Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1089 Married to a Rich Family 1017

C1089 Married to a Rich Family 1017

After hanging up the phone, Ye Nianmo got up and paced to the outside of the balcony. He had only taken a step before he stopped and stood quietly at the intersection between the balcony and the door.    


On the balcony next door, a girl was sitting on a big chair with her knees drawn up. The long nightgown wrapped around her, and the moonlight shone on the side of her face, making her look quiet and sad. She would never know that on that lonely night, in the room beside her, there was a man who stood with her all night.    


Ding Yiyi was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. She rolled over and muttered, "Baby Cheng, go open the door!"    


The front desk girl was standing at the entrance with a smile on her face and a plate of food in hand. She was wailing in her heart, she was sent here early in the morning to deliver breakfast, but she was the front desk, how could she be the one to do all this?    


She couldn't help but sigh when she thought about how other men treated their girlfriends so well with money, and how her boyfriend often went out to play with his friends on a few thousand dollars a month.    


The door opened a crack, and she quickly put on a professional smile. Then she was surprised to see a dog paw at the doorknob, opening the door with a single swipe.    


The man and the dog looked at each other in silence. After a long while, earth-shattering howls came from the corridor, "I'm afraid of dogs!"    


Inside the room, Ding Yiyi stood at the side embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, Baby Cheng is very obedient, and won't bite anyone!    


Looking at the Tibetan Mastiff that was almost reaching her big legs, the front desk girl forced a smile. She stood up neatly, shifting her weight between her legs, "It's alright, this is our breakfast service for the winners, please enjoy this."    


After the receptionist left, Ding Yiyi opened her plate and was surprised to find that they were all her favorite dishes. A small bowl of stewed seafood congee soaked in sweat, and a stack of appetizers.    


It took Ding Yiyi a while to realize that the door had not been closed. She stood up and walked to the door, only to find that the door beside it was open and the cleaners were cleaning the room.    


She took a look and felt that the mask in the janitor's hand looked familiar. Her heart tightened as the deep eyes of the man from last night appeared in her mind.    


She was about to step forward and ask more clearly when the phone rang in the room, forcing her to turn around and return to her room. Picking up the phone, she was slightly shocked and happily answered, "Chuyun?"    


"Where did you go? Is it safe?" Ye Chuyun's voice was obviously anxious and slightly trembling. Ding Yiyi switched on the TV and replied, "I'm fine. What's wrong? I heard something wrong from your voice."    


On the TV, there was a news report. A girl was sitting on a high roof. The wind had lifted her long hair, making it hard to see her expression.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the building and suddenly remembered that it seemed to be a commercial building next to her hotel. Ye Chuyun let out a long sigh as if he was dehydrated, and with a forced smile, he said, "It's okay, I'm just asking. I had fun!"    


After hanging up without any warning, Ding Yiyi looked at the phone in confusion. She couldn't figure out why Ye Chuyun suddenly lost control of his emotions.    


People were shouting on the television. The girl in white jumped down from the top of the 14-story building. Her body was as light as a piece of paper as she floated in the air. Ding Yiyi couldn't help but turn off the television.    


Ye Chuyun sat on the floor in his room and watched the TV silently. The girl fell to the ground, blood spewing out of her body and she was surrounded by screams. He covered his heart with his hands.    


The moment he saw the television, he almost thought that the girl was Ding Yiyi. He was extremely scared, afraid that Ding Yiyi wouldn't pass this hurdle, afraid that the girl sitting on the top floor was really him.    


He was eager to call her and ask for her safety. Every time his cell phone rang, he was exhausted. He had to admit that he loved Ding Yiyi so much that he couldn't get out of her predicament.    


In the morning, Ye Chuyun's phone call made Ding Yiyi panic. She aimlessly walked through the streets and alleys of Dongjiang City until sunset. Baby Cheng followed beside her, restless and restless.    


The dark night of Dongjiang City was shrouded by the sounds of dogs and horses. As a tourist city, the bar culture here was clearly another feature. Ding Yiyi tightly wrapped her scarf around her body and looked at the girls in thin clothes and heavy makeup walking into the bars on her high heels.    


She suddenly wanted to get drunk. As long as she was drunk, she didn't need to think about what she and Ye Nianmo would do in the future. What about Ao Xue? What about the child in Ao Xue's stomach?    


Just then, she walked into the bar. The Baby Cheng followed her closely, and the moment she stepped into the bar, she was pushed back a few steps by the deafening sound.    


On the wall, a man was kissing another woman, which made it even more seductive in the dim light. Ding Yiyi hesitated for a while, but in the end, she still walked in. She really needed to vent.    


The people in the bar were all immersed in their own thoughts, even if they saw the girl with the mastiff, they would only glance at her out of curiosity and then immerse themselves in the crazy music again.    


Ding Yiyi walked to the bar. The bartender looked at her and smiled. "Your first time here?"    


Ding Yiyi smiled wordlessly. Suddenly, a cup of blue liquid was placed on the table. She lifted her head and pointed. "That gentleman over there invited you to a drink."    


