Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1362 Wealthy Marriage 1290

C1362 Wealthy Marriage 1290

  "I want her." Ye Nianmo refused to let go and even increased his strength. Gao Huilan's face was already flushed.    

  Gao Ao only had one daughter, so she immediately said, "She's not with me, and I haven't been able to find her."    

  Ye Nianmo looked at him and finally let go. He pushed Gao Huilan to the side and stood up.    

  "Huilan!" Gao Ao shouted in exasperation, but Gao Huilan had already chased after Ye Nianmo, grabbing his wrist, "Don't you like me?"    

  "I like you?" Ye Nianmo had a strange expression, "Women always have wild thoughts."    

  Gao Huilan unwillingly released her hand and slowly stepped back. "You lied to me, but you actually lied to me. Are you trying to trick me into saying something about my father?"    

  As soon as she finished speaking, she was slapped by Gao Ao. Gao Ao said angrily, "You're a glutton!"    

  Ye Nianmo stood outside the door listening to the sounds of crying and swearing. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides. He must not let Ding Yiyi be found, otherwise, she would be in danger.    

  A plot of land had been opened up behind the first floor of the residential complex. A few firewood chickens were running around on the ground. Occasionally, one or two of them would run to a rattan chair and suck on a snow-white ankle.    

  Tong Ba opened the door and saw this scene. This woman had lived here for two days, and he realized that this woman was really different from the rich people he heard about.    

  She would accompany the old lady out in the morning to fight Tai Chi. After cooking, she would buy vegetables with the old lady and then stay at home for the whole day. She would sit in the yard and sleep under the sun like she was right now.    

  When he thought of the news he had heard today, his heart felt heavy. He walked up to the woman in front of him and was about to push her away, but he discovered that her wide collar revealed even the tiniest bit of her whiteness.    

  His face suddenly turned red and he couldn't think of anything when his head got hot. He immediately turned around in an attempt to evade but accidentally stepped on a firewood chicken.    

  Ding Yiyi woke up with a start. She took off her blindfold and turned her head sleepily, "Is it very hot outside?" Why are you so red? "    

  "Eat!" Tong Ba's ears turned red from what she said, and he grumbled in annoyance.    

  Ding Yiyi watched him walk into the house angrily and even tripped over a chair as she asked curiously, "What's wrong with this person?" You're in love? "    

  After the meal, Ding Yiyi quickly cleaned up the dishes and shouted, "Grandmother, quickly turn the table! Wu Zetian is about to begin!"    

  Hearing the sound of flowing water, Tong Ba walked to the door of the kitchen and asked after a moment of silence, "Don't you want to know Ye Nianmo's situation?"    

  Ding Yiyi's hand paused for a moment, then she squeezed the detergent into the water and stirred it again. "I don't want to."    

  Tong Ba didn't say anything else. He went back to his room and took out his phone. He just pressed down the phone and then slammed it on the table. Unknowingly, he no longer had the hostility towards this woman from before.    

  In the evening, he heard his grandmother coughing and immediately got up. Just as he came out of the living room, he saw a figure scurry into the room.    

  In the darkness, he looked through the window at the scene outside. Ding Yiyi held a glass of water and tested the temperature of the water before helping the old man to sit up.    

  After the old man finished drinking the water, she helped him to calm down, and only after the old man had fallen asleep did she tiptoe out of the door.    

  Tong Ba quickly ran into the room and saw Ding Yiyi sitting on the chair and pouring a glass of water for him. He first took a gulp, then stared blankly for a while and started crying.    

  She was crying heavily, only occasionally making whimpering sounds, and when she had cried long enough, she gulped down water as if it were a glass of something to do with her grief.    

  Tong Ba looked at her tears through the crack of the door. He watched her drink water cup by cup and then bit his arm to keep him from crying.    

  His eyes were a little sore. Quietly turning his back, he leaned against the white wallpaper and let out a faint sigh. His desire to call his colleague had really disappeared.    

  The next morning, Tong Ba's grandma stood at the door and called out, "Yi Yi!" If you go too late, there will be no seats left! "    

  From the other room came a dreamy voice, "Grandmother, I'll be right there. It's fine! I have forged a good relationship with the lady who leads the dance. A good seat is still yours! "    

  When Ding Yiyi came out from washing her face, she found that not only Grandma, Tong Ba was also standing at the door, wearing casual clothes.    

  "You don't need to work?" Ding Yiyi asked curiously.    

  Tong Ba noticed that she suddenly blushed and said in a vicious tone, "Take a vacation!"    

  "Damn brat, you've learned too much in the army. Your feelings are so fierce towards Yiyi!" Grandma now treated Ding Yiyi as her own daughter, so she slapped Tong Ba's head.    

  Tong Ba moved a step to the side and covered his head in dissatisfaction. "Grandma!" I am your grandson! "    

  "Hahaha!" Ding Yiyi smiled and held her grandmother's hand affectionately. "I am also your granddaughter."    

  The three of them had just stepped out of the door when Ding Yiyi was suddenly stopped. She looked at the mask that was held in front of her and asked, "What's the matter?"    

  "There's smoke." Tong Ba said concisely.    

