Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1148 Wealthy Marriage 1076

C1148 Wealthy Marriage 1076

Dou Dou hesitated for a moment before finally nodding her head. She frantically shook her head. "Rather than saying I like him, it's better to worship him. He's the kind of man every girl would want to meet at her best age."    


Seeing that there was no displeasure on Ding Yiyi's face, she continued, "Tall and handsome, young and capable, never troubled, knowledgeable, almost able to think of words to say with ease."    


Seemingly sensing that she had said too much, Dou Dou cautiously closed her mouth and looked at Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi smiled to appease her wariness and said lightly, "Looks like I don't know if I'm lucky or not."    


Dou Dou didn't say anything. Sometimes, she really did think that way. Even though Young Master doted on her so much, why did she have to go against him? How many people want this favor but can't get it?    


The two of them fell into silence. Ding Yiyi was the first to break the silence. She looked at the bowl of porridge in her hands. "It's very fragrant."    


Dou Dou nodded. "Yes, Young Master had instructed us last night that the kitchen will be cooked early this morning."    


She didn't know what she had said wrongly, but she knew that Miss Ding Yiyi's face had suddenly turned extremely ugly. She hastily shut her mouth.    


Ding Yiyi took the bowl of porridge and said gently, "Alright, I understand. Thank you."    


After Dou Dou left, her smile disappeared from her face. After closing the door, she changed her clothes. With a cold expression, she looked at the sweet smelling porridge on the table and poured the steamed bowl into the trash can.    


There was another knock on the door, and the butler's voice called out, "Miss Yiyi."    


Ding Yiyi opened the door. "Butler."    


The butler came in and looked at Ding Yiyi sternly. "Yi Yi, do you want to leave?"    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. She didn't have the time to react to such a suggestion.    


The butler seemed to be in a hurry, as he waved his hand to indicate for the butler not to interrupt him, "This time, even if you don't leave, you still have to leave. Because the lord has given the order to send you out of the Ye Family tonight."    


Ding Yiyi's mood remained unchanged apart from her initial blank stare. "Understood, Butler. I will prepare."    


"Why don't you ask?" The housekeeper was somewhat surprised by her calmness.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the trash can. The congee was still steaming. She said lightly, "As long as the result is what I want."    


The butler looked at her with a complicated expression. He nodded and turned, walking to the door before turning around, "Today, the madame and Miss Au Xue have not been together for the past two days. You should get along with the young master.    


Ding Yiyi looked at his back, and a ray of light shone on the table beside her. Following the ray of light, she saw that her photo with Baby Cheng on the table was coated with a layer of light.    


She walked to the table, and the sunlight shone down on her. It was warm and had a sense of security.    


The noon sunshine was neither good nor bad, but Ding Yiyi still chose to lie in the garden to bask in the sun. The wind would playfully pull up her hair and blow away her coat.    


She was wearing her sunglasses as she slept lightly. Suddenly, she felt as if she was falling from the sky. She was jolted awake. Her heart throbbed slightly, and through the dark glasses she saw him.    


He stood where the sun could not reach him, his hands in his pockets, the wind ruffling his hair. He stood there, wanting the future, but hesitating, like a child who has done something wrong and wants to apologize.    


He did not move, nor did Ding Yiyi. She looked at him brazenly through her sunglasses. Perhaps after tonight, she would be able to regain her freedom of breathing in the sky. This man's love was too heavy.    


He moved! Her fingers moved slightly, keeping her sleeping posture for some unknown reason. She watched through the dark glasses as he approached her, a nicotine-smelling hand gently stroking her forehead.    


Her magnificent body blocked most of the sunlight, and the wind ruffled her hair. She fiddled with it as if it were his most important job.    


She remained in a position where his firm chest could be seen in her footsteps, and how many times she had dodged there, she knew his temperature.    


A light, unerotic kiss touched her forehead, and she stiffened, and just as she thought she was about to explode, he drew back a few steps, and the sun fell back on her face, and a warmth came back, another warmth left.    


When he left, Ding Yiyi heaved a sigh of relief. "Do you hate me?" Did she really hate him?    


Before he could think about it, Ye Nianmo came back with a book. This time, he had a book in his hand. She watched him walk to her side. There was the sound of a chair moving.    


He comfortably lay on the reclining chair in front of her and took out a book to read earnestly. Ding Yiyi moved her body and adjusted her posture to look at him silently.    


She did not know when she fell asleep. All she knew was that when she woke up, there was a blanket over her. The recliner in front of her was exposed to the air, and the person on it had long since disappeared.    


She got up and put the blanket away. As she passed by the recliner, she was attracted by the list on the chair. "General Administration of Science", did he read this kind of book?    


A dark cloud brought with it a shadow, and the wind grew stronger. The sunlight was too strong for her, so she hid in the clouds. She raised her head to look at the sky. It looked like it was going to rain again.    


