Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1264 Wealthy Marriage 1192

C1264 Wealthy Marriage 1192

A few days later, people came to and fro at the airport. Ding Yiyi stopped a taxi and directly headed towards Zhaonan City with a birthday present for Ding Dacheng.    


The car drove for several hours, and it wasn't until nightfall that they arrived at the familiar street. Ding Yiyi got off the car and felt a warm sensation in her heart when she saw the bright lights in her aunt's house.    


She had just gotten close to the door when the sounds of laughter could be clearly heard from inside. She was about to push open the door and put her hand on the door handle when she heard voices that made her pause.    


"Yiyi!" "I'll stay here for a day or two after I return this time. I'll go fishing with dad."    


"No dad, I want to go back to work. I'm a bit busy."    


Ding Yiyi? I was standing here. Who was Dad talking to? Was he just a relative with the same surname? Soon a low voice broke all her fantasies.    


"Uncle, I will take good care of her."    


It was Ye Nianmo's voice! How could it be him! What was going on?    


She desperately pushed open the door. The sound of the door creaking attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. After seeing the situation in the hall, she couldn't accept it and took a step back.    


In the hall, a woman was sitting upright with a gentle smile on her face. That face was Ding Yiyi's!    


Her gaze shifted to Ye Nianmo in disbelief. She also saw the astonishment on his face, but she quickly moved away. He then shifted his gaze back to the fake Ding Yiyi with a gentle and loving look.    


Ding Meirong stood up first and sized up this beautiful woman. "Hello. May I ask who you're looking for?"    


Ding Yiyi had no strength to speak. As she looked at her closest kin looking at her with a strange expression, she took a step back. The massive disparity in her heart made it impossible for her to think. "I …"    


What should she do? Did he say he was Ding Yiyi? Would anyone believe it? Right! That woman!    


Ding Yiyi rushed into the hall and grabbed the woman who looked exactly like herself. The woman cried out in pain.    


"Stop." Ye Nianmo was celebrating her wrist with his strong force. He was blaming himself, blaming himself for being absent-minded for being bullied by Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi squeezed out a few words from her mouth due to the pain. "She's not Ding Yiyi."    


"What are you talking about? Is there some kind of misunderstanding?" "Nianmo, don't hold on too tightly, she'll hurt."    


The woman opened her mouth. Her words were filled with gentleness for the others' benefit, making them feel very comfortable. Ye Nianmo let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist.    


Ding Yiyi backed off silently. She didn't know what to do. Ding Dacheng, who was beside her, said unhappily, "Lady, if you have any business, you can come tomorrow. My child just came back today, so we want to get together."    


"She's not your daughter." Ding Yiyi suddenly roared, stunning everyone.    


Ding Dacheng laughed, "If she is not my daughter, then are you still my daughter?"    


Facing her father's questioning, Ding Yiyi had no way to refute it. The faces of everyone present were all filled with the signal of not welcoming or rejecting her. She frantically turned around and ran out the door.    


Cheers and laughter rang out again as Ding Yiyi stood outside the door, her mind in a state of confusion. She thought to herself, "What should I do? Why would there be another Ding Yiyi? Who was she? "If she's Ding Yiyi, then who the hell am I?"    


The spring of Dongjiang City was under the control of Mei Yu, and before even taking a few steps, it began to rain heavily. She was like a walking corpse as she paced up and down the streets with a heavy face, but in reality, there was no way for her to think.    


Her shoulder was hit and an alcoholic saw her eyes light up. He blew out the scent of alcohol and said, "Miss, how much money do you charge for one night?"    


He had only wanted to tease her a little, but when she suddenly raised her head, he was startled by the anger in her eyes.    


Ding Yiyi gritted her teeth and shouted, "Scram!"    


"What are you saying, woman? Why aren't you happy when you came out to play?" Otherwise, what are you doing in the rain? The drunk man's mouth was full of dirty words.    


As soon as he finished his sentence, he was beaten to a pulp by the suitcase, and quickly backed away as he shouted, "You're crazy!"    


"Did you not hear me tell you to scram!"    


Ding Yiyi frantically lifted her small suitcase and threw it at the man. The man didn't fall into the rain until he ran for his life.    


This area was in the middle of a road repair and was surrounded by holes filled with dolls. The rainwater had turned into muddy water. Ding Yiyi got up and her clothes were heavily plastered on her body by the rainwater.    


She pulled the box two steps and the wheel broke. The entire box was stuck in the mud pit.    


She pulled with all her might. "Ka." The other wheel fell off.    


The weakness in her heart burst out at this moment. She squatted down and hugged her head as she wailed, "What do we do? "What should I do!?"    


The passersby looked at the woman curiously, but no one told her what to do. Perhaps if there really was someone who was willing to listen to her story, they would choose to not believe it because of the strangeness of the story.    


The night was long. A figure slowly walked into the residential complex. Her face was pale and her body was trembling. Just as she entered the security booth, she was stopped. "Hello, please come and register."    


"My name is Ding Yiyi." She subconsciously brought out her name.    


