Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1027 Wealthy Marriage 955

C1027 Wealthy Marriage 955

The wind on the street was extremely cold. Ao Xue wrapped her coat tightly around her and walked hurriedly. Her high heels made a crisp sound as they stepped on the ground.    


When she entered the residential complex, she lowered her head and rummaged through her bag for her key. Then, she heard a soft call from her side, "Ao Xue."    


She looked up in surprise. Yan Mingyao was standing under the street lamp, staring at him. The wind made his black coat flutter.    


"Why are you here? Didn't you go to Holland to take care of things? " Ao Xue took out her keys and was about to open the door when she smelled the strong smell of alcohol and frowned. "Did you drink?"    


"Yes, I drank a bit with the customer." Yan Mingyao leaned against the wall with her steps. His hair was messed up by the wind and he casually covered his eyes, making it difficult to see Yan Mingyao's expression.    


Ao Xue opened the door and blocked the way. "It's late now. You should head back earlier." She turned to go in, her head aching and her mind in turmoil.    


With her wrist captured, she turned around in confusion. Yan Mingyao approached her, "Where did you go just now? Is this Ye Nianmo's home? "    


Ao Xue frowned. "I don't need to tell you these things. Let go!"    


The grip on her wrist gradually increased. She was in pain. Yan Mingyao pulled her to him with slight force and said in a low voice, "Tell me, were you two together?"    


"You're drunk, you drunkard!" Ao Xue swung her handbag at him with all her might. Yan Mingyao was like a statue as he let her move. His eyes became more and more serious.    


Ao Xue was tired. She panted heavily and instantly let out all the grievances and unwillingness, "What you said is right, I'm with Ye Nianmo. Just now, we spent a lot of time together and were extremely happy!"    


Yan Mingyao did not say anything. His expression did not even change. If she did not see the violent rise and fall of his chest, she would have thought that it was all a lie.    


She shook off his hand, pulled open the anti-theft chain and was about to enter the room when Yan Mingyao followed his action of opening the door and entered first.    


Ao Xue frowned. "You're drunk now. You should go back earlier." The moment she said that, she fell onto the sofa with Yan Mingyao's suddenly enlarged face in front of her.    


"It's my birthday." He clasped his hands on the sofa and stared blankly for a moment before finally focusing his attention on her face.    


"Let me go." Feeling that he was extremely drunk, Ao Xue was slightly afraid, but she still managed to remain calm.    


"I was thinking …" He dragged out his voice, looked into her eyes, and suddenly chuckled softly. "I was thinking that since Ye Nianmo can do it, so can I. Anyway, you two are already together."    


She was frightened, her eyes began to panic, her hands desperately flailing about, her manicured nails pushing and breaking, tears flowing from her eyes due to the pain.    


"Don't cry, Snowy, don't cry." His heart ached. He wanted to comfort her, but discovered that he did not have the qualifications and courage to do so.    


The shadows of the trees outside the window swayed, and a clap of thunder tore through the sky without any warning. The rain at the end of autumn drenched the entire city, causing the night to become even colder …    


There is a magic in wine that allows you to abandon your mind and do anything, and it also gives you the chance to forgive yourself when you wake up.    


Early in the morning, Ao Xue moved her stiff body. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she hadn't slept for an entire night. She wanted to remember what she had been thinking all night.    


She wanted to get up, so she held her arm tighter. Yan Mingyao whispered, "Ao Xue, Ao Xue."    


She turned her head to look at him, patiently waiting for him to wake up. After a long time, Yan Mingyao's eyelashes trembled, his eyeballs rolled under his thin eyelids, and he opened his eyes.    


His eyes fell on Ao Xue's white skin. He suddenly sat up, turned his head to the side, grabbed the coat from the sofa, and threw it behind him.    


Ao Xue silently put on her coat. Her eyes were as calm as still water. He didn't turn around, but the moment he opened his mouth, his voice was so hoarse it was unspeakable. "Ao Xue … I'm sorry."    


Ao Xue mockingly looked at his back and silently walked past him. As she walked past him, her wrist was grabbed. She lowered her head to look at his arm.    


Yan Mingyao saw the traces of suicide on her wrist. He flicked his hand away like he was electrocuted. Ao Xue continued to walk forward.    


He hurriedly stood up and followed behind her, coaxing her in a low voice, "Ao Xue, can you say anything you want? You can say anything you want."    


She stopped and turned her head to look at him, which made him feel cold. Ao Xue walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.    


The sound of water could be heard in the bathroom. Yan Mingyao stood outside the door and shouted, "Ao Xue, marry me!"    


What answered him was the sudden increase in water volume, silence, and the silence of the room.    


After leaving the bathroom, Ao Xue walked upstairs. Yan Mingyao sat on the sofa and watched her silently. When she went downstairs, she had already disappeared, leaving only the door open.    


"Hur hur." She sat where Yan Mingyao used to sit. Her heart was a little empty, a little lonely, and she didn't know what to do.    


The phone suddenly rang, and she pressed the megaphone, "Snowy, how was last night? Take that medicine, my friend said it's a rare good medicine in Miao Jiang, with a high pregnancy rate. "    


Si Si chattered on the phone for a long time before she said unhappily, "Did you hear what I said?"    


Ao Xue was lost in thought as she stared at her phone. Suddenly, she asked, "Mom, can you come and see me?"    


