Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1076 Wealthy Marriage 1004

C1076 Wealthy Marriage 1004

"Who put the ring on her?" Ye Nianmo's tone turned cold. The clerk stuttered: "This is the most expensive jewelry in our store."    


He knew that he had gone too far. The ring on Ao Xue's finger was the same model as the one he gave Ding Yiyi. The conversation with Elaine made him feel threatened.    


"Nianmo, I really like this one." Ao Xue walked to his side and looked at him inquiringly. Suddenly, the door was pushed open. Ye Bo walked in and bowed deeply towards the young master.    


"Young master, please allow me to go to France."    


France? Ao Xue cast her gaze at Ye Bo curiously. Ye Nianmo frowned slightly and said, "Reason."    


Ye Bo had never lied to his young master before, and since he was unable to say out loud the reason, he could only stare blankly at the scene, "Calculating the annual leave." Ye Nianmo suddenly said.    


Ye Bo nodded his head in relief, opened the door and walked out with large strides. The clerk took a few more rings. Ao Xue happily went to test the rings. At this moment, the big words, France, were always in Ye Nianmo's heart.    


After a while, he asked, "Nianmo, what do you think about this ring?" Ao Xue walked out with a crystal ring. The person who should have been staying well was gone.    


The weather in Paris wasn't too good. Ding Yiyi stood on the balcony looking at the bustling crowd below the hotel. The sunlight was barely able to shine through the dark clouds.    


A woman wearing a black leather coat and walking in the rain on her 10-centimeter high heels, the rain hitting her red umbrella, splashing open the spray one after another, this is a fashionable capital, even the most embarrassing things like rain can be extremely elegant, when the doorbell rang.    


Ding Yiyi looked at her watch and figured that Qiu Bai would be the one to pick her up. The window of the balcony reflected her current appearance. She was wearing a white shirt that reached to her thighs, and her collar was a little transparent from the rain.    


She hesitated for a moment before the doorbell rang again. She thought that Qiu Bai was a woman, so she didn't mind opening the door.    


When she opened the door, the impatient Elaine shifted his gaze from her face to the collar of her white shirt. When he was about to continue moving down, Ding Yiyi had already turned around and ran back, forgetting to close the door.    


"Why didn't you say anything!" She threw back the quilt and hid under it, only exposing her head to look at him. Her cheeks were flushed from embarrassment and looked extremely alluring.    


Elaine gently placed the medicine in his hand on the bedside table, "This is your Chinese Yunnan medicine, it's good for your ankles."    


"You actually know the Cloud Southern White Medicine?" Ding Yiyi looked at him curiously, only to discover that he was gradually closing in, his black eyes meeting with the azure blue eyes.    


"Ding Yiyi, you've won. You've successfully seduced me." He opened his mouth slightly, but what he said was incomprehensible to Ding Yiyi.    


"What are you talking about? Hurry up and go out, I want to change clothes." Ding Yiyi was intimidated by his wolf-like gaze and looked at him cautiously.    


Elaine didn't have the mood to play house wine with her anymore. Didn't she play the game of capturing the Chinese people? Wasn't she dressed like that just now for him to see?    


He threw away the blanket without any mercy, raised his eyebrows, and said unrestrainedly, "It's worth watching after all."    


Ding Yiyi crossed her legs. Looking at his angry expression, she scolded, "Get out of here now! If not, I'll be rude to you!"    


Elaine crossed his arms and leaned forward slightly. His tone was full of disdain. "I'd like to see how you're going to treat me." "AHH!" My eyes!     


Ding Yiyi pointed the medicine at him and retreated to the bed in a panic. She looked at him covering his eyes in extreme pain. She gathered up her courage and said, "You said it yourself. That's how I will be rude to you!"    


Elaine rubbed his eyes and actually laughed out loud, "Very good, this is what you Chinese people say. I finally understand why a person of Soong Na's level would want to fight with you. Now it's my turn."    


At this moment, the bell suddenly rang. Elaine did not want to answer it. He stepped forward and the bell rang just once. He glared at Ding Yiyi and turned around to open the door.    


There was a man in a suit standing at the same height as Elaine. His brown eyes swept across the room and landed on Elaine.    


Elaine felt that when the man's aura fell on him again, it became much colder. This made him think of the man that ordered him to do so yesterday.    


"You found the wrong person." He was about to close the door when a hand reached through the crack and easily lifted his collar.    


Ku-st-ce quetufaislà!" "What are you doing?" Elaine was pulled towards the door. The man near the door opened his mouth slightly and spoke in pure French: "Lafuite (Leave immediately)    


Elaine stretched out his fist in anger and wanted to break the table. The man only used one hand to catch Elaine's fist and easily twisted it. The sound of bones breaking was heard.    


When Elaine opened the door, Ding Yiyi rushed into the bathroom with clothes in her arms. She could vaguely see a tall man confronting Elaine.    


