Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1242 Wealthy Marriage 1170

C1242 Wealthy Marriage 1170

Ao Xue's hand, which was by her side, twitched a little. She quickly covered it up and said with her usual sarcastic attitude, "Don't think that I don't know. You're going crazy trying to get revenge for your friend. Did you make that recording?"    


Ding Yiyi glared at him. "Why do you always have to be so aggressive? Did your education get eaten by dogs!?"    


Her voice was not soft. Afraid of luring the others over, Ao Xue turned her face away and said nothing.    


"I came to tell you to be more careful. The person who bumped into Ao Xue might come and harm you. Although I hate you, you shouldn't die for your crimes."    


Ding Yiyi walked past her, rubbing the material on her sleeves. Ao Xue turned her head to look at her back with a sneer. "Crying a cat and pretending to be merciful."    


The moment she returned to her room, she opened the curtains and saw the bodyguard for Ye Family standing downstairs. She was curious in her heart, the bodyguard for Ye Family had never brazenly appeared in everyone's line of sight, why would they appear now?    


If it was to protect Ding Yiyi, then it would be monitoring him.    


She fell back onto the bed, and the fear of surviving the disaster rose in her heart. Now, the police and Ye Nianmo were both staring at her, so she couldn't help but wonder how she could get rid of this suspicion!    


It was all because of that woman, Si Si! She picked up the phone and crazily dialed the number, "Hello, the number you dialed is an empty number."    


She wrote down her phone number. Was she really going to give up her piece!?    


She felt infuriated. So it turned out that her mother was treating her well on the surface, but she had actually been using her as a tool all along!    


The next day    


At the dinner table, Fu Fengyi hinted to Ye Nianmo that it wasn't good to bring Ding Yiyi along during work hours. Ye Nianmo didn't refute her on the surface, and after dinner, he slowly took Ding Yiyi's hand and walked out the door.    


Fu Fengyi was infuriated, but there was nothing she could do about it. After Ye Chuyun died, she only had one grandson left, and she couldn't possibly reject him as well.    


"Grandma, I want to boil some bone soup for Nianmo today." Ao Xue said as she sat beside her.    


Fu Fengyi did not object. She knew in her heart that it was impossible to change Ye Nianmo's mind now. She could only rely on him.    


Not long after Ye Nianmo left, Ao Xue also went out. As soon as she went out, she saw two cars parked on the road nearby. The car that suddenly appeared at this critical moment should be a police car.    


The driver had already driven over. It was an unfamiliar face, probably sent by Ye Group to supervise him.    


Ao Xue was worried, but she still hid it. "Go to Ye Group."    


Just as she arrived at Ye Group, she bumped into Ye Bo who was about to go out and do something. She raised her eyebrows, "You know about that recording, right? Now that so many people say it's me, aren't you angry?"    


Ye Bo clenched his fists tightly. His eyes were burning with anger, but he quickly restrained himself, "I will listen to the young master's orders."    


"Hahaha, what a joke, his girlfriend is dead and he still needs to listen to the young master's orders." Ao Xue laughed heartily, moving closer to him and patting his suit. "Then I wish you the best in catching the culprit as soon as possible."    


She happily carried the thermos and left. When she arrived at Ye Nianmo's office, she could no longer pretend to be laughing or laughing. Her cold expression was reflected on the milky white glass.    


When he pushed the door open and entered, he was already smiling, "Nianmo."    


Ye Nianmo stopped smiling. His expression was cold and the word "welcome" was clearly written on his face, "What are you doing here?"    


"Grandma told me to bring you some soup." As soon as her eyes swept over Ding Yiyi, she saw a dark figure standing in front of her.    


Ye Nianmo held Ding Yiyi tightly behind him as he looked at her impatiently.    


"Hur hur." The corner of Ao Xue's mouth twitched in embarrassment. She put down the thermos and turned to leave.    


"She?" For some reason, Ding Yiyi felt flustered. She always thought that Ao Xue was a little strange, but she just couldn't get it out of her mouth.    


Ye Nianmo rubbed her forehead after being touched by the lip, then turned around and went back to work.    


Not long later, the office's internal phone rang. "Ao Xue is missing."    


Ye Bo was standing in front of his desk with a serious face. On the table was a small GPS. "She spoke to me, so she probably transferred it to me when I wasn't paying attention."    


His expression was full of defeat, "Young Master, please punish me."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him worriedly, "It's not your fault. She must have done something to make you lose your mind."    


Ye Nianmo tapped the table with his slender fingers, "Find her for me. After finding her, you don't need to bring back Ye Family."    


His decision shocked Ding Yiyi. He wanted to follow Ao Xue's intentions and stop her from returning to the Ye Family, so that she could become the person who would truly "abscond" from committing a crime!    


She pursed her lips but didn't say anything. Ye Nianmo's decision wouldn't change.    


At the park, Yan Mingyao raised his eyebrows, "It's rare for you to take the initiative to look for me."    


"They suspect me of bumping into someone." Ao Xue looked around worriedly and pulled her mask up a little.    


Yan Mingyao growled angrily, "Didn't I tell you to stay in the Ye Family and not to cause trouble!"    


"This is not my fault!" Ao Xue argued with a dissatisfied look on her face!    