Ding Yiyi turned around. In the dim light, there was a man sitting lazily. When he saw her looking at him, he raised his glass towards her and drank it all in one gulp.    


"He is a famous prodigal son of this bar. It seems like he is interested in you." Ding Yiyi turned around and took out a hundred yuan from her bag. "Send the same glass of wine to his table."    


The bartender looked at her meaningfully for a moment, then made some wine and sent her out. A moment later, a lazy voice called out from beside Ding Yiyi. "Can I sit here?"    


The man's scent made Ding Yiyi frown. "If you can sit down."    


The Baby Cheng was crouching to the side like a tiger eyeing its prey. Ding Yiyi thought that before he sat down, the Baby Cheng would probably go berserk, it would be good to scare him. Unexpectedly, after the man sat down, the Baby Cheng still did not make any sound.    


Seeing Ding Yiyi's doubt, the man smiled and took out a scented bag, "Do you see? The Tibetan mastiff has no resistance to this kind of fragrance. I have two in my family, both of which I personally caught in Inner Mongolia, but not as good as yours. Are you willing to sell them?"    


"This is my family, not for sale!" She had long since treated Baby Cheng as her family. Hearing the man's indifferent tone, her tone also didn't sound good.    


The man shook the sachet, and the fragrance in the air became even stronger. He leaned close to Ding Yiyi with a frivolous look in his eyes. "Since your dog isn't for sale, are you going to sell it?"    


"Baby Cheng!" Ding Yiyi shouted angrily. The man laughed out loud. "It's useless. The Tibetan mastiff fears this type of fragrance the most. It can only stay there for now."    


"That's not necessarily true." Ding Yiyi looked coldly behind him, "Baby Cheng, teach him a lesson!"    


"Woof!" The originally obedient Tibetan Mastiff howled and bit onto the man's butt, attracting the attention of the onlookers. The onlookers burst into laughter.    


The man was thick, but Baby Cheng did not really make a move. He ran forward screaming, and with a ripping sound, Baby Cheng proudly walked back to Ding Yiyi's side with a few pieces of cloth in his mouth.    


The man glared at Ding Yiyi with a terrible expression. His other accomplice also walked up casually. The crowd dispersed a bit and felt sympathy for the girl who might be beaten up.    


Ding Yiyi was a little nervous as well. She swallowed her saliva and started thinking about how to escape. Suddenly, a pair of hands pulled her behind them and a figure quickly appeared in front of her.    


The Baby Cheng shouted at the man. Ding Yiyi could tell that the man was helping her and quickly stopped the Baby Cheng. The man and his companions looked at the burly man in front of them and had no choice but to leave in disappointment.    


"Thank you." Ding Yiyi looked at him gratefully. The man only hastily said, "No need to thank me."    


Seeing the man leave in big strides, Ding Yiyi thought for a moment before catching up to him. She wanted to treat the man to a meal. At the corner, Ding Yiyi strangely looked for her savior, who had disappeared at an unknown time.    


Suddenly, a voice came from the corner. Ding Yiyi was about to open her mouth, but stopped when she heard a familiar name.    


"Young Master Ye, everything has been done. Yes, we will follow up."    


As Ding Yiyi stood in the corner, she felt cold all over. Ye Nianmo had actually sent someone to follow her and suddenly remembered that Ye Nianmo had told her before that he would not let her go.    


She didn't know when she got back to the hotel, but she felt her whole body was soft and cold. The moment she stepped into the hotel, she even wondered if she had made arrangements for it.    


She walked to the front desk with a calm expression. "When will Young Master Ye come over?"    


The receptionist thought that since Young Master Ye had specially arranged for them to take care of her, then the two must be very close as well. It shouldn't be a problem to tell her that Young Master Ye had formed it.    


"Young Master Ye arrived the day before yesterday. He left the hotel today at 5 o'clock. However, President Assistant Ye asked him to keep the house." The more she spoke, the softer her voice became, because the woman in front of her looked even worse.    


At night, the last flight to Dongfang City took off. In the first class, a man flipped through the pages of a book. Although there was a faint tiredness on his face, his eyes were as sharp as ever, causing the air stewardesses to look at him.    


Ye Nianmo was looking at the book, but the words were jumping in front of his eyes. Ding Yiyi's performance that night made him worried. How could he catch that woman?    


Marry? Since he was sure it was her, he might as well get married. However, this was not the right time to do so. He should at least wait for Ding Yiyi to come back this time to relax.    


The plane gradually landed in the darkness of the night. Ye Nianmo rushed to the hotel without stopping, he had already made preparations to go back and forth between Dongjiang City and Eastern City.    


"Young Master Ye." The front desk girl felt a little guilty and almost didn't dare to look up at the tall man.    


Ye Bo glanced at her in confusion. As the young master got on the elevator, the elevator door opened and he saw that the young master stopped right after stepping out of the elevator. He got off the elevator and saw Ding Yiyi standing at the end of the corridor, quietly watching them.    


Ding Yiyi looked at him. They were only seven or eight meters apart, neither of them moving. She couldn't see his exhaustion, she only felt like a bird without freedom.    


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