She was the only one on the long table in the dining room. The butler placed the dishes in front of her and said meaningfully, "The young master went out to eat with the master and his wife."    


In the dining room, the melodious music started playing again. It was a melodious melody that merged with the music coming from outside the window. Ye Nianmo was chewing on the steak in front of him.    


"Nianmo, let's go listen to the musical later. That musician just happened to be traveling to Singapore, and we've only had three hours. I wanted to go last time in Greece, but I didn't. " Xia Yihan said with a smile.    


"Why didn't you go?" Ye Nianmo was curious.    


Xia Yihan glared at Ye Zimo, who looked at him with a gentle smile. Ye Nianmo drank a mouthful of red wine and swallowed the question selectively.    


The clock on the wall pointed to eight o'clock. Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo exchanged a glance and saw different emotions in each other's eyes.    


Every time there was a thunder, the rain got heavier. Ding Yiyi stared out the window at the rain that was already flying parallel to each other.    


"Is Miss Yiyi ready?" The butler appeared.    


She nodded and took a small briefcase. Other than the things she brought along as well as the items from Baby Cheng, there was nothing else.    


The two of them walked down the long corridor, one in front of the other. There was the sound of muffled thunder, and the person on the corridor flashed before being extinguished.    


"Maybe it's because the lightning destroyed the circuit, so everything is fine." The butler said in the darkness.    


Ding Yiyi reached out her hand to support herself against the wall. "It's fine, I can do it."    


The usually lively and noisy Ye Family was currently like an empty city. There were four bodyguards standing at the entrance, the rain and wind had drenched them all, yet they stood there like statues.    


Ding Yiyi grabbed the butler who was about to leave, "Butler, put on your raincoat. You're too old to get wet."    


Suddenly, there was this girl. He had never married in order to obtain Ye Family in his entire life, so if he had a child back then, he would probably be around the same age as her.    


"Alright." The butler went to get a raincoat. Ding Yiyi sat in the car and closed the window on the cold and wind and rain. The butler stood at the Ye Family entrance and looked at her.    


The car in front started up and a bodyguard got into it. He slowly started up the car and followed the car in front, following another one on the lake.    


As the car slowly drove away from the Ye Family, Ding Yiyi looked towards the window. She wanted to look at this place again, but all she saw was mottled rain.    


Ding Yiyi tried to ask, "Where are we going?"    


"Zhaonan City." The bodyguard replied stiffly.    


Ding Yiyi was startled, and understood in her heart that the safest place was still the most dangerous place, so no matter what people from Ye Family did, they had to think carefully.    


She didn't ask anymore and just sat there quietly. After tonight, her life would be very different. Suddenly the car came to a screeching halt, and she lurched forward, pulled back by the seat belt.    


The car in front stopped. Ding Yiyi didn't know what was going on as the rain was too heavy and she couldn't see anything clearly. The bodyguard got off the car to check on the situation.    


The door was opened and the chilling wind and rain swept into the car. Ye Bo stood a few steps away and said calmly, "Miss Yiyi, please get out of the car."    


The gorgeous costumes, the high voices, the gorgeous actors on the stage turning their bodies. They had done this move millions of times all over the world, and they were already used to it.    


On the second floor, Xia Yihan was a bit nervous as she was looking at the best spot. She kept touching her wrist. He didn't take the musical in at all.    


A large hand covered her own. Ye Zimo was still looking at the stage, her palm lightly patting her every time, bringing with it a sense of comfort.    


The door opened and Ye Bo walked in, followed by Ding Yiyi.    


Ye Zimo wasn't angry, she only watched silently as the scene on the stage reached its climax. The female protagonist had wrongly killed the person she loved the most because she loved and hated him the most. She sobbed as she laid on the cold floor.    


Ye Nianmo said lightly, "Dad, I'm stronger than you think."    


The father and son duo looked at each other, not at each other, but at a contest of strength and wisdom. After a long while, Ye Zimo turned her gaze back to the stage.    


Ding Yiyi knew she wouldn't be able to escape. She stood there quietly. Her clothes had been changed, but her hair was still wet on her head and the back of her shoulders was stained with water.    


Ye Nianmo got up and looked down at her condescendingly. After a long while, he sighed, "I said you can't run away, why are you struggling?"    


"I won't give in." Ding Yiyi looked at him. A strand of hair fell into the corner of her eye, and raindrops flowed into her eyes. She blinked and continued staring at him.    


Ye Nianmo wasn't angered. Instead, he took a step closer and kissed her lips. His kiss stopped there, as if he had declared everything he owned.    


"This is my choice. I will only say this once." He pulled away from her and looked fixedly at his parents.    


Xia Yihan's eyes were filled with worry. "Nianmo."    


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