Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1207 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1135

C1207 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1135

She looked around, her eyes filled with despair, and shouted to the crowd, "What if your family were to be treated like this one day? You are also standing here laughing? "    


The people in the crowd quietened down. Some of them looked hesitant before they finally opened their mouths. "No matter what it is, doing something like this in the middle of winter is still a sin."    


Some of the people in the crowd also agreed. Ao Xue frowned, "It seems that you haven't learned your lesson. I'll say it again, take it off or write it!"    


Ding Yiyi turned her head fiercely, her gaze sharp. "I won't let you off."    


"Hahaha, didn't you never let me off!" Ao Xue was laughing so hard that tears came out of her eyes, but her gaze was as cold as snow.    


Her smile was extremely insolent. With trembling hands, Ding Yiyi picked up a pen and a paper. Her mind was blank from the ups and downs, and she didn't feel the tears coming out of her eyes.    


He had just written down a Chinese character and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. It was because the weather was really cold, but also because his heart was experiencing such an uncontrollable despair.    


After writing the last word, Ao Xue snatched it away and looked at her with a smile. "Oh wow, I'm so moved by your tears."    


As the car roared away, the crowd dispersed one by one. The winter morning was unusually cold. Ding Yiyi bent down and slowly picked up her sweater and coat.    


Her hands were cold, her heart was cold, and her thoughts were dead. The humiliation just now was like a movie that played endlessly in her mind.    


He wanted to cry, but his eyes were dry and dry. He wanted to laugh, but it was uglier than crying. The wind disrupted her movements, and she turned slowly to walk forward.    


Ye Family    


Fu Fengyi looked at the black and white paper as she praised, "Snowy, you did well."    


Ao Xue smiled. "I am trying to reason with her, begging her to return her Ye Group, don't make Grandmother sad."    


"You're in trouble, son." Fu Fengyi affectionately patted the back of her hand before leaving with the return letter written by Ding Yiyi.    


Ao Xue smiled happily at her retreating back. She stood up and walked outside. It wasn't over yet, it wasn't over yet.    


"Hospital." Ye Chuyun looked at the clock frequently. "Hospital." Ye Chuyun looked at the clock frequently.    


The door was pushed open. He turned his head with a smile, and his smile froze.    


"You surprised me?" Ao Xue's eyes were cold, but her smile only grew brighter. "Looks like you've recovered quite well."    


After a short moment of surprise, Ye Chuyun regained his usual calm expression and looked out of the window as if he didn't care.    


Ao Xue wasn't angry. She sat on the sofa with her heels on. "I was released by Ding Yiyi. Besides, Grandmother thought she was the one who shut me down, so she admitted it."    




Ye Chuyun suddenly turned around with a terrifying expression, "I should have killed you back then!"    


"Ha ha-ha ha, yes, you're right." Ao Xue laughed crazily, "That's what I thought when I was half dead from starvation in my room. If you can't kill me, I'll kill Ding Yiyi after you die. Hahaha!"    


"How dare you!" Ye Chuyun stood up abruptly and felt dizzy. His already weak body began to surge with qi and blood. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he kept coughing.    


Ao Xue walked closer with a mocking expression on her face. "You can't even hit me now, can you?"    


She turned around coldly and only when she was about to reach the door did she suddenly turn around. "Oh, right. Ding Yiyi is still kneeling on the ground, begging us not to let you know about this. Why don't you just die?"    


Ye Chuyun stared at her back until she left. His fingers fiercely grabbed onto the bed as the nerves at his temples throbbed. He was so angry that his whole body trembled.    


The nurse just came in and saw that he was trembling all over. Before he could say anything, Ye Chuyun collapsed.    


By the river bank, the winter sun was shining on her body. Someone was fishing nearby and everyone seemed very happy. Ding Yiyi was standing at the mouth of the river.    


The wind was so strong that it was shaky, and she couldn't even keep her eyes open. She tried to take two steps forward, and the cold river water soaked her shoes.    


She looked into the distance, but did not think about anything. She was too tired, too tired to live in this world. What had she done wrong? The Ye Family wasn't taken by her, the person wasn't her, but she had to bear the consequences for some kind of reason, wasn't she just an ordinary person?    


She took two more steps forward, the river wetting her trousers, and a voice in her head clamored, "Let go, this is also a form of release, at any rate, a person is going to reach that step in the end."    


At this moment, the cellphone suddenly rang. It rang and rang again and again, as if it would not stop until it rang.    


She picked up, Ye Nianmo's voice was even deeper than before, "Chuyun fainted."    


"Bullsh * t." She ran along the corridor of the hospital with her lungs burning and her legs looking like lead. Outside of the ICU, Ye Family was waiting anxiously. Seeing her, Fu Fengyi frowned, "Who asked her to come?"    


"How is he?" Ding Yiyi pressed her hands against the wall, unable to catch her breath. Her face was full of worry.    


Ye Nianmo answered her, "Ignoring the fact that it was a sudden coma."    


"Why did he suddenly pass out? Why did he suddenly pass out?" "It must be her!"    


Seeing her run away, Ye Nianmo chased after her anxiously and stopped her at the entrance of the hospital, "Calm down, what's wrong with you."    


