Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1108 Wealthy Marriage 1036

C1108 Wealthy Marriage 1036

Xia Yihan shook her head. When she went abroad to relax, she didn't know that this child had also left. Ye Chuyun must have gone abroad to look for her.    


"Do you know that Chuyun …?" The words that Xia Yihan wanted to say stuck in her throat. She wasn't sure if she should tell the child about his condition.    


"Sofia." Ye Zimo walked over and shook her head almost inaudibly. Xia Yihan sighed, "It's nothing. Since you found a good teacher, you might as well learn to use them. Many people may not have that much luck in their entire lives."    


Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan and turned around. Ding Yiyi's voice came from behind, "Is Chuyun looking for me?"    


Xia Yihan turned around and nodded hesitantly. She couldn't bear to see the child traveling alone through every city.    


"Where is he now?" Ding Yiyi's lips trembled as she asked Ye Chuyun. Her legs were trembling, and the grief on her face didn't seem fake. As expected, she hurt Ye Chuyun again.    


Ye Zimo stroked Xia Yihan's soft hair. He knew what she was thinking, and he was happy to help her solve the problem that was bothering her. "Germany, Greece, Argentina."    


"I can give you the plane with Ye Family, just treat it as you working for Ye Family." Ye Zimo said coldly.    


His words made Ding Yiyi a little embarrassed, but it was true that if she was unable to reach these places by herself, she would have forgotten that she had already inherited millions of yuan.    


The somewhat seductive looking man walked out of the room with the pregnant woman in a circle and said, "Don't feel embarrassed. We can't finish spending all of the Ye Family's money."    


"Hmph, do you think I'm dead?!" Alin walked out, "Go wherever you want to, and tell Master that no matter what Master wants to do, he won't be able to spend it all."    


Ding Yiyi could only smile wryly as she looked at the people in front of her who were fighting to give her money. "Thank you, everyone."    


"Just thank me." Alin gestured for Ding Yiyi to follow him. Since his purpose of coming here today was already gone, he didn't need to stay here anymore.    


Ding Yiyi bid a polite farewell to Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo, "Goodbye, Teacher Xia. Uncle Ye."    


Xia Yihan wanted to say something but swallowed her words back into her stomach. Yu Lan looked at the leaving figures of the elderly and the young, and said thoughtfully, "Looks like Ye Nianmo is blessed."    


Ye Zimo glanced at him and said lightly, "That British actress is not bad looking!"    


Yu Lan's face paled as she saw Yun Xiao walk away. With a stomp of her feet, Yu Lan chased after her with a sad face, "Wife, that celebrity gave her a thousand miles. I didn't do anything but chase her away."    


"Zimo, it's really good to be able to find someone you love and live happily together with." Xia Yihan's eyes were filled with tender emotions. What responded to her was a gentle kiss on her forehead.    


When they got back to the mansion, Ding Yiyi was already preparing to pack her luggage. Elaine looked terrible, "You're actually going to find that man. Isn't it better for you to stay here?"    


"Elaine, stop messing around, I'm very busy right now, I'll still come back once I find him." Ding Yiyi hurriedly packed her luggage. Ye Chuyun was alone in a foreign city at the moment, and Ding Yiyi couldn't bear to think of him looking for her.    


Elaine felt his head turn hot as he looked at her back, "If you leave, I will tell all of this to that man in China."    


Crap! As soon as he said it, he regretted it. "That's not what I meant."    


Ding Yiyi sighed, put down the clothes she was packing and turned around to face him, "Elaine, love is not a possession, your happiness is not with me."    


"You can also give me happiness." Elaine looked at her stubbornly, with a look that said "I don't want to die" in his eyes.    


Ding Yiyi didn't know how to convince him, so she could only voice out what she was thinking. "Then if I want you to be with me, you definitely won't touch other women. You can only face me every day. Are you willing?"    


He had always bragged that the French were romantic and had the same face for dozens of years. Moreover, the other side would get older, and because of the petty quarrels between the two sides, he had rejected them but never thought of it now.    


Ding Yiyi smiled and patted his shoulder. "You are part of the Romantic faction, while I am part of the pragmatic faction."    


"How long will it take for you to come back?" he asked quickly.    


Ding Yiyi did not know it herself. She shook her head and suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Ye Bo's polite voice was heard, "Miss Yiyi?"    


Ding Yiyi's heart skipped a beat. How could she forget that Ye Nianmo asked Ye Bo to stay here and monitor her? She hurried back to the center of the room and stuffed the bags under the bed.    


Ye Bo looked doubtfully at Ding Yiyi, who was out of breath, and Elaine, who was obviously in a bad mood. He lowered his voice and said, "Miss Yiyi, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine!" Ding Yiyi quickly answered, "Is there something you need from me?"    


Ye Bo nodded, "This is the young master's present for you."    


