Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1261 Wealthy Marriage 1189

C1261 Wealthy Marriage 1189

As he was looking around, a figure flashed past the window outside his line of sight. It was Ye Nianmo! She hurried to the second floor.    


There was no one on the second floor. She carefully pushed open a room. It was an ordinary study. She let out a long breath before opening the door to the second room.    


A woman in the room was doing yoga when she screamed, "Who are you?"    


"I'm sorry, I'm just looking for someone. Can you please lower your voice?" Ding Yiyi tried to silence the woman, but she kept backing away, moving toward the walkie-talkie on the wall.    


A figure flashed past the window and landed on the balcony without a sound. The woman didn't even have time to react before the back of her neck was struck.    


Ye Nianmo pushed the woman away without any expression and walked out of the room calmly. The two looked around and found that the woman was the only person left alive, so they could only return to the room.    


The woman slowly woke up and saw that the two of them were scared, "Don't kill me, I am only his mistress, I will leave immediately. 0    


"Whose mistress?" Ding Yiyi asked curiously.    


Hearing her words, the woman realized that the purpose of these two coming here was not what she thought. She asked doubtfully, "You're not people sent by that woman?"    


Ye Nianmo said lightly, "Now it is."    


"The reason why Jie Yang was able to get the attention of the old man is because he took the daughter of an official from Las Vegas. That woman has a cold personality, but she doesn't allow Jie Yang to go out and find a woman."    


She paused for a moment and ridiculed, "That's why Jie Yang kept me in this cage. On the surface, it was to protect me, but he was actually afraid that one day, I would run over to that woman and complain to her."    


After leaving the mansion, Ye Nianmo called Yu Lan but didn't find Gamble King. Neither of them spoke on the way back to the hotel.    


As the car sped along the road, Ding Yiyi saw through the window a white child of about ten reaching into an old woman's bag.    


"Stop the car. The kid is stealing money from someone else." Ding Yiyi reminded Ye Nianmo as she looked at the window.    


Ye Nianmo did not slow down, he only glanced outside the window, "In Las Vegas, there is another rule in wanting to keep your life, don't meddle in other people's business."    


"How can you say that? Look at how old that old woman is, the money might be for her treatment, or it might be for some other use. Think about it, if the people you like are in the same situation, do you also expect others to help her?"    


The car came to a sudden halt. Ding Yiyi's body leaned forward from the brake and was pulled back by the seat belt.    


"Get lost." Ye Nianmo said coldly.    


Without hesitation, Ding Yiyi got off the car and slammed the door. The wind ruffled her long hair. She ran back to the block she just came from without looking back.    


The car started up again. Ye Nianmo looked at the woman running away through the rearview mirror, but his vision drifted away. Suddenly, he stopped and slammed both of his hands on the steering wheel.    


The woman's face was faintly discernible on the window. Just now, he mistook that woman for Ding Yiyi; she loved to fight against injustice, and her stubbornness and the image of her back before she left overlapped with the figure in his memory.    


How could this be possible!? There was no one in this world who could replace her! He couldn't afford to make that mistake again. He wiped his face, put on his sunglasses, and drove off into the distance.    


Ding Yiyi ran back to where she had found the old woman and the little boy. She looked around and found a broken wallet beside a trash can.    


Her wallet had the old man's contact number in English, along with some papers, and she caught a taxi to the area written on it.    


Following the address, she successfully found a decorated house in Europe and America. In the garden, the old lady from before was watering the flower beds, after listening to what she had come for, the old woman smiled as she received her certificate, patting her shoulder, "Your friend was right. In Las Vegas, if you encounter something like this, it's best for you to satisfy the goals of the bad guys, even though you have a legal firearm on you."    


As she spoke, she took out the black gun hidden in her coat and left the old lady's house. Ding Yiyi walked aimlessly on the street.    


The people on the street were in a hurry. Everyone knew where they were going, so they didn't want to waste their time on the road. She looked out into the distance, at the strange people and strange languages.    


She was very worried about Adai, and how he should live in this truthfulness. She was afraid that she would lose the chance to see him forever, and even more afraid that she would one day hear of his death.    


Not far away, a group of people and the sounds of discussion caught her attention. As she approached, she noticed that it was a Tibetan mastiff with shiny fur.    


The Tibetan Mastiff's body was a little bigger than Baby Cheng's, with more fur. However, it's leg seemed to be injured, and it was licking the wound alone. As long as someone approached it, it would grimace and charge forward to bite.    


Suddenly, a few muffled thunder rumbled in the sky. Very soon, bean-sized drops of rain floated down from the sky. The passersby silently walked towards their destination, no longer paying attention to this small episode.    


Ding Yiyi watched as the mastiff lay in the rain. Its fur was all wet and it hung on its skin. The wound was washed away by the rain, and light pink blood flowed into the sewer.    


