Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1106 Wealthy Marriage 1034

C1106 Wealthy Marriage 1034

He smiled like a child, even showing his eight white teeth. "Ding Yiyi, welcome back."    


"Let her go!"    


An old man hurriedly walked over from the other side. His scepter that was inlaid with a gem was moving forward rapidly. Elaine followed behind him worriedly. His brows were knitted tightly.    


Ding Yiyi took advantage of Ye Nianmo's inattentiveness and struggled to run towards the old man. Elaine grabbed her hand and carried her behind him to protect her.    


Ye Nianmo's gaze landed on Elaine who was grabbing Ding Yiyi's wrist. His eyes were cold, but his tone was calm, "Mr. Alin, nice to meet you."    


In the meeting room, Ye Nianmo's gaze did not fall on Ding Yiyi. He just sat comfortably on the chair and played with the diamond necklace. When Ding Yiyi saw the necklace, her heart tightened and she quickly lowered her head.    


"Do you want to talk about work or my precious disciple first?" Alin said coldly.    


Ye Nianmo smiled meaningfully. "You won't agree to either one of them, will you?"    


"That's right!" Alin glanced at Ding Yiyi and gave her a comforting look. Elaine even patted on Ding Yiyi's shoulder to comfort her.    


Ye Nianmo's eyes turned cold, "My wife ran out of the house without permission. I'm very worried that I will bring her home."    


Ding Yiyi quickly raised her head. After colliding with Ye Nianmo's line of sight, she quickly moved away. Elaine just stood in front of her to block Ye Nianmo's view. His deep blue eyes provocatively looked at Ye Nianmo.    


"However, my disciple does not seem to want to leave with you. As long as she is unwilling, I will absolutely not hand her over." Alin said angrily. Both of them looked at the little head that appeared behind Elaine.    


"I don't want to!" Ding Yiyi's voice was firm. She did not dare to look into Ye Nianmo's eyes, but she knew that the expression on his face must be terrible.    


Alin turned his head and looked at Ye Nianmo calmly. Ye Nianmo was silent for a moment before he spoke, "Your design brand is mainly distributed among the first-tier cities in China. Every city's counter has two or three first-tier cities, and there are three Dongjiang City s."    


Elaine was confused as to why the other party would suddenly mention these things. His expression changed, "You're threatening me!"    


"I just want my love to come back to me." Ye Nianmo slightly raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Ding Yiyi with the corner of his eye. When he saw Ding Yiyi's body stiffen, he turned his gaze back at her.    


Alin snorted coldly, "At worst, I'll just withdraw from the Dongjiang City's market."    


"Master!" Ding Yiyi hurriedly stepped forward. She would never let her master suffer such a huge loss just because of her own matter.    


Ye Nianmo's smile became even wider, "Maybe not only in Dongjiang City. You know, in China, relationships are a very magical thing."    


"Ye Nianmo, you're done!" Ding Yiyi yelled at him in anger. She hated him for his extreme methods.    


"Come back with me." Ye Nianmo stared at her with a firm tone.    


The Scepter's voice rang loudly on the marble floor. Alin stood up, "Whoever dares to take my disciple away, the worst that will happen is the Chinese market! Do you think my house is vegetarian? "    


He pressed the red jewel button on his scepter. The jewel button sank a little deeper, and a moment later a line of tall French men in dark blue came pouring in from the doorway.    


"Leave the mansion and never step foot inside again." Alin looked at Ye Nianmo gloomily.    


Ye Nianmo sat there motionlessly with a faint smile on his lips. Ding Yiyi thought to herself that things were not good and wanted to warn her teacher, but the door was opened again.    


"Master, there seems to be another group of suspicious looking men in black outside the residence."    


Alin stared at Ye Nianmo. This time, he truly felt that things were tricky. If this man dared to be so arrogant in his territory, then how lawless would he be in his country?    


Ye Nianmo stood up. He straightened his sleeves and looked at Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi was looking at him in anger, but she found his eyes were filled with gentleness, which made her shocked.    


"We still have a lot of time to talk." He said it softly, as if to Alin, as if to Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi's steady steps gradually disappeared. She said guiltily, "Master, it's all because of me. What should we do? What should we do about your market in China?"    


Alin snorted, "It wasn't easy to find a talented person who could satisfy your appetite to be your disciple. As long as you don't want to leave, no one will be able to take you away!"    


Inside the hotel room, Ye Nianmo was sitting upright. Ye Bo hesitated and then said, "Alin is very powerful in France, and many upper class people will give him face. We have no chance of winning against him in his territory."    


Ye Nianmo was silent. His fingers gently caressed the surface of the diamond. Even his expression was calm. Finally, he opened his mouth, "Tomorrow, I will return."    


Ye Bo was a little curious about the young master's decision. When he saw the young master's confident expression, he knew that the young master must have thought of a foolproof plan.    


At this moment, the phone in Ye Bo's hand rang. He picked it up and spoke a few words before passing it to the Young Master, "Miss Au Xue is looking for you. Do you want to pick it up?"    


