Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1249 Wealthy Marriage 1177

C1249 Wealthy Marriage 1177

"You mean?" Ding Yiyi laughed in disbelief. The sound of footsteps came from behind her. She turned around and saw An Ran in a black suit.    


An Ran took the trophy from the host's tray and walked up to Ding Yiyi. She looked at her intently and said, "Congratulations."    


"Thank you!" Ding Yiyi nodded her head vigorously with a smile on her face.    


After An Ran presented the award to her, she suddenly turned to the microphone and said, "Ding Yiyi, I've liked you for a long time."    


Ding Yiyi and the audience were stunned. She stared at him with a blank look, holding the trophy in her hand.    


Xu Weiren stomped on the ground angrily, "He's too gutsy."    


Just as he was thinking of how to deal with this, An Ran spoke up again, this time in a relaxed tone, "If I say it like this today, can the number of scripts on her desk be increased to fifty tomorrow?"    


The host was the first to react. She laughed out loud and said, "Of course the film emperors like people to hold them up. It seems like not only must Ding Yiyi clean the table tomorrow, she must also continue buying it."    


There was another round of laughter from the audience. Ding Yiyi's face looked relieved. An Ran sighed inwardly and returned the microphone to Ding Yiyi.    


She took it and gave him a polite smile before moving closer to the microphone to face the audience. From here, she could clearly see the entire scene.    


When she turned around, she seemed to see Ye Nianmo. Why did he come here? Was it him?    


The surrounding hosts moved her arm slightly. She recovered and hurriedly said, "Hello everyone. I'm Ding Yiyi. Perhaps no one knows me. Even though I've been told that I'm famous, I still feel like I'm dreaming."    


She continued, "Actually, in a script, you might be a supporting role, but in life, you might be the main character, so there are no supporting roles in this world. We are all main characters."    


The applause lasted for a long time, until she finally spoke again, "Today I have something to announce, and that is that I will be leaving the entertainment circle forever."    


She was not lying. The rookie who had won the Hundred Blossom Award had opened the door to the development of the entertainment industry, and there were more scripts that would come looking for her, taking advantage of the Hundred Blossom Awards' gimmick to create their own screenplay. And these rookies often relied on these scripts to make their name known, but now this actress was giving up?    


"What's going on?" Director Dai turned to An Ran and asked with a serious expression, "I don't know either."    


Finally, the host regained his composure and asked, "Why did you make such a decision?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "I don't know either, but I know what I want."    


Amidst the bustling crowd, a man stood up. He seemed to have expected Ding Yiyi to say something, so there wasn't a trace of surprise on his face. There was only a faint trace of heartache.    


"Young Master." Ye Bo, who was standing outside the stage, immediately went up to him when he saw him.    


Ye Nianmo stepped into the car, "Protect her well."    


Watching the car drive away, Ye Bo sighed. Ding Yiyi's desire to leave was too strong. This time, the Young Master really couldn't keep her anymore.    


Ding Yiyi took the opportunity to take a glance at the empty spot where she had just been and noticed that there was no one there.    


She felt a tinge of regret. She raised the trophy towards the audience before stepping off the stage.    


As soon as he got off the stage, he was pulled over by Director Dai, "Kid, why aren't you discussing with me?"    


Ding Yiyi smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it well enough. Next time, I'll definitely tell you."    


"Where's the next time?" Director Dai muttered.    


An Ran returned to her usual laziness. "It doesn't matter. Anyway, when you want to come back in the future, I have the ability to make you red again."    


After thanking them, Ding Yiyi walked out of the venue. As she walked out from the dimly lit venue into the sunlight, the light pierced into her eyes, making her feel as if it had been a lifetime.    


Ye Bo had been standing at the side protecting her the whole time. Once again, a reporter rushed out from the crowd. "Miss Ding, may I ask why you're leaving the show industry at this time? Is there any other reason?"    


Ding Yiyi slightly narrowed her eyes. The sunlight made her body feel warm and comfortable. Her heart felt light like a boat, and she smiled. "The world is so big. I want to see it."    


The Hundred Flowers Awards were over, and so was the female star Ding Yiyi. As she sat in the car, looking at the familiar scenery of the Dongjiang City, Ding Yiyi felt a little absent-minded.    


"Miss Yiyi, I'll send you back to your Ye Family to rest."    


"No need. Let's go to the mausoleum garden, thank you."    


In the cemetery, Ding Yiyi looked at Zhu Lin, who was standing in front of Ye Chuyun's tombstone. The sadness on her face didn't seem fake, she didn't think that woman would use her heart on Ye Chuyun.    


Ding Yiyi approached her. "Miss Zhu."    


Zhu Lin turned her head to look at her. The grief in her expression was quickly hidden, leaving only her slightly reddened eyes. "I've watched TV too. Congratulations."    


Ding Yiyi bent down and placed the trophy on Ye Chuyun's tombstone. She looked at the person in the photo with a gentle smile and said, "Thank you."    


Zhu Lin followed her gaze and looked at the tombstone. "I really envy you and the fact that he likes you. I always thought that I'd get a chance to get to know you better, but who would've thought that I'd never get a chance."    


