Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1350 Wealthy Marriage 1278

C1350 Wealthy Marriage 1278

  Ye Nianmo did not say anything. After a long while, he suddenly said, "Don't move."    

  "How can we not move?!" Ye Chuqing was a little angry. "Sister-in-law must be in danger now!"    

  Hai Zhuoxuan knew what Ye Nianmo wanted to do. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take care of Jie Tian, his love rival. To be able to come up with such a calm plan in such a short amount of time was quite scary.    

  "I'll take you for a walk." Hai Zhuoxuan knew that these flowers couldn't be said to Ye Chuqing, so he had to comfort her.    

  Ye Chuqing was so angry that her face turned red. "No!"    

  She turned around and walked upstairs, her eyes red with disappointment. To her, Ding Yiyi was an important existence.    

  As his wrist was lightly pulled by someone, Hai Zhuoxuan exerted a little force and pulled the other person in front of him, "Why are you still crying?"    

  He gently wiped away the tears on her face. Right at that moment, the sound of a baby's cry came from the room. The two of them hurriedly went into the room.    

  It turned out that Hai Ziyu wanted to go to the toilet when she was half asleep. After babbling for a long time, the servant still hadn't appeared. In the end, she peed her pants.    

  Seeing Ye Chuqing, she said in a childish voice, "Shh! Shh! Mommy! Shh!"    

  Hai Zhuoxuan stared at her, hoping to hear the word "dad" from her mouth. However, he found that Hai Ziyu only clung to Ye Chuqing's shoulder and didn't stop after looking at him.    

  He smiled wryly as he helped her change her diaper. The servants who rushed to the entrance also quietly retreated when they saw this.    

  After changing his diaper, he said, "It's late. I'll be leaving first."    

  He looked at Hai Ziyu. Even though her gaze was gentle, Hai Ziyu refused to meet his gaze. Her tiny hands held onto Ye Chuqing tightly.    

  "Ziyu be good, you have to call me daddy when you see me in the future." Just as he was about to turn around, Ye Chuqing's voice suddenly rang out.    

  Hai Ziyu's lips parted as she tilted her head to observe this unfamiliar man in front of her. After a long while, she stammered, "Damn!"    

  "obedient child!" Hai Zhuoxuan walked over and kissed her, then looked down at Ye Chuqing. "Thank you."    

  His aura was burning hot, and Ye Chuqing blushed a little. She turned her head away unnaturally, her ears slightly pressed against his.    

  She immediately turned her head to look at Hai Ziyu. Seeing that she had fallen asleep, some of her small head rolled back and forth in the air.    

  Hai Zhuoxuan smiled and gently put the child on the bed. Then, he patted her back to make her sleep more deeply. Then, he turned around and said in a low voice, "I'm going."    

  "Right." "En!" Ye Chuqing replied before she turned around and walked out of the room. Not long later, her figure could no longer be seen.    

  Hai Zhuoxuan smiled. He thought that no matter what, he must get Ye Chuqing back.    

  Jay's house    

  Young master, this time KTV suffered a heavy loss and was ordered to fix it. This time, it will probably be closed for a long time.    

  The assistant emphasized the word "business". When he saw the young man frown, he tactfully shut his mouth.    

  Jie Tian was playing with the bill when a sound came from outside the door. The assistant's expression changed and immediately grabbed the person outside.    

  "Ding, it's already so late, why aren't you sleeping?" Jie Tian put the account book in the drawer, stood up and walked to Ding Yiyi's side and leaned over to look at her.    

  Ding Yiyi said, "I know you have a bill that says all the trees you launder."    

  Just as she finished speaking, she placed a knife on her neck. Jie Tian's assistant's eyes turned cold, "Young Master, since she knows, we definitely can't let her tell the police."    

  A gun was pointed at his forehead, and his assistant was sweating profusely. "Young Master?"    

  "After you put the knife to her neck, I'll move your head and body." Jie Tian put away his gun coldly and walked outside while holding Ding Yiyi's hand.    

  When he returned to his room, Ding Yiyi still wanted to persuade him, "Don't do it anymore, the police have already set their eyes on you. You should leave immediately and burn the account book, so they won't have any evidence."    

  Jie Tian's heart warmed, but his expression became even more unserious, "You're worried about me?"    

  Ding Yiyi was forced back. "You're my friend."    

  "You know, I don't want to be your friend. Even a lover is better than a damn friend." Jie Tian was a bit frustrated. No matter what he did, the other party seemed to be unmoved.    

  Ding Yiyi took a deep breath and said, "Let go of me. You have millions of dollars already. There's no need for you to do all these things."    

  "There's no way to stop," he sighed. "There's someone else on this ship."    

  "Who is it!" Ding Yiyi hurriedly asked, who could make Jie Tian unable to stop.    

  Jie Tian stopped talking and kissed her forehead when she wasn't paying attention. "Go to sleep."    

  At night, a figure sneaked into Jie Tian's study. Ding Yiyi walked towards the drawer with her cat like body. She wanted to hold the account in her hand and then let Jie Tian leave China.    

  When she opened the drawer, it was empty. The original bill had already disappeared. She looked for it again, but there was nothing inside.    

  She had no choice but to leave the house. The entire house was empty and spacious. Despite its splendor, she felt a strong sense of loneliness.    

  As soon as he returned to her room, he saw a person sitting on her bed. Seeing her, the person showed his ID, "We are the police. We are here to save you."    

  "How did you know I was in this room?" Ding Yiyi was baffled. She could not imagine how strict the Jiejie family was. It would be easy for them to find their own room without alerting anyone in such a short period of time.    

