Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1195 Married to a Rich Family 1123

C1195 Married to a Rich Family 1123

With a slight push, her head obediently rested on his shoulder. Looking at her worry-free sleeping posture, Ye Chuyun kissed her hair whirl and said in a low voice, "Sorry."    


Ding Yiyi was woken up by the ringing of her phone in her sleep. She picked up the phone and saw that it was only 8 o'clock. She rubbed her eyes and answered, "Chuyun?"    


"Sorry to disturb your sleep, can you do me a favor? I have a folder at home. Can you deliver it to the Love Building for me? "    


She immediately snapped out of her daze and accepted the call. After hanging up, she hastily washed her face and rinsed her mouth before running to Ye Chuyun's room to grab the folder on the table.    


At eight o'clock, when the street wasn't too crowded, she got out of the taxi and crossed the street to the Love Building.    


There was no sign of anyone on the other side of the road. She looked around.    


The sound of the motorcycle made her turn her head abruptly. She wanted to avoid it, but it was impossible. The car sped up, and the man in the car wore a black helmet that prevented her from seeing his facial features.    


As the car sped toward her, she froze on the spot, her hands and feet too weak to react, until she was hit and fell to the ground.    


Her arms and ankles were bruised, and she gasped with pain. She felt someone pull up beside her, and she looked up and met the man on the bike.    


"What's the matter with you? You can't drive like this, what if you have kids? " she yelled at the man.    


The man looked at her silently. The black helmet covered up his emotions. Ding Yiyi was a bit confused at first, but it didn't seem like it was a traffic accident.    


Suddenly, the man slowly bent down and took out his cellphone from her bag. Ding Yiyi was stunned. She thought to herself, So this isn't a traffic accident, this is a robbery!    


The man didn't leave. He pressed a button on the screen for a while, then returned it to her.    


Hearing the sound of the car leaving, Ding Yiyi got up in shock and anger. She checked her phone and found nothing on it. What was that man doing?    


Her arm was bruised against the concrete, blood and tiny pebbles mixed, and she took the pain and carried the papers to the Tower of Love.    


There was no one in front of the building. She stood under the eaves with the documents and waited patiently for Ye Chuyun.    


As the car sped along the road, Ye Nianmo, who was closing his eyes to rest, suddenly felt his phone vibrate. When he saw the caller ID, he was stunned.    


'When you get hit by a car, can you come over for a bit? '    


Every word in the text message was like a knife placed around his neck, shocking him. His eyelids kept jumping, and he got hit by a car? How is he?    


The car was slowing down, and the hospital was on the next street. He gripped his cell phone tightly, the veins in his hands looking ferocious from the excessive force.    


He could already see the hospital. The ambulance had just stopped, and the staff was pushing the badly mutilated people inside. Ye Bo was about to stop the car, but his voice was so cold that it made people shiver. "To the love building."    


Ding Yiyi looked at the dark sky anxiously. Ten minutes had passed, but Ye Chuyun still hadn't appeared. Could there be something wrong with his body?    


Thinking that Ye Chuyun might have fainted somewhere and no one knew about it, her heart skipped a beat. She took out her phone and dialed Ye Chuyun's number without any hesitation.    


"The user you called is temporarily unable to connect. Please try again later."    


A mechanical voice sounded. She hung up the phone and decided to take a look around. Just as she started to move, she withdrew. What if Ye Chuyun couldn't find her?    


The dark sky was depressing. The clouds were low and dark. People on the streets lowered their heads and hurried on their way. The bean-sized raindrops hit the ground, followed by electric cars parked by the roadside. People started to run around.    


Ding Yiyi stayed outside the building. The rain was falling on her woolen coat, and she shivered with cold, tucking it in.    


There was a loud thunder, and the people walking quickly in the corridor stopped. Ye Chuyun looked out of the window at the shaking wind and rain, but his face was expressionless.    


Those who passed by all looked curiously at a man standing in front of the window. The rain had already wet his face, yet he seemed to be unconscious as he stood there.    


One of the nurses went to close the window. He suddenly moved, said "thank you" to the nurse and left.    


The Tower of Love    


"It's really cold!" Ding Yiyi muttered to herself while stamping her feet. The hand holding the folder was already numb from the cold. A car drove past nearby and stopped. She looked at the person in surprise, "Ye Nianmo?"    


Ye Nianmo looked anxious. He walked in front of her with big steps and carefully checked her with his sharp eyes.    


"What's wrong with you? Why did it appear here? "    


Ding Yiyi asked curiously. Right after she finished her sentence, her arm was grabbed by someone.    


Ye Nianmo looked at the wound on her arm with a cold expression. He took the umbrella from Ye Bo and placed it on Ding Yiyi's head. "Let's go to the hospital."    


"What are you doing!" Ding Yiyi abruptly raised her hand and retreated. She accidentally hit the handle of the umbrella and it fell to the ground.    


The heavy rain immediately soaked Ye Nianmo. He stood in the middle of the rain and wind. The rain washed over his resolute face. He looked at her without moving, with a grave and stern expression.    