"It's Ao Xue, it's her!" She must have come to find Chuyun and made him angry! "    


Ding Yiyi grabbed his arm, her voice loud enough to make passersby cast sidelong glances at her.    


Ye Nianmo frowned as his gaze softened, "Even if it was her who did it, it's not the main point right now. I think Chuyun must hope that the first person he sees when he wakes up is you."    


She slowly crouched down, her thoughts on the verge of collapse, "No, it's okay, I'll die with him."    


The moment she finished saying that, she was pulled up fiercely by someone. Ye Nianmo grabbed her arms and shook them desperately, "Do you know what you're saying!? How can you be so cruel as to say the word death! "    


Her head followed his movements weakly as she fiddled with it, but inside, she clamored to obey the decision in her heart.    


Ye Nianmo looked at her calm eyes silently and let her go, "Alright, come with me."    


Ye Family    


Ao Xue was lying on the bed, eating the bird's nest brought up by the servant. As soon as she put down the bowl, she couldn't wait to call her mother to report this good news.    


As expected, Si Si was overjoyed after hearing that. "Very good. We can start preparing as soon as they leave."    


Ao Xue's eyes were filled with hatred, "Now that Ding Yiyi has obtained the ownership certificate, once Ye Chuyun dies, her certificate will fall into grandmother's hands. Then she will have nothing left."    


"Idiot!" Si Si scolded in exasperation: "What I want is the shares in Ye Group!"    


Ao Xue was also stunned. "What did you say?"    


Si Si snorted. "If the person who owns the certificate dies, then her immediate family members will have the right to inherit it."    


"You mean, you're going to give Ding Yiyi to me?" Ao Xue spoke word by word, and a sense of pleasure actually rose in her heart.    


"Children," Si Si said meaningfully, "there are so many accidents in the world, we all need to pay attention."    


When the door was knocked, she quickly shut up. "Who is it?"    


"Miss Au Xue, Young Master is asking you to leave."    


She hurried downstairs and saw Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo sitting on the sofa. She pretended to be weak and walked to the middle of them.    


He thought Ye Nianmo would catch him, but he didn't expect him to look at her with an expressionless face.    


"Sorry, I feel dizzy." Ao Xue embarrassedly stood up and retreated a few steps. Her gaze inadvertently swept across Ding Yiyi. Just thinking about the fact that everyone sitting here would die in the future filled her with feelings.    


"No need to pretend." Ye Nianmo was the first to speak.    


Ao Xue was stunned. "What act?"    


"That room was designed with Chuyun when you were young, how would she know? If you want to use this to gain sympathy, I advise you to give up."    


His words were cold and merciless. Ao Xue was shocked and mourned, "I even helped Grandma plead for her. Nianmo, you've been blinded by her and can't see others. You can only see her good!"    


"Enough." Ding Yiyi said coldly, "I just want to warn you that I won't let you off when you find Chuyun again."    


Ao Xue's expression became enigmatic. The smile on her face seemed to remind Ding Yiyi of what happened this morning. She said faintly, "Don't you know where I was this morning? How could I possibly go and find Ye Chuyun? "    


Ding Yiyi's body could not help but tremble. The scenes from the morning rushed back into her mind. "Shut up!"    


She swept the fruit bowl off the table. The bowl fell to the ground with a clatter. She picked up the fruit knife with a trembling hand.    


"Yiyi, what happened to you?" Ye Nianmo saw that she suddenly had such a big reaction and quickly went up to comfort her. He glanced at Ao Xue and said, "Take her away."    


The butler stepped forward. Ao Xue stood up and heard Ye Nianmo's warning the moment she turned around, "Remember what she said. Otherwise, you will regret it one day."    


When Ao Xue left, Ding Yiyi was still trembling and holding on to her fruit knife tightly without loosening her grip. Her strength was so strong that even the veins on the back of her hand were popping out.    


"Be good, it's fine." He thought that it was all because of Ye Chuyun that Ding Yiyi was so excited. He felt both heartache and heartache.    


Ding Yiyi abruptly let go of the knife, her lifeless eyes darting around as she whispered, "I want to see my father. I want to see my father!"    


"Alright, I'll agree to anything you want." Ye Nianmo held her tightly.    


On the wide Ye Family roof, the wings of the helicopter rotated, bringing about a huge gust of wind. With the helicopter, it only took an hour to reach the Zhaonan City.    


It was already six in the evening. Ye Nianmo sent her to the Ding Family gate, and gently rubbed her hair. "Go in."    


Ding Yiyi didn't look at him and just silently pushed open the door and entered. Ding Dacheng's voice quickly came from inside, "Yiyi, I was just talking about you. Why did you suddenly come back? Quickly sit down and eat!"    


Ye Nianmo stood at the door for a while before slowly getting on the car. He adjusted the back seat to be more comfortable and started to read the Ye Group documents.    


Inside the room, Ding Meirong and Ding Dacheng exchanged glances, perhaps seeing that Ding Yiyi was in a bad mood, and indicated for her to pay more attention.    


"Is it Chuyun?" Ding Dacheng said carefully. Before he could finish, Ding Yiyi's tears were already flowing down.    


"This child." Ding Meirong hugged her with a pained expression. She was crying her heart out as she laid in her arms.    


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