Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1347 Wealthy Marriage 1275

C1347 Wealthy Marriage 1275

Soon, his slightly excited mood calmed down. He stood up and paced around the living room, his curly eyelashes slightly raised as he kept thinking to himself: If this is all an illusion created by Ye Nianmo just to let him relax his guard, then he could come here and rescue Ding Yiyi.    


"Heh heh," he grinned, feeling proud of himself. No matter how smart you are, in my opinion, you are nothing more than a clown.    


When the servant came down with the lunchbox, he asked, "Have you eaten?"    


"Yes, I did. I cooperated. I just didn't say anything." The servant was always afraid of this temperamental man and did not dare to say a word.    


Jie Tian became angry when he saw how timid she was. He waved his hand, causing people to immediately disappear from his sight as he strode towards Ding Yiyi's room.    


A person wearing a princess dress stood outside the balcony. Her back was still wounded, and the wound was already scabbed, like a twisted brown centipede. And to Jie Tian, this was the most beautiful work of art in the world as long as it appeared on her body.    


He came up behind her, but before he could say anything, the man with his back to her said, "Are you doing something against the law?"    


I thought that the one you wanted to ask was Ye Nianmo, "he stood on the same side as her, looking into the distance, the color in his eyes became brighter than the stars," You think that a company with such a large Ye Group is very clean, and if you don't evade taxes, you think they can do it that big. "    


"Do you have to listen to what he says!?" Ding Yiyi turned to look at him.    


Jie Tian shrugged and did not insist, "Ok, let me change the topic. Are you concerned about me?"    


Ding Yiyi swallowed her saliva. "Because you're my friend."    


"You are a coward who likes to deceive himself." Jie Tian took a step closer to her, causing her to retreat. He laughed, "Look, you don't see me as a friend in your heart."    


There was nothing more that could be said between the two of them. Since neither one of them was willing to give up, it was useless to say so much. Ding Yiyi thought about how to inform Ye Nianmo about her home at Jie Tian, and Jie Tian also thought about how to snatch Ding Yiyi back once and for all.    


As he looked at her pointed chin and skin that had become more transparent and pale without touching the sun, he had a new idea.    


Without bothering Ding Yiyi too much, he bid her good night before heading out.    


She believed that Ye Nianmo was looking for her everywhere. He might even suspect that she was with Jie Tian, but how could he let him know about her situation?    


Her face was full of worry as she gently folded a flower and threw it down. As expected, she saw the sound of a red ray quickly sweeping across the flower.    


The defense of this place was much stronger than even the Ye Family. If they were to clash head on, she was truly worried that both of them would suffer.    


A rumbling sound came from not far away. It was the sound of the garage door being opened. Soon after, a black business car slowly drove out of the courtyard.    


"Where are you going so late at night?" she murmured, sinking deeper into thought.    


At the entrance of the mental hospital, a black van had just stopped. The driver took a look at the rearview mirror, "The police are still here."    


Jie Tian straightened his sleeves and said carelessly, "They have the evidence and have already pounced on us like wolves and tigers, so I can't wait to see their shadows every day."    


The corner of her mouth curved into a mocking smile. She got out of the car and walked straight inside. Just as she walked a few steps, she bumped into a security guard who wanted to collect some money from her.    


The security guard looked at the man who looked like a university student with drool and told him that he might have met a rich second generation. He was secretly amused, but was slightly intimidated by the other party's piercing gaze.    


Just as he stretched out his hand to stop him from entering the door, his fingers were pulled down by someone. He cried out in pain, "It's going to break, let go."    


The bodyguard released his hand. Jie Tian looked at the other party in disdain before walking in with large strides. All of this entered Yan Mingyao's eyes.    


He hurriedly ran back to Ao Xue's sickroom and told him that it was a man as terrifying as Ye Nianmo, even more extreme than Ye Nianmo.    


"Ao Xue!" He pushed open the door and entered the room. The person lying on the bed looked at him coldly.    


He threw himself onto the bed and bent down to pick her up in his arms. "There are bad guys who want to find trouble with you, I'll take you out of here and hide for a while."    


Ao Xue lay in her embrace, trembling with excitement. The other side thought she was afraid, so she comforted her even more softly.    


No matter who the other party was, no matter what he wanted to do with her, as long as he could get her out of here, it would be fine. When she thought of this, she suddenly used all her strength to flip outwards and fell heavily onto the ground.    


Yan Mingyao's heart ached, he half knelt on the ground and held her head, "How are you? Where are your injuries? Damn it, why didn't I hug you!?    


"Where do you want to go?" A crisp greeting sounded out in the corridor. A man who looked like a college student walked towards them with squinted eyes.    


Outside the mental hospital, Baker silently watched as Ao Xue was tied to a business car. Yan Mingyao chased after her and was beaten up by the two men in black until he became helpless.    


"This is too much!" One of the policemen couldn't stand it any longer and wanted to get out of the car to help Yan Mingyao.    


Baker snapped, "Come back!" Seeing the other party's anxious and unwilling look, he sighed, "Young people are so impatient, do you think we can get results by capturing him now? Don't forget what our goal is! "    


He took out his phone, "Brat, that girl called Ao Xue was kidnapped by Jie Tian."    