Ding Yiyi was frightened out of her wits. She felt guilty, but also anxious. She turned around and was about to leave. "Go back, I'm waiting for someone."    


The sky was spinning and the earth was spinning. Ye Nianmo had already picked her up. The pedestrians who were hiding from the rain all glanced at her. Ding Yiyi was extremely shy and struggled until her lips turned cold.    


He threw her coldly into the car, but managed to force her down the last time. His cold eyes caught a slight tinge of heat when he saw the wound on her hand.    


Ding Yiyi was flustered, but when he sat down, she immediately protested, "Don't tell me you always say you're used to forcing others to do things? "I'm waiting for Chuyun. I'll be worried if he can't find it."    


"Shut up."    


Ye Nianmo's tone was cold. His coat was still dripping with water, but he didn't seem to notice at all. He only had a serious expression on his face, "Come to the nearby hospital."    


In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctor applied some medicine on Ding Yiyi's wrist, "It's just a small bruise, be careful not to touch the water."    


Ding Yiyi thanked him. She took a glance at Ye Nianmo and saw that his anxious eyes started to settle on his watch. It was as if that cold person from before had never appeared.    


"It's already 9 o'clock." Ding Yiyi whispered as she glanced at the clock.    


"It's okay, a small scratch." The doctor, as if knowing that Ye Nianmo was the one in charge, walked in front of him and said that again.    


Ye Nianmo nodded and stood up to leave the ward. As soon as he opened the door, the phone rang. Ye Chuyun's voice was cold, not showing off or declaring war, but stating a fact, "You lost."    


After hanging up, Ye Nianmo leaned against the wall and closed his eyes in pain.    


Ding Yiyi went back to the Ye Family alone. In her heart, she was still angry at Ye Nianmo. Take yourself away and leave her.    


Just as he sat down on the sofa, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the room. Ye Chuyun walked in quickly.    


"I'm sorry, Yiyi!"    




Both of them spoke up at the same time. Ding Yiyi continued, "Where did you go? Are you alright? Are you alright? "I'm so worried!"    


Ye Chuyun was surprised for a moment. All the lies that he could think of were stuck between his teeth. He looked at her with surging emotions in his eyes.    


The abrasion on her arm was shocking. Seeing that he was staring intently at the abrasion on her arm, Ding Yiyi put her hand behind her back with a smile. "I accidentally tripped on my own walking. I'll notice it in the future."    


The sky was spinning and the earth was spinning. She was hugged tightly until she couldn't breathe, but her firm chest was trembling. Her hands were helplessly at her sides as she looked up and asked, "Chuyun, are you alright?"    


"Sorry, sorry." Ye Chuyun repeated the words again and again. His breath was on her neck and it was warm.    


She was stunned for a moment, then lightly patted his back, "It's alright, I should be the one apologizing. I originally promised to give you the information, but in the end I left by myself."    


It took a long time for him to let go of her and grab her shoulders. Ye Chuyun said seriously, "It will never happen again, I promise it will."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him silently with a warm feeling in her heart. Perhaps, compared to the moody Ye Nianmo, the man in front of her who was heartbroken over his small wound really loved her. Don't hesitate, don't miss the opportunity.    


It had been three days since Ye Nianmo returned to the Ye Family. Ding Yiyi asked the butler, and the butler only said that before the Young Master left, he would leave everything to Second Young Master.    


Ding Yiyi sat in the garden. Ye Chuyun seemed to be very busy in her phone, "Yiyi, I will go home early tonight. I'm a bit busy now, so I'll contact you later."    


Hanging up the phone, she sighed with some melancholy. Ye Chuyun had been busy all day long at home, and he didn't return home until dawn. Since she couldn't vent her worries, she could only bury her worries deep within her heart.    


Ye Group.    


Ye Chuyun sat behind a wide desk with a thick stack of documents beside him. He frowned as he looked at the densely packed data.    


Ye Bo, who was doing his duty, helped him comb through the documents. The door was knocked and a middle-aged man walked in.    


"Director Ye." His surname was also Ye, so his voice was very smooth.    


"What is it?" Ye Chuyun put down the pen in his hand and looked at his watch, "You have five minutes to explain everything clearly."    


The man's expression tightened, "American customers are always stalling, the finance department can't settle the bill."    


Ye Bo watched silently. That American customer was a stubborn old man, and the number of orders for Ye Group was not small either. It was like a chicken's egg.    


Ye Chuyun asked in a deep voice, "When did you start working together? Delay it a few times, when did you return it, the amount of the delaying?"    


The man asked him a series of questions, trying his best to answer, "When Master was still in Ye Group, he was working with that company. After the CEO of that company retired, his son started to default after accepting the company."    


Seeing Ye Chuyun look at his watch, the man was in a hurry to cut a long story short. "Strictly speaking, I worked with his son for two years and delayed him three times. Each payment was from three months to six months and the amount was several hundred thousand yuan.    


Ye Chuyun fell silent after hearing that, and time passed bit by bit. After a long while, he suddenly opened his mouth, "Send them a letter, end the collaboration after this one."    


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