Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1166 Wealthy Marriage 1094

C1166 Wealthy Marriage 1094

Anxious, powerless, defeated, the strong emotions eroded her, causing him to be unable to remain calm.    


The night was dark and full of cheers and laughter. Ding Yiyi greeted everyone and walked down to see Ye Chuyun, who was standing under a street lamp.    


"Chuyun?" After all, she had said a lot of outrageous things to him in order to take revenge on Ao Xue.    


Ye Chuyun walked in front of her and ruffled her long hair. He said in a familiar tone, "There are so many mosquitoes here."    


Ding Yiyi burst out laughing. "That's right. Qiu Bai said she was almost twice as fat as usual."    


The feeling of relaxation seemed to have returned. Ding Yiyi casually asked, "How did you find this place?"    


"Ye Nianmo told me to come." Ye Chuyun grabbed her shoulders, "I completely agree with him on this matter. Yiyi, I can't take your life as a joke."    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head. "I'm very strong. I'll take good care of myself."    


"Yiyi!" Ye Chuyun increased his strength until she raised her head and looked into his eyes. He said in a hoarse voice, "Can you stop talking like that? Life is too precious for me to imagine losing you in every way. "    


Perhaps it was due to him being infected. Ding Yiyi nodded obediently, the strength on her arms relaxed, and Ye Chuyun returned to his previous warm mood, "Let's go, I'll send you back to Ye Family."    


The two of them got on the car. Ye Chuyun, who was not far from the road, frowned, "Someone is following them."    


Ding Yiyi looked back and saw a covered jeep following them at a leisurely pace. Ye Chuyun pursed his lips and said, "Sit well!"    


Ding Yiyi had just grabbed the safety belt when the car shot out like an arrow from a bow. Ding Yiyi had never thought that someone would be able to pull off such a masterful ride.    


Ye Chuyun's car sometimes passed the car and turned the corner. In less than half an hour, he could no longer see the car behind him.    


"So powerful!" Ding Yiyi praised sincerely, but was scared by his gaze.    


Ye Chuyun suddenly pulled the car to the side of the road. He closed his eyes tiredly and then abruptly opened them. His eyes were extremely gloomy, "What if I don't come to pick you up today?"    


Ding Yiyi was so worried that she wanted to pat his shoulder and comfort him. However, when he grabbed her hand and felt his trembling fingers, she finally felt his fear.    


Once they reached Ye Family, Ye Chuyun pulled Ding Yiyi directly to Ye Nianmo's office, "You promised me that you would definitely protect her safety. If that's not possible, I'll protect her myself!"    


Ye Nianmo's gaze swept across the two of them, "What happened?"    


Ye Chuyun told him the whole story simply. Ye Nianmo's eyebrows were getting tighter and tighter, and his line of sight on Ding Yiyi was getting longer and longer.    


"I won't give up the play." Ding Yiyi said in a low voice.    


"Yiyi!" This time, Ye Chuyun and Ye Nianmo were on the same side at the same time. Their faces were terrifyingly gloomy.    


Ding Yiyi took a deep breath. "I will protect myself."    


"How are you going to protect them?" Ye Nianmo paced around the room impatiently. Ye Chuyun directly grabbed her arm and said, "I can satisfy you with anything you want, as long as you listen to me obediently."    


After a long while, Ding Yiyi said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I really can't do that."    


Outside the door, Ao Xue listened to their conversation without missing a word. Ye Nianmo's and Ye Chuyun's concern for Ding Yiyi made her resentful, but it also made her worried. Liu Tie's death was obviously not an accident. That man must be waiting for her to appear.    


She returned to her room worriedly. The fear of death made her call Si Si again. After listening to her, Si Si smiled and said, "Your chance to get rid of your sister is here."    


"What do you mean?" Ao Xue's heart skipped a beat. Did her mother mean to get rid of him in a different way?    


Si Si's tone was overcast, "Don't think that I'm ruthless. If one day you fail to meet my standards, I will abandon you just the same. If you use Ding Yiyi to lure that person out, then I will release the news to Ye Family and let them save you."    


"What if I'm late?" Ao Xue asked with a trembling voice.    


"You have to be carefree if you want to achieve great things. What I bet on is your sister's life, while what you bet on is your own."    


Si Si's words were cold and merciless. Ao Xue's lips were trembling. The death of that man in the international shopping mall, and Mo Shuangling's death, had caused her to experience the vicious side of her own mother.    


She wasn't a human, she was a demon!    


After a long while, he said, "Alright, I'll bet!"    


After hanging up the phone, Si Si looked at herself in the mirror. She touched the wound on her chest, and the bracelet on her wrist made a crisp sound when it hit.    


Ding Yiyi's tears and Ding Yiyi's mother poured into her mind without any warning. Her hand gripped the washbasin, and her strength increased. She couldn't be soft-hearted. As long as it wasn't Ye Zimosheng's child, there would be no meaning for it to exist!    


The next day, just as Ding Yiyi was about to go out, Qiu Bai called to inform her that she could shoot other people's scenes first, and her scene could be delayed. Her words were flickering, and Ding Yiyi knew that it must have been arranged by Ye Nianmo and Ye Chuyun.    


Ao Xue walked past her, dressed neatly. Ding Yiyi called out to her hesitantly, "Don't go out for the moment."    


"Since when have you been in charge of me?" Ao Xue sneered as she swept a glance at him and prepared to leave.    