  She turned around and looked at the cloudless sky. Then, she saw that he was not willing to let go, so she put on her mask. She thought it was good this way, so she didn't need to worry about Ye Nianmo finding her.    

  On the square, Tong Ba was sitting on a flowerbed. He couldn't help but giggle as he watched the elderly and the crowd jump happily together with Ding Yiyi.    

  At this moment, his shoulder was patted, and he turned around. "Master!"    

  "Kid, what are you laughing about?" Baker looked in his direction and saw a body in front of him. He said impatiently, "What are you blocking in front of me for? I want to see Grandma."    

  Tong Ba thought that he must definitely not let his master find out about Ding Yiyi's existence, so he shouted loudly, "Master! I haven't reported my work to you yet! "    

  "Report your work! If I give you a break, then take it!" Baker was no longer in the mood to stay like this. He stood up and asked, "Are you still going to persevere?"    

  "What?" Tong Ba asked.    

  "If someone asked you to testify, would you still insist?" Baker continued to ask as he stared at him with his eagle-like eyes.    

  Tong Ba was a bit hesitant. If it was a week ago, he would have nodded without hesitation, but he didn't know how to choose today.    

  He slowly nodded, "Yes."    

  Baker patted his shoulder, took out a cigarette and slowly bit down on it. "It's good that you insist on what you think."    

  After Baker left, his tensed nerves finally relaxed. Before he could wipe his sweat away, his back was slapped again. He immediately turned around and shouted in a military posture, "Master!"    

  "Good disciple." Ding Yiyi laughed and bent her waist.    

  Tong Ba looked at her seriously. It was rare that he didn't smile, but he was very focused.    

  Ding Yiyi touched her own face, a little baffled. "Is there something on my face?"    

  "Nothing!" Tong Ba immediately looked away with a hint of awkwardness.    

  Ding Yiyi muttered to herself, "Grandma said that she's having a party today and wants us to go back first."    

  He nodded and took the lead, then walked quickly along the side of the road where there were cars.    

  A car came from not too far away. He scanned it without thinking and then became serious. In the army, they had to train their eyesight to an extraordinary level. He knew the license plate number of that car just now, it was Ye Nianmo's.    

  "Why did you stop?" Ding Yiyi turned around and looked at him. Before she could finish her sentence, her arm was viciously pulled by someone. She fell a few steps backward and was hugged by someone.    

  She heard the sound of a car screaming past, heard Tong Ba's heart beating erratically in his chest, and the strong muscles unique to soldiers.    

  "Let me go." She said it in a muffled voice, and the person holding her let go.    

  Tong Ba looked at the direction the car left in and heaved a sigh of relief. The fragrance on Ding Yiyi's body filled his nose and his face flushed red again.    

  Ding Yiyi took a step closer to him, sizing him up with an expression. "You can't …"    

  "Nothing …" He took a step back, thinking to himself that she might have discovered his arrival.    

  "Didn't you just violate the military discipline to tease a woman from a good family? I'm married!" Ding Yiyi joked.    

  Tong Ba had been in the army since he was young. He couldn't tell that Ding Yiyi was joking, so he got anxious on the spot, "I have military discipline. Besides, what kind of husband do you have? He wants to sell you out!"    

  The atmosphere suddenly turned cold. Ding Yiyi took a step forward and looked him in the eye. "What are you talking about?"    

  Tong Ba wanted to leave, but his sleeves were torn off. He turned around and saw her tears falling down unexpectedly.    

  "Don't cry, I was talking nonsense just now." Anxious, he rummaged through his pockets but couldn't find any tissue. Suddenly, he realized that he really didn't like to see her cry.    

  Ding Yiyi wiped away her tears as she sobbed, "Tell me the truth."    

  "I went to see him that day to get you back. I saw him with another woman, but that woman's dad wanted to take you away. And if you resisted, he was going to shoot you on the spot."    

  Ding Yiyi took a step back, her hands subconsciously trying to grab onto something, but she could only grab onto air. She quickly regained her senses. "That's absolutely impossible. He's the only person in this world who won't hurt me."    

  "Then why did you secretly sit in the living room and cry?" Tong Ba pursed his lips. He found that this woman's words were so weird that it made his teeth itch!    

  After returning home, Ding Yiyi immediately went back to her room. Not long later, she prepared to leave with a bag.    

  "Wait a minute," Tong Ba stood up, "Are you going to look for Ye Nianmo?"    

  "He's my husband." Ding Yiyi had already made up her mind to ask Ye Nianmo. She wanted to ask him if he had come to find her these days.    

  Tong Ba grabbed her, "If you go out, you'll be easily found. You'll be done for the moment you move. I don't know why Bureau Chief Gao has to let you die."    

  "So I'm going to ask around." Ding Yiyi's face was cold. She vaguely felt that something was out of her expectations, but it was still happening.    

  At this moment, a regular knocking sound came from the door. Ding Yiyi was just about to open the door, but was stopped by Tong Ba. "It's not Grandmother."    

  He gestured for Ding Yiyi to return to her room before opening the door. Seeing who it was, he hastily shouted, "Bureau Chief Gao!"

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