Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1152 Wealthy Marriage 1080

C1152 Wealthy Marriage 1080

Ao Xue replied, feeling a little wronged, "I understand, Grandmother."    


Dou Dou hurried past them. She stood behind Ao Xue with a faint blush on her face. Ding Yiyi looked at her strangely. After returning to her room, she tiredly entered the bathroom.    


Cold water poured down from her head. Her body was trembling, but her heart was still alive. She kept torturing herself like this, as if this was the only way she could make herself feel alive.    


When she walked out of the bathroom, the first thing she did was to pick up the photo frame on the table. In the photo, she and her father were smiling merrily. You must be in heaven, right? I'm not afraid of others bullying you, since you're so fierce. "    


She held onto the photo frame as she muttered, unable to hold back her tears. She choked with sobs and said, "I missed you. I really missed you."    


Tears streamed down her face, and she hurriedly wiped them away. A picture frame fell to the ground with a thud.    


She bent over in a hurry, her eyes fixed on a red cloth between the sheets and the mattress. She tried to pull it out, but it was so tight that she simply got out of bed and lifted the sheets.    


In the center of the sheet was a piece of cloth with a figure painted on it. The human eyes were protruding and were covered with thin embroidery needles.    


Ding Yiyi smiled coldly and threw the piece of cloth into the trash can. She could easily see through anyone who thought of this trick, but what made her sad was that once she became a good friend, Dou Dou had always been a tyrant.    


She sat on the ground, the red corner of the trash can hurting her. She reached out and took the cloth in her hands again.    


Ao Xue had not been able to sleep well for the past few days, and her appetite was not good either. Fu Fengyi was even alerted. She went to Ao Xue's room early in the morning and asked, "Good child, what happened to you?"    


Ao Xue shook her head. Her face was pale and her lips were pale. "I don't know either. I keep feeling that my chest is stuffy and my stomach isn't right."    


"Have you seen the doctor?" Fu Fengyi panicked. How could something like this happen at such a crucial moment? Ao Xue nodded. "The doctor said everything was normal."    


Fu Fengyi was annoyed. "Is that considered normal?" He even said that the famous obstetrician and gynecologist was changed! "    


Ao Xue quickly pulled her back. "Why don't we let the Feng Shui guy take a look?" I did feel a lot better the last time he saw it. "    


Fu Fengyi disagreed, "Mr. Feng Shui is Mr. Feng Shui. You have to see a doctor in a situation like this!"    


"Actually, Grandmother, I've been dreaming about all sorts of stuff lately. I don't sleep very well, and I always wake up in the middle of the night."    


Ao Xue said slowly as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I know that it's all my imagination, but the things in my dreams are so scary!"    


Fu Fengyi's brows were tightly knitted together. She could not bear to see her crying face to face. She said straightforwardly, "Please come. There is no harm in coming here to see."    


In the afternoon, when Ye Nianmo still hadn't come home from work, Fu Fengyi asked the man in Tang suit to come over. The man and Ao Xue looked at each other as they had a tacit understanding in their eyes.    


"Someone wants to harm the child in this young lady's womb." He held the compass in his hand and spoke seriously in the courtyard.    


Fu Fengyi frowned, "Sir, don't speak nonsense, Ye Family people would not do such a thing."    


The man in the Tang suit spoke with an enigmatic tone, "Are you talking nonsense to show us the truth? The madame won't recommend that I come into the house and have a look."    


Fu Fengyi waved her hand and the man in Tang suit walked over with a compass. He looked around and walked up the stairs with confidence. Before he could take a few steps, a person appeared behind him.    


"Master, it seems like your goal is very clear." Ding Yiyi said indifferently.    


"I'm a professional." The man was in a bit of a dilemma. The woman didn't say that a roadblock would appear midway.    


Ding Yiyi walked up to him and took out a stack of money. The man took a quick glance and asked, "What are you doing?"    


"Is that enough?"    


The man was silent. He had only accepted the order because of the money, but he was still a bit worried, so he didn't extend his hand to take it.    


Ding Yiyi stepped forward and laughed, "You should know that Ye Family is a fat sheep. If you accept the money today, you will find the thing you want and you will also gain a good reputation. If you do not accept it, you will also be able to think of the consequences yourself."    


The man glanced at her, "Sure enough, none of the women in Ye Family are easy to deal with."    


Ding Yiyi smiled as she put the money in his hand and pointed to a certain spot before she leisurely left. Half an hour later, the man in Tang suit returned to the scene. "I did find something."    


Fu Fengyi frowned. "Bring me there."    


In the room, a red cloth strip was placed in front of everyone's eyes. On the strip of cloth, there was a puppet with needles on its eyes. Fu Fengyi turned around and said seriously, "What do you say?"    


Dou Dou's tears fell in an instant. "I didn't do this. It really wasn't me."    


Fu Fengyi looked at the name written on the golem and said, "Call Ding Yiyi over."    


After a while, Ding Yiyi arrived. She asked doubtfully, "Madam, you called me?"    


Fu Fengyi passed the piece of cloth to her and asked, "What do you think?"    


Ding Yiyi was shocked when she saw the name on the cloth. She then looked at Dou Dou in disbelief. She suddenly shook her head.    


