Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1352 Wealthy Marriage 1280

C1352 Wealthy Marriage 1280

Jie Tian had no choice but to let go of Ding Yiyi and reach for the pill. After eating the pill, he started to feel drowsy.    


Ding Yiyi felt that the doctor's gaze was always on her. She suddenly turned her head and met his gaze.    


The other person was not embarrassed. He moved his face away happily. Because he was big, he could only bend his knees and sit in his seat. He then slightly frowned.    


As the car drove on at a moderate pace, Ding Yiyi was driven to sleep by the vibration of the car as she slowly turned her head towards Jie Tian's shoulder.    


There was a smile in the doctor's eyes, and his long arm pulled her head back against his shoulder.    


Lili vaguely thought that the person sitting next to her was still Ye Nianmo. In her half dreaming state, she subconsciously mumbled, "Nianmo, why are you driving so hard today?"    


He looked out the window at the doctor lowering his head. Her hair brushed against his lips, causing him to feel a little numb. He was in a good mood as he shifted his gaze away.    


When the car arrived at the station, it fell forward and crashed into her warm palm. She stared at the lines on the palm of her hand in a daze.    


As the hand in front of her was pulled away, she subconsciously moved the hand until it met the doctor's gaze.    


Jie Tian was still sleeping soundly. Seeing that most of the customers had left, Ding Yiyi shook her head a few times but the other person did not respond.    


Her shoulders were moved. The doctor gestured for her to walk to the corridor first, then he pressed a hand on Jie Tian's shoulder and half dragged her down the car.    


"Are you giving him painkillers or sleeping pills!" Ding Yiyi looked at Jie Tian worriedly.    


The doctor didn't say anything and just picked up a taxi, throwing Jie Tian inside like a rag.    


Ding Yiyi was getting angry. "Why are you like that!"    


She hurriedly followed him into the car and adjusted Jie Tian's position. She held his injured hand to protect him until she heard the loud sound of a door closing.    


The doctor sat in the passenger seat, the mask covering his face, but it didn't hide the coldness in his body.    


Ding Yiyi looked at the back of his head and knew that he was angry. The atmosphere in the car also turned silent.    


As the car pulled into the main road, there were policemen ahead of them. They were intercepting the car and carefully inspecting the people inside. The driver muttered, "Why are there so many policemen checking recently? They've been blocking the road. What a waste of time!"    


As soon as he said that, a knife was placed on his neck. He looked at the man in the front passenger seat in terror, then obediently got off the car.    


Ding Yiyi watched as the doctor sat in the driver's seat and started the car going in reverse.    


The driver got out of the car and shouted, "There are bad guys inside, robbers! "Hurry up!"    


The police immediately gave chase, and the two police cars followed his instructions.    


"What should we do?" Ding Yiyi worriedly held Jie Tian's arm tightly. Suddenly, she felt the speed of the car increase by a lot as she looked up in surprise, and could only catch a glimpse of the doctor's tightly-pressed lip.    


The sound of sirens outside the window echoed crazily. However, the taxi ignored them. It didn't take long for it to shake off the police.    


When the car finally stopped by the river, the driver got out first with his back to the taxi.    


Ding Yiyi shook Jie Tian a few more times. The other party was still unconscious, so she got off the car in a short distance.    


There was a faint smell of cigarette smoke in the wind, and when he saw her, the doctor threw his cigarette on the floor and twisted it out.    


"Thank you." Ding Yiyi was silent for a while, because she knew that this doctor could have ran away after Jie Tian passed out, but he helped them get rid of the police.    


The doctor didn't respond. He simply sat down and gazed into the distance. Under the mask, his expression was somewhat natural.    


Ding Yiyi looked at him with a bit of fascination. The man's face merged with Ye Nianmo's. She suddenly started to think crazily about Ye Nianmo.    


She sat down on the floor, and her tears began to flow down her face. First, she bit her lips and silently cried. Then, she sobbed softly. Finally, she burst into tears.    


A tissue was held out to her, and she avoided it with swollen eyes, then her cheek was pulled straight.    


The doctor was a little farther away, his long arm just touching her cheek. His other hand was helping her to wipe away her tears.    


"Do you hate me?" Facing this man, Ding Yiyi felt a sense of familiarity.    


The doctor was obviously taken aback. The mask that almost covered his lower eyelids moved with his movements. He didn't say anything and continued to wipe her tears.    


At night, Jie Tian finally woke up with a lot of difficulty. He quickly contacted a stowaway through the phone and both of them agreed to meet at 10 pm.    


At 9 o'clock at night, Jie Tian wanted to go and relieve himself, but he was worried about letting Ding Yiyi and the doctor be together. Thus, he simply ordered the doctor to leave with him.    


Ding Yiyi stood by the riverbank and waited in boredom. When she saw the orange lights in the distance, she knew that the other party had arrived early.    


After the boat docked, a skinny young man jumped down from the boat. He had a very fishy smell, and his hair was cut very short, so short that you could almost see his scalp. His forehead stuck out, which was very terrifying in the dark.    


"Are you the one who's going to board the ship?" He looked at Ding Yiyi suspiciously.    


