Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1204 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1132

C1204 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1132

Seeing that they were almost at the hospital, Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo still didn't say anything. She suddenly became anxious and blurted out, "Are you working there?"    


As soon as she finished speaking, she wished she could eat her own tongue. She really couldn't bring herself to mention a pot or a pot!    


Ye Nianmo did not mind and nodded, "En."    


There was another long silence as the car stopped in the garage. Ding Yiyi opened the door and jumped out.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her back as she escaped in a hurry. Before the car started, he saw her running back quickly.    


The car door opened, and she quickly stuffed the briefcase into Ye Nianmo's hands, turned around, and ran away.    


She ran too fast, so she didn't see the doting smile on Ye Nianmo's face. That smile was as warm as the sun.    


In the ward, Ye Chuyun subconsciously hid the medicine in his hand when he saw that Ding Yiyi had come. If he could, he wouldn't want her to see him taking so many pills.    


"Why are you running so fast?" he asked gently. Tell the nurse to wash an apple for her.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head in agreement. "I want to see you."    


With a single sentence, Ye Chuyun, who hadn't smiled all day, let out a smile that came from the bottom of his heart. Ding Yiyi was silent for a moment before she asked, "Chuyun, Ao Xue didn't go to find Grandma at all, right?"    


Ye Chuyun replied without batting an eyelid, "Really? I don't know, that's what she told me. "    


With a calm expression, Ding Yiyi trusted him more than Ao Xue. Therefore, she didn't ask any further after listening to his explanation.    


After staying with Ye Chuyun for a while, Ding Yiyi brought up the Ye Family. Since she was Ye Chuyun's fiancée now, of course she had to go back.    


On the sickbed, Ye Chuyun frowned and the struggle in his heart never stopped. Ao Xue was a thorn in the side of Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo. If she didn't disappear, then his death in the future would only add to their troubles.    


"Sorry." After a long while, he whispered.    


The Ye Family was brightly lit. It was supposed to be when Fu Fengyi slept, yet she was sitting in the living room, solemnly waiting for the result of the Feng Shui master.    


Although Ye Family didn't believe her, the madame could do whatever she wanted. After a while, the feng shui master came down from upstairs. Ding Yiyi found him to be a middle-aged man who often held lectures on television.    


"This mansion has been here for too long, so the grievances are very heavy. That's why I heard these strange sounds."    


The moment he said that, everyone had a weird look on their faces. Ye Nianmo directly said, "Not long, it's the property right for 70 years."    


The man was at a loss for words. He stroked his beard and said, "I'm talking about the resentment accumulated by too many people."    


The others did not believe his quibbling, but the madame was worried. "What do we do then?" Is there any way to suppress it? "    


Hearing what she said, the man went outside for another walk. When he returned, he said, "Place two bronze lions in front of the house to guard it."    


Ye Zimo nodded. "The butler will handle it."    


The steward immediately brought his master out to measure the data. It took them a while before they could regain their calm.    


The more Ding Yiyi thought about it, the weirder it felt. She didn't believe the voice the madame heard was that of a ghost, but from the looks of it, she did hear it.    


Curious and unable to sleep, she decided to get up.    


She walked along the path that the madame had taken, but Ye Wen did not notice anything at the end. Just as she turned to leave, she heard a sound from the room at the end that made her shudder.    


It was a sound similar to when something was being flipped, and after holding his breath, the sound became louder. Was it a human or a ghost?    


She felt nervous and quietly went back to her room. She took a baseball bat from her room and quickly returned to the scene.    


The light in the corridor had been replaced by a brighter one, as Ye Zimo had instructed. The light tube had drawn her shadow very far, and as she put her hand on the doorknob, the sound of a chair being pulled could be heard from inside the room.    


Gritting her teeth, she used all her strength to break through the door and into the room. Then, she made eye contact with the people inside.    


Ye Nianmo, who was sitting on the chair, looked like he was correcting documents. He was holding a pen and was shocked when he saw her barging in with a baseball bat.    


Ding Yiyi glanced around. This was just an ordinary house. The sounds just now were all made by him. After she thought it through, all the strength in her body seemed to have been sucked out.    


Ye Nianmo closed the document and walked in front of her. He was much taller than her. He lowered his head and firmly locked her, "You also believe that there's a ghost here?"    


She shook her head. "I don't believe it."    


Her trembling fingers seemed to reveal her current state of mind. Ye Nianmo didn't expose her, but stood up straight and said with a tone like a teacher lecturing his students, "If you hear any noise in the room in the future, you don't need to use a baseball bat to rush in, you just need to turn around and run, okay?"    


He paused, then said with a faint smile, "After all, people in this world are much more terrifying than ghosts."    


"I'm not afraid!" Ding Yiyi was infuriated by his actions, so she pouted her lips and quibbled at him.    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows and said in a relaxed tone, "Is that so?"    


The atmosphere was relaxed. The awkwardness from before was completely gone. The two of them chatted back and forth for a while without stopping. It was only until the clock on the wall showed that it was 12 o'clock did Ding Yiyi abruptly awaken.    


She didn't even look at Ye Nianmo, she just hurriedly said good night and rushed out of the door. Ye Nianmo listened to the footsteps gradually disappear, then sat back down.    