The security guard looked at her for a moment before replying with a serious expression, "Hello, I remember all the residents here. Please speak your name honestly, otherwise I will not let you pass."    


Ding Yiyi raised her head with reddened eyes and a helpless expression. After a long while, she forced herself to spit out, "Ding Wang You."    


Just as she finished speaking, she suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha, my name is Ding Wang You You!"    


The two security guards looked at each other in dismay, but seeing that it was raining outside and the woman's body was drenched and she was dragging a suitcase which didn't look like a bad person, they waved her in.    


Ding Yiyi dragged her broken suitcase as she slowly walked down the street of the residential area. The lights of the house were constantly lit up, with children's laughter in the lights, the sounds of opera going on in the elderly, and the sound of women shouting for their loved ones to dump the trash.    


The sounds were faint and indistinct, in stark contrast to the harsh noise of the battered suitcase she was holding on the floor.    


In the elevator, she silently looked at the repaired elevator door, her face expressionless.    


"This is so scary. Why is it being repaired? I still have to climb the stairs." A woman beside him mumbled as her eyes subconsciously sized up the woman in front of her, who was in a sorry state and had no expression on her face.    


She had never seen this woman before, and her gossipy nature made her want to say a few more words. Just as she opened her mouth, she asked, "Hello?" The other party slowly turned around and walked towards the stairs.    


Ding Yiyi moved her feet numbly. Rain dripped down her pants and onto the ground, fusing together with her wet footprints.    


When she finally arrived, she stood in front of her house, looking tired and at a loss. This was the first house that she had bought on her own, and it was her consolation.    


She was almost as excited as a tourist who was about to dry up in the desert and take out her key when they saw an oasis. When the key came in contact with the entrance, it couldn't move any further.    


Her already cold heart once again sank into the ice cave. She was like a possessed child, crazily wanting the key to be inserted into the keyhole, causing the keyhole to emit the sounds of "Zhi zhi zhi zhi".    


"Crack!" The key had been broken in the lock, but the door was as unmoving as a pillar of South Heaven Gate.    


She slowly slid down the door in despair, her drenched clothes leaving a mark on the door.    


The weather was very cold, her body very cold, and her consciousness very heavy. She curled up in a corner, unwilling to leave, and gradually closed her haggard eyes.    


At Ye Family, Ding Dacheng helped Ding Meirong clean up the tableware as he said, "I feel that the girl who suddenly came in tonight is a little strange."    


Ding Meirong casually poured the rest of the leftovers into the trash can and casually replied, "She's quite a beautiful young lady."    


"No, I just feel that it's a bit strange that I can't say." Ding Dacheng muttered, then directly put down the plate and picked up the phone, "Never mind, I'll go ask if my daughter is home yet."    


The black car sped along the road, and a clear voice rang out, "Dad, we haven't reached home yet. Un, you should rest early as well."    


Ao Xue hung up the phone and turned to look at Ye Nianmo, who had been deep in thought. The orange light from the street lamp outside the window reflected on his face from time to time, making his deep eyes even more unfathomable.    


He just sat like that, frowning slightly. His slender fingers occasionally tapped on his knees, making it impossible for others to see through his intentions.    


Ao Xue took the initiative to rub herself against his chest, feeling the strong vibration coming from her chest, and said with a hint of a spoiled child, "What are you thinking? Do you believe the woman tonight? "    


Lying on his lap, she suddenly blacked out and left with a moist kiss. Ye Nianmo lowered his head and looked at her tenderly, "Your imagination is not bad."    


Ao Xue's heart was thumping. Seeing how intimate Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo were, it was finally her turn.    


She put her arms around Ye Nianmo's neck and took the initiative to kiss him. His eyebrows twitched as he wrapped his arms around her waist and took the initiative.    


After arriving at Ye Family, Ye Nianmo went to the study to take care of some official business. Ao Xue sat on the sofa, her sweet smile had already disappeared from her face and was replaced with a gloomy one.    


Was that woman Ding Yiyi? If that was the case, she wouldn't sit still and wait for death. She had to be extra careful. She subconsciously touched her own lip. Once she enjoyed Ye Nianmo's pampering, she would definitely not let go.    


"Miss Ding?"    


An extremely close call came to her ears. She sensitively waved her hand and knocked over the bowl of soup in the servant's hands. The soup spilled all over the servant's body, and the fragrance of the lotus seed soup permeated the air.    


"What happened to you?!" Annoyed, she grabbed a tissue from the table and wiped it off. The maid was frightened by the malevolence on her face. "Miss Ding?"    


Miss Ding's words instantly calmed her down. With her ferocious expression still remaining, she tried to force out a smile. "Alright, I'm fine now. You should go rest."    


When the servant left in a hurry, Ao Xue held the tissue in her hand tightly. She looked confused.    


In the study room, Ye Nianmo didn't turn on his computer. He looked out the window at the hazy night scene and said into the phone, "Uncle Yu, can't you find all the information?"    


Yes, after you left the Las Vegas, she also left. The only thing on her passport is her exit record, and her identity doesn't seem to be wrong.    


"Only when everything is normal is it really abnormal." Ye Nianmo suddenly said.    


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