Ye Nianmo was about to wave his hand, but then he changed his mind and took the phone. Ao Xue's voice was soft. I've been missing you for the past few days, so my appetite isn't too good. "    


"Ask the doctor to come over and have a look." Ao Xue quickly answered and then hung up the phone.    


Ye Family, Ao Xue threw the phone on the ground, smiled and looked at Chang Hua who knelt on the ground, "Alright, you heard Nianmo's voice, quickly pack your bags and scram."    


"If I don't scram, I will definitely wait until young master returns! I want to see the madame! " Chang Hua was kneeling on the ground with a ferocious expression on her face. She would never leave!    


Ao Xue's elegant eyebrows frowned. "Don't forget that Nianmo was the one who wanted to kick you out."    


"This is the madame's acquiescence. As long as I meet the madame, I will leave willingly. Otherwise, don't even think about letting me go!" Chang Hua struggled to get up. At first, she thought that admitting defeat would make that woman let her guard down. She didn't expect that she would still want her to leave. Then, there was no need for her to be so humble anymore.    


Now that she had made some progress with Ye Nianmo, Ye Nianmo was even willing to take her phone call. They definitely could not let Chang Hua cause trouble at Ye Family, and her mother's words had always made her worry a little. Perhaps if Chang Hua did not leave, she would have to pay an even more miserable price.    


She gently stroked her belly, her actions gentle and gentle. Suddenly, a thought echoed in her mind, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her lips.    


In the study, Fu Fengyi was copying some scriptures when Ao Xue came in with a cup of tea. "Grandma, this is the best green spring water. I specially picked some sprouts for you to taste, this is the perfect time to drink."    


Fu Fengyi glanced at her in satisfaction. She was quite satisfied with how Ao Xue behaved during this period of time. Of course, she would be even more satisfied when her great-grandson was born.    


"Your stomach has already been here for four months. Take good care of yourself. Your body is expensive." Fu Fengyi took a sip of tea and warned him in detail.    


"Alright Grandma, by the way, the temples in the outskirts of Dongjiang City have been active recently. Why don't we go and burn some incense and pray for uncle and aunt as well as Nianmo?"    


Fu Fengyi nodded. "Child, thank you for your consideration. I'll have my servants prepare everything."    


"Grandmother, it's better not to bring too many people to that kind of place. It's clear that we're not sincere in our hearts. I think that Chang Hua is very good and she's also very smart. We can just take her with us."    


Fu Fengyi thought that her words made sense, so she summoned the housekeeper to let the housekeeper prepare. In the afternoon, Chang Hua carried what a pregnant woman needed in front of the temple with one hand and the fur coat Ao Xue always wore with the other. She also had a kettle hanging from her neck.    


Fu Fengyi and Ao Xue went into the temple to pay their respects. Chang Hua stood outside the door. Today, she had always been on guard against Ao Xue putting on her little shoes, but the other side didn't seem to have any movements, only letting her take a pile of things.    


Did he think that doing so would make her retreat in fear? Chang Hua sneered as she used both hands to lift the heavy object in her hands. After a long while, her hands were numb to the point that they couldn't feel anything. Ao Xue then walked over slowly and held Fu Fengyi's arm.    


"Grandmother, wait a moment. I'll personally go and get some money to show our sincerity." Ao Xue walked towards the money box with a smile on her face and a small satchel in her hand.    


"Pretentious." Chang Hua whispered.    


"Chang Hua, come over here and help me up." Ao Xue suddenly shouted from afar. She hurriedly answered and ran towards Ao Xue.    


She had been standing for too long and had too many things in her hands. Her hands were already numb to the point where she couldn't open them. The way she supported Ao Xue was more like she was gently holding onto her hands.    


After donating the money, he used the tip of his foot to pick up the incense from the Merit Box. Just as he stood on tiptoe, his foot slipped and his whole body flew towards the Merit Box, his stomach heavily pressing against it.    


"Ao Xue!" Fu Fengyi wanted to fall to the ground in a hurry, but she panicked and hurriedly explained, "My hands were numb, but I held her and she hit the box herself."    


Fu Fengyi gave her a backhand slap and said coldly, "If you think you can enter Ye Family like this, then you're wrong. You're just a tool I arranged for Nianmo to warm up his bed."    


Chang Hua covered her face and retreated a few steps. She glared fiercely at Ao Xue. Suddenly, as if she was going to go crazy, the driver, who followed her, hurriedly stopped her.    


Ao Xue struggled to stand up, but Fu Fengyi hurriedly said, "Don't get up. Don't move now, go call an ambulance!"    


The driver held onto Chang Hua's arm as he called for an ambulance. Ao Xue struggled to get up, "Grandma, I'm fine. I just bumped into her."    


"Of course she's fine, because everything is her own act. Maybe the child isn't hers. I saw her with a man the other day." Chang Hua screamed at the top of her lungs.    


Ao Xue was surprised, but her face was full of anger. She walked up to Chang Hua and slapped her, "Shut up!" "Say, you like Nianmo. I beg Grandma to let you stay by his side and give you a chance, but how did you treat me?"    


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