Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1194 Married to a Rich Family 1122

C1194 Married to a Rich Family 1122

In the dead of the night, the car drove through the night into the Ye Family Garage and turned off the engine. Ye Nianmo sat inside the car and lowered the price of the car, which meant that the board's profits would be damaged, and he would also receive the attention of the CSRC. He might be charged with malicious manipulation, but he absolutely could not lose this battle!    


The moment he entered the house, he heard Ding Yiyi's voice, "Chuyun, is that you?"    


When she saw Ye Nianmo, she was stunned, "Sorry, I thought it was Chuyun."    


"Since you're so reliant on him, look after him."    


His nerves were about to burst from being bombed by the board of directors all day, and his tone had turned cold.    


Ding Yiyi was hurt by his tone and her heart was aching. Could it be that she had already made him so tired? What had she done wrong? He's so fierce just because he recognized the wrong person?    


"Sorry." She wanted to run away in a sorry state, but her wrist was caught. Ye Nianmo said in a hoarse voice, "Sorry."    


"Yiyi?" Ye Chuyun appeared, looking at the two people's hands that were linked, he had a faint smile on his face.    


Ding Yiyi threw off the force that was grabbing her wrist and ran towards Ye Chuyun. She grabbed his hand and walked upstairs.    


Ye Chuyun still relied on her and looked at Ye Nianmo with a determined look.    


In the room, Ding Yiyi looked out of the window in a daze. Ye Chuyun put the warm milk in her hands and said in a warm voice, "How is it? Is today's musical good? "    


"Very well, next time we'll go and see it together." Ding Yiyi forced a smile on her face. In order to get herself out of her sorrow, she asked, "Oh right, where did you go today?"    


Ye Chuyun caressed her soft hair, then his eyes fell on her small yet firm nose, "Go discuss something with your friends, drink your milk."    


Ding Yiyi obediently drank it. He patted her back and whispered, "One, two, three, four."    


The person in his arms had already fallen asleep. He carefully laid her on the soft bed and carefully tucked her in. With a pious heart, he lightly kissed her forehead. "Darling, it will be soon."    


He bent down and put away the sleeping pills. As soon as he got up, his head began to ache as if someone were holding a rusty saw and pulling it back and forth over your weakened bones.    


He was in so much pain that he fell to his knees and cried out in pain. The person on the bed turned over as if he had been woken up.    


The room was so quiet that even a pin dropping could be heard. Ye Chuyun only let go of his mangled arm when the people on the bed started breathing evenly.    


Cold sweat dripped from his forehead and formed a small puddle on the ground, "It's almost done. Yiyi, wait for me. It's almost done!"    


On Tuesday, Ye Group's shares fell a lot as soon as they opened. In the morning, after an hour, the retail investors saw that after three consecutive falls, they had all shorted out their stocks and for a time, Ye Group's shares fell to the bottom.    


With five minutes left in the morning to close, the two forces attacked at the same time, buying up large amounts of retail shares that had been sold off. The shares that were about to stop falling shot up high until they stopped rising.    


In the Ye Group Conference Room, the giant screen displayed the latest developments of the stocks, until the closing time of the 15: 00 PM stock market. Ye Nianmo said with a sinking tone, "You lost."    


Ye Chuyun pursed his lips. He was only a few percent less than Ye Nianmo, but he didn't have enough money to raise his stock price.    


"I want to bet with you." Ye Chuyun suddenly closed the computer, "If I lose, I will end my engagement with Yi Yi. If you lose, then I want you to come out clean from the Ye Family and not use Ye Family's resources again."    


Ye Nianmo frowned, "She is not an item. Similarly, I don't want to make a bet with you, so stop."    


"I won't stop!" Ye Chuyun's eyes widened in shock, "Ye Nianmo, you can only accept the challenge."    


At night, the atmosphere of Ye Family was extremely weird. Ding Yiyi took a sip of red wine and glanced at the two men who were emitting cold air all over their body.    


Ao Xue had already guessed what was going on. She elegantly cut the steak and watched the good show on her own.    


The butler hurriedly walked in from outside, and the men behind him all had a solemn expression on their faces.    


"Young master, these gentlemen are looking for you."    


"Hello, Mr Ye. We are investigators from the CSRC. We suspect that your company is maliciously manipulating stocks. We would like to invite you to come back with us to investigate."    


The knife and fork in Ding Yiyi's hand fell to the ground. Her clear and melodious voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone present. She frantically lowered her head to pick up the knife and fork.    


Ye Nianmo looked very calm. He took out a napkin and wiped his hands before standing up. When he walked over to the investigators, he stopped.    


"Take good care of her."    


Everyone knew who that "she" was. Ding Yiyi was getting more and more flustered, while Ye Chuyun was terrifyingly calm.    


"Chuyun, is he alright?" Ding Yiyi was extremely worried about Ye Nianmo. Seeing the lights flash outside her house, the sense of crisis in her heart grew stronger.    


Ye Chuyun pulled her up and walked upstairs with steady steps, "Let's rest early."    


In the room, he handed her the warm milk.    


Ding Yiyi's expression was a little dazed. She had been a commoner since she was young and had never seen such a scene before. All sorts of possibilities flashed past her mind, and every one of them made her afraid.    


Ye Chuyun couldn't bear to see her in such a daze, so he comforted her, "Sleep, I'll see him tomorrow. I have something to take care of."    


