Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1103 Wealthy Marriage 1031

C1103 Wealthy Marriage 1031

His words made Ao Xue's body shudder slightly. With Ye Nianmo's personality, he wouldn't tell her where he was for no reason. She looked at Ye Nianmo and he calmly looked back at her, confirming her thoughts.    


Chang Hua saw the interaction between the two, and her teeth were about to shatter. She dared to openly challenge Ao Xue because she knew her young master didn't like this woman. If her young master's attitude towards her changed, then she was really done for.    


After breakfast, Chang Hua helped the madame take a walk and said with worry, "Madam, the young master is very similar to the master. He works every day."    


Fu Fengyi also had some sentiments, "Yeah, if it wasn't for that kid Yihan, I would have thought that he would have lived his entire life like that."    


Chang Hua's heart skipped a beat. "I hope Young Master can work hard and have more children with Miss Au Xue. This way, you will be able to have four generations of women. This is great fortune."    


Her words struck Fu Fengyi as very pleasing to the ear. Her expression softened, and she even patted her hand. Chang Hua's expression changed. "Madam has been teaching me all these things. She told me to prepare myself to serve Young Master."    


Fu Fengyi glanced at the shy Chang Hua. She knew that the child liked Ye Nianmo, and she was not afraid of any tricks she might play. She thought to herself, "Nianmo is going on a business trip tomorrow, so you should prepare for tonight."    


"That fast? Then what about the lady?" Chang Hua was a little hesitant. Fu Fengyi waved her hand and said, "She roughly understands that I want to be a woman of Ye Family."    


In the living room, Ao Xue's hands were resting on her stomach. She had a calm expression on her face as she looked over at Chang Hua, who was standing behind Fu Fengyi with a pleased expression on her face.    


Chang Hua patted her hand, "This is the woman with my Ye Family that sees the bigger picture."    


Ao Xue laughed with great difficulty, but in her heart, she was disgusted. She was the one who lost first, but who could laugh at the end? How could she allow a maid like Ding Yiyi to defeat her?    


The cold water could numb his nerves, making him calm down. This morning, when he opened his eyes, the sunlight was reflected off the diamond necklace, the diamond shone with a strange light, and for a moment he thought Ding Yiyi had come back.    


Although she knew it was Ao Xue's doing as soon as she thought about it, she was right about his thoughts this time. He couldn't let Ding Yiyi go. This necklace was his only connection with Ding Yiyi.    


He stood up. Transparent droplets of water slid down his well-built chest into the faintly discernible mermaid line. Chang Hua held onto a towel as she stood at the side, her eyes filled with infatuation.    


"Nianmo." Ao Xue came over with a clean face towel and glanced at Chang Hua lightly. Ye Nianmo did not refuse and took the towel from her. "From now on, let the servants do these things."    


Chang Hua, who had been called a servant, paled and lowered her head even lower. Ao Xue nodded gently with a gentle expression. "Be careful tomorrow. I'll be leaving first. Grandmother has hired some family to play mahjong."    


"Ao Xue." Ye Nianmo suddenly stopped her. Ao Xue turned around gently and asked with her eyes. It was the first time he looked at her seriously, but he didn't say anything.    


Seeing this, Chang Hua calmly stirred the towel in her hands as she sneered in her heart. No matter what, she wouldn't believe that she couldn't take down her young master tonight!    


Ao Xue paced around the room restlessly at night. She was sure that Ye Nianmo didn't like Chang Hua, but he was also a man. What if he couldn't control her?    


A figure appeared in her mind, she knew that she definitely had a way. She quickly dialed her mother's number. Si Si listened silently and said, "You did well. Now, you have to make Ye Nianmo sure that you won't hinder him and Ding Yiyi."    


"But now, that servant called Chang Hua has been stopping me." Ao Xue said impatiently. When she thought of what might happen tonight, she felt as if her whole body was crawling with ants.    


"Servants again! These lowly things always want to eat swan meat with a toad. " At that time, Xia Yihan was also a servant of Ye Family. She did not expect that she would be able to obtain Ye Zimo's favor in the end.    


"If she dares to obstruct you from marrying into the Ye Family, I will make her disappear from this world." There was a hint of cruelty in her words, which made Ao Xue feel cold all over. She might have already been possessed by her mother.    


After a long while, she finally recovered from the cold feeling. "Forget it, I'll think of a way myself."    


Si Si smiled at her words. "There's no need to think about it. There's already a way. Have you forgotten what you carry?"    


The sound of water splashing could be heard from the Ye Family bathroom as Chang Hua slipped in. She was wearing a transparent silk dress and her voluptuous figure was extremely tempting under the cover of the cloth.    


She sat beside the bed nervously, listening to the still water in the bathroom. She put on a seductive pose with her long legs crossed. Ye Nianmo had a towel wrapped around his lower body, and water droplets were dripping down from his head.    


