Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1221 Wealthy Marriage 1149

C1221 Wealthy Marriage 1149

  She wanted to be like the others, to feel pity and even a hint of schadenfreude in her eyes, but she found that she could not.    

  On the rooftop, there was a huge door with a rusty lock.    

  Without any hesitation, she took out the key in her hand and turned it in the lock.    

  Pushing the door open, she was enveloped in a scallop of light. The stairs were dark on one side and bright on the other, but the darkness was safe, and the light sometimes symbolized danger.    

  She lifted her feet and exposed herself to the sunlight. There was still snow on the top floor and no one to clean up. The snow and dust had mixed together and melted into a yellowish liquid.    

  The huge water tank stood by her side as if it could reach the sky. She raised her foot and walked towards the railing with firm steps.    

  The scene on the 22nd floor could already be clearly seen. The people walking in and out were like ants, ants wearing all kinds of clothes.    

  Ding Yiyi's hands gripped the railing desperately. Her heart was palpitating and her legs had gone limp. Looking down on the railing required a lot of courage. Her fear of heights had made her want to die even more torturous.    

  She raised her head and looked at the sky in a daze as she stretched out her trembling hand. If Ye Chuyun really left, then he would be on it right? He was so gentle and kind; he must be going to the best place.    

  When Ye Nianmo found Ding Yiyi, she was sleeping soundly in a corner of the rooftop. He strode to her side and gently covered her forehead with his dry palm.    

  Ao Xue followed behind him. "I also heard from others that she might have come to the roof. Fortunately, we found her."    

  Ye Nianmo held Ding Yiyi up by her waist. The coldness and uneasiness from her body made his heart ache. Facing Ao Xue's words, he just stared at her without saying a word.    

  Ao Xue couldn't help but take a step back as her eyes were so sharp that it seemed as if all kinds of lies could be seen through.    

  The stalwart figure walked past her without any hesitation. She suddenly turned around and reached out her hand to grab at the corner of his clothes, but she only managed to grab onto Qing Feng's hand.    

  Endless nightmares, despair, and sorrow were like a dense web that made her unable to breathe. However, she was powerless. In a trance, she felt a warm sensation on her hands.    

  Ding Yiyi could feel her hand being lifted gently. A warm sensation covered her body once again. The slight friction between the cotton and her skin made her feel relaxed.    

  She slowly opened her eyes and faced Ye Nianmo's profile. He was too focused on his hands and did not notice that she had woken up. He gently wiped each of her fingers. The towel was no longer hot and he got up to change it again.    

  Just as he raised his head to meet her eyes, his expression turned warm, but his tone was unforgiving. "Idiot."    

  "I want to see him." Ding Yiyi struggled to get up and weakly lifted the quilt. She probably hadn't eaten for more than ten hours.    

  Ye Nianmo stood to the side and watched him quietly. The towel in his hand had turned from warm to cold. She looked at Ding Yiyi moving her body with all her might and suddenly said, "I'll take you to see him after you finish eating."    

  There was no emotion in his tone, but she knew his promise was true.    

  Ding Yiyi struggled towards the tea table in her room. There was milk and a lot of cake and bread on the table. Without looking at the milk, she grabbed a packet of bread, tore it open and started eating.    

  She ate very quickly, biting off another mouthful before she could even swallow it. Her cheeks were stuffed with food, and her throat could no longer bear it as it rolled up and down.    

  Tears streamed down his face as he ate, mixing with the bread and sliding into his mouth. It tasted bitter.    

  "Cough, cough, cough." The bread that she swallowed without chewing caught in her throat, causing her to cough violently as her tears flowed even more violently.    

  As the bread in her hands was taken away, a large hand suddenly pulled her into his embrace, and a warm touch and the sound of a heavy slap came from her back.    

  Ye Nianmo raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling. After a long while, he let out a heavy sigh.    

  In the ward, Ye Chuyun's face had a hint of red. Mo Xiaojun stood beside him, his body withered. In a short period of time, he seemed to have aged by more than ten years.    

  Hai Qingqing was too sad to let her come to the ward, but she stood alone in the room, enduring the grief of a black-haired man about to deliver a black haired man, and he wished he could die with his son.    

  Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Chuyun. Although her eyes were filled with pain due to the dryness, she was still focused on the person in front of her. Therefore, the moment Ye Chuyun's fingers moved, she immediately noticed it.    

  He opened his eyes and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry."    

  His apology almost broke the tears of Ding Yiyi and Mo Xiaojun. His gaze turned towards Ye Nianmo, who was standing behind Ding Yiyi. His eyes gradually became clear, "I want to talk to him."    

  Ding Yiyi leaned over and grabbed his hand with teary eyes. She didn't want to let go, so he shook her hand weakly. "Just for a moment."    

  In the ward, Ye Nianmo's lips were tightly pressed. He helped Ye Chuyun adjust the height of the bed and was the first to speak. "I will take good care of her."    

  Ye Chuyun's pale lips curved as he slowly said: "The reason why I snatched Ye Group back then was to give her a guarantee. Even if I'm no longer here in the future, she won't be able to get anything and end up in a miserable state of loneliness."    