Ding Yiyi stepped forward to stop her, "At least let the bodyguards follow."    


Ao Xue waved away her hand and glared coldly at her. She then took her bag and left the room.    


There was nothing Ding Yiyi could do. She could only send a message to Ye Nianmo. Seeing that Ao Xue was no longer there, she chased after her without caring about anything else.    


The moment Ao Xue got into the car, the door was opened. Ding Yiyi squeezed in and closed the door.    


"Are you for real!?" Ao Xue was secretly pleased, but on the surface, she was furious.    


Ding Yiyi fastened her seatbelt, "Why don't you stay in Ye Family today, or else I'll follow you."    


The car sped all the way to Ao Xue's jewelry store. As soon as they got out of the car, the employees surrounded them. "General Manager, Agent Manager."    


Ao Xue's expression immediately became unsightly. The other employees looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Ding Yiyi didn't want them to be embarrassed, so she hurriedly said, "You can all go to work."    


The staff dispersed in a crowd. Ao Xue mocked sarcastically, "It seems like you are very adept at handling this shop manager."    


"Don't you mock and ridicule me, what did you do to the Baby Cheng back then?" Ding Yiyi was infuriated, and her expression turned cold.    


Ao Xue was taken aback for a moment before she immediately struck back, unwilling to be outdone. "So you killed my child?!"    


This was a hurdle Ding Yiyi would never be able to cross. She had no choice but to remain silent. Ao Xue glared at her fiercely and turned to leave. Ding Yiyi immediately followed.    


When the car stopped at the jewelry show and looked at the familiar building, Ao Xue's heart jolted. The two meter tall flames, the screams of the crowd, and the charred corpses, these memories flooded into her mind.    


Ding Yiyi put her hand on the handlebars and pulled hard. She got off first, the sound of heavy footsteps behind her. Ding Yiyi pulled her back. "It's not the right time to come here now."    


"Let's test it out and see who is the most damnable person." Ao Xue smiled as she walked towards the exhibition center. However, her hands were tightly holding onto her bag with her back facing Ding Yiyi.    


Seeing that she had given up, Ding Yiyi had no choice but to quicken her pace to keep up. The crosshairs and stands that were displayed a few days ago at the jewelry show were not removed, and a huge puppet blocked the entrance of the hall on the first floor.    


Ao Xue stood at the door, lost in her thoughts. It was because of this that she was forced to leave Ye Nianmo. Her life would no longer be the same.    


The sound of high heels rang out from behind her. She turned around in panic and found that it was Ding Yiyi. Cold sweat gradually soaked her clothes, the scenes from that day were as clear as a rewind.    


"Are you all right?" Ding Yiyi asked with concern as she looked at her pale face.    


Ao Xue snapped back to reality and glanced at Ding Yiyi. "Mind your own business!"    


Ao Xue came out of the international shopping mall as if she was escaping. Her hands were trembling as she sat in the car. She was regretting coming here. Seeing that she was distracted, Ding Yiyi told the driver to stop the car at a coffee shop not far from the exhibition center.    


The moment the coffee was served, Ao Xue picked up the coffee unsteadily. She knocked into a woman with her elbow. The woman flung her hand and the phone dropped from her hand onto the floor.    


"What's wrong with you!" The woman picked up the phone. There were a few cracks on the screen. She said angrily, "Do you have eyes or not?"    


Ao Xue had originally wanted to compensate for the money, but when she saw the woman's arrogance, she was angered. "Don't you have the word 'good manners' in your home tutoring?"    


"What are you saying?" The woman raised her delicate eyebrows and knocked over Ao Xue's coffee with a wave of her hand. When she saw Ao Xue stand up, she said proudly, "I'll let you see what it means to be cultured!"    


"You're going too far!" Ding Yiyi couldn't stand it and continued, "We were in the wrong to break your phone, but you have to apologize to her."    


The woman looked at her. "Sure, you guys can pay. This phone was bought for me by my husband. It has an extraordinary meaning. How much can you guys pay?"    


Ao Xue took out a stack of bills from her bag. "Use this money to buy a smelly phone!"    


The woman's eyes flashed. She knew that these two women were very rich, but she didn't expect them to be so generous.    


Just as she was about to extend her hand, Ding Yiyi stopped her. "Where's your apology?"    


"I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes, stretched out her hand to collect the money on the table, then turned and left.    


"What kind of person is this!" Ding Yiyi muttered to herself. She didn't notice the trace of hesitation in Ao Xue's eyes. Back in the jewelry design company, the two of them worked together to take down a client in Holland.    


It was a strange and indescribable feeling. Ao Xue was shocked by her own thoughts and started to hesitate about her original goal. She suddenly realized that she didn't want Ding Yiyi to die.    


As she walked out, Ding Yiyi caught up with her. "Where are we going next?"    


"Go home!" she said impolitely.    


As soon as she left the coffee shop, Ao Xue felt uncomfortable looking at the passing passersby. She returned to the restroom in the coffee shop.    


"Damn it!" She cursed as she sprinkled water on her clothes. The sound of heavy footsteps came from behind her. The sound was similar to the sound of shoes knocking on the floor. There was a trace of strangeness in it as she turned around, her eyes wide open.    


Ding Yiyi stood at the door, bored to death, waiting for Ao Xue. The phone in her hand rang urgently, and when she picked it up, Ye Nianmo's voice lost its usual calmness, "Where are you?"    


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