  The policeman didn't reply. Instead, he tied the safety belt around her waist and made her roll down the wall. There was someone coming from below.    

  As soon as Ding Yiyi was brought to the door, she saw Baker. What made her even more surprised was the book in his hands — the lost bill.    

  Suddenly, the castle was lit up. Red rays swept over everyone as a car drove around the garden.    

  Jie Tian got off the car. He first glanced at the bill and then looked at Ding Yiyi silently with a heartache and disbelief in his eyes.    

  "It's not me."    

  Ding Yiyi was intimidated by the injured look in his eyes and couldn't help but want to explain.    

  "I thought you wouldn't betray me." Jie Tian muttered that the street lamp made his back seem very long, lonely and lonely.    

  Baker shouted on the side, "We already have the evidence that you laundered money in the country. We want you to go back with us to investigate."    

  Jie Tian had been looking at Ding Yiyi the whole time. His eyes were blinking, full of injuries. He suddenly laughed, "Forget it. Today, I won't let you guys see that I'm not someone to be trifled with."    

  He raised his hand up high, and the policemen at the scene became nervous, thinking that this was yet another difficult battle.    

  Ding Yiyi shook her head slowly. She knew that Jie Tian was venting his anger as he had already lost his rationality.    

  The raised hand finally fell down, and the expected sound of gunfire did not appear. The scene was completely silent.    

  Jie Tian's expression changed. He turned around and saw his bodyguard knocked down by someone at a sentry post.    

  "I don't like it when people keep provoking me." Ye Nianmo walked out from the shadows. Ye Bo followed behind him and said into the walkie-talkie, "Close the line."    

  "You guys have already discussed this. If you want to persuade me, it's also fake." Jie Tian lowered his head and muttered to himself.    

  Ding Yiyi felt a pang in her heart. "It's not like that." She stepped forward to explain, but pulled something round out of her pocket, still flickering.    

  "When did this happen to me?" Ding Yiyi asked in surprise. She quickly realized that she had been used.    

  The police put the GPS on themselves, heard the location of the bill, and took the opportunity to collect it.    

  "So that's how it is. In the end, there's no one in this world who would do it for me." Jie Tian looked up at the night sky and sighed. He was depressed and didn't want to live anymore.    

  He slowly raised the pistol in his hand. Ding Yiyi screamed, "No!"    

  Ye Nianmo pulled her to his side and hugged her to comfort her.    

  Ding Yiyi whispered, "I can dissuade him. Why did you come here?"    

  Jie Tian's arm was at a 45-degree angle, his finger was on the trigger and a gunshot sounded out.    

  Baker put away his pistol and said to Jie Tian, who was covering his hands, "The only thing that can punish you is the law, not yourself."    

  Just as the two policemen were about to go and escort Jie Tian, a figure suddenly ran past them.    

  Ding Yiyi held Jie Tian's chest and whispered, "Grab me and run out."    

  Jie Tian looked at her with a complicated expression. His uninjured arm was wrapped around her neck. "Don't come over."    

  "It's useless for you to resist." Baker was a little angry. He and his colleagues had planned for so long, but in the end, all their efforts were for naught.    

  Ye Nianmo kept looking at Ding Yiyi with a confused expression. Both of his hands were still the same as when she pushed him away.    

  Ding Yiyi's heart tightened, but she wanted to explain it to him after sending Jie Tian away. Otherwise, if Jie Tian was caught, she would never have the chance to show her face again in this lifetime.    

  "I won't let you go." Baker suddenly said. He raised his hand and all the policemen that were waiting for an opportunity took out their weapons.    

  "Nianmo, what are you doing!" Baker's flustered and exasperated voice suddenly rang out.    

  Ye Bo pointed his gun at Baker and yelled, "Don't move."    

  "Let them go." Ye Nianmo kept looking at Ding Yiyi with a low voice.    

  Jie Tian was afraid that he would hurt Ding Yiyi, so he put his arms around her neck and slowly moved to the side.    

  "Ye Nianmo, you are obstructing the official business!" Baker shouted angrily, "We can't let him go! Do you know how much money this country will lose?!"    

  Ye Nianmo's gaze never left that petite figure. Only when that elegant beauty disappeared at the door did he fiercely pull up his fist that was beside the kitchen.    

  The sound of a car starting came from the door. Baker shouted in exasperation: "Bring everyone back!"    

  In the car, Ding Yiyi looked out the window absentmindedly. Her mind was filled with the astonishment in Ye Nianmo's eyes when she pushed him away.    

  Suddenly, the car tilted. She came back to her senses and looked at Jie Tian nervously, "Is your hand bleeding again?"    

  "Right." Jie Tian gritted his teeth and answered. His palm near the tiger's mouth was penetrated by the bullet and blood flowed out.    

  Ding Yiyi couldn't find anything to stop the bleeding, so she took off her shirt and wore only a sling.    

  Jie Tian glanced at it and immediately looked ahead. The car twisted a few times, but this time it wasn't because of the pain in his hand, but because his heart was beating too fast.    

  Casually wrapping Ding Yiyi's clothes around her hands, he said, "We need to change cars."    

  The car stopped at the tunnel entrance. Jie Tian got off the car and walked towards the exit alone. Sensing that someone was following behind, he turned around, "Let's break up here. You go back and find your Ye Nianmo."    

  He turned around and continued walking, the footsteps behind him continuing until he turned around again. "If you're feeling guilty, then you don't need to," he paused, "I don't hate you anymore, I forgive you."

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