However, his hand speed gradually slowed down. He didn't believe in Feng Shui Master's words about a ghost or god, so he came here to guard tonight. It seemed like it was just an accident, but what about Ao Xue?    


That woman seemed to have disappeared from the world. He could only trick his grandma to go to Uncle Xu's home for a while. She was Uncle Xu's daughter, so he couldn't just ignore her.    


But after calling the police, it would inevitably cause a huge commotion? Or send people to search in private?    


He was deep in thought, and the wind outside the window was strong, so he didn't hear the faint call from below.    


In the basement, Ao Xue laid weakly on the bed. She had heard Ye Nianmo's and Ding Yiyi's words, but she didn't have the strength to shout. The food Ye Chuyun left here was already eaten two days ago, she didn't know how much longer she could hold on.    


The room wasn't cold because of the central heating, but she curled up into a shrimp and could only mutter, "Nianmo, I'm here. Let me out."    


The next day, as it was the weekend and she didn't need to go to the company, Ding Yiyi woke up early. Just as she was about to accompany Hai Qingqing to the hospital to accompany Ye Chuyun, she saw Yan Mingyao walking over with a serious expression.    


"Mingyao, are you all right? "How's your recovery going?" Hai Qingqing asked with concern when she heard that Yan Mingyao had been injured in the Guo Daqing incident.    


"Thank you Auntie Hai, I'm fine now. My mom feeds me well every day."    


Yan Mingyao's tone was relaxed, but from what Ding Yiyi saw, his right leg was always moving forward, with an anxious and absent-minded look on his face.    


Andrew was accompanying Lili out of the living room, and Lili waved her hand in delight when she saw Yan Mingyao. "Mingyao, come to Grandma," she said.    


After everyone sat down, Yan Mingyao directly said, "Oh yeah, Grandma, have you seen Ao Xue recently? My mother was talking about her recently. "    


Although he was talking to Fu Fengyi, his gaze was locked onto Ye Nianmo.    


Fu Fengyi smiled and said, "This child is usually very reliable. I don't know why, but he quietly followed Haoran this time. He said he was going to stay at her father's place for a short while."    


Yan Mingyao frowned. This time, he looked directly at Ye Nianmo. "Is that so?"    


Ye Nianmo stood up, "You and I, we have something to talk about."    


In the study room, Yan Mingyao enunciated each word, "What do you mean she's gone?"    




"I don't believe you did something to her that pissed her off."    


"I don't need to explain so much to you. I just want to warn you that you can look for him, but don't let the old man know."    


The atmosphere in the room dropped to a freezing point. Yan Mingyao pounded on the table, then left after slamming the door. At the same time, Ding Yiyi, who was about to leave for the hospital, watched as a car sped past her.    


Ding Yiyi tossed and turned in bed at night. Today, Yan Mingyao's expression was very hideous, making people worry about Ao Xue even more. Everyone said that sisters' hearts were linked, and she had been feeling uneasy at night for the past two days, as if Ao Xue was always in this room.    


A branch hit the glass by the wind, making a creepy sound. Ding Yiyi was lost in her thoughts and was inexplicably shocked.    


The room was warm, but her chest felt like it was being pressed down by something. She got up and wrapped her coat around her, wanting to go downstairs.    


The Ye Family in the early hours of the morning was completely silent. Only the soft orange light was still on, and the cotton slippers made no sound as they stepped on the ground. She was about to go downstairs when she heard a faint "tuk tuk" sound.    


Her voice was weak, but it was very rhythmic. Puzzled, she turned around and stood still. After a minute, "Duk Duk Duk" sounds rang out again. This time, it was even weaker.    


Her palms were already sweating, and the sticky feeling was extremely uncomfortable. She slowly moved and didn't notice the person behind her.    


Ever since she was frightened by Ding Yiyi last time, she had always felt that there must be something wrong with her Ye Family. Today, Fu Fengyi went to the living room for a walk and saw Ding Yiyi slowly walk towards the corridor.    


The elderly's hearing was not good, so she didn't hear any faint sounds. As she watched Ding Yiyi's back, she quietly chased after her.    


Ding Yiyi's pajamas were already soaked with sweat. The heavy coat that covered her wet pajamas made her feel even colder. She followed the voice to the house at the end of the corridor.    


"Whew." She let out a long sigh. It was probably that bastard Ye Nianmo working inside again!    


Ye Zichen laughed mockingly at himself, then reached out his hand to stroke the hair on his chest, causing the bangs that were used to hold his bangs to fall onto the ground. She crouched down and picked it up.    


"Duk Duk Duk." A soft voice came clearly from the room, but the space between the doors was pitch black, it was impossible for there to be anyone there.    


Her back stiffened, her gaze fixated on the darkness under the door. If there was no one inside, then who was the source of this sound?    


Her heart was about to jump in her throat, and her mind told her to turn around and leave immediately and go back to sleep, but her hands were trembling on the handle.    


"Creak." The door was pushed back, and the light from the corridor came in, casting a long triangular triangle on the floor.    


The room was terrifyingly dark. After searching the wall for a long time, she finally found a bulge. She pressed it and the room became bright.    


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