She shook her head. "It's not me, it's someone else. He'll be here soon."    


After saying this, the two stood on the shore without saying anything. After waiting for a while, the man smelled the faint fragrance coming from the woman next door and started to get a little excited.    


The man's muddy eyes suddenly rolled around. It had been a long time since he last touched a woman. Right now, this woman was probably not a good person either.    


Seeing the undisguised lust and scheming flashing across his eyes, Ding Yiyi knew that things were not going well, so she turned around and ran towards the direction of Jie Tian.    


His arm was grabbed before he could even run a few steps. His sleeve was ripped open, revealing his skin that was as good as shopping.    


The crisp tearing sound stimulated the man's nerves. He stepped forward with a smile, and then his arm was grabbed by another force, causing a crisp bone-breaking sound.    


Jie Tian's expression was horrifying, "You dare to touch her?"    


The man cried out, "I didn't move! Didn't you say that you haven't moved yet? "    


The doctor watched them coldly from a few steps away. He did not interfere with their business and his eyes did not even linger on Ding Yiyi.    


Jie Tian beat him up and told him to scram. He quickly walked to Ding Yiyi, squatted down, and hugged the shivering person in his arms.    


"Sorry, it was my fault. I shouldn't have left."    


Although Ding Yiyi was afraid, she still pushed him away and forced herself to remain calm. "It's alright, he didn't succeed."    


Just as Jie Tian wanted to say something, a hand reached over again. Inside the hand were three white pills. Jie Tian wanted to say something, but a hand reached over again.    


After he finished eating, he contacted another person, this time at an extremely high price. The other party agreed to come pick him up tomorrow night.    


After the call, he wanted to persuade Ding Yiyi to go back to America with him, but he felt too tired to do so, so he went back to the car to sleep.    


Ding Yiyi saw that Jie Tian had already returned to his room, and the doctor seemed to be doing something with his back facing Ding Yiyi. She carefully left the place.    


The wind on the river made her feel comfortable, and the daisies on both sides of the dam fought to open up, forming a natural street lamp in the night. She looked around and finally found a place to bathe.    


The place was relatively flat, and because the water level had dropped, a portion of the water surface was exposed. It didn't seem like the water was deep either, and there was even a dam that was leaning on it for safety.    


She looked around and felt that no one would come, so she put her clothes on the dam and walked towards the puddle.    


As the cold water flowed down her skin, she shivered for a moment. Then, she gritted her teeth and sat down. Her body quickly warmed up as the water washed over her.    


Having not taken a bath for two days, she was overjoyed. She even started humming a song until she heard the sound of hurried footsteps.    


Her heart skipped a beat and she was about to reach for her clothes when a strong hand grabbed her even faster.    


The doctor was half-kneeling as he looked down at her from above. There were still some beads of sweat on his forehead, and his breathing was also a bit heavy. The mask on his face moved along with his breathing.    


After a while, crisp applause and Ding Yiyi's scream resounded in the air.    


She quickly sank into the water. "Hurry up and leave!"    


The doctor's face was slightly turned away from the slap. He calmly turned his head to glance at Ding Yiyi before turning around.    


Trembling, Ding Yiyi put on her clothes and walked to the shore. With a shake of her ponytail, she walked in the direction of the car.    


The doctor slowly followed behind her. After she got safely to the car, he stopped and sat down not far from the car. He looked at the starlight with a pleased expression on his face.    


In the middle of the night, Ding Yiyi had already fallen asleep. Her handsome face sighed as she looked at the people who had taken off their masks. She gently swept her face and said in a low voice, "It really hurts a little."    


When he woke up the next day, he saw Ding Yiyi and Jie Tian standing together looking at the morning sun. His eyes darkened as he got up and walked towards them. When he heard their conversation, he paused his steps.    


"Ding, just accompany me to the Las Vegas! "At most, how many months do you want to stay here in a year?"    


"Jie Tian, I've already told you many times that I'm already married."    


"Marriage is just a form. You're married, not tied to your whole life."    


Not far away, the doctor stood to the side, quietly listening. His calm eyes swept over the chattering man with a trace of displeasure, until he heard Ding Yiyi speak.    


"But I love him very much."    


In a split-second, the wind brought with it a sweet smell. He couldn't help but look at Ding Yiyi with the lightest expression.    


Jie Tian was silent. He believed that he was no worse than Ye Nianmo. He didn't understand why Ding Yiyi was so obsessed with that man. He opened his mouth with great difficulty, "If it was me you met before, would you be moved?"    


Ding Yiyi suddenly laughed, "Chuyun also asked me this question before."    


Jie Tian suddenly felt a little jealous. Why did these men meet her before him? If they met him before she was very young, how great would that be?    


But when he thought of himself in the sanatorium, his face darkened.    




Ding Yiyi's voice was loud and firm. "I love him. He is like a mineral water to me."    


"You mean you and his life are ordinary?" Jie Tian was a little surprised. With Ye Nianmo's wealth, it was impossible for her to feel that way.    


The doctor standing not far from the two of them also pricked up his ears with a serious expression.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "No, I mean he is a necessity for me to live on."    


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