After hanging up, he saw that the MPV was already quite far away from him. He got off the MPV and walked over to the man with wounds all over his body.    


Yan Mingyao was beaten until he couldn't get up. Both of his eyes were swollen like a line and his mouth was full of blood. Sensing that someone was coming, he subconsciously grabbed the person's pants and said with difficulty, "Give her back to me."    


"Don't worry, she'll be fine." Baker sympathized with him, he turned around and instructed his subordinates, "Find him a doctor."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw those who couldn't get up and started running towards the main road.    


Ye Family, Ye Chuqing pulled Ye Nianmo's sleeve, "Brother, was that news about sister-in-law earlier!?"    


"No," Ye Nianmo saw that he couldn't hide it from her and sighed, "Jie Tian captured Ao Xue, so I don't know why he caught her."    


"There must be a conspiracy!" Ye Chuqing huffed and puffed, her face red. She tilted her head to the side, thinking of something, but was then hit on the head.    


"Brother!" Ye Chuqing mumbled.    


Ye Nianmo put on a stern face, "You are not allowed to do such dangerous things again. You even moved Grandma out. What if something happens to Grandma?"    


Ye Chuqing muttered, "Who knew that you were acting? I thought you really didn't care about your sister-in-law's life."    


There was a commotion coming from outside the door, and the two of them exchanged a glance before walking out together.    


"Ye Nianmo, save Little Snow! She was taken away by the bad guys!" Yan Mingyao struggled desperately among the bodyguards as he screamed at the top of his lungs.    


Ye Nianmo waved his hand to get the bodyguard to move away. He walked in front of Yan Mingyao and looked at his miserable state, "Go call the doctor."    


"Don't worry about me. Go save Ao Xue." Yan Mingyao grabbed his collar.    


Ye Nianmo stood on the spot and let him grab his collar. He said lightly, "Have you ever thought that you would make Aunt Jiu Jiu worry?"    


That sentence was too much of a shock. Yan Mingyao let go of his hand and took a few steps back in disappointment.    


The phone rang. Ye Nianmo opened his phone. His eyes warmed up at first, but soon after, the temperature dropped as if it was winter. He looked around and raised his phone, "Game starts."    


"What do you mean?" Ye Chuqing took a closer look and exclaimed in surprise, "Sister-in-law is back!"    


Ye Nianmo had a faint smile on his face, "Do you think that she really came back?"    


Ye Chuqing took the phone and read out word by word, "Nianmo, I will go home tomorrow."    


She was a little confused, this was Ding Yiyi's phone, could it be that Jie Tian did not kidnap Ding Yiyi, or that he decided to release her?    


Ye Nianmo held onto his lip tightly and didn't say anything. He turned around and sat on the sofa with a calm expression.    


Seeing him like this, Yan Mingyao and Ye Chuqing were both extremely worried, one worried about Ao Xue, the other worried about Ye Chuqing.    


"Brother, why aren't you calling your sister-in-law and asking where she is!" Ye Chuqing couldn't help but raise her voice.    


Ye Nianmo picked up the newspaper on the table and said simply, "Wait."    


Time passed bit by bit. Yan Mingyao paced around the room. He suddenly walked out, "I can't wait anymore. I'm going to save her."    


"You can't find her." Ye Nianmo reminded him calmly. Then, he picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.    


At this moment, the phone started to move again. His eyes became sharp and understanding. Ye Chuqing, who was at the side, had already picked up the phone.    


"Ao Xue is in my hands. If you don't show up tomorrow, I'll send her to a technical institute in the United States." Just as she finished speaking, her phone had already been snatched away by another big hand.    


Yan Mingyao had calmed down. He gritted his teeth and said, "This has something to do with Ding Yiyi!"    


"Brother Yan." Ye Chuqing looked at him worriedly.    


Ye Nianmo did not say anything. He knew that tomorrow would be the most important game. Cats catch mice. Who is a mouse and who is a cat. It will be revealed tomorrow.     


A business car silently drove into the garage of the large mansion.    


Ding Yiyi hid behind the curtain and quickly went to her bed to adjust her breathing after seeing him.    


Not long after, the door was gently pushed open, and the cool night air poured in. Jie Tian walked to the bedside softly.    


He leaned over to look at her, his forehead gradually closing in on her cheeks. The person sleeping soundly suddenly turned around, smacked his lips and went back to sleep.    


"He's really dishonest even when he sleeps." He laughed and said softly, "Good night."    


Ding Yiyi finally opened her eyes when she couldn't hear anything at all. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and carefully got off the bed to open the door.    


As expected, the lights were still on in Jie Tian's study room. She tiptoed inside and heard the conversation inside.    


"I'm going out tomorrow afternoon at five."    


"Tomorrow at 5 PM!" Her heart skipped a beat. She knew that this message was enough to make her happy. She returned the same way she came.    


In the study room, Jie Tian instructed the assistant, "After I leave tomorrow, you will take her for a walk and shopping. She hasn't gone out for a long time, is she bored to death?"    


The next morning    


Ding Yiyi continued to eat her breakfast silently as usual to prevent Jie Tian from seeing that she was in a different mood.    


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