Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1344 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1272

C1344 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1272

After putting Hai Ziyu on the crib, Ding Yiyi tried to coax the other person into sleeping. When she returned to the bed, she felt a warm sensation on her back.    


Ye Nianmo teased her gently. Both of them were breathing passionately and it looked like they were about to melt at any moment. Suddenly, a small voice came from the room. It sounded like it was calling out, "Aunt?"    


Ding Yiyi pushed him away with a serious expression. "Did you hear that just now?"    


Ye Nianmo had already stood up. The two of them walked to Hai Ziyu's side. They did indeed hear the other person talking, and the words that came out of his mouth were not clear. The one that came out most frequently was "Aunt."    


"Oh god, Ziyu can speak!" Ding Yiyi was grinning from ear to ear as she turned around to look for her cellphone. "No way, I have to tell Chu Qing."    


Ye Nianmo held her waist with one hand and bit her ear, "It's 1 o'clock in the morning, they are all asleep. I ordered him to talk later."    


Ding Yiyi nodded her head heavily. She was tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep as she kept mumbling, "Oh my god, she actually called me Aunt! How awesome!"    


Half an hour later, after Ye Nianmo forced her to do such a thing, the excited people finally fell asleep.    


The next day, when Ye Chuqing heard that Hai Ziyu was able to speak, she was also very happy. She booked a plane ticket on the spot to return home. Ding Yiyi carried Hai Ziyu and returned to the Ye Family.    


After arriving at the Ye Family, Fu Fengyi happened to be there and was very happy to hear Ding Yiyi's words. She hugged Hai Ziyu without letting go and asked, "Ziyu, can you call for grandma to listen?"    


Hai Ziyu was bubbling and babbling, yet she didn't know what to say. Even so, Fu Fengyi was overjoyed.    


The two of them played with Hai Ziyu for a while longer before the servant carried the child to the shower. Fu Fengyi sat down and suddenly asked without a clue, "Have you met that Mr. Jie recently?"    


"Jie Tian?" Ding Yiyi was curious as to why she suddenly mentioned it, but she replied honestly, "No, the last time I saw him was in India with you. We haven't seen each other ever since."    


Fu Fengyi nodded and didn't say anything else, but her expression became somewhat cold. Ding Yiyi didn't know why, but she could only respond with more caution.    


In the afternoon, after they left the Ye Family, Ding Yiyi received a phone call. The person on the other side said that there was a jewelry exchange meeting recently, and asked if she wanted to participate.    


The words that were hidden in her heart were revealed, but she was still very excited. After asking the time and place, she agreed.    


A few days later, Ding Yiyi woke up early and asked the driver to take her to the jewelry exchange meeting. In order to prevent herself from appearing to be so deliberate, she asked the driver to stop by the other side of the hotel and walked to the jewelry exchange meeting.    


There were already a few people scattered around. She thought it was just a small scale jewelry exchange, but she didn't expect to see a lot of famous jewelry at the exhibition. For a moment, she was lost in thought.    


The host walked up to the stage and said, "Today, those invited are all the experts of the jewelry industry. Next, we would like to invite the host, Mr. Fang Jie, to speak for everyone."    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. She looked away from the jewelry cabinet and saw Jie Tian walking onto the stage.    


He was still dressed in casual attire and looked like a young student in a university. However, when he got on the stage, he was able to see Ding Yiyi for the first time from the crowd.    


"I'm very happy to have all of you here today. What makes me so happy is that she also came to the exhibition I held especially for that person."    


The crowd broke out into a flurry of discussion. Ding Yiyi was planning to sneak away into the crowd. With her current identity, it was no longer appropriate for her to appear here.    


As soon as she stepped out of the door, someone caught up with her. Jie Tian pulled her back and said, "Are you angry? "Don't you like it when I do that?"    


"Jie Tian!" Ding Yiyi shouted angrily, "Let me tell you again, I'm already married. Don't put any inappropriate feelings on me, understand?"    


Jie Tian lowered his head. His white face revealed a hint of sadness. His voice also became a lot deeper, "I just want you to be happy."    


Ding Yiyi couldn't bear it any longer, so she said, "I think I've made it clear that if you think you can't change your mind, then we shouldn't meet again."    


"Yiyi!" Jie Tian immediately let go of her hand and said in a cross tone, "I will never do that again, as long as you are happy."    


At this time, a car came rushing towards them from the distance. The car was very fast and drove straight in the direction of Ding Yiyi.    


"Yi Yi, be careful!" Jie Tian wrapped one of his arms around her waist while the other protected her hand and nimbly dodged to the side.    


He carried Ding Yiyi in his arms. When she realized this, she immediately pushed him away and whispered, "Thank you."    


"No, since you think I am sticking to you too tightly, I will restrain myself." Jie Tian shrugged his shoulders and didn't take another step forward.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. She was still a little shaken from the previous incident, so she left after greeting him.    


Jie Tian looked at her back, his eyes were determined to win. Then he looked towards a direction and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.    


Night Ye Family    


Fu Fengyi was in the buddhist hall when the housekeeper came over with a phone. "Madame."    


