.    


Ye Nianmo turned around and punched him. He fell on the tea table miserably. Hai Zhuoxuan stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued, "You asked me to take care of her. I admit that I have been in love for a long time."    


"Bam!" Ye Nianmo punched again. His eyes were bloodshot and his expression was brutal. Hai Zhuoxuan fell to the ground, unable to move for a long while.    


"Nianmo!" Xia Yihan hurried over to help Hai Zhuoxuan. Ye Nianmo was about to step forward when Ye Zimo said, "Stop!"    


His voice made Ye Nianmo's mind go back to normal for the moment. He stared fiercely at Hai Zhuoxuan and said, "Say that again."    


"I like Ding Yiyi." Hai Zhuoxuan simply sat on the ground and raised his head to look at him. Ye Nianmo had lost his mind and was about to go up.    


"Stop!" Ye Chuqing ran down to protect Hai Zhuoxuan, Ye Nianmo did not stop her for a moment, his fist hit her hard on the back, making a loud sound.    


"Chu Qing!" Hai Zhuoxuan was also angered. He stood up and punched Ye Nianmo. The two of them were having an intense fight.    


Ye Zimo made her move, one person and one fist. The middle-aged Ye Zimo still made people afraid.    


"Whoever wins against me, I won't stop you, or all of you attack together." He stood between the two of them and said lightly.    


The family doctor, who lived in the Ye Family, rushed over after hearing what she said. He carried Ye Chuqing and ran upstairs. Ye Nianmo glared fiercely at Hai Zhuoxuan, then hurriedly followed her upstairs.    


Everyone went to check on Ye Chuqing's injuries. Ao Xue stayed behind and saw his sorry state. She smiled. "Is this also your plan?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan's cold gaze fell on her. He rubbed his swollen eyes and said, "I won't interfere with you. You better not interfere with me and pretend to be depressed."    


"You!" Ao Xue stood up. Glaring fiercely at him, she suddenly broke into a sweet smile. "You don't know, Ding Yiyi is my younger sister."    


On the surface, Hai Zhuoxuan didn't show it, but inside, he was quite surprised. Ao Xue walked up to him and said, "Let me tell you something that makes you even more surprised. Xu Haorann is our father."    


"This has nothing to do with me." Hai Zhuoxuan looked at the nurses running upstairs with ice bags from time to time. He knew there was no need for him to stay here, so he turned around and left in big strides.    


"The autumn night is bleak. It carries with it a sense of melancholy, eroding everyone that suffers in it." Ding Yiyi sat on the balcony, flipping through the books in her hands.    


His home would soon be renovated, and when he returned to his living quarters, everything would be back to normal.    


The balcony could still vaguely see the highway in the distance. A car was speeding towards them in the dark. Ding Yiyi could still hear the sound of the tires hitting the road and the lights flashed fast. Soon, they could already vaguely be seen.    


She was curious at first, but after a while the doorbell rang downstairs, one after the other, as if she didn't want to wait a moment.    


Ding Yiyi went downstairs and was forcefully embraced the moment she opened the door. She smelled the strong alcohol on Ye Nianmo's body and his embrace made all the muscles in her body ache.    


"What's wrong?" She asked softly, and the rest of her words were swallowed up in a storm of kisses.    


The night was warm, with heavy curtains, and the moonlight seemed shy enough to sink into the clouds. Ding Yiyi rubbed her sore waist between the soft beds.    


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