As he spoke, he looked around the room. After a long while, he bowed slightly towards Ding Yiyi before turning around and leaving. He had a feeling that Miss Yiyi seemed to have some sort of plan in mind.    


Closing the door, Ding Yiyi opened the gift box. It was a box of skincare products. Ye Nianmo's gift definitely wouldn't be cheap, yet she casually threw it on the table and went to drag the luggage under the bed.    


"I don't think they'll let you go." Elaine said faintly behind her.    


Ding Yiyi's actions of dragging the luggage slowed down. She had thought about this question just now, how could she hide the successful escape from the people from her Ye Family?    


Her beautiful eyes were filled with worry. He sighed, "You can be protected in the house, or even in France, but once you leave France, you can only rely on yourself. When the people of Ye Family come to take you away, we will have no other choice."    


"No, I have a way." Ding Yiyi raised her head with determination. She had already come up with an idea.    


In the evening, a Tibetan mastiff was playing happily on the lawn, and any passing servants who knew it would stop to watch for a while, but those who wanted to touch the Baby Cheng would be forced to go back while baring their teeth and growling.    


"Brother Ye, Miss Ding Yiyi has left the mansion, should we chase after her?" A man in a suit and leather shoes was standing straight in the room.    


Ye Bo looked out the window at Baby Cheng playing on the lawn and frowned. Ding Yiyi always treated Baby Cheng as her family, so she probably wouldn't abandon him and leave on her own.    


At the airport, Ding Yiyi gripped the boarding pass and thought to herself, "Elaine, Baby Cheng will be under your care for a while."    


In Munich, Germany, Ding Yiyi was wandering in front of the palace of Newfoundland, where the baroque style made it the favorite place for tourists. Several white children were chasing after the white swans parked on the lake.    


Ding Yiyi had been searching for days now. She was carrying a heavy travel bag on her back and her face was a little red from the cold wind blowing on it. Her phone suddenly rang and Alin's voice rang again, which she received almost every day since she left the country, "Little girl, where did you go today? You actually slipped away without saying a word."    


"Alright, Master. I know you're worried about me. I'm fine." Ding Yiyi felt her heart warm up. Even Ye Chuyun's depression was lifted a little bit.    


The voice on the other end of the phone stopped. Alin said awkwardly, "If you can't find him, come back."    


After hanging up, Ding Yiyi took one last look at the magnificent building behind her and headed to the next city, Greece.    


In front of Navona Square in Greece, the sun passed through Luo Zhu as the soft orange sunlight shone down on the place. An old woman with a poodle walked around the oval square, and soon a young man and woman ran by.    


He hasn't been abroad for a long time, so he didn't calculate the time because time doesn't have much meaning for him anymore. After he finishes looking at the sun today, he will soon leave this city for the next city, repeating over and over again just to find one person.    


As he walked toward the Pantheon, he heard that it was a place where human desires could be met. He knew it was ridiculous, but he did not want to miss a single opportunity.    


He stood in front of the Pantheon, where the peddlers were selling unknown purple flowers. They were stringing the flowers into a bracelet, and a little girl with black and yellow skin walked up to him timidly with a basket in her hands, handing him a garland made of purple flowers.    


Ye Chuyun took it and looked at the budding flowers. His heart was already at peace. After paying, he never took another step forward. Instead, he turned around and returned to the hotel.    


At the entrance of the hotel, a touch of orange shadow grabbed her in an instant. The girl was carrying a heavy travel bag with her ponytail tied up casually, some particularly naughty hair falling out of the rubber band onto her face. She swept it away with a frown, staring at every pedestrian with rapt attention.    


Occasionally, disappointment would appear in her eyes, followed by hope. Ye Chuyun stood in front of a coffee shop, unwilling to move his feet, afraid that if he moved, everything would become crystal clear.    


Just yesterday, a black-clothed person suddenly found her and told her Ye Chuyun's location. She didn't know if it was Master or someone from Ye Family, she only knew that she could finally find Ye Chuyun.    


She narrowed her eyes as the sun began to shine, until she saw a tall figure standing in front of her. Ye Chuyun helped her take care of most of the sunlight, and the light spread out behind him.    


Ding Yiyi stood up abruptly. Her speed was too fast and she even felt a little dizzy, "Chuyun!"    


She sounded as if she was an old friend whom he hadn't seen in years and didn't sound distant at all. On the contrary, she sounded as if she was happy to reunite with him. Ye Chuyun heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but the next second, he put on a stern face, "Do you know how dangerous it is for a girl to run outside?"    


Ding Yiyi wasn't scared by his severity. She said gently, "Chuyun, I came to find you."    


In the hotel room, Ding Yiyi peeked at Ye Chuyun. He hadn't spoken for a long time, so he just sat there quietly like a statue. She suddenly screamed and retracted her foot, barefooted.    


Her actions were small, but it couldn't escape Ye Chuyun's eyes. He walked up to her and grabbed her ankle, and frowned when he saw the blisters on her foot.    


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