"It's my fault that I didn't take good care of him." Ding Yiyi stretched out her hand and gently stroked the edges of the tombstone, not noticing Zhu Lin's cold expression.    


She stood behind Ding Yiyi. Her sharp gaze seemed to pierce through Ding Yiyi's forehead. After a long while, she put her hand into her pocket and walked out.    


She stopped after a few steps and Ding Yiyi's words drifted into her ears.    


"Chuyun, I know you will definitely agree with my decision. I'm preparing to leave. I can't come see you for a long time, so I'll protect myself."    


Lifting her foot again, she walked expressionlessly outside. In the mausoleum garden parking lot, a thin woman wearing a wide hat and sunglasses stood next to her car. Her lips were painted very bright red.    


"Who are you?" Zhu Lin looked at him cautiously.    


The woman stood there gracefully, her voice as shrill as a hamster chewing, "You really like Ye Chuyun."    


Zhu Lin was dissatisfied with her attitude and asked, "So what?"    


The woman chuckled in a low voice. Her actions were exaggerated as she shook the plain bracelet on her wrist, "Would you still be so calm if I told you that she caused Ye Chuyun's death?"    


"Why do I believe you?" Zhu Lin said coldly. However, the strength of her grip on her bag kept increasing. A woman at that banquet also said the same thing. Could it be that all of this is true?    


The woman took a step closer, revealing her pale chin. "You heard her confession too, didn't you? "Don't you feel sorry for Ye Chuyun, he loves such a woman, yet when she died, he immediately became together with another man."    


"Enough, go away." Zhu Lin interrupted the woman's words. She knew that the woman was using her, but her emotions could not help but fluctuate along with her words.    


The woman didn't shut her mouth and ignored the instructions on her face. She smiled again with a low voice, walked up to Zhu Lin, stuck a wooden ring box in her palm, and said softly, "Go, do as I said. Take revenge for Ye Chuyun."    


The woman's voice was like a ghost that had the power to bewitch people. Zhu Lin tightly gripped the thing in her hands, her eyes filled with determination.    


Ye Family    


"I'm preparing to leave the Dongjiang City. I'm very happy to be able to see you again in a few days at the fastest possible time." Ding Yiyi passed the tea to Zhu Lin, but she was a little suspicious in her heart. Zhu Lin seemed to be not too friendly with her during cemetery, so why did she come to find me today?    


Zhu Lin took a sip of her tea and asked plainly, "Is Young Master Ye letting you go too?"    


Ding Yiyi lowered her eyes with a dull expression. She tightened her grip on the cup, took a deep breath and said, "We're friends now. I've bought a new helicopter and want to invite you to experience it together."    


"Unfortunately, I've been quite busy lately. I'm sorry." Ding Yiyi smiled calmly. Instinctively, she knew that Zhu Lin's intentions were not to be trifled with.    


Zhu Lin didn't say anything and just handed a wooden box to Ding Yiyi. "I found this on the helicopter, so I came to find you."    


Ding Yiyi's hands were trembling as she said, "Impossible, it's impossible for it to appear here."    


Zhu Lin saw that her shocked expression didn't seem to be fake and hesitated for a moment. Finally, she said, "This was found in the cabin. There's only me, the captain. I think you can ask him."    


"Where is he?!" Ding Yiyi asked hastily.    


The hot tea scalded her fingers, causing her to quickly put it down. Her expression became even more serious as she watched the news on the television, "According to my knowledge, there will be a stream of air passing through the provinces and cities in the afternoon and evening. When that happens, a torrential storm will come, so I ask the citizens to prepare for their journey."    


She stared at the TV screen with such concentration that she didn't even know the butler had come until the butler said, "Where's Miss Ding?"    


"She said she wanted to go out for a while." Zhu Lin stood up with her bag and walked down the stairs in a hurry.    


After getting into the car, she stubbornly grabbed onto the steering wheel, thinking to herself, "It's fine, it's just to scare her. There are two parachute bags on the helicopter, she can jump off when the time comes."    


When the horn sounded behind her, she hurriedly backed the car. Her mind was in a mess, and she did not manage to reverse the car even after a few times.    


A hand rapped on her window, and a man in a suit motioned for her to get out.    


After helping her get to the car quickly, Ye Bo got off the car and was about to leave, but he was stopped, "Are you Ye Nianmo's assistant?"    


Ye Bo turned around and sized him up without batting an eyelid, "Hello, my name is Ye Bo."    


Zhu Lin hesitated a little, "Can you tell me how Ye Chuyun died?"    


Half an hour later, Zhu Lin hurriedly said, "Quick! "Take me to see Young Master Ye, if you're too late, then it's too late!"    


In the office, Ye Nianmo's eyes were cold, "Who is that woman?"    


"I don't know, I was used. That woman misled me. Hurry to the Immortal Peach Airport, my helicopter is parked there, it probably hasn't taken off yet."    


Ye Bo stood aside and thought that the woman was probably not Ao Xue. Ao Xue had always been with the madame, so who was the other woman?    


A gust of wind blew past him, and when he looked again, Ye Nianmo was already a few steps away.    


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