He kissed her on the forehead, then went into the study next door. Ding Yiyi's hand, which was holding the cup of milk, shook.    


She frowned and got out of bed to get a rag. After she was done, she forgot that she had not drunk the milk on the table.    


After a while, Ye Chuyun came out of the study and Ding Yiyi fell into a deep sleep.    


He took the rest of the milk and quietly closed the door. In the darkness, Ding Yiyi opened her eyes. She didn't want Ye Chuyun to see her in a daze, so she chose to pretend to be asleep.    


She turned her body over and quickly turned back over. These few days it had been very easy for her to fall asleep, but no matter how hard she forced herself to sleep today, she was still very awake.    


After an unknown period of time, there was a faint sound coming from outside the window. She abruptly sat up and got off the bed barefooted. Orange lights shot out from outside the window and streaked across the night sky.    


She glanced at her cell phone. It was three in the morning.    


In the living room, Ye Nianmo looked tired. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, loosened his tie, and let out a sigh of relief.    


The sound of a vase being knocked down came from the stairs. Ding Yiyi was caught off guard and hugged the vase that almost knocked her over.    


His eyes looked as if he was about to devour her. Ding Yiyi remembered that he was still infuriated with her just yesterday. She couldn't even move her feet when she saw him walk up the stairs.    


Ye Nianmo looked down at her condescendingly. The two of them clearly saw each other's reflection in their eyes. He opened his mouth and was tense for a long time, causing his voice to become hoarse, "You're worried about me?"    


He spoke with a firm certainty, not giving her a chance to refute, and she tried to think of a rebuttal, saying aloud that it was his own wishful thinking and that she was not worried about him, but she could not lie in his deep gaze.    


"I gave you a chance to refute me." Ye Nianmo suddenly smiled.    


His jacket was still cold, but his embrace was warm, making it impossible for anyone to refuse. She was like duckweed, swaying for a long time before she finally landed.    


A minute? Perhaps even longer after that, she miserably pushed him away and turned around to flee.    


The next day, Ding Yiyi was sitting in the empty living room in a daze when the butler came in with Qiu Bai.    


"Qiu Bai?"    


Ding Yiyi welcomed her happily. "Why are you here?"    


"Ye Chuyun called me and told me to accompany you." Qiu Bai pulled her up and down and looked at her from head to toe. "It seems to have gotten fatter."    


Ding Yiyi said worriedly, "I don't know why Chuyun has been busy lately."    


"Don't tell me there's a woman outside!"    


Qiu Bai said in an exaggerated manner. After she finished speaking, the two of them looked at each other and smiled. If Ye Chuyun was having an affair, then there wouldn't be any good men in this world that could be trusted.    


After sending Qiu Bai off, Ding Yiyi picked up her phone. The phone rang a few times before it was picked up. "Yiyi?"    


"Are you busy?"    


"There's something, you miss me?"    


"En, will you be back early today?"    


"I'll do my best."    


After hanging up, Ye Chuyun held the phone that was still warm from the call. The gentleness in his expression immediately faded after he turned around.    


Ye Nianmo's expression wasn't good either. The gentle Ding Yiyi on the phone just now made his heart twitch in pain.    


"I still have the most stocks." Ye Nianmo was the first to speak.    


"The bet will only end tomorrow. Isn't it too early to say that now?"    


A heavy atmosphere spread between the two of them. The door was knocked, and the secretary came in with a man.    


"Director Ye, I have something to discuss with you." The man looked playful. Ye Nianmo frowned, "Say it here."    


"My father is a director here, not long ago he was ousted from his position by Ye Group and stayed at home. Three days ago, he was carelessly hospitalized with brain hemorrhage, and now he wants to sell the shares in his hands."    


Ye Nianmo tapped on the table with his slender fingers. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Director Gu?"    


The man nodded. "If you'd like, please come to the hospital tomorrow at nine o'clock."    


After the man left, Ye Chuyun also stood up, "Looks like this will be our last battle."    


In the afternoon, Ding Yiyi was in the garden watering the flowers. Ao Xue stood behind her and mocked, "It's just that there's no life for you, you're the only one who's suitable for this kind of work."    


When the servants around her wanted to bring it over, Ding Yiyi smiled at her in a comforting manner, continuing her actions.    


Ao Xue brought embarrassment upon herself. Just as she turned around, she saw Ye Chuyun striding towards her. Just as she was about to walk past him, a voice that was not deliberately lowered came over, "I don't want you to be by her side."    


Ao Xue was flustered, but she also knew that Ye Chuyun wasn't someone she could afford to offend. She stomped her feet and turned around to scold the servant, "Get me a coat, don't you see that I'm cold?!"    


After the servant and Ao Xue left, Ye Chuyun took over the water pipe from Ding Yiyi, "Don't do these things in the future, what do we do with frostbitten hands?"    


"Why are you so early today?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


Ye Chuyun gave her a brilliant smile, and only left Ye Family with Ding Yiyi after watering the flower beds in front of them.    


He took her to eat at all the restaurants with different sizes and sizes of Dongjiang City. He took her to play on the roller coaster and to see the sunset.    


In the dead of the night, Ding Yiyi slept tiredly against the window. Her head was knocked against the window due to the shaking of the car's body. A large hand gently protected the back of her head.    


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