The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, she heard Elaine wail. The man that held her stared straight at her. That was the person she had been dreaming about day and night.    




Ye Nianmo let go of Elaine's wrist. Ding Yiyi looked at his swinging wrist and kindly handed the medicine on the bed to him. "You seem to need it more."    


Elaine glared at Ye Nianmo and ran away while covering his arm. Ding Yiyi's gaze couldn't help but follow his sorry figure until it became a shadow in front of her.    


"Do you care about him?" Ye Nianmo slightly opened his tie. His eyes were red, and his nine hours of sleep had a light green layer under his eye sockets.    


Seeing that Ding Yiyi didn't answer him, her bloodshot eyes locked onto him tightly. She patiently asked for her answer, "Did he touch you just now?"    


"No!" Ding Yiyi was forced back a step by him, but there was a trace of arrogance on her face that caused others to pay attention to her.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her for a long time. Then, he looked at the big soft bed with white sheets and waved at her, "Come here."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him cautiously. "I just woke up."    


Ye Nianmo took off his suit jacket. As he moved, his strong body could be faintly seen under his shirt. With a smile, he walked towards the woman who wanted to rush to the door.    


Ding Yiyi felt the sky spin and the earth spin. Her body sank into the soft bed. Ye Nianmo's breath caressed the hair on top of her head, bringing with it an itch.    


Ye Nianmo patted her back and closed his eyes. He was too tired. After nine hours on the plane, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep, so he finally relaxed after seeing the person he was thinking about.    


Ding Yiyi could feel the gentle breathing on her head. It was still raining outside the window, and she was completely surrounded by him, feeling warm all over.    


Feeling the gentle comfort from behind her back, she found a comfortable position and closed her eyes.    


Qiu Bai went to pick up Ding Yiyi with her notebook. When she saw Elaine walking over from afar with his arms crossed, she frowned. Ding Yiyi was the only one in the room from that direction.    


"Elaine, where did you go?" she asked, intercepting him without batting an eyelid.    


Elaine glanced at her and continued walking forward. Qiu Bai frowned in dissatisfaction and reached out her hand to grab his arm. "Hey, why are you so rude."    


The moment he finished his sentence, Elaine said in a flustered tone, "Let go!"    


Qiu Bai subconsciously squeezed. Elaine was so angry that he raised his hand to pull her away. Just as he raised his hand in the air, another force firmly locked onto him.    


He turned his head in surprise. Behind him stood a man who should have been a little taller than him. The man had a crew cut and was extremely well-built. He looked at him as if he wanted to eat him up.    


"And who are you!" Elaine was so angry that he spouted out a series of mixed sentences. The man exerted a little force, accompanied by a sound that resonated through the sky, and Elaine's other hand hung limply down.    


"What are you doing!" Qiu Bai frowned. She hurried over to help Elaine up, "Are you alright?!"    


Ye Bo saw the worry on her face turn into fear and anger. It was the first time he liked someone, so he would only look at them from the outside. In his eyes, Qiu Bai's full attention was on that foreign man.    


He stepped forward and grabbed Qiu Bai's wrist, pulling her to his side without any hesitation. Qiu Bai shook his hand off. "What are you doing? You can't understand and yet you're doing this to yourself. You're too childish."    


After a long while, "I'm sorry," Ye Bo lowered his voice and wanted to try and stop her. Qiu Bai dodged, but she rubbed her short hair restlessly, "Ye Bo, you're different from me in age, you're a lot younger, so we look at things and treat people differently. I think we're really not suitable."    


Qiu Bai said hastily. She didn't look at him because she was afraid to see the hurt expression in his eyes. She turned around and her high heels made a hurried sound as she stepped on the ground.    


Ye Bo watched as she walked further and further away. It was as if all the strength in his body had been drained out. He clearly shouted in his mind to chase after her, hugging her tightly to prevent her from escaping.    


At this moment, the phone rang. After he answered the call, his sad mood disappeared. After he hung up, he immediately dialed another number. The moment he picked up the call, he said in a deep voice, "Young Master, Miss Au Xue is gone."    


Looking at the chandelier on the ceiling, Ao Xue's memory was clear. When he came out of his jewelry store, he was pulled into the car by Ye Chuyun Qiang. Right! Ye Chuyun!    


She suddenly sat up, "Ye Chuyun!"    


Speaking of Cao Cao, the door was pushed open. Ye Chuyun walked in with the milk, "I've already scalded the milk. I checked on the internet and found that the temperature should be right."    


Ao Xue looked around cautiously. Ye Chuyun said lightly, "I bought this house. They didn't find it that quickly. Don't even think about running away."    


"Let me go!" Ao Xue slowly moved to the edge of the bed while carefully observing the distance between the bed and the door. Ye Chuyun didn't stop her and just said, "Sorry, I have to."    


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