She picked up the call and said something unknown. After hanging up, she immediately said, "Prepare the car."    


In the private detective agency, a man poured her a glass of water. "We have made a new discovery. I don't know if you like this piece of evidence."    


Fu Fengyi said, "Whether you like it or not, you have to take a look first."    


That was why he had to spend so much effort to wait for a few days and nights. It was weird, but that day he received a call, and on the phone, he claimed to have invited him to a jewelry exchange, and even said that the grandson of Ye Group would also be there.    


Although he felt something wasn't right, he found her figure after he went there. He even captured the scene of her embracing another man and was worried that Fu Fengyi wouldn't be able to get the money after she found out, so he immediately called her in the middle of the night.    


Fu Fengyi saw in the photo that Ding Yiyi was in Jie Tian's arms. Their posture was intimate, and this could be counted as conclusive evidence.    


"Nonsense!" She stood up in anger and walked two rounds around the room before turning around and leaving with large strides.    


The driver had never seen the madame so angry. All her usual elegance was gone.    


"To Nianmo's home!" Fu Fengyi tightened her grip on the photo.    


Ding Yiyi had just finished showering when the doorbell rang. Before she could even open the door, Fu Fengyi angrily shouted, "Tie this woman up to the Ye Family Ancestral Hall!"    


In the Ye Family Ancestral Hall, Ding Yiyi's hair was still wet. She looked at Fu Fengyi with suspicion, "What happened to Grandma?"    


"What are you talking about!?" You don't know how to change it even if you're wrong! " Fu Fengyi was so angry that her entire body was trembling, "Since you have already entered the Ye Family door, then I will have a compulsory education for you! Butler, go and get the ruler from the old master's house. "    


The steward was shocked. The ruler was one of the old master's remnants and had not been used even when the old master was still alive. Why was the old mistress so angry?    


"Hurry up and go!" Fu Fengyi snapped with a stern face.    


The butler gave Ding Yiyi a meaningful glance to indicate for her to say more good words before rushing to get the ruler.    


Ding Yiyi comforted her, "Grandmother, even if you are angry, can you tell me the reason why?"    


Hearing her words, Fu Fengyi was sure that she wouldn't repent, so she intentionally wanted to anger herself. She immediately said, "Alright, alright, alright. If you want to know why, then I'll tell you."    


She threw the photo to the floor. "See what you've done!"    


Ding Yiyi picked up the photo and saw the scene of Jie Tian embracing her. She frowned, "Grandma, are you following me?"    


She was very sad. She was also Ye Family. Fu Fengyi's behavior of not trusting her was the same as following her. Moreover, she hadn't done anything yet.    


Fu Fengyi slapped her hand on the table, and the jade bracelet on her wrist shattered on the table. She said: "If you don't know when to stop you, then you should know what Ye Family is for you. But as for you, you still maintain an unreasonable relationship with other men, where are you going to put Ye Family's face?"    


"Grandma, you misunderstood. There was a car passing by that day, and I didn't notice it for a moment, so I became like this. You can ask the person who took the photo that day what I said."    


The steward just happened to bring out the ruler. The ruler was as long as an arm and as wide as three fingers.    


He took it to Fu Fengyi and carefully pleaded for Ding Yiyi, "Madam, Young Madame's body is tender and tender, let's use another method to punish her."    


"Grandma, you really misunderstood. I don't have that kind of relationship with him." Ding Yiyi didn't want to be misunderstood for no reason and wanted to prove it.    


Fu Fengyi's face was cold as she said, "There are always photos as evidence, yet you still refuse to repent even at the cost of your life."    


As soon as she said that, she hit Ding Yiyi's back, causing all the servants to turn around in fright.    


Ding Yiyi felt as if the flesh on her back was all swollen. The spot where she was hit was burning with pain. After rubbing against her clothes, the pain was even more unbearable. Immediately, she couldn't control her tears.    


"If you repent and swear not to see that man again, I'll forgive you and give you another chance to change." Fu Fengyi said angrily.    


The butler immediately stepped forward. "Young Madame, just give in and admit your mistake."    


Ding Yiyi bit her lower lip so hard that it turned white. "Grandma, please listen to me. I've really never done that before. Whatever you're trying to make me admit my wrongs to, it was all an accident!"    


"Pah!" The ruler slapped down on her back again and a mournful sound rang out. Ye Chuqing hugged Hai Ziyu and was just about to come over to see what was going on when she heard Ding Yiyi's sorrowful cry.    


Ye Chuqing quickly carried the child away, gave it to a servant, then ran back to her room to get her phone and call Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo's phone was turned off. She didn't know who to find to save Ding Yiyi, so she ran back to Ding Yiyi's house to find a friend to take her away.    


She ran her finger around the phone book and saw a person called Jie Tian. She remembered that her grandma seemed to have a problem with this person, so he should know her and might be able to persuade her.    


She immediately dialed the other party's number, and the other party quickly answered. After listening to her words in silence, she only left one sentence, "I'll come right away."    


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