As the rain got heavier, Ding Yiyi sighed and walked away. Five minutes later, an umbrella covered the mastiff.    


The passersby looked at the beautiful woman who did not cover herself with an umbrella. Instead, she covered herself with the umbrella and placed it on a dog. They all shook their heads and left.    


The mastiff raised its head and bared its fangs at Ding Yiyi, as if it was going to bite her to death in the next second.    


"Relax, I'll leave once the rain stops." Ding Yiyi wiped the rain off her face and said with a smile.    


After a long while, the mastiff put away its fangs and licked the wound on its leg.    


Ding Yiyi squatted on the ground. Her clothes were soaked in water and stuck to her skin. Her beautiful curves were faintly discernible. A foreigner passing by whistled at her.    


Before she could react, the Tibetan Mastiff lying on the ground suddenly barked and got up, preparing to rush towards the white man. After the hundred of them ran away in fright, it limped back to its original position under the umbrella.    


Was it protecting her just now? Ding Yiyi stuck her head out in astonishment. The mastiff took the initiative to reach under her palm.    


The rain had stopped. In the hotel, Ye Nianmo was standing on the balcony. A bird was standing on the other end of the balcony railing.    


"Hidden mastiff?"    


"That's right, because Gamble King's second son is disabled, he doesn't care about worldly affairs, so it's very difficult to find Gamble King through him. However, I've heard that his mastiff ran away in the last two days, and he's very anxious. If we can find that mastiff, then we'll have a chance to find Gamble King."    


Yu Lan looked a little worried. "Right, the woman called Ding Yiyi you mentioned, I'm not sure if she's really in Los Angeles or not, and I can't find her."    


"I understand, thank you Uncle Yu." Ye Nianmo hung up and looked into the distance. He could see the scenery of Las Vegas and he wondered which corner of the city the person he was looking for was.    


An alarm sounded at the door. He turned around and saw a wet woman walk in. The woman sneezed the moment he entered the room.    


Ding Yiyi walked up to Ye Nianmo and saw his cold expression. Although she knew he had that cold expression because she didn't know his identity, she still felt sad.    


The person who has been gently watching you will no longer have you in his eyes one day, you are no longer his star, no longer stay in his gentle eyes, and no longer be missed by him.    


"What is it?" Ye Nianmo asked coldly.    


"Can you help me find the owner of a dog?"    


Ding Yiyi knew that her request was a little difficult, but she still brought it up. In Las Vegas, her strength was too weak, and she could only rely on Ye Nianmo's power.    


She thought that Ye Nianmo would refuse directly, but after a long while, the other side did not respond. She raised her head and saw the unreadable expression on the other side's face.    






Ding Yiyi was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was asking where the mastiff was. She hurriedly ran out of the room and soon, a mastiff swaggered in.    


Ye Nianmo took out the photo that Yu Lan had sent him from his phone. After comparing it with the picture, he confirmed that the dog this woman picked up was the pet of Gamble King's second son, Jie Hai.    


Ding Yiyi took out the medicine box and squatted on the ground to treat the Tibetan Mastiff's wounds. Ye Nianmo stood behind her with a serious look in his eyes.    


The woman's hair was still dripping with water. It was plastered on her face and her clothes were stained with mud. She looked dirty, but she ignored it and continued to carefully treat the wounds of a dog.    


This kind of personality and "she" really were similar.    


Ding Yiyi treated the mastiff's wound and muttered, "I don't know what your name is."    


Just as she finished speaking, a towel covered her head, "Gotta!"    


Ding Yiyi hurriedly pulled the towel off her head and asked, "What?"    


Ye Nianmo had an impatient expression on his face, but he patiently replied, "Its name is Gotta. The pet of Gamble King's second son. "    


Ding Yiyi looked at Gotta in surprise. The Tibetan Mastiff licked the back of her hand, then laid on the ground with a contented look on its face.    


At night, when the garage drove out of the hotel, Ye Nianmo's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Just because he frowned at the woman on the way out, the dog bared its teeth at him all the way.    


Ding Yiyi affectionately stroked Gotta's head and skillfully touched the spot where the Tibetan mastiff loved to be touched.    


Ye Nianmo glanced through the rearview mirror and carelessly said, "You have raised a Tibetan Mastiff before?"    


Ding Yiyi's hand that was on the mastiff's head stopped abruptly. She looked at the window. The woman in the window was young and attractive. She could easily become the center of attention on the street. However, her face was so unfamiliar and fake.    


After a long while, she smiled and replied, "Yes, I have."    


When the car stopped at the gate, Gotta was taken away. Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo put on the car in the mansion and drove for almost 10 minutes before finally stopping in front of the main building.    


When Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo entered the luxurious living room, they saw a man waiting for them.    


The man looked young, but his hair was very white, and his face was no better than the white paint on the wall. What made Ding Yiyi most uncomfortable was the way he looked at her like an eagle eyeing its prey.    


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