"Madam, these are just ordinary strips of cloth. I don't think they're of any use. Besides, I usually have good relationships with Dou Dou. I think it's a big deal."    


She glanced at Ao Xue, who returned her glare with a similar ferocity. Fu Fengyi nodded, "Then forget it, it's just a small matter."    


No one dared to pursue the matter after the madame had said so. As the butler gestured for Ao Xue to leave, her heart rose to her throat. Only then did her test begin.    


Sure enough, Fu Fengyi called out to her, "Xiao Xue, your Ye Family is generous, but it's not a bottomless pit. You have to restrain it for a bit, this time I can help you hold it.    


Usually, Dou Dou was here to serve her, but no one would think that a maid would be able to do so many malicious things. All they could think of was that there was someone behind her, and she, Ao Xue, had just taken the blame!    


Fu Fengyi glanced at her before walking away. Dou Dou was still crying. Ao Xue walked in front of her coldly and gave her a slap. "Useless thing!"    


"I'm useless! Who doesn't know about this? Only you and I know why this thing is with me, if I endure it, it doesn't mean that you can continue to frame me and not treat me as a human! "    


"What did you say!?" Why would I do that! You must have exposed yourself to Ding Yiyi, so she sent you here to warn me! "    


Ao Xue frowned as she looked at her. She really hated Ding Yiyi. She always thought she was easy to bully, but now it seemed like she was a scheming woman.    


Dou Dou laughed and retorted, "Do you think Miss Ding is like you? "Since you don't trust me, then I'll go find the old woman myself."    


Ao Xue was startled when she hastily ran out. She hurriedly caught up with him. The two of them walked down the stairs one after the other, but stopped at the same time.    


Ye Nianmo and Fu Fengyi sat on the sofa, while Ye Bo and Ding Yiyi stood to the side. He glanced at Ao Xue and Dou Dou, his voice carrying a trace of indifference, "It seems that Ye Family has not been fixed for a long time, which is why so many problems have arisen."    


Fu Fengyi shouted, "Dou Dou, come over here!"    


Dou Dou walked over tremblingly. "Madam, young master, I was the one who set it free. But it wasn't my attention. It was Miss Au Xue!"    


As soon as she finished speaking, Fu Fengyi slapped the table, "Originally, from the fact that you've been in the Ye Family for a long time, I didn't want to bother with you. What are you saying?!"    


Ding Yiyi couldn't bear to look away. Their Ye Family were both refined people, and just by thinking about it, she knew that a maid didn't have the money to hire a famous Feng Shui master.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at Ao Xue and then looked at Fu Fengyi, "Grandma, what do you want to do about this matter now?"    


Fu Fengyi pondered and said, "Yiyi, you decide. It's your decision whether to let her stay or not."    


Ding Yiyi had no way to calm her heart down. According to her plan, she would definitely kick Dou Dou out of the Baby Cheng since she had harmed Baby Cheng as well.    


"I don't care. Let her continue to stay in the Ye Family."    


Fu Fengyi nodded in satisfaction. "Why aren't you thanking Yiyi?"    


Dou Dou came forward while crying. "Thank you, Miss Ding."    


"No." Ye Nianmo quietly spoke from the side, "Our Ye Family does not allow such malicious intents to exist." He looked at Ao Xue as he spoke.    


Ao Xue bit her lips and lowered her head without making a sound. Now that Ye Nianmo wanted to kill the chicken for the monkeys to see, Fu Fengyi also didn't say anything as she quietly sat to the side.    


Ye Nianmo said: "Leave her and immediately leave Ye Family."    


The butler nodded. He stood up and looked at Ao Xue. "Follow me."    


Ding Yiyi watched as Dou Dou followed behind the butler in frustration. Soon, under the watch of the butler, she brought out a box, but no one came to help her. Ding Yiyi couldn't bear it any longer.    


Outside, Ding Yiyi helped her put everything back on the car. Seeing Dou Dou was also making her feel bad, but when she thought about how Baby Cheng was dead, she couldn't forgive them.    


"Leave the Ye Family and work hard." Ding Yiyi said.    


"I have to give my parents a monthly allowance and my sister's meal expenses. They will definitely be very angry if they find out that I was fired from Ye Family."    


Dou Dou was extremely heartbroken. If only she had followed Ding Yiyi and not been threatened by Ao Xue, then that woman was too vicious.    


Ding Yiyi looked at her with a trace of pity in her eyes. She patted her shoulder. "Let's go."    


As the car moved forward, Ding Yiyi was about to turn around when she heard the sound of approaching traffic. She turned around and saw that the car, which she had just driven out for a short distance, had returned.    


"Yi Yi, I must tell you that the death of Baby Cheng was caused by Ao Xue. She poured the soup on top of the rat poison and then let Baby Cheng eat it. If I had eaten it earlier, it wouldn't have died, but we didn't, I am a bad guy."    


Ding Yiyi looked at her indifferently. She didn't seem overly sad or joyful, as if she had just heard a story. She slowly approached and said in a slightly cold tone, "I know."    


The car drove off into the distance again and Dou Dou's look of disbelief gradually disappeared. Ding Yiyi watched the car with an expressionless face as it drove off into the distance before she turned around and went back into the house.    


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