Seeing Chang Hua sitting on his bed in a seductive pose, he was only slightly stunned for a moment before he frowned and said, "Get out."    


Chang Hua stood up without a word. With a slight tug of her fingers, the last bit of cover was gone. "Young master, this is an order from the madame. I have liked young master for a long time."    


She walked towards Ye Nianmo shyly and slowly. She knew that as long as she could bring out the madame, the young master would never go against the madame. As the distance between them got closer and closer, her heart was beating faster and she was about to succeed.    


Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside the door. Ye Nianmo forcefully stopped himself from throwing the woman out. He glanced at her and went to open the door himself.    


The butler walked in hastily. Ye Nianmo asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"    


The butler looked anxious, but he lowered his head. The madame just warned him not to tell the young master. Ye Nianmo frowned and emphasized on his tone, "Speak!"    


"Miss Au Xue has a stomachache. The American doctor just went to take a vacation." Ye Nianmo shut the door with a bang. After five minutes, he put on his clothes and walked straight to Ao Xue's room. He ordered, "Get the woman in my room out of Ye Family."    


Lili saw Ye Nianmo and her eyes welled up with tears. "What to do, Nianmo? Our child might be in danger."    


Ye Nianmo went up silently and picked him up by his waist, then ordered in a deep voice, "Prepare the car."    


As the car sped towards the hospital, Ao Xue tightly held onto Ye Nianmo's arm, her breath faintly discernible, "I originally planned to leave after the child is born and not cause trouble for you and my sister. Although my growth experiences are different from hers, she is still my sister after all."    


Ye Nianmo finally felt a little warmth in his eyes as he looked at her. He squeezed her hand and said, "Don't think too much. We're almost at the hospital."    


Halfway there, Ye Nianmo's phone suddenly rang. He directly pressed the sound amplifying button, "I seem to have found Miss Ding Yiyi's figure in America."    


As she sat down, her painful expression gradually turned to ice. Her hands moved away from her stomach and the driver started the car, preparing to go to the hospital. Ao Xue said coldly: "I'm fine, go back to Ye Family."    


In Paris, Ding Yiyi was rummaging around. Elaine asked curiously, "What's wrong? What are you looking for?"    


"Did you see my storybook? I put it on the table. " Ding Yiyi's expression was anxious to the point that she was about to cry. That was her only consolation in a foreign land.    


"The cleaners just came. Let me ask them." Elaine didn't feel good looking at her anxious expression. He had really put his heart into Ding Yiyi, but who told him that he had a criminal record before him. But it didn't matter, as long as Ding Yiyi was still living in France, he would definitely let her feel the romance of a French man.    


As soon as he stepped out of the room, a maid hastily called to him, "Elaine, there's a Chinese gentleman looking for Miss Ding Yiyi."    


Looking for Ding Yiyi? Elaine dismissed the maid, thinking, could the owner of the storybook be knocking on his door? He followed the maid's instructions to the front hall, where a thin Chinese man sat.    


The man spoke in fluent English, "I would like to ask if you have seen Ding Yiyi. She came to visit you not long ago."    


Elaine sized him up. He had to admit that this man was very handsome. Apart from his weak body, his appearance was outstanding. He had a bad taste. Could it be that Ding Yiyi liked this kind of style? What's wrong with French men!    


He didn't want Ding Yiyi to follow him back to the country, so he lied subconsciously, "What do you mean, Ding Yiyi? I don't have any impression, no Chinese people have come recently, and Alin isn't a place anyone can enter just because they want to."    


Ye Chuyun nodded. It was hard to hide his disappointment. He knew Ding Yiyi had only been to France before, so he chose to send her the first stop. If not, then where did she go?    


He nodded his head in thanks and then turned around to leave. Elaine looked at the man's lonely back and felt a bit nervous. He went back to the design room that Ding Yiyi usually stayed in.    


Had she gone out? If the two of them met, there would be no hope for him. He slammed the table and ran outside. Ding Yiyi was rummaging through the trash can at the back door of the mansion. Just now, when she was searching around the mansion, she ran into a cleaning employee. The employee said that the storybook he read was rather bad and thought that he didn't want it, so she threw it away.    


Tears fell down from her eyes as she looked for him. She was extremely anxious, but she suddenly sensed something and raised her head to look into the distance. In the distance, there seemed to be a vague shadow of a person walking past.    


The image of the man was so vivid that she couldn't help but cry out, "Chuyun!"    


"Ding Yiyi!" Elaine, who was behind her, ran in front of her while gasping for breath and said nervously, "I found your storybook."    


"Where is he?!" Ding Yiyi was so happy that she jumped up and grabbed his arm. "Quick, take me there."    


Elaine glanced at a group of people in the distance without batting an eye. He pulled Ding Yiyi's arm with a smile and said, "Let's go now."    


Ye Chuyun stood in the middle of the square, surrounded by people. He looked suspiciously at a trash can. Had he just heard someone call out, "Chuyun?"    


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