"She's acting coquettishly again! "Alright, I'm busy." The call ended quickly, leaving only the busy tone.    


After pressing the phone, Ao Xue quietly sat on the sofa. She was waiting for a man's anger.    


The doorbell rang as expected. She smiled as she opened the door. Ye Bo stood outside and looked at her with eyes full of pity and calmness, "Miss Au Xue, young master is waiting for you."    


Ye Group    


Ao Xue sat quietly to the side, watching the busy man. Although she had been sitting for an hour, she felt satisfied.    


Ye Nianmo stopped tapping the keyboard. He waved his hand towards the door and the two burly men walked in front of Ao Xue.    


She looked at the two people in front of her who were like mountains. She was somewhat confused and even more afraid. "Nianmo, what do you want to do?"    


Ye Nianmo walked to her side and looked down at her, "Ao Xue, I indulged you because of Uncle Xu, because you were my childhood playmate, but that doesn't mean you can be presumptuous."    


As soon as she said that, the two men slowly approached Ao Xue. She shrank back into the sofa in panic. "Nianmo, you can't do this to me!"    


Ye Nianmo walked behind the desk and looked at her with a faint smile as he picked up the document. "I can."    


A man's hand was already on her waist. She patted it away in disgust. Her eyes were filled with fear. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Nianmo made a gesture, and the men backed off. Ao Xue took the opportunity to run away.    


Ye Nianmo signalled that there was no need to chase him and picked up the phone, "Hello."    


"Something happened at the international shopping mall!" Hai Zhuoxuan said in a deep voice.    


After talking to Ye Nianmo Tong, Hai Zhuoxuan started the car again. Ding Yiyi, who was at the side, said hastily, "Let me get out of here. I'll go find Director Wu myself."    


Hai Zhuoxuan ignored him and continued to drive towards the destination, "It's okay, I'll drive along the way. Do you know why that director is looking for your mom?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "I don't know. I'll just say that it's because of the film crew's publicity requirements." She hurriedly explained a few sentences. Her mind was filled with Hai Zhuoxuan's words just now. Did something happen at the international shopping mall?    


At the Ye Group Building, Ding Yiyi insisted on getting out of the car, "You go and solve the problem first, I'll take the rest of the road to take a taxi."    


Hai Zhuoxuan did not force her, he got off the car and nodded towards her before walking towards Ye Group. The receptionist still remembered Ding Yiyi and saw her waving at her while smiling.    


Ding Yiyi replied with a smile before turning around to leave. The two of them had never seen each other since Mo Shuangling's incident. She would sometimes ask herself if everything was a dream of hers.    


When she took out the wallet from her bag, she found that Hai Zhuoxuan's folder was still here. She randomly picked it when he told her to hold it for her this morning.    


She quickly got off the car and walked towards the Ye Group. The moment she entered the hall, she bumped into Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan who walked out of the elevator.    


No one expected to meet under such circumstances. Ye Nianmo didn't say anything as he looked at her with a heavy gaze.    


"Zhuoxuan, your papers are here." Lili didn't look at Ye Nianmo. She handed Hai Zhuoxuan the file.    


The air around him seemed to freeze as a voice called out from behind him, "Nianmo!" Ao Xue came back with Xu Haorann behind her.    


Upon seeing Ding Yiyi, a hint of awkwardness could be seen in Wu Tie's eyes, as well as a bit of excitement. The atmosphere in the hall was dark. Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Nianmo stood side by side, with Ding Yiyi standing in front of them and Ao Xue standing behind Ye Nianmo.    


"Long time no see." Ye Nianmo was the first to speak, breaking the silence.    


Ding Yiyi nodded, wanting to leave, but she couldn't move her feet. She looked at him, and could clearly see her reflection in his eyes.    


Ao Xue stood behind Ye Nianmo, greedily looking at his handsome profile. Even if he wanted to hurt her half an hour ago, love was like this. Once there was a breathing space, he would pounce on her without hesitation.    


"Ao Xue!" A loud shout broke the silent atmosphere in the lobby. Yan Mingyao entered the door, walked to her side and knelt down on one knee.    


He took out a gift box with a gentle look. "It's too early this morning. Many jewelry stores aren't open, so I've only picked this one. Ao Xue, marry me."    


He looked at her gently, while she looked at Ye Nianmo lovingly. Ye Nianmo walked out with big steps.    


She watched as his figure disappeared from her line of sight. Tears welled up in her eyes. Ding Yiyi had a complicated expression on her face as she looked at the two of them before turning around and leaving.    


"Ao Xue, give me a chance, give myself a chance as well." Yan Mingyao clearly felt that his heart was like a small boat floating on the sea. He knew there was no lighthouse, but he still insisted on trying.    


The reply was a resounding slap on the face. Ao Xue let go of her numb hand and walked past him expressionlessly. If it wasn't for Ye Nianmo, she wouldn't have wanted anyone.    


Ding Yiyi stood by the side of the road, waiting for the car to pass. She looked at him calmly as Ao Xue ran past her.    


"Yiyi." Xu Haorann called to her.    


"What's the matter, Mr Xu?" Ding Yiyi turned around to look at him. Wu Tie's heart tightened. He knew she hated him, but he didn't know how to save her. After all, he hadn't been a father for long.    


"I watched your play." he whispered, fumbling in his briefcase.    


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