  He suddenly became excited and grabbed Ye Nianmo tightly with his withered hand, "Promise me you will take good care of her. Don't let her cry, don't let her be confused."    

  Ye Nianmo rolled his Adam's apple up and down, then held his hand with a determined look, "Ok."    

  Ye Chuyun let go with a smile. Suddenly, his body twitched and a sound like a kitten's meow came out of his throat.    

  With one hand pressing down on him and the other pressing down on the electric bell on the bed, Ding Yiyi and Mo Xiaojun rushed in. Ye Chuyun's four limbs twitched violently and white foam kept coming out of his mouth while his eyeballs rolled up and down.    

  The doctors filed in. "Seizures caused by brain cancer. Hold him down."    

  The surroundings were in a mess. She could only open her eyes wide to look at this scene. Her eyes were covered by a big, dry hand. Ye Nianmo's voice was light and indifferent, "Don't look."    

  "We've done our best. Please stay with him for the next few days. If the patient doesn't want to be hospitalized, then you can go home." The doctor said seriously.    

  Mo Xiaojun embraced Hai Qingqing with a mournful expression while Xia Yihan leaned on Ye Zimo's shoulder and sobbed. Ding Yiyi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Don't stay in the hospital."    

  Everyone looked at her, a hand covering her shoulders. Ye Nianmo's gentle eyes gave her the courage to continue speaking.    

  "Don't stay in the hospital, he is such a proud person, he would never like to stay in this cold and hopeless place."    

  Ye Nianmo interrupted her, "I agree."    

  Ye Zimo's gaze swept over the two of them. "Let's do it."    

  Early morning the next day, the Ye Family entrance was fully armed and ready for battle.    

  The extended rear seat of the Lincoln was completely torn down and replaced with soft mattresses. The three guards that were hired from the United States stood by the side, ready to act.    

  A whole set of treatment equipment worth millions was pushed to another car together. Ye Chuyun was sitting in a wheelchair, but he looked to be in good spirits.    

  Sitting in the car, Ding Yiyi kept grabbing onto his arm and didn't want to let go at all. Ye Nianmo, who was with her, looked away but suddenly clenched his fist.    

  Even more so, her Ye Family was spotless, Fu Fengyi sat uneasily and anxiously waiting. Ao Xue, who was beside her, curled her lips, but there was a trace of fear in her heart.    

  Ye Chuyun didn't die, so she was worried that he would tell her about it. If he did, then she would be finished.    

  When Fu Fengyi saw that the anxiety on her face was even greater than her own, she felt a lot more relieved. The car stopped at the door and everyone got off the car. When Fu Fengyi saw this, her heart leaped into her throat and she quickly walked over.    

  "What happened?"    

  "Halfway through, Second Young Master flared up and fainted again."    

  The nurse and the doctor escorted Ye Chuyun to the room on the first floor. All the medical equipment in the room were there, and it was no worse than the hospital.    

  After rescuing them for a long time, Ye Chuyun woke up, but his vital signs were getting weaker. Ao Xue stood at the door not daring to go in, afraid that she would become a thorn in his side.    

  From day to night, everyone finally left in exhaustion, but Ding Yiyi was still standing by his side. Ye Chuyun glanced at the long shadow outside the door and motioned for Ding Yiyi to go to the drawer to get something.    

  Ding Yiyi opened the drawer and found only a map of the world. There was a red mark on the map, and when she looked carefully, she saw that it was Lake Baikal in Russia.    

  "Can you accompany me there?" His eyes were incredibly soft, and there was a hint of pleading in them.    

  Ding Yiyi's hands trembled as she nodded furiously. She choked and said, "I'll accompany you wherever you want to go."    

  He smiled. "There's no need. Let's end it there."    

  Fu Fengyi was very dissatisfied with Ye Chuyun's plan to go to Lake Baikal, and even more displeased with Ding Yiyi. The current situation was, of course, to use the best medicines and apparatus at home to maintain her life. It was child's play to be so far away.    

  Outside the window, the weather was good again. Spring seemed to be approaching, and gray sparrows were chirping on the branches.    

  No one objected to Ye Family. They had only arranged for food and clothing to be brought by the chef and the plane as well as the servants to be brought in a short afternoon.    

  Ao Xue felt a little uneasy. Ye Chuyun was too quiet. She didn't believe that he would let her pass this time so easily.    

  "Ao Xue." Ye Chuyun suddenly called out in a low voice, causing everyone to stop.    

  He turned his head slightly as the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile, "Can you accompany us? You are Yi Yi's elder sister, I hope that you can take good care of her in my place in the future. "    

  Ao Xue's heart skipped a beat, but she immediately laughed and shunned him. "You two little lovers are going on vacation, why should I join in? Grandma hasn't been well lately, so I'll stay at home with them."    

  Ye Nianmo, who was at the side, suddenly said, "Since he asked, you should go."    

  Ao Xue was shocked. With Ye Nianmo's intelligence, it was impossible for him to not know what Ye Chuyun was thinking.    

  Since Ye Nianmo had also spoken, Fu Fengyi didn't say anything else. She clapped her hands and said, "That's fine. Chuyun, just this one request of yours. Just satisfy him."

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