Yan Mingyao's mind was in a mess. He made Ye Nianmo suspect that the matter had already been investigated. In other words, it was only a matter of time before Ao Xue went to jail.    


Prison? The word made him frown.    


Ao Xue knelt down in front of him with a desolate voice, "Mingyao, I don't want to go to jail. I'm so young, so I really don't want to go to that place.    


"What do you want?" Yan Mingyao opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse, like sandpaper being ground.    


Ao Xue rubbed her head against his knee, her eyes looking at a parasol tree not far away that was pulling out green branches. "Mingyao, help me."    


Yan Mingyao's body suddenly stopped. He did not object, but he did not immediately agree. Ao Xue cried and he slowly lowered his head.    


"Just help me this time. When you come out of prison, I'll definitely treat you well. When that time comes, I'll marry you and serve you for the rest of my life."    


Ao Xue cried until her voice was hoarse and her eyeliner was slightly blown away by her tears. On the contrary, she had the beauty of a pear-stained flower.    


Yan Mingyao still sat on the spot without moving. There was a subtle look on his face.    


Ao Xue cried as she pulled on his arm. "You said you loved me, but did you really have the heart to let my future be ruined!?"    


Yan Mingyao finally had a reaction. His head was like a petrified sculpture. Every time it turned around, it would take a lot of effort. He slowly said: "What about my future?"    


The crying stopped. Ao Xue stood up angrily, "I knew that no one would help me in this world. Fine, wait for them to catch me and then I will go to jail. I don't mind being bullied!"    


Ye Zichen walked to a place that Yan Mingyao couldn't see. She pursed her lips, took out a tissue from her bag and wiped her makeup. Her eyes were still red and swollen, so she quickly mended her blush.    


When everything was ready, she took out her cell phone and asked, "Grandma, can we go shopping?"    


Even when the sound of high heels faded away, Yan Mingyao did not move. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there, but the sun was already high in the sky, casting its warm rays on his body.    


He slowly stood up and stood still for a while. Then, he walked forward with a rigid pace.    


His face was expressionless, but his thoughts were running high. In his head, there were two little people shouting, "You love her, so why can't you go to jail for her!?"    


The other little person immediately retorted, "Where's your mother? What will your mother do if you go to jail! "    


He moved rocks that weighed as much as gold. Ao Xue's request had struck his heart, which was why he was in so much pain.    


Jiu Jiu was about to carry her things out the door, but when she saw him pulling her, she immediately said, "Very good, we'll catch a driver for free, then quickly send your mother to Ye Family. I want to let the old lady have a taste of the biscuit I made," she sighed, "Chuyun left in a hurry, so I can only help him up to this point."    


Yan Mingyao drove in silence while Jiu Jiu muttered to herself from the back seat, "I'm surprised that you're so quiet today, child."    


"Mom?" "Mom, will you forgive me if I do something wrong?"    


"I'll beat you up," Jiu Jiu said with a beaming smile. "Tell me, what kind of bad things have you done?"    


Yan Mingyao glanced at her in the rearview mirror and fell silent again.    


Arriving at the Ye Family, the servant said that the old lady had gone shopping and was not at home. Jiu Jiu handed over the things in her hands regretfully and casually asked, "Where's Yihan?"    


"Madam and Old Master have been out for a while and have not specified where they went." The servant replied politely.    


Since no one was around, Jiu Jiu had no choice but to return home. She didn't expect to see Ao Xue supporting Fu Fengyi the moment she stepped out of the door.    


"Grandma, it's all my fault that my body suddenly feels uncomfortable. I let you go out, but you only returned empty-handed." Ao Xue's face was full of guilt. When she saw Yan Mingyao, her expression changed.    


"Godmother!" Jiu Jiu welcomed them with a smile as the two of them started to chat.    


Yan Mingyao looked at her in silence. Ao Xue greeted him with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "Mr Yan, how have you been?"    


Her words seemed to come out from the gaps between her teeth. Yan Mingyao nodded, "Very good."    


She didn't want to talk to him any longer, so she passed him and lowered her voice. "I hate you for the rest of my life."    


Yan Ming turned his head to look at her in silence, until Jiu Jiu gave him a pat on the back. "Today is the International Shopping Center's First Year Celebration. You must attend tonight's ball to see if there's a wife of mine."    


Fu Fengyi was also beaming with joy as she turned to look at Ao Xue. "Snowy, why don't you come along as well? It's been a while since you've been staying at home."    


At night, the lobby of the hotel was filled with wine. The long white dining table was surrounded by a semicircle with fine food on top and a slightly raised T counter on one side. The models on the T stage had a simple counter.    


Ye Nianmo raised his glass as he was surrounded by the daughters of several aristocratic families. The door was pushed open from the outside and Ding Yiyi walked in.    


She was wearing a sky-blue, floor-length dress that was designed to look like a fishtail. The dress swayed slightly with her movements, causing many people to turn to look at her.    


"I'm sorry to bother you." Ye Nianmo smiled politely at the famous woman in conversation, then turned around to walk towards Ding Yiyi.    


"Doesn't he still have a wife? "Is that person her girlfriend?"    


"I had heard about them a long time ago, and now the